m •*¡**< THE DAM CHRONICLE fc'Ol I ME » CONTRACTORS ON POWERHOUSE ARE LOSING NO TIME < VSCADK LiM KS, OREGON, FR ID A Y , JU L Y 20, 1914 OUR NEW LOCATION CONSTRUCTION WORK STARTED ON GIANT DAM NUMBER 16 CHAMBER TO SPONSOR DANCES AT CRAIGMONT AND JIM MERRILL’S PRESIDENT WILL VISIT DAM SITE ON AUGUST THIRD The dance at the ( raigmont hotel Saturday night will I*- sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, which is*. | (}, in-riil and B h c a S t a r t W ork Bon nev ille D am area, ha» had difficulty in finding Colum bia C on struction C om ­ endeavoring to raise funds for the _ ** vnMge in Plans P u ts ,,n Jo b W ithout A w a itin g pany Opens O ffice on B r a d ­ [Mjrjmsr of fraying off all of the ob- •* Bonneville fo r Form al C o n firm atio n of a perm ane nt home where it could hang out the latch ford Island T w o D red g es ligations incurred during the Fourth J ® “ &nn*iru< lion com- With preliminary work largrly dis- hold a dance this Saturday night, arid settled in a district where callers will not encounter f*80* 1 'ir President Roosevelt’s ,u:i) »'Hi ihr J I M»r4 i.Knpall), povd of the Columbia Construction next week the chamber will dance at t0 Bonneville dam have been I tra,i..r% -.n iI k * n4MK*l*<*n b*k» more than ordinary trouble in finding the publishers. company, contractors on the $ 10,- Merrill s pavilion, and there will be c^ nK»d repeatedly and may undergo »1*1 Ihr |*»wrfhoUM’ sulotrui turr »1 000,000 spillway flam at Bonneville no Saturday night dance at the Craig- mfJtt changes before he actually puts I he new o f f ic e is directly up the hill from the ihr ti<-nnrvtllc «Urn, arc not waiting is moving swiftly to get the job well mont. In this manner it is believed ¡n ki- appearance, but the latest word L , ..I tJ»t. I..111141 approval «»I thru under way while weather conditions that enough funds can be obtained (,n subject indicates that he will l , ,[.(»*■ t li»i( 4fr plunging into thr L ak es id e Market and across the street from R. E. are favorable. from the two dances to practically vis*t the project on Friday afternoon, (4d of gelling thru Job uinlrr way Plans and specif ¡cations a re out wijie out all indebtedness. And rews & Company. I he home we have selected 'ugust J- [«nth 4 s>rw to io(n|drting it a* rally and buls have l»een called for con­ The dance at the Craigmont this The president has cancelled set it ja>Mit>ir will serve until a new building is completed on the strue tion of bunkhousrs at the mouth week and the dance at Merrill s talks or addresses scheduled for Bon- f»t! »tram «hiw lt Wrfr j.ut lo iif Tanner creek and a crew of work­ pavilion a week from Saturday are to nevffle and Coulee dam and will not property. If you c a n ’t read and are reluctant to in- jm rk tin« wrrk excavating dirt and men are building an office and homes liear the usual charge of 50 cents for speak at length in the Pacific North­ U.«k I -im thr |*iwrtliiiu* wtr. an»i a on Bradford island. men—ladies free. *cst. yuire, just set a juicy huckleberry pie on the sidewalk ctr* I turn 1« busily rfigagc»l in (»»it The company opened an office in “Jim Merrill is employing one of He and his party win go imme- j I ti-.i* u|> an nil Mr building <> tit hr ir* 1 temporary building on the island the liest ore hast ras obtainable for the diatefy to a special train n>on arrival j and that will bring the editors out of their den. W e | !ir of I li r budding It i.lir i Thursday and is now actually on the danc e at his place and the indications of the navy ship Houston in Portland, i »lory in height ami of frame cun»truc suggest this latter method, for it is sure fire. ground. It is working a crew of SO are that it will include seven pieces. From Portland be will c«ne up to lti..n It «land« )u«t north of thr rad men temporarily on the Washington I’lcyt* for the dances were dis- Bonneville lor a tour of inspection, f. . I tia. kt tin thr »«.ad leading a* rtiti vide of the river. These men are being issed Wednesday at the chamber present plan» call fix a SG ' mu.c iitadb'fd dough I*uriled in hotels and restaurants. meeting at the Craigmont President stay at the dam. During tjk 4 >p *t | A ttrlalrr, gm rfal nvanagrr ,Vs the work gets under way in A. W. Meyer, who has presided at the dam he is expected to fine imw at..' 1 « Nn ' ' - m gnirfal -.u;»r BONNEVILLE DAM GIVEN GROUND IN RESERVATION 'earnot the numlier of men employed every meeting since the organisation t0 sfxak briefly to the h^t thron intr: Irnt. air in thalgr o| liw Work will be increased. The workmen on founded, called Vice President «rhich it is anticipated f f t d i $11,000 000 BY ICKES BEING RAISED TO GRADE the Washington shore are engaged in was at thr dam li-'th hase Iwrn with trh Berger to the chair and found a place him. (imrral t .n»tnation tom|«»n> for | r.it tb.il wi.fk ..11 (hr 111 JOO,000! Tfca task of lifting old I lame Na- excavation work which is l»eing car near the foot of the table. His ex- The problem of partir, car» | i r ' . r t a l s r a l s Bam rvfllf dam project might i*- *lr *Uff * *“ r S Bonneville and ironing r ir^l on preparatory t>> building of the cuse: He was entitled to a rest every handling the crowds is .# item Ihr (ontrattofa arr closing thrir layrd through failure of the federal oU* wrinkle» caused by the action of cofferdams. Excavations of a similar now- and then. service men. irmjf rayp r^ n l | trni|».rary of fa r on the hill over­ government to make money available the elements through the countless character will lie carried forward on Cnited Sutes gimrci* #* boj looking I aglr trrrk, and are |*«-jiai (.4 tl»e woik hav lieen dispelled by ‘ rntunr» 1» progressing rapidly under Bradford island. N ew T r a ffic Count. a «rake at night. Ux.. mg to alMindon thr fortnrt camp to m lion of 1‘ulilu Work» Vdiniimtratoi direction ol army engineers. The company is bringing in two problei Every third car seen on the high­ nd iraians 0/ thr (rdrtal g.*\eminent fur u v In h kr» in allotmg M l. (XX) 000 to the *n‘l rock taken from the nav- dredges, one of which will be put to way these days bears an out-state iites hav t*^*> enpus d .*£? igation canal and the powerhouse site W(irk on either side of the river. As license, it was revealed last Friday housing ttnikm who will I jt rvnpk»y |Wojrct spot fr jo whirs tht | « v » Ini on the removal ol Ihr Union I'a- A fund of $ 2 0 ,000.000 had pre­ are bring dumped in the depression the water continues to fall the work when the »Ute highway departi iniph» speak ‘■ j » not.ling oefe cibi tratk« whrii that yd» grt» utwirt viously lieen «et avide fu rthe dam, or draw lielow he highway and south ,,f preparm# the way I ot construction made a check at the east end of tf ” ” th local Mrs wen « yfOb.i way. «nnhancnl and the nnrsw ry funds for compir of the railroad tracks. In time the ,.f the cofferdams will b» pusmrd by ihr con li :-uw’ (>u) I Atkinson »amp, near thr rail to whcüwr the roonry would be iorth- lieen dumped to provide a roadbed -tarted ( 0 « a*»nthx. While no official r*u.| »tat ion, but arvrn or right nrw t uniing when neeilesi 1 he allotment for an excellent highway that will statement of plans has lieen forth- The * count, made under direction; u f i /vj Inink houvr» will l»r built immeslialrly m»urrs cLminuation of cm tr« t»” and ir,,m *hr l,r^v'n, rn,rancT to ,hal "-ming. it does not now apjwar prob- of Doc" Cams, was unusually heavy j to at 1 oimtHidalr them. I l»r iontrar- rrmovr» all feat» of some other »late " f . nr revrvatmn where the ;lh|e ,hat pouring will start before in view of the fact that the gasoline douhfc C late winter or early spring. tor» rx|M*rt to im rrasr ihr numlirr getting fund» which had liren prom- 20 nw residences are going up. famine threatened. the erw| ■ aer* ’ When work is further under way of rni|doyr» almost dally, I Hit do not tsrd to ( fregon *nt mil?' Ue#w and the proper time arrives, the bluff j Due to an automobile accident.’ Mr. and Mrs. Erick Flricksnn are proj.or to luvr a full forte until the Wltrthef the $ ( 1,000,000 is going from St. Helens, where they Atkinson tt»m|iany ha* fim»hrd it» to lie enough ajiprars jtfobleni.iti< al Iirt»«-rn the highway an«l the railmad Rev. L. F\ Smith , newly appointed I K " •* -hut oxn ¡contract W hrn thr Alkinwtn com- in view of tlie extra costs which have tracks opposite the powerhouse will pastor of the Methodist Community sjH.nt a fov days last week, w # pub! nijpit 0 m *Ft rucasion |**ny withdraw» u|*>n completion of arisen as the result of higher priers lie leveled. The dirt will lie used to church, was unable to reach Cascade the entire reservation up to | Locks in time to fill the pulpit last Mr an(1 ¡. ] Conger -pent !he K i . isit. • * it» lontrait, thr (>rnrral antf Mu) than were anlin|utrd liring asked . i.idr and thr n .k will lie employed Sunday as expected Quite a crowd (hf. ¡n Hood River visiting |imj jrojilr will take ovrr thr rntirr camp | for latul ad latent to lift- dam. in facing the siile of Ruckle slide. of people turned out for the morning reiatives. 1 trj1o | It w.i' migiiully plannrd that thr | )«e working model of the dam •• Tree» n the reservation are lieing service to welcome him to Cascade 0 ^ t«rnrr.»l and thr Shay |M-oplr would alone is frjmrtrd t«> have fust $90,- carefully preserved in keeping with a Dicks. It is antici|>atetl. however. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Evans and son. 1% u * *00 or $00 men, but these plan» 000. Then therr arr otlwr unex|inlrd uri vsII dr-igned lamlscapmg plan. And that he will la* able to hold services y jrs 5 K Evans and Mrs. Cheno- RnAn may lir n|»vt if wrathrr condtlMm» expenv-« whir hkeeji arising from an*' V * no doubt other trees will lx* plantetl next Sunday, but there has lieen no with aj| Hood River, v-r?re guests rial naa&' air favorable for thr contractor» to time to time However, practically all ► **»»» after the contractors have finishe«! official announcement to that end. at tj,’ c < ; jr Woodward home Sunday, make all [»»vsible progrrw and they of the contract* let to date have lieen 1 gwng < > Ü eers, xrho Tt.*l.*^ may l»r living 700 or «00 men by lower than estimate«! by the army en­ their jolts. Thus, the entire reserva- Dte te? . I tion in its completed state will take j lie arcessan to early autumn. gineers. an«l this is giving the govern­ on thr apjiearance of a beautiful park or, un e » can than there t> ment snme extra funds .X .«fora t « which will, in course of time, lie s'rne magician » Sunday D inner D a n ce s thn>wn open to the enjoyment of the dvy of the pres* Mr». K. I inlay, inanagrr of the C atholic Church to Rebuild wm public. the president • raigmont hotel, will hrrraftrr hold ¿bile, I lhe Catholic church, which was | to Bonneville dumrr dance» rvrry Sunday after Lota All Occupied destroyed in tin- fire of July 2. is to ble to A. I. Wang, district ranger at although this noon and rvrnmg. 'I hr ilamr» are dr* C hange in N am e. be rebuilt in the very near future on All of the .16 lots recently surveyed fr .;wrd the trail district of this forest. The station so | Due to the extreme danger of fires vurmunding», and i» |ur*icul.«rly In- cade l.«n k» for years and built up thr |(,,nn«-villr dam. Their permit cannot kaae. unless Gei oeral Charles F Mar irmlnl to talrud visitors who stream smokers, the forest ser- tre able to in f thur.h. has mieirslrd him tin aa> mto Honnrvillr rvrry Sunday in an asked that all fishermen, ''r ; : ! ; h:, ^ r a s is ; Son stop in (J ting the new church under r 'i : him ttt Hlort to v r thr dam. Mr». Finlay campers refrain from was in Cascade I..*ks some Locks. propose» tu continur her free dancing >vfxl at the teamination \ ' ','" 1 ? .. tonUnUÍ K smoking while traveling along trails. looking over the situation, The prop arP are to |* I k * rfnH remov of the district. "n Saturday night». She lias rngagrd I roads and through the forest. When V»t f it E n jo y Picnifc* rrty iarrie«l $I(XX) insurance. of the jiermit. This area is then to be •t H ihh I River orchestra to furnish such persons desire to smoke they added to the Eagle creek forest camp. More »J » veterans of foreign Cam pire P erm its Required. muu< for the initial dinner dance j should stop at a safe place, smoke, \ ¡set it ion w as circulated last week Wilkca Make» Progrcaa. s Sunday noon Campfire permits are no wrequired Sunday I hr dancing will »tart at 4 I warsL® to extend this . privilege over a period for all fires lieing built on the Mt. put out their pipe or cigarette anil creek >»cnic L* Irvin W ilkes, who b..> taken a 5 F P m and c lo»r at 10 p. m. then priH-red on their way. The blow­ vear lease on thr (¡lover building, is uf years so that those desiring could Hood national forest. As the forest Hays, r L A White and K. K. White of down area on Larch Mt. is closed to service has the responsibility of ,. pro- | all smokers between the spring and No. X Jortland, who have sub-contract» making rapid progress in his work us«* their cabins for summer homes, , . . .. of rrtiUHleling it. He proposes to ojien It is estimated that 2000 visitors tfeting the forest roni ires, u>i ^ sunimjt Hikers and others using made •' *-nient "»m the (irnrr.il Construction com­ a restaurant on the ground fl.ior and used the picinic grounds at Eagle d 'he Veten* permits are required so that a check Muhnomah Trai, are asked to pany and thr J. F. Shea company may put a | kk »I hall in the basement, creek on the Fourth of July. Ihr may I k * kept on all fires bu.lt within HaM from on,v whfn at the spring an(l " r rrm*ival of dirt and ruck at thr | In- second floor probably will I k * Bonneville dam and celebration at the national forests. 1 he permits are ^ sumJ t wh,.r, adei,uaU. provis. noruah i -1* 'i 1 l*,Wprtiouie site, arc now making aodt-late 1 nwde into a rooming house. The Cascade Locks were responsible for issued free of charge and may be ob-1 I ' " ir honir» in Cuncadr lawks. They made for building small fires ffP11. .frees, and Brynn building will I k * ready for occupancy such a large attendance, tained from the Columbia Gorge I tive in ^•'e taken over ihr Ash homr. .I. partii. t c> mo ander of ranger station and the agio creek the later |»art of the month and the Now I t s Dugout B ar. I W drrs-*ed the gatherm restaurant will be o | k * ii for business p |re prevention Equipm ent. Scout« Now in Oantp. Lively interest w«a manifested the 11 ranger station.____ _______________ •V.vrntrrn lioy Scout» whose par- by August 1. , irl> prirt "i the week fat the aefacUon P atrolm en on Duty. l >> better enable the many users l h(> j ak3 ^ a i t e l and t h Ä » ^ - fn,s could not afforil lo »end them of a nam«* for the new publit room saIMj pamilmen are of the national forests to extinguish niarket havf iKen busy f<|| Curd o f T h an k s •o 1 In- main lioy Scout camp on ihr recently opened by Mrs. May Silva, i statjoned am| . ....... |...... ...... on duty in the their camfires the forest service has ^ tiUing in the strw We give our heartfelt thanks to IHf,,n arrived at Kaglr Creek Forest manaiur of the Bridge of the (.oil- ^'olumhia district of the Mt. Hood required that all parties going into - ¡t up up to^grade. T ‘ •«mp from Orrgon City with thrir niir friends and f«*llow workers for hotel. After considerable study on ■ the ■ n a t io n a l forest as follows: Ray Wil- the national forests with automobiles ^ much tlieir svmpithv anil kimlly help re- , " leader, ( arl Moline*, who wa*» Mt. Defiance; Harold Gustaf-land other vehicles, or pack horses. ^ ^ brings ■* *lrelxict .H v.il during our recent Iwreavement [ part of a comm.tt.i* it was agreed to son. "rmrrly employe! at a forest service Bar. son Green Point; Elmer Mohr, Chin- with the intention of camping equip tQ thr Krade e*tab” shcd by U» call the place “ The Dugout Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Huriburt P-ilrolman on the Columbia Kivc*r went High honors a case of lieer i.lere Mt. and Wahtum lake; John themselves with the following fire- slate highway departm*nt. Before and Family. " '11" l)urir/ thrir 10 days slay to Ml - W alt« I me, C. Abraham Bruckart, Indian M t.; Ross Bowles, fighting tools: dirl was dump*d in it waa necessary rr«-rk 1« mm h i c amp was son and William Keeler. An unus­ Tanner Butte; Wilbur Harrison, One axe. not less than 26 inches { ^ custom„ s enteting the market » 1 he sheriff's office is endeavoring m. idr imd each day the rntirr troop ually large number of names were Larch Mt.; Robert Ellis, Larch Mt long, over all. One shovel, ncit ' i climb step*. n- nated two hours of thrir time do to trail down a gang believed to I k * iiatrol; Ray lawlec, i^ ip er Mt.; than 36 inches long over all, am lj ----- submitted. rmoponsihle it>r a robhrry ¡it tlu* |ng a i . ock I turn for thr forest service. Wm. Soderstrortl, Trout creek jiatrol; blade H inches wide. One water con- . ^ _ ri,il* Wir* cleaned out and camp (‘raigmont hotel last week. I he pub­ “ May I see the captain?” inquired \rthur Grimm, P t on patrol; tainer, capacity on« g a llo n ................ Dalles, spent Sunday lic room, which sets some distance (hounds (leaned, The alxive rules do not apply to | a lady peweager iue trtack driver , , from the hotel jirojierty, was entered H( forward, miss." Netted, the s ^ i1* C forest camp voiin iou ® i« a r" highway Im uwaj | ...»rest camp ground* Rroun<' ^ where s u c ^ h c * a m 1 - ^ n U y opeM d » dr Mi», red plunders, daughter of with a peas key. Several gallon» ot C. T. Bi \ jirotective I ifre jiermits are required, such »rat mate. ,._a carte Locks. He Mr. ( suii.ly, left I rida> lieer, five cart«»ns of cigarettes and "Oh, I m not afraid," >ui dthe lady. P 1 , ____ ^ *C to join her husband $5 in cash were taken. I lie ( Iironiclr, like other busine»» house» in the t 'f ■ ^ % xftf t T»*' L T ; K » ’s sniz: £ r- .