The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, June 29, 1934, Image 6

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    U 9 K M IL P R E S C R IP T IO N
A »>••• r.«*l**< l an ln<l*r||.ura|
prescription frurn hi* doctor
II bail boen mail» up for him |,r (
chruilil II » « « returned lu hliu ,
ha uaatl II f“ » l*<> year« aa a |»aaa
(ha railway, gained a,ltiu»»|.,n
dance, rii»*»*««. and Ih n altit » m
|U Iba .v.alhga. bla daughter UHj
p ia illia II un Iba plano.
Griffith O bservatory
«rasati "«ila
Ara Un««-,I «U h Ih. falnl lualrr « f IM
ila un.
Oui al il. m> room, a malia la ih* i * 1“
WblaiH-ra a noi bar nl«hl haa tomo ami
T b rr.
ih# Griffith
majr ha vlallor* • » » UmbA
brtabl flower«
Tu touch Ih . Insul »H b .»qulalte 4 »
Thrra a r. good lb»u|lita lo «liar# io
.{•II. o f pain.
N .w Manila I*» mah*. »M Man ia to
|rrH «ne«*
a l" »
»*1 1 an«'.
l" « a r J
k e a ltb
■ Irp u g ib a g a in
A Few D r o p i Every
M ¿ h t und M oni Ing
W ill Promol© u Clean,
Heul thy Ckmdltliml
At .Ml thug Stinti
• a t U . M i . A a * « Aw#.
To meet that tirai g . old wu»ld ou t de
mjr «loor
I f T 'v ID you hear my cousin. Brownie
L f the Thrasher. alngT asked Jen­
ny Wren of Peter Rabbit
“ Did I hear him alng?” replied Pe­
ter. his eyes shining at the memory.
“ H e sang especially for me. He haa
tt wonderful rolce. has Brownie, and
when he Is singing he acts as lf he en­
jo y« It himself and knows what a good
singer he Is. I noticed that that long
tall o f his hung straight down, the
same way Mr. Wren’a doee when he
“O f course It did." retorted Jenny
promptly. “That's a family trait The
tails of both my other big cousins do
the same thing.”
“ What—wha—what’e that? Have yon
got more big ci-uslna?” cried Peter,
staring np at Jenny Wren as tf she
Were some strange person he had never
seen before.
“ Certainly." retorted Jenny. ’ Mock-
ar the Mocking-bird and Kitty the Cat­
bird belong to Thrasher's family, and
that makes them second cousins to
off. Instantly Prior forgot all about
Jenny Wren'» relative» ami gcainpercd
over to that tree. You «re, Ulory la ao
beautiful that Peter never lo«ea a
chance to aee him.
Aa Peter aat staring up Into the tree
trying to get a glimpse of Glory’s red
coat, th* clear. a »eet whittle Bounded
once more. It d r e » P eter» eyea in
one of the upper branches, but Inutead
of the beautiful brilliant coat of Glory
the Cardinal, he saw a bird about the
slie of Welcome Robin, dressed In ashy
gray »Ith two white ham on his »Inga
and white feather« on the outer edge«
of hi« talL He »a a very trim and neat
and hi« tall hung straight down after
the manner of Rrownle'g when he was
singing It was a long tall, but not aa
long aa Brownie's Peter blinked and
stared, for ha was a very much sur­
prised rabbit.
« T W ll-irlaw —WKl' U n it »
By ED W Y N N . . .
The Parlari Paal
Such a funny expression as there
was on Peter's face! He felt that
Jenny Wren was telling the truth, but
It was surprising news to him, and ao
hard to believe that for a few minutes,
he couldn't find his tongue to ask an­
other question. Finally he ventured to
ask very timidly. “ Does Brownie Imi­
tate the song» of other birds the way
Mocker and Kitty do?“
Jenny Wren shook her head very de­
cidedly. “ No," said she; "he’s per­
fectly satisfied with his own song."
"H e ought to be." declared Peter.
“ Anyone who can sing as he can should
be quite contented."
Before another word could be said,
the clear whistle of Glory the Cardinal
•ounded from a tree Just a little way
Afternoon Tunic
Dear Mr. W ynn:
I hare Just written a eong.
lyrics are very sad. They are about a
young man telling how he made tore
to a young girl and of her promise
to marry him, then on the day before
the wedding she tells him she will
not marry him because she found ont
he didn’t hare any money. W ill you
please glTe me a aultable title for my
Tours truly,
Answer—The beet title for your
aong (according to the above deecrlp-
tlon) would be “ She I»o k ed Me Up In
Hradstreet's, Now I'm Dun."
Dear Mr. W ynn:
la It true that a Scotchman “ lore#
HIS whisky?”
Answer—It la true that he love«
whisky, but not “ his.” Ha loves some­
one else’s.
. r iS N V VC AHÍ) Afea
In Iha «u.anilu»., my affectl..«
Una wurtd «luna . . . Tho m o ­
ligli! «lussi» Iha gto»w.
A« I II. hrr». » M I . all mf I " » . .afubla
hi/ »o r li! . . . Iha n arro» «a lla « f
vn. »mali roum . . .
i • H 'i . ’-i —» M i » n i * »
each of butter and flour rooked to­
Add cream to tusk. Ih . «su r«
of th. fight consistency. w » » o « » » I I
and serre poured or er or around P>e
rhlikrn on a hol «erring dish. Gar
Mah with «anted bananas
T h a t b e fo r e the general
adoption ol glaaa in w in­
dows, thin plate« ol horn
w ere often used, aa they
■till am in barbarous parts
used for lantema and book
Mint gangaro#
( ’rush thnw «prig« of mint with a
lump of auger, drop Into a glen* half
full of crai ked Iro. Add four labi*
spoonfuls of g r ip « Julro and Bit (ho
glaaa to th. brim with rh«-g*-d » « i . r ,
flhske thoroughly and atraía Into an
other glam
Kerr. garnUtved with a
•prig <>f mint.
C bp ttedigri
I bU4
co vera , h ence tba nam e
h orn-books.
Chicken a la Stanlay.
M'-lt one-fourth of a cupful o f bat
ter. add <>ne large onion thinly sliced
and two brollera cut Into pieces for
serving, t.'orer and cook alowly for
ten minutes. Remove the chicken, rub
the stock aud onions through a sieve
and add one and one-half tableapoonful
People »pend hundred» d a
ol duller« every » « » » «<■*«* v> tag
■trai ourwrel » » t * r health i n tn d
i ut \* «od Am ere*
Many »1 the«* m y lr hare I» Hurl
Ihauunli ol tmk* Many ol -..*»»
wort »uttrr erg w e 'Id pan (rag
"lheioittl* ' o l e » . Ilo*»» «Ctu '«A
(f - «a nrvrf it,». Irose fuM 1 » » '•
«alterad l>>m» certa»» ti m * A ad*
■ m il or eacea» «cad or «hrgg
ce • generai rundown u e i n * *
The «carnute and mad. *1 »*»J*dl
« I i M p i *nd A m ere* i h » o»*« I
wry targe (»trentag* o l the»* i * t k
gttrwd *>k*»#d relwf and hr y N
tbrae M i e t i ■narrai «a tr i uat-
Today, however, yow do rv* k t t
ko t<«w l i r » dotar» *r to par'.»»« <4
Ih. healthful <gu.l«irt e l hrm baiati
«tuner11 u*t rr Yaw dn mA »w o he*«
to pay the *■<r u m tuet ol h »* «g I
ihr««. '
1 epaart «
tamers F'C tra ry Water U p u k
h u g to fatti own h ea t the « * « • »
n m t l i of one of th# » • W • H i
menerai »a le rt » I crystal larra M a
grrat larmg m «»pente
T o ( t u « Waler ( J ) »tal» t l » A s e
|y r»-.*h,ng it added. All y^r d» «
adì f rary Water Crystal« to
dr ink ire( » »t e r and y-ni h t » . » I '<•
mm.»»! water which ha» h * H d
ful» of sugar and two cnpfula of water
Boil together for ten minute« : cool and
put Into a buttle In the lco cheat When
serving pour a tableapoonful or two
of the sirup Into a glass, add chipped
Ira with cold water and «erre at one«.
Thla ta an good and Is always ready
to a«-rre at a moment'« notice.
Lemon Soup.
Add the Juice and grated peel o f a
lemon to four cupfuls of water, bring
to a M
aiid thl'krn «l.gMIy « R
three traspoonfuls of arrow root mtird
with a little cold water. It Is better to
add the Juice o f the lemon without
cooking. Just as It la served.
American and European Sc «rv
tits Aure« That Mineral
Water It Beneficial
u n e th in g about ua w o m a n ,“ aay*
aansuoua Sua, “ w a a lw a y a k n o w eu»
ne*t event I« co m in g fro m Ih* «o rn e r
d ru g e to r e ”
S n»n eyadirara — wwt; » m iu »
A Modera Rabal
ln one Frenrh rlllag.. f h a l. t f e o »
(¡alíñala, thrr. ara forelgn residente
belongtng to 21 natlona. Includlug G«e
many, Itelgtum. America. Austria.
Mpaln. Flnland. Ilungary, Gree».. |tue
ala, Kwltserland. and Turkey.
f«r li et “ r brumal *e" ech*» «e fort
» . «uggevl vau l a m i e » . * '**?
W «t*y ( i >»<*)• ri an*. Ju»t » 4 tef
o l the mill**»» of pr"pte » , • ^
givrn them a full «od fa,r t* »I “ •
vou » d l realise bove he«*cf»r »1 t!wf
l u x t«en In «o many «uff«»*'».
The U s o U l d « n e t * '« Ci
» ‘ »'ff
|l JO »r»! make» m ugh n. v-f»! W«rt
f e »»errat v o l l R M p M
1 '
Water C a , Mineral W ills. 1 ' » »
M otlel F arm House of the F u tu re
are for «ale by dealer« ditpb, « g
the red and grren C‘ra*y " *w
( ry tu lt tign l e t a b»>« 1 •!*?•
Dear Mr. Wynn:
I am a yoang lady 22 years o f age
and considered very pretty. I am keep­
ing company with three young men
about my own age. Is it all right for
me to go with three different fellows?
Votira truly.
L M. A. K U R T .
Answer— It la not all right If the
other two And It out.
ttorweov It ocean on Ike bod«—^
Dear Mr. Wynn:
In the government Income tax no­
tice, mention 1« always made o f “ A
Full Return." What do you think that
Answer—T o me “ A Full Return" al­
ways means when a man cornea back
horn« drunk.
N ty p ip in
WNU Nrvlot.
with ice, sugar and cream, according
to taste, makes a most refreshing
drink for a warm day, served at lunch
eon. Here la a treasured recipe which
It will be wrell to prepare and have
ready for any emergency.
This attractive tunic dress for after­
noon Is o f powder bine silk linen. It
buttons down the back and has a sheer
navy blue scarf.
Lemon Sirup.
Grate the rind from one lemon,
the Juice of alx lemons with four
l i 'i ^ B i B a u f l U the cliunges In American living conditions
i house erected by Th# Country Home, a national farm
much attention at the W orld « Fair In Chicago. It I. " .
•«•aped lot adjoining the dairy eih lhlu . New Idena are eml
struct ion, which la o f brick, ale.) and concrete. The lower flo
r«x»m. kitchen, laundry, waah r«mm. farm ofllc,'. work ahop an
Ihe upper floor has four bedroom« and bath, plua a "roo
entire garage. The brick used la reinforced will, ateel r.nla ,
and aet In place much aa the ao called fahrlcnled house# are
F . i " l t rm * nd, r" ? lm bullt f,,r l- nn ,h«n
Aa show
no c e ll.!
W,,h ■ »
no cellar, lie architects rnalntalnlne that a a »n »» i.
Also for R u n u ll
^ • 1
a »»« k , r i i i »-Mi