The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, June 29, 1934, Image 7

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t^ o n o w o o o w nc M n aaa
R ep orted *»'v* C am era
Interesting Pictures of Events, People and
Places from All Parts of the World
t View of part of Vettlcs, al.<re P rn n lrr Uua*u|iul and Chancellor Hitler not to disc use pesca plana for
Europe 2
In Iowa near Council Bluff» after a cloudburst that ended tha dlaaatrou* drouth In that ragion.
S 1‘ attua «ter General Jam es A. Farley In hla luxurious office In tha new Post Office department building which
ha« )u«t been dedicated.
Tablet in Honor of General Barnett Unveiled
Tfata Is Iba beautiful hronse tablet which wa« dedicated In the Washington catbeilral In memory of Maj. Oen Georg
11*I i t . cuttiiuandaut of the United Jttstr* marine c^rps during the World war, by hla frteude of the corps.
For the President’» Vacation Voyage
Aerial view of tho 10,000-ton cruiser
Houston, on which President R ix a e
veil will Journey to Puerto Klco, the
Virgin Islands, Panama and H aw aii;
and portrait of Capt. W alter ft. Wood-
aon, U. 8. N.. who will bo In command
of the Houston.
T r « i of C alor«Jo
The tri-« a perl«« that mnkn up It»«
fornai «Und« of Colorado ara • I moat
•Olirai^ roulfaroua and svsrgreua.
Wild Aaiaaal Preserves
Twenty wild animal preeervea,
rrlng 300,UN) square mil««, have
established In Drltiab Africa.
C eustaacy
The heaver la monogsmoua. Whan
h# aalacta a mala bs chooses one l i t
*»>r arena at the east end of town, | r-in n . •» 1-ov.ucu *•«-* . o . ~* v - * • * * - • ■
•hen the explosion in the fireworks the pumpers.
Howe About:
Cause of Humiliations
* . l u l l S r a d ic a le — w w t; » .C .u *
By E D H O W B
/\ IlflAHAM IJN C O L .f was Pre«ld»-fit
* * during a critical time, and «o f-
rled a good deaL lie once eald: “If
to be the head of b— I la aa h a rt a t
what I hare had to undergo, I could
And It iu my heart to pity Hatao lilrn-
Httll f.lncoln was fur better off than
million« of hla fellow citizens during
the f l r l ! war. Think of the thousands
of g ood Ctilun men starred In Ubby
and Andcrson«llla prisons; of the hun­
dreds of thousands who were targets
for enemy bullets; of ths millions who
sufTered war privations. f.lncoln was
at least occupying a public office pay­
ing 950,000 a year, and llred in a
palace provided at public exj«enaw.
Whether bis Judgment was good or
bad. his salary went on, and all the
time he was accumulating great fame.
3 he war h<>|»cleasly ruined many mil-
Ilona, but made Uncoln rich and
H r hare heard of the poverty of
hla widow; I read the other day she
was a rich woman when «he died; and
how little she deserved!
I have no sympathy for the woes of
statesmen on Uie public payroll. From
I' m !» millions of American#
had bad luck that Abraham Lincoln
might have their share of good luck.
During hla four years In the White
House, Lincoln should bar« dally
thanked the gods. Instead of complain­
ing. I had an uncle George, with a
young wife and baby at home, who
had hard lock at Pittsburgh Landing
that Abraham Lincoln might get $50,-
UUO a year and endlras fame.
e e e
Let any man think of the greatest
degradations and humiliations through­
out hla life, and 1 believe he must
decide sex was at the bottom of most
of them It Is the one thing we should
endeavor to aubdoe and regulate, yet
It la ths thing we regulate least, and
let run wtld Our social system, our
literature, encourage wildness In sex
rather than regulation. The man bull
Is forever permitted to bellow hla
lust. Instead of locking him up until
hla service« are needed. And Instead
of trying to keep him quiet, the ob-
Jecta of hla bellowing aggravate him
all they can.
• • •
An envious dull man once said
genius la It.«stilly, and other dull men
have made the saying famous. It was
never true, for genius has always
meant special ability. There are mil­
lions of genlusee; thousands climbing
to distinction, hundreds to great dis­
tinction. I have known several prom­
ising candidates In small towns where
I have llred. Among cats, dogs, cattle,
and the lon er animals generally, a
scrub nev*-r won a blue ribbon, but It
la characteristic In the family
that acrubs oftener achieve great dis­
tinction than thoroughbreds.
ably this comes about because there ts
no stud book among men. Goethe had
fourteen mlatresses and no great
Mozart attracted attention all over
Europe as a musician wheu tlx years
old. Before he died at thirty five be
bad written aymphonles and operas
now performed somewhere every week
In the year.
He never sat down to display bis
genius that be was not disturbed by a
bill seOSCtsr, by the acreamlcg of a
woman In labor, a row with relatives,
or some other Incident of love affairs
Had he been aa free to devote hla
time to music as “Heigh fo u n t“ was to
devote his time to winning races, there
ts no telling what heights Mozart
might have easily reached. Many pam-
l«-red ruie horses have won a quarter
of a million dollars In two years.
Mozart received less than a thou­
sand dollars from “ Figaro.” “I>on
Giovanni." and the Hequletu. and. when
be died, was so poor hla funeral cost
under five dollars.
• • •
Except In the ense of the late Thom­
as A. Edison 1 do not at the moment
recall another American who became
widely popular, and really d«served It.
Mr, Edison waa quiet, well behaved,
and a great w orker; what little he
said waa pr«>p««r for both young and
old to remember, but somehow he a t­
tracted the popular fnney. . . .
It '
la a very rare case. Millions of other
popular men have been unworthy of
popularity, as they have acted badly,
and taught bad lessons. Look at Jean
Jacques Rousseau. He waa scarcely a
respectable man, yet his popularity Is
growing s long time a fter hla death. I
Millions of people In all parts of the
world regard him as almost a saint,
nnd hla teaching as very Important.
Rousseau was once “kept” by a woman.
When she threw him over, he took up
with a kitchen wench, and sent their
children to orphan asylum s: he never
later saw oae of them.
Of course you can make It of any­
thing you like, but there la something
about this frock that Just pleads t s
be made up In one of the new cottons.
Bo why not do ftT You will simply
lo ts It—you esn 't help IL
little shoulder capeleta will fall so
prettily and tbs yoke will look so
sm art and the general effect will bs
one of that trim well groomed ehls
which alw ays accompanies cotton
properly used. As for cotton •« posi­
tion In fashions— It’s on th s crest ot
the wave— the chic P arisian s whs
make and unmake the mode a ss or­
dering dozens of cotton Crocks fas
Pattern 1066 Is available In «lass
14. 16. 18. 20. 32, 34. 36. SS. 40. and 41.
Size 16 takes 3 yards 36-Inch fabrls
and S yard contrasting. Illustrated
step-by-step sewing Instructions In­
Send F IF T E E N C EN TS (15c) In
so!ns or stamps (coins preferred) for
this pattern. W rite plainly name, ad­
dress and style number. B E BURR
Address orders to Sewing Circle
P attern Department. 243 W est Seven­
teenth Street. New York City.
A Suggestion
Kathryn— o h . d ear! It's so hard
for ms to find ■ fit in any kind ad
S h o e« .
K itty— E ver try
Brooklyn Eagle.
snow ahoesV-
R e la tiv e , No D o u b t
Jin k s— Do you know that cyclonsa
usually corns from the Southw est)
Blinks— N s? My wife c c s s a from
Texas, too.— Brooklyn Eagle.
N«t Y«t Rip«
Guide— Th e green garden BuakaS
around here are not harmful.
Old Lady—Aren't they as dang«««
out as the tip« ones?