RETAIL L U M B ER M EN CUT PRICES 10 PERCENT IN BONNEVILLE DAM AREA OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL'NTEREST A 10 (irn rn l reduction on all Knwlrv »•( lumlier was announced I Brief Resume o Happenings ot the Week Col ectsd .or Saturday try retail lum lirrm rn of ilie M h | ( olumliia district, follow Our Rraders m« a meeting Friday inglit in the , Ipwid Itlver Thu Inland Km- o fiiirs u( the Cascade Lo ck * plr« W aterw ay * association baa l.umlier coin|iany, By V E T E R A N S o f f o r e ig n w a r s pain Site l*oat No. 3051 IN HONOR OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND IER KILL’S PARTY PAVILION ('«•cade Lock*. Oregon Making a lour of lit« ra il* « )« of < anamed laat ) « i r and l»«>tt>«und* o f b lastin g p*>« i • e r r to rrid i out an ln<-reaee o f W per re n t o t e r lir e . Mining and q u arry in g acco u n ted f..f the great r r |iarf t>f Ih« e tp lo siv «« pmduewd. using W tx-r r e f i t of tb« so ra ile d p erm issib le etpl«»«l»rs. M t*-r ren t o f II f I xh r » i 1 » i r » a n i V2 I wr reni o f ih« b issi ing powder. Big Scala C o tiwmini Tb« « o r Id a tarerai itwlmii« r»iin I ah) la In Hollywood and Ita rbl«f I iui I a t h la Ihr dressing of mori« product Iona Antodi Ila «aal stork there ar« 11 <• ■ i (una ami a«orda, (.‘a lita i «o rili of n>«dala ami liti, ‘••I .-.• in i-'« • ''M ainine «Irluslly every type of «Ireos « o ra In ih« «••rid atm-« ib« «arlif-at itine* — l'o lllr r a Wcekty. Ca.vcaJe Locks Lumber Co. COMPLETE STOC K OK LUMBER AND SHINGLES All grade* of Cedar and Compo*ition The kind that la*t a lifetime. Our PAINT will make your old .hack look like a newborn babe. We carry a large aa.ortment of— LIME CEMENT PLASTER BUILDERS* HARDWARE DRESSED and UNDRESSED LUMBER ROOFING and BUILDING PAPER DOORS and WINDOWS You may be looking for a ROUND POLE for your curtain* or doket. We have a large a**ortment of MOULDINGS. See our SMALL STEP-LADDERS for u*e around the hou.e. 0l*o we have a .mail *tock of IRONING BOARDS for your pre**ing need*. L. Owen, Local Manager FREE DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 151 prarararairani Portland Telephone AT 6524 kelailers have fell for vimetmie |ifiies wrre oul of line with Keneral tondilions and at (heir «onfrrrnir took action to correit the situation. The redu< lion d«ie* tmt apply to shinnies nnd building lILilerul I hose in attendance at the con- Irrrtur anti llie yards and mills rrpresrnird were: Mr. Frrrznr and Mr Mauser, Mauser I.umhrr com|>any | Owen, Cascade Lock* l.umlier roni(iany; Mr. Klinger, Bridal Veil l.umlier company; Mr. Mansur, Contracting fc Sales coin- (any; Mr Anderwm, Central l.umlier company; Mr. I’rtrrann, Ibinneville l.umlier ioni|>any; Mr. Mlrn ami Mr. Muirhead, of Lum- lirr I’romotHin, Mr. Clark, Tum- l.umlier comiiany; Mr. I'arr, f’arr l.umlier romfiany; Mr. Allen, Allen l.umlier company, Mr Tauney, ( ojirland l.umlier company. «-»*•-red «--I an Invitation to Preat- ili-nt Km m o « 11 lo view th« Colum­ bia river and the flonnavlll« dam from tb« dc< 1.» of a river steam ­ er. Forest P ro v e T om ato blight haa lilt tom ato pal tie» In W a sh ­ ington county aerloualy. No aat- I* factory control method haa b a g developed. The blight la a vlrua Infection, transm itted only by the b««-l leaf hopper. Kugene |n ro-operatlon with the national administration In It» home building campaign the Ku- g«n* retail lumber dealer* have agreed to make a reduction In the price of certain grade* and dim en­ sion» of lumber. Gresham Approximately 2 4 0 0 Ion* of raapberrle* have been handled at the Gresham B erry Grow» r»‘ cannery ro far this aea- aoti The total tonnage will ex- c< en A splendid orchestra has lieen emfdoyed for tl»e occasion and the music (ironuses to lie the equal of that found in the lietter dame halls in Portland Krvrnue from the dance last Saturday night, like the returns from the dance tomorrow night, will lir used in cleaning up the de­ ficiency in the Fourth of July celebration finances. Both Mrs. Finlay of the Craigmont and Mr. Merrill are donating their ilance floors. This wrrk there will lie no dame other than the one at Mer­ rills pavilion ami hope is express­ ed by officers and directors of the i handier that everyone nukes an effort to attend, for it is in this way that the few obligations still outstanding can lie wiped out. Portland Pianist Coming l.ucile Cummins, Portland pian­ ist, announces the ojiening of a studio in Cascade lawks August IS. Miss Cummins is prominent in Portland musical circles, where she is known as a composer as well as pianist ami teacher.. She plans on lieing in Cascade lawks at least one day each week, and will give both private and group instruction. Miss Cummins has had consid­ erable experience in organizing and conducting orchestras and is interested in organizing one in Cascade lawks. Anyone who can play an instrument of any kind wili lie nvited to join. For infor­ mation as to lessons write or call at 2tiH0 Ravensview Drive, Port­ land, or any inquiries left at this office will be forwarded. Beginning next week Mrs. Aino l errington will write the news of the Bonny Villa district for the Chronicle. The Chronicle is anx­ ious to cover this news in detail, and to that end is placing a box m the Bonnv Villa C.rill where any items may be left for Mrs. Fer- rington. Pugen e Blanca Heed Hill will be dowag