The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, July 06, 1934, Image 1

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C A S C A D E LO C K S, O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , J U L Y 6, 1934
N ostr. F. Hvor.
|K* I hear you complain of the wind and the rain,
Anri the overcast skies in the Gorge i*
I hen Slop, ItMtk and listen; Hear those Steam shovels hissin'
I he tlang of the anvil, The glow ol the forge.
And llie thud of thr drill» as they sink in the hills.
I he Mra|ir of thr earth moving clam;
I he bang of thr hammer: That's organised clamor
Where they re budding the iinnnrvdlr Dam.
S to r e ,
A n d rew s,
P e rra s
and L o d g e A ll P la n n in g to
R esu m e In T h e ir Old
L o c a t io n s
Murk a f rrliuililing that «rtlk et o(
SHsdr D * k» liuautrwi diaincl »h u h
d o t roved in Monday night i die-
.-. lu r lu » iwen »ta ile d 1») prop
m u
tilin ' »h u h
jllr m l hrMr* snd w eir tc«nj»»canl)
nprd tut r»|inr t to rrsumr, either in
kaAtion* m on the site u( thru
Ormef k«4lton».
I he C t H s Ir Drug company h a «'
«•noI a »titrr in thr lobby id thr
| -lie 1r l*>tel, .»rx! tu t'. Ito Vrf -
Hue Moon calr is Mrrving thr pubis
4 unall building thrown up within
,rt alter the lire by \<>lunim
Though the skies are not sunny, the towns' in the money.
W e are one of the World's busy snails.
And (daces, which last year, were used for cow pasture
Are now %ubdi\idrd and srlling as lots.
A lumlwryard stands to occupy lands
That once wrre a sari, city dump.
And Fords, Chrve» and lK «lgrs now crowd our garages,
For re|Nura, or lor ga» at the pump.
Each day thrre arrives, new business which thrives.
W e will soon lie the town of the River,
Though there's no use of telling, the Butcher is telling,
Kaih » r r k a car load of pork, beef and liver.
A w l. Bill* Ret! and W hite," elutes later at night.
Ib r r r are five busy clerks now at "B obs".
Cart clutter our roads as they carry their loads
O f men to the various Jobs.
Andrew» and Silver K
III the l i r e
hie !
Ilirtr shortage n( insurance. r«|wtt to
-r*t.ibli«h ihrm trlvm.
W e've a ' hard-liquor store", and just nest door,
Is "< Stars' for ties, shirts and sucks.
And lining the strrrt are placrs to eat —
N o one goes hungry in ( a »cade Locks.
WhiW the 'K id F e llo » » Hall, »h u h wr thought clue to fall,
(F o r this, I must answer to Frank),
N ow ia the heart o f the town's busy Mart.
It is said: W e will scam have a Bank.
Ih r <»dri Fellow*, with $J000 in-
jr4nrr on thnr building, will etthrr
d m dican e >-f thnr lut tu in
fivMual» »h o will rebuild
The poMoffirr, alter tiring housed
It wa* not long ago, as a lot o f us know,
W r rolled up the sidewalk* at dark.
! to John W irrlck * new build
Activities ended and silence descended
i f at the » N end o ( Mam strrrt
F.urpt an occasional lonesome hound's lu rk —
^ 1 H •«•¡\ir.K «he public
And the roar of the Gorge matched the snore of the Norge,
Otto lin k rr had $2500 inaurarne
T o rumble the slumbrrous gloom,
>t» hl» « .»fr It will enable him to
t Sr a cbm, shaded light would startle the night,
1 t i building on im proper !)
Like an earth-wormish glow- in a tomb.
t" h.i\ r .i I«-!trr restaurant
' « ■ f the Ine
Hut now, every night, the town is a-light,
Ihm Francis, managrr o f the ( ‘as­
lo n g after midnight has come.
ide Drug company, own» live lot on
There is sound of rcvrllr from Bar and Hotel,
i mi t -.i e Él Of I lie < Kid hr)
T o the moan of the Sas' and the throb of the Drum—
low» l( thr lodge does not tom m m ee
They arr opening lurrels at The Rapids and Merrells
vliuildtng at once he will start work
S i fast (C m ' my throat is getting d ry ),
his ptn|iosrd new building How-
That the makers of brrw have all they can do,
I " , d the )<«!gr puls up a new
T o keep the town in sujvply.
guiding immediately the drug store
nil w< upy it.
Have you heard of the d a n c e - with each ticket a chance,
Mans are under way for a new
On a lire-utiful, brand new car?
I Ming ..n Fifth street d ir n tly up
Boy! you cl lieller lie there, with your lady fair,
I '
•--nth uf Merrill s d.irur lu ll,
For they're coming from near and a-far.
i huh will (Kovidr quartrrs for I.u-
Put on your best ‘ fronts*, we only live once,
I - Unwin--in « beauty p irlur and
And come have a time "W h a t a m !"
J " Dr I II Merger - office
For, to us, the "Depression, is just an expression.
1 lie fire has stimulated rather than
In this place, where the Nation, ‘ Gives a D a n ^ n )’.’’
B.nn|«-ned the spirits of people who
‘ "uhi huild b u sin e« property in (
■Mr Daks, and indications are that »land occurrd shortly after 9 o'clock.
^^_>l.iris fur tw-w buildings in different'
I hr I’urtl.ind fire dr(urtmrnr re
B ’c-iiintw will l«r nmvinni nl almost ' fused to send aid. but pum|»ers were
Iv during the nrxt wr«-k
ni'-hnl from Hood Kivrr and the
lapses from the fire are estimated
t '40,000, with in«urancr running
" aliout half that sum. These figures
m hide the Clark home and the
atholic church, neither of which was
peered by insurance
I I \n«lr.-w. store, with a 't<« l ot
fHiXX), had $2000 insurance; the
-akeview market, where a heavy loss
Id vine k occurrd, was pnitccted by
M ") insurance; the drug store had
MOOO to $5000 insurance. Silver Per-
r 1 had lieen negotiating for in«ur-
>n(e but did not close for it liefore
• I"' fire, mi hr lost everything m-
[lulling building and fixtures.
I he fire, originating in a fireworks
i "ncession stand immrdiatel wr«t of
• lie drug store, was prevented from
»!' itoying the entire town by the
hardest kind o f work on the part of
Volunteer workers, the Hood River
fire department and The Dalles fire
department. A hard west wind swept
N' trks and rmliers for bloc ks, and
rveral homes were afire one or more
llim rs but with the exception o f the
Clark home owners were able to save
[ them.
Fourth of July holidays were dancing
in Merrill's dance hall and watching
|ihe werstling matches i nlhe new out­
door arena at the east end of town,
when the explosion in the fireworks
Dalle« The pumper at Herman creek
ranger station Zig and did
not a|»(>rar until a lirr midnight, but
the station sent in other equipment,
Hundreds o f people in nearby
towns turned out. and practically the
entire camp at Bonneville came up
following a|»(ieals by telephone for
Th e Odd Fellows hall went firt. It
was afire in thr second floor liefore
work of fighting the flames could lie
organized. From the lodge hall it
spread to S. E. Prrras' meat market,
then to the Blue M oon cafe and the
Clark Some.
A tree standing lietween the H ark
home and the IVrras home, next door,
served as a firewall and helped block
the flames.
A group o f trees standing just east
o f the Catholic church also served as
a firrwall and enabled the fire fight­
ers to bring the flames under control.
Th e two-inch mains provided quite
a volume o f water, and were instru­
mental in holding the fire iiack after
it had gutted the Odd Fellows hall,
but the fire was not whqiprd until 41
inch hose lines were laid to the river
and the pumper» got In their work.
The first 4-inch lines wrrr laid to the
little creek just east o f thr We-Ask-
U-Inn. It provided water for one of
the pumpers.
Rev. E. F. Smith of Newport has
ai^aiinted to fill the pulpit in
(hr Methodist Community church of
Cascade Locks. He held services last
Sunday morning, participated in the
sacred program in the park in the
evening and left for the coast to bring
his family to the Bonneville dam area.
Selection of Rev. M r. Smith was
made at the annual conference in
Portland two weeks ago. Through an
error in thr conference reports it was
announced that the Cascade Dicks
church was to lie supplied. The rejiort
should have read that the vacancy
here was to be filled.
The new pastor will not lie in Cas­
cade loKks to fill the pulpit this next
Sunday, but will hold services morn­
ing and evening July 15. He made a
very favorable impression upon peo­
ple whom he met (luring his first visit
here and there is every reason to be­
lieve that he will fit snugly into the
community life o f this district. He
had retired from active service in
church work but was called Iiack
when it became imperative that Cas­
cade Dicks be provided with a pastor,
now that the dam is bringing in a
heavy influx of people to this terri­
Despite thr fire. Cascade Dicks en­
joyed a happy Fourth and did not
sign o ff and go to bed until the early
hours of Thursday morning.
The new Plymouth sedan, pur­
chased from Gerrabrant Brothers in
Hood River, went to Dolph Van-
dever, an employe o f the Biasengrr
company, Troutdale. He drove to the
celebration in a Model T Ford and
rolled home in luxurious ease behind
the wheel of hts price.
The streets were crowded on the
evening of the Fourth, as they had
been crowded throughout the day.
Fivents, including the log rolling con­
test, the baseball games, the fight
and the wrestling match, the old time
sports, the dance at M errill s new
dance hail and the fireworks, were
earned *»ut as scheduled Earlier in
the day Senator jo e E. Dunne, rep-
upin an candidate for governor, spoke
in the (<arfc
Address W ill B e B road i f l M
W orld Over N a tio n a l H o o k u p
A fter 13 months in O eg o n , 28
Huge A u d ien c e to H e a r
hoys from the triple “ C " camp at
Him S p e a k
W yeth boarded a special troop train
in Cascade Locks Monday on the
President Roosevelt, now on a
first leg o f their return journey to
homes in central Illinois. Brown as hard earned vacation, will speak at
berries and healthy as soldiers, tiw Bonneville August 1, immediately fo L
boys had finished their enlistments
lowing his return to the mainland
and upon their native heath will !*•
mustered out of service. All expresses! from Hawaii. Plans are being made
themselves as having enjoyed their by government and state officials to
stay in the west, said they wanted to take care of an immense c w j . j f t f
go home but would like to come back people who will pour into the Ik .ne-
after a visit with their (larents.
ville -lam area to see and beat
The troop train consisted of 150
men, gathered up from different
camps. It reached Cascade Locks promises to he on
shortly be-forr 2 oclock and was of hts administrat
filled with young men who had been
Congressman Charles H. Martin»
picked up in the numerous camps (km ocm k candidate f o r _____
__ T
scattered over the state.
_ -
Within a week or ten day, the
neville and be given an
vacancies caused in camps by the
addrow the
disc harge of the boys who are
Cal. E. W.
home w:J' V filled with other recruits
who will be coming west ¡4r a six- Stales
month« stretch on
payroll. There are about” Tri berth* t o ,
r | B «*- **
fill at W yeth
was acc > ¡tt.aied by W i n
Th e 4-day celebration, which start­
ed last Saturday night when Jane
tieitner was chosen to rule as queen,
went the full four clays, although
badly disrupted by Monday night s
fire. The Saturday night dance and
the election o f the queen drew a big
J. R Shaw, former chief o f police Sw£ . 1
sec? t
L J P ** » chalk*
crowd, but the Sunday night band
at Klamath Falls, is now making his , l ™ ’l k r
j J j ,
‘ f Tarr<:,‘
concert in the park die! not attract a
home in Cascade Dicks. His three * r r H * * ' "
great deal o f attention.
sons and a daughter are with him. j 5* * ',1 f '___ .
_ , * ,
M is« Geitner won her position as lie has expressed the opinion that
queen by a narrow margin over Helyn lhere is a splendid opportunity tor
M errill, Eva Bates. M yrtle Daniels, investments in thr capital o f the Bon after a brief talk will come oo to
Bonneville. DetaDk o f tike hour o f
Clara N ix and Silvia Spicer.
neville Dam area.
his talk, the hour o f ho arrival and
Throughout the day on the Fourth
and tae day's program in
j laiys and girls were encouraged to
M r s H ill W in s C a se.
Mrs. K. Bell Hill s property on the general havt • ®
shoot firecrackers on the government
reservation, and there is indication bluff overlooking the dam at Bonne- public yet.
to Ct
tlut all enjoyed themselves.
jville is worth $75,000, a jury- in the evjwcts to go ifO
United States district court in Port- dam up neai Spo*^»... From there
Mrs. May Silvia, proprietor o f the land agreed Friday. The army engi- he will travel east over the Great
Hridgr of the Gods hotel, has just neers had offered’ her $25.600. She Northern railroad to f o r t Peck dam
com|>leted a new liar in the public had asked $100,000. Governor Meier, in Montana. His visit to the Pacific
mom and is preparing to hold a railed to the stand as a witness for Northwest will give him an opporttt-
r«t hand the pru-
formal opening Wednesday night. She the defense in the case, told the col ; n tq flio b e r -
re » . 1-
^ ****■ & *
j that he considered the property w ri-
more than Mrs. H ill asked for it.
•- 41 ’
Mrs. Hill has one o f the most - .n on
0 0 0 .^
tractive flower gardens in the state iF e rp le ail over Oregon, Washing­
on her estate. The grounds are beau­ ton and Idaho are talking o f the pres­
tifully terraced, and she has spent ident's forthcoming visit to Bonne-"
much time and money in developing ville area and it is anticipated that a
cro- ’ of 50.000 will gather to see
the property.
Present plan« provide for razing and hear him speak. I t is not yet
the hill to make way for the railroad known on ¡maiioa where the speaker
right-of-way. Rock taken from the stand will be erected, but in all prob­
property will be used in ripraping ability will be put up on Bradford
the mountain side above the railroad island, f
t 1 r o b -1
cut on Ruckle slide.
lem, b
ivited t©
The pres»-
visit Cascade Locks and become
Good season and bad “ Bob” Andrews and Silver quainted with conditions throuj
the district. A meeting haa^
have helped people when help was needed. The Bonne­ called for Thursday at the Br
ville dam area has come to appreciate them.
the Gods hotel to organize the people
Monday night’s fire wiped both out o f business. Both of the district for the president’»
have the sympathy o f the entire community. But it would appearance at Bonneville. I t w ill bn
be a nice thing i f the sympathy could take concrete form the greatest occasion in history of
M id Columbia section and every
— i f all to whom they have extended a helping hand, if fort will be exerted to see that ‘
those who have benefitted through their kindness and fittingly entertained.
liberality, could put their expressions o f sympathy into
Cascade Locks Char
will cooperate vfith the presi­
concrete form.
in makirigais visit a moat
It has been suggested that every man in the district
pleasant one. The Portland. Hood
give a day toward helping erect new buildings and aiding River and The Dalles chambers of
them in reestablishing themselves.
commerce have been asked to send
And it would be nice, too, i f everyone to whom Bob representatives
---- -------------
, Thurv
to the meeting
has laid in two kegs o f beer fot the
fore (»art o f the evening and while
they last the drinks will be on the
The hotel has not heretofore served
lieer, although Mrs. Silvia did have
a temporary license some months ago
' liefore the state liquor control com-
I mission was organized.
Mrs. Silvia has obtained an orches­
tra for Wednesday evening and is
inviting the public on both sides of
the river to join her in making a
pleasant evening of it Wednesday.
in *
Andrew s and Silver Perras have extended credit could l(jay „¡^jq lor the purpose of organi-
rrrtke a special effort to liquidate those accounts at the ¿¡ng a concerted program. P re s o "“
earliest possible moment. Many have hurried in to settle plans provide for a special tra.- J
ac-caunts, and
we believe other« w ill take pleaaure in »“ >-1 , “ ch.Br^ “
anCi1 f ‘ i ; person can’t donate a day's labor toward e r e c t - ? £ £ * £
ing new buildings, would it not be possible fo r all to om- way fo Cascade Lod^
Irt thr Chronicle handle your next
ploy a man for a day?
,rivfr to Hood Ri' « a f
job of printing.
» ■ » ■ n «■»'■>I.
N U M B E R 14