T H E DAM C H R C .JIC L E DR. GLOVER BUILDING TO BE OCCUPIED AT ONCE BY RESTAURANT. ROOMS F. F O L S O M Dentist After standing idle for months the 2-story frame building owned by Wallace ('.lover is being cleaned up and remodeled for occupany by Irv in Wilkes of Portland, who expects to open a restaurant. The building, formerly occupied bv the Cascade M ercantile company, h is been vacant for several years. C ascade L o ck s , O u o o n SEND THE CHRONICLE TO YOUR FRIENDS IN THE EAST SPECIALS Special, for SATURDAY— SUNDAY— MONDAY Demonstration All Day June 30th SATURDAY FR EE Cake and Coffee * SHREDDED WHEAT Genuini- ^ Large Package....................... Generous Sample. FR EE ( Demonstration) GOLDEN WEST COFFEE GLASS JARS. Per Pound....... 3 2 ° (Dem onstration) NEW SKY FLAKE WAFERS SALTED. FU L L POUND P K G E ................. j g c (Dem onstration) "DAVIDSONS FIN E CAKES ( Demonstration) CAM PFIRE MARSHMALLOWS, pound........... 19c BISQUICK, large package...................................... 33c Fort Howard Toilet Tissue, 3-roll package...........23c VAN CAMP’S PORK & BEANS, 3 cans...............16c CLASSIC LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars................. 25c LIB B Y ’S CORN B E EF, 2 cans 29c CITRUS WASHING POWDER, pkge..................21c F . A. B. BUTTER CLAMS, minced, 2 for.......... 25c Be sure to come to our demonstration here all day SATURDAY Andrews UlSIT OUR FOUNTAIN During the celebration when you become tired and hot— remember our fountain. It will be an oasis, for here you can rest and cool o ff in pleasant surroundings. We will be prepared to take care of the crowds. Here you can get any drink you may desire. We have one of the nicest fountains in the mid-Columbia district. Visit it while in Cas­ cade Locks. Tell your friends about it. Cascade Drue Company L Some month» ago it wa» moved bark to make way for widening Ol the highway. A full basement wa» built under it at the time Wilke» ha» a S-year leave on the property. He U preparing to open a ntominK housf on the afeond Hoof. The room» will be ready for occu­ pancy by the end of thi» week, but the restaurant will not be running before August I. Glover owns a mercantile »tore in Understood, Wash. The state of Washington is taking a ju rt of his I ’nderwood property to make way for the widening and straightening of the Evergreen highway, lie * to lie planning to build h i* ( as- cade lank» property, next dqor to his 2-story building, with the inten­ tion o f opening a store He will close his place in Understood ami move the stock to this side of the river. C h u rch P e o p le D isa p p o in te d Local members of the Methodist Episcopal church were somewhat dis­ appointed with the action ol the annual church conference held in Portland last week when the Cascade Locks church was put on the "to be supplied ” list. The Methodist church has been the only denomination to keep ojien in Cascade I-ocks during the past few years. Only a few times during that period has there been a regular pastor ami most of this time in a circuit with Mosier or some other small town. The church member* here now feel that with a population of around 1300 jieople they are entitled to more consideration. Rev. Nat Buckley, of the Asbur) church in Hood River, who has been helping the Cascade Locks church in its efforts to keep alive, has been transferred to the west Wisconsin district and will have a pulpit in Superior. “Jim ” Merrill, owner of M errills Barheque, has been working a crew j steadily n his new dance hall. The floor, 60 by 82 feet, is about com­ pleted and all will be in readiness for the 4-day celebraion. Jitney dances will be held on the floor throughout the celebration, ami night when the crowd gathers for the the first dance will be held Saturday queen's ball. The dancing will be more ro less continuous throughout the celebration. It will mommmee in the afternoon each day. except Sun­ day, when it will start about 8 p. m. The floor can accommodate 200 couples. Ropes are being stretched around the four sides These will be drop()ed after each dance and the floor cleared before the next number »arts. CENTRAL LUMBER CO. TO ESTABLISH YARD IN CASCADE LOCKS Work was started Thursday on sheds and office for a new lumber yard which is bring established in Cascade I/*rks by the Crnetral Lum­ ber com(»any. Property for the yard has been ob ­ tained from the Stewart estate. It is situated just east of the We-Ask-U- Inn and the yard will be on land which in the early '60s was occupied by the Jam es Thompson sawmill. W. C. Anderson of Eugene, presi­ dent of the Central Lumber company, is in town directing the building of the plant. He announced this week that he expected to have the yard open for business by the latter part of next week. The company has yards yards at Albany, I^banon and Sweet Home. JUn. C . * Kèmmâl, Cascade Iaicks M att ('mittng « % i M / t y FO R REN T-Furnished cabin. Has light and water. Tooth Rock Gar­ age, Cascade Locks. FO R SA LE— Very reasonable, good pool room equipment. Three tables, show case, cigarette case with a lower shelf case; National cash register; cues, pool balls, chalk, rrtipping outfit and other supplies. T o be sold for storage. Write or influire at Washington Printing Co., 404 Washington St., Vancou­ ver, Washington. 3t to ta le d neat door to M rnilp, Bar It Q Popular Hotel MV Serve A/ra/i Cascade Food Store, Ino. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY A ' It’s • healthful cereal for the kid- dies at all times. Come in and get samples Saturday. ,ak |) > Packages VELVET TISSUE "* " * NEW POTATOES 10 ,ta T O M A T O E S ,,,h SUPREME COFFEE 18 Y«>ur money ianno< buy in glaw a twtlrr coffer Purr Cane. 10 11« Saturday limit 2 U * B E A N S 18' 12‘ 29 ^ *J< Pwlerred < S»'*V No 2 can» PEARLS OF W HEAT ■*" OI£> POTATOES w CORN STARCH 1 " 20 49* 8* And W o w We Offer Men's FINE SUITS OF VIRGIN W OOL $22.50 to $35 You are going to tire** up for the Fourth. W e hope you will look at the*e suit# before buying. Come in . . . . bring the wife if you wi*h. You win be sur­ prised to note the quality, the w'oikmanship, the style. These suits are made by the Pendleton W oolen Mill*. They are all wool . . . and sell at price« no higher than you would pay in Portland. And remember— w’e guarantee a fit. TH E MEN’S SHOP Hundreds CLASSIFIED j —— -------------------------- — . ' H R N fS H E l) cabins for rent.— 2 rooms; new; running water; $12. Dregon-Washington Fox Farm. DAVE’S BARBER SHOP COLUMBIA HOTEL of Home Builders have already used our products . . . . you. Too will be perfectly satisfied with our Fair Prices High Grade Lumber Fast Delivery Serivce Bill V EIl Him (Everything to Build Your Home) Bridal Veil, Oregon. Tel. 150