'T WOOD AT 73 AGAIN PRICES; ORTTIME ONLY!. l.u.) m" al U gln*.rt .» me» H > <»* ■"** (ruin fj I« >10 **“ nuy m*5 I*’ ,,u " “O BV J M K M iCK \| I lir Limi pisi lllit Mite I,f ||lr raigmout botri « 4 » r.itl'rr |uw 4ii*l i traimi lu ik a« I rrmr titlirr, whdr lllr Ialiti lo lltr vt• t,| it «41 lutigli aliti »*omini | lir lutai» 5CORDS .rtW irry ou, Y ears Cascade Locks Union Pacific Stages a,,rf triti*« r " ,*“1 , cut tilt» *"■«• OUfvIvf* I» »» ,Jf> M«r.t 411 >' U'M|{th lk" Ut ïüj^ ^ )«»ll 4t I lM»W »un nlr ni thè nvrr. IIr |»«it up a lioti'l, »tarimi a utlnon .imi invilii- r*l a frrry whith tir o|irr4lml v»ith • ir- With llie .irrtval u| Itavi» \\ In-.' ry | |4( lo untimi. || ik k n l al tulli w ltr fr tlir i|r|tu| ||"« I Lr I ol umilia rivrr fall» 17 Irrl » i . iik I», ami iim r llw arrivai ami in a -a rie» ut rapii!» over a ili» drjMiturr *<( tItr lumi» «a» ihr tamr ol alino»! «i» mi Ir» I lir a- SIX SCHEDULES DAILY trn trr ol irilrrr*« il »»a» intuiti »api*!» ami lltu-a at Ila- l»all*-». /./■: 117. CASCADE UH KS tll4t I favi» «iiotilil i r t i a lm.ittuli wnr a »rriuu» bandi* ap lo rnrr tirai by wltrit Itr *lr* nlr«| tu rntrr navigai i*m I hr Im.it» wrfr alile lo EAST B O l'N I) W KSI HOI NI» bllllnw» lumllr lltr trafili willi tIte Itrlp tif 9 :5 4 A. M. 16 I M l p lo IM7H llnr Ii4*l Itrrn no lltr p iti agr railroaii i luwn thr 12: 50 P. M. 9. IS A. M. »tote » lirrr alni tlur »ritiri» wrtr Washington »faifr, Imi thr rime», 4 :2 9 P. M. 12:15 I*. M. Intimi lo ir**«» lltr tu ri aliti »1 imputi mg trantporution 8 :0 0 P. M. 1 2 5 I*. M. tltril l»uyli»K t|o**ii al lltr tuwti i i f jl tiilil ir» lm amr «mire ami iimre 11: 50 P. M. 5 45 IV M I AK 4 *Ir» ofifMnilr lionunillr pronoun-n| a» ivfir.il »Inprnrnt» 1:24 A. M. 9:21 I*. M. With I Itr luuiitlitiK of t Iw (own of (onnnrtKml io come dowrulrram Allow 10 minute. différence in lime for Bonneville and 15 m I ’attadr lin k » tifirii vtufk ».it imi I* -pie yuurnryed inlo Idaho lor W'arrendale. coittnimiml on Ihr l-*k», a (hap ami Montana. In ihr r.irly 70» tlw Northern by lltr Hal or ol I atnrtoii n jriittl •lufr, and a lilllr liter lloih- l*4< ibi railroad wihih via» build- uk At Mi Kinnun **j*rtn| a »imr II a lltr I rth fruin k ila ma lo hr) wrrr fitUovtmf l»y I apljill ' I at ■ .ilia (Tot fluid of thr Orrgotl COM M UTATION BO O KS lly rr I Itrn I’alritk I ull built a '»Irani Navigalion lompiny I hr hotel ami l»airy June» uprnml a -tramlio.il» i»rfr earning money', And Save Money Ii 4 i Whi»kri Hat bnan.r a »Iron*' but il*r lailurr uf Jay I ooke A ami sturdy youngtirr \ftrr a liiitr < *>nt|Mny in New \**rk threw thr ibrrr wa» a dame lull and pretty railroad t ■ -mj*.»n> into bankrupt! y v h *n two madam» ami two |v>u»r» vml thr »tm i in tIw navigation lull ol girl» W in »key 1 lal w.i» «* •ni|uny wa» |ia»»m| out antunx (airly laumftml Ihr |Mr»rnl town tfmhlor» to vtti»ly * laim». •Jtr wa» iKttoiml known a» kmi- j Ihini’» l«»>krt| jtrrily dark for a Kraut lltll,il allfatlm l i.-> Ittiunr»» tinir *■ it i».it k in W.i'hinglon, I> III ihttor *la)v iitm iliaitk lltnr 1 l a Jublihlfl ol 1929 r h.ui *lull limn* Cascade Locks O ffice— Across street from meat tim ing a Iran. 1 hu. il has brm j m I »92. but men were working .ai market my U lo ^ Ihr town g** l«irward|lhe Imk» Iwrr then ami wr did not R. J . W U N ER, Agent umlrt the im|«-tu» ol Ihr tonlratl* frrl il a» badly a* U was felt in awarded in lh*wr ‘U>». ami lo »rTjO«btrT commun.l.r» K again go !<»t waul with ihr awarding <*l ctaiirati» awaidml in lüÿJEJF. - :_lTr ¥ -¥ F T I T rrmJIfT m n m a rM M m m m m m m ntm m m i j ion*lt m tuar <»l litr Bonnev ille i dam. Agitaiton b»r ihr U k » hail gone |.»n year alter yrai I hnr t.*n»iruc j lum wa» auilsaizrd in June l»«<, am) lltr flew« »uivry» » n r in lltr I auluntil ol thal year. I <>ut year» lalrr the bt*i bul* wnr t^wtiml Thai wa» in Ikt.dwr, I h 7». H it j tonlrat i wa» awarded !*• liall A (Mall ol New York. Ball tam roul ygith ■ 1 I < 1 turn «-li I K tol« 1 ami lirgan rtmltng buihhng». I he lust buihling »till »land»- h *-» Solid, staple, conservative growth assured. occupiml by lltr engineer»' ollice Modern conveniences, electricity, telephone |dttwn *m ihr rescTvallon lh a l wa» water, etc. liall * rr»ulrm r Hr dirt! (hrtr Hi ¡January. 1879, lew» l lun l**ur j month» alter hi» arrival in Otr- ! K"ir One and one-half miles Highway Business Frontage Mr*. Ball and lia ll •»'*.! Jmemlwr» ol lltr organization car­ ried on the work ami the original contract wa-. fim»hml in I >n em­ Over 100 acres of residence sites with beautiful view of the river ber. IH70. Alter thal the govern the Cascade Falls and the mountains. mmt carriml on ihr w**rk ('■instruction ol the Ink« wa* the meant «1 bringing workmen I*» Reasonable prices and terms. ihr dtelrkt and thr town «1 C m - I cade» wa« Itorn. to il nuy lie vaid I that ihr town as wr know it I"* day was loundnl in ihr year «8. i H um nets hou«r» wrrr opmrnl 1»«*- irl» wrrr Itutli, saloon* llouri»hrd SELEC T Y O U R LOT NOW 1 hit wa* morr than SS yrar* ago. Ilislory i* rrjtraling it»rli. Lmd on llw Orrgon *nlr *>i thr rivrr w.is rmbraerd in (arms. Wil­ liam Hurston had a saloon alwut whrrr thr Texaco gas station now LOCAL PHONE 151 »lands, and thr stagr station stood just up thr mad, hut Ihrrr wrrr no Portland O ffice —821 Failing Bldg. A T 6524 »tares and only ("nr or (ivr houses. lint things changed overnight. ! l-'irsi ol thr newcomers to reach BUY liti rai f i n ; U *4ei « at Ifitton e ollkr Un K4> if. K>Ji t* k e ,s d ( \h,k,t LESTER Auto Freight ¡T DAILY ''I KVICK B £ - U S t'OK 11 \M * AND kvCADK U * k ' AM » ALL AY POINTS. Truk» provide a d u( grtting fuuUnr d*>nr jaumjiily. iiK 171 HIP YOUR GOODS tY AUTO FR E IG H T O N N Y V IL L A W half Mile W rit of Bonneville : e cream candy CIGARETTES BLITZ, WINEHARD and HOP GOLD Beer on Draught ami Bottled Beer -< .< .a lunches >it and Sip by Our Opel Firepl •ce OOSEVF.LT BAR id LUN CH ............ Cigarettes, Candy C'lnitmial »|»ot in which lo meet your frirnds. me and Rainier Beer On Draught Air Ain OitonN inf daues Leave Portland mm m k dr. Cascade Locks— Leave Cascade l*cks— dr. Portland— Keep Your Eve On CASCADE LOCKS J the «listrict was Mikr I ravis, an j Irishman, who had w.trkcd sevrral years (or the Oregon Strain Navi iMtion comiuny tin the Washing Li?, - a t m ; m B. LABER, owner ^