'jr THE UlOOHrS GARAGE DAM his building wet down |*nor to the lire it was common the roof ol The restaurant building knowledge that the Odd Eellows hall with sacks, he had not >•!> would have to be moved lw»ck (rom was Insured, but the sidewalk to conform with the tamed a |s>ln y on the ne survey for the new highway through town. The fire has nude that move , j(ir Hurt, of the lakeside hotel, unnecessary, but it has not destroyed mi>,ht j*. ,rrmed suprrstib'U». »1 >“ U the neecf of early action on the part ,0 j,ut that way He cauvd of the state. It should spiwar reason |h<> (|rr in kitchen range to be able to believe that the state would (jriw|| j[) minutes before the fire act before August on making the fill v|ir(ri) n f K,xr, Monty Cuy credit at the east end of town, arul also do j ^ ^ |iu,|,|,ng C.ay sta>ed ^ >mp of |hp Krat|j„K ¡f the nut nthe root and poured water, Killed ,pr couU1 l* brought forcibly to th e 1^ ^ {hfy ip„ commission s attention. CHRONICLE Publiohni Even FruUv at Caacade Locks, Oregon 0 Ì Chevrolet Ignition Specialists l ^ r and Body Work first Class Painting Acrtrlvne Welding (¡as- -Oil—Water—Air C ummins A S hields , Publishers M. A. S hields ...................... Editor J. M. C ummins , . . . Manager Cascade Locks SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hv Carrier. Bonneville Dam Area, Mo :0 Three Months, by ma.l _ » Six Months, by mail One Year, by mail LESTER Auto Freight Log* to the Lakeside Market. Stockholders of the new tight arena growing out of the fire, arose from The Chronicle serves Eastern Multnomah .»ye e\|H\ttsl to meet within a few Water soaked through the countv and Western Hood River county. davs and determine how they want to water. ceiling of the cooling room, destroy It a distributed to .11 cam* housm*. ^ " d le the affairs of the pmperty m FAS C DAILY SERVICE BE­ the future. The arena, built for the mg „ a large stock of fresh meat» TWEEN PORTLAND AND employes on the Bonneville I>am. I , r |ebrak1on. promises to become a Cured meats, which s«*l *|UKi iklv CASCADE LOCKS AND ALL permanent fixture in town and should «hen wet, wrre lost in the case I he WAY POINTS. draw mid week crowds from quite a .lay following the firr an entire new FRIDAY. JULY t>, 19.14 stock of meats was laid in by the ___ _______ __________________ distance to the bouts. Our Trucks provide a quick, Asa Baker. Portland fight |»romo risoti Brothers. Bvenient method of getting “Jim” Merrill’s new dance hall is lrr *ho handled the cards put on your hauling done promptly. Ml arrangements had l>een made now a permanent fixture in town and during the celebration, has expressed No delays, no red tape. to dynamite the S. L 1‘erras home, the public should accord it every a desire to remain as matchmaker, just east of the Clark U>me Ihr support, for the floor promises to be a i PORTLAND TERM IN A L: factor in providing amusement for Need oi adequate lire protection furniture was moved into the street. 1001 bust Water Street ! the entire dam district. "*» brought home to everyone Mon- preparatory to laying down the ex­ Telephone EAst 7800 Cascade Locks owes it to the em- day night. I here has U rn talk of plosives. i'se of dynamite Invanir ployes on the dam to furnish enter- need for this protection, but it has unnecessary after the 4 uwh h**se IASCADE LOCKS TERM IN A L ' tainment. and a good dance hall is U rn pushed aside by other nutters was laid to the river and a pumjirr Andrews Store essential to the town. Saturday night which apfiearrd to I r more pressing I started its work. Telephone 121 should be a big a big night every Indications are that steps will I r , week in the Locks and it will be, tew, taken at once to remedy the situa- Workers from Bonneville dam. | SHIP YOUR GOODS I if the people give the venture the tion What direction this action will business men from Stevenson. North support to which it is entitled. We take and how it will be managed is a Bonneville and Bonneville, federal BY AUTO FREIGHT believe the support will be forthcom­ problem that the residents of Cascade guards o mrfthe clam, state polke Locks must meet and settle. and hundreds of others labored as in­ ing. “Jim ' Merrill deserves it. dustriously to help save the town as Joe Burt and Ted Houser finished if their own poqwrty had liern in­ their new I.akeview hotel last Sun­ volved Many ruined their clothes day and were open to the public dur­ while hattling the flames STAND BY, PLEASE ing the entire celebration. However, they had a narrow squeak from los­ For ANNOUNCEMENT ing the property in the fire, for it The Catholic church. lost in the fire, dated luck nearly 40 years to was afire several times in the roof. the time when the navigation locks The second floor of the hotel has wrre new and the sawmill was new Our shop was burned out, but been furnished with some very splen­ The sawmill was destroyed years ago we will be in a new location in did beds. The third floor is not yet by fire, and soon the hicks will lie a few days. finished but will be finished as rap­ abandoned in favor of the new hwks idly as the owners can get around to at Bonneville dam Kindly watch for an announce­ it. ment next week ¡ned W ood — 12- inch, 16-inch and 24- The Albany contingent which has cast its lot with the development of i inch— delivered in tow n the Columbia basin, and backed Cas­ a t > r a per load ; $5.00 cade Locks to win out, was augu- per cord. Prompt ser- mented last week by the addition of vice. W. C. Anderson, owner of the C en-. One-half Mile Weit of tral Lumber company. Mrs jMciile Henderson, Prop. Bonneville o ffice or Mr. Andervtn, known in his home ( > .V .»¿-«raft -Hrsrjtt A modem shop with the latest town environs by the name of opposite drug f( “Tuck," Ls quite some addition to ICE CREAM—C A N D Y - equipment and experienced any group. In his younger days Mr. It stnrri CIGARETTES operators. Anderson was a stellar football player l iiuvry Fox Fai on the Albany championship teams, BLITZ, WINEHARD and is a brother of the famous “Pete” , Anderson, Oregon State's football and HOP GOLD center of a few years ago. “Tuck” i heasures well over six feet and tips Beer on Draught and the arm of the Fairbanks better than 2 SO pounds. Bottled Beer The other local members of the Al- \ bany club are John Pillis, credit man­ Jt Jt Jt ager of Anderws' store; V. G. Hend­ erson, superintendent of schools; MEN’S HAND LUNCHES Ralph Nelson. Walter Nelson and LÓUIE t JL S O M LAUNDRY Vem Kngstrom, all connected with Jeweler Mrs. Pearl Pitman, Owner ’Sit and Sip by Our Open the Lakeside market, Mrs. Frank Hall, wife of the postmaster, and Modem Prices—Prompt Service Fireplace” If we don’t have it, we Thelma and Myrtle Daniels, mem­ C ascade L o c k s , O regon will get it for you. bers of the staff at the Rapids club. \ We renair watrlieg and INSURANCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -— - - - - - - - j Fire* travel in cycle* of three. No one know» wb* the next one will hit. Don’t be caught unprrp»^ The riak i* too great We can in*ure your prop«*, no matter where located in the Bonneville Dam area. Better *ee u* today. HALL I CHRONICLE o n ICE J MILK -CREAM - BUTTERMILK-BUTTER Our milk ia on aale at all the atorea CRAIGMONT HOTEL M R S. E. U N L A Y . Prop. IVlightfully situated in six »tres of (vivale ground» Ovrtlnoà* Columbia river On Columbia River Highway at eauern rw- trarne to Cascade locks During nnm open On* of Orrgual !*•( 1 er hotels AnqUr am.mm«»latK>ns far transient* and tuurtts BONNY VILLA i r I KPIIONF. 41 FOR RESERVATIONS PASTEURIZED GRADE ”A” MILK CREAM BUTTER EGGS BUTTERMILK As* lor PcilrvilUerJ t< • l«R l»aily vr> K ( Ml WuiMkiiW h W viO*. Fa(lr t'tw k. C*Kil 1 1 any ffurrry Mora or rtoiaursar PROFESSIONAL CARDS A - !- ca. _,i— appre- service. Oregon 75 Centi Sunday Dinners by Appointment ¡I ect e. BRANDES CREAMERY. Inc. ROY SINNER, Drner JOB PRINTING OLIR H0BB1 ME IK M i r t i BIB! DAVE’S BARBER SHOP a r as xc • NOTES ON THE FIRE Hair Cutting a Specialty Located next door to Merrill’s Bar B-Q |E . H. B E R G E R , M. D. HOURS: Mondays—10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wednesday»—J0 ». m. to 5 p. m. •à * d ’ D to 5 p. m. le- Hr r l;, d Office, fio je .r,!y located in BRIDGE OF THE GODS HOTEL Rooms by day, week or month. We serve regular meals. C lean—H o: pit able— Com jortable C ascade L ocks , O regon TOOTH ROCK GARAGE Auto E lectrician Battery Service and General Repair Work Tel. 8F7 John Kavanaugh, Prop. DR. F. F O L S O M Dentist M. E. OAKES General Contractor C ascade ^ » c k s , O regon Free Plans and Estimates Cascade Locks, Oregon For Y cm Convenience The HILL I0WER BATHS t-C L E A S ce of hot ROOSEVELT BAR and LU N C H ........... Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy A congenial spot in which to meet your friends. Acme and Rainier Beer W Ybu can no longer tell W. H. Clark that a black cat brings liad luck. Shortly after he completed his ness of an angry feline of the dark- cold storage plant he caused the like- est shade to be painted on the west end of the building. Flames whipped around the plant as his home burned, but the cold storage building escajied unscathed. Incidentally, he had in­ surance on the plant hut none on his ' home. Keep Your Eye On CASCADE LOCKS Solid, staple, conservative growth assured. Modern conveniences, electricity, telepht tone water, etc. Postmaster Frank Hall saved everything in the postoffice except a few letters in the general delivery. We tell you this so that you will understand why the exjiected letter before the Fourth never came. The postmaster played a garden hose on his house after saving the records at the postoffice. When the fire was brought under control he commented seeking new quarters. lie set up the office in the Laber building at i a. m. and worked the balance of the night getting everything in shape to handle Tuesday’s business. Dr. E. H. Berger, who lost his office in the Odd Fellows hall, has opened a temporary office in the building occupier] by Dr. Fred Fol- som, the dentist, and I»uie Folsom, fhe jeweler. He will continue to keep his regular hours on Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays. One and one-half miles Highway Business Frontage Over 100 acres of residence sites with beautiful view of the river the Cascade rails and the mountains. Reasonable prices and terms. SELECT YOUR LOT NOW I | ! ! J. B . L A B E R , ow ner LOCAL PHONE 151 Portland Office— «21 Failing Bldg. . V ■M'A- Y,'V locks JOSEPH A. BUCHER. Prop. Two deliveri«• dailv morning unti evening. Krwè milk from our own inspected herd of tìueni.-voy», d«> livered from Dotinoti to Wyeth. Phone 14-FH, fUnne- ville, or leave word at meat market ('jutrudo Uicfa. it " p A**.,» cacadk HOLLYW OOD DAIRY DRÏ W OOD THE LUCILLE ¡^.BEAUTY SHOP c HENDERSON 6 AT 6524