l i l i . DAM CH KON I CI. K 1 1 M U ß 11 T I I I nt. l ‘d Years In Cascade Lo c k s HY J\< K MtCRARY New Käst Auto I ruck Service between Portland and Cascade Ixjckn, Bonneville and Bridal Veil. //4tv P ortland d r C ascade I jt ik i LESTER Auto Freight FA ST D A ILY S E R V IC E B E ­ T WE E N PO R TLA N D AND CASCADE LO CK S AND ALL WAY P O IN T S. • • I hr donation land law w u paved 1 hr gold ru.-.h war. on, with settle­ m |M$0. It gave every man 120 ment» »(»ringing up all through terri­ »< h a ul land, and (»ermitted a man tory that is now known a* Montana ¡jtuvt tu m id * tunk i — - df. Portland and wdr to take a Mttinn n( land and Idaho, but width, until 18(»3, was Our Trucks provide a quick, 2:30 IV M. 4:30 1*. M. lirtwwn them. part of Wasco county. ; convenient method of getting 10:00 P. M. Midnight The Oregon territorial legislature In IK 52 I' A. t'hrnowrth and | your hauling done promptly. bad created Wasco county in 1854 others came up the river from Port* Portland O ffice- Ninth Avenue and Irving Street ami it was for nine years the largest No delays, no red tape. land, took land on what i» now the telephone HKoadway 0441 Washington aide of the river and county in the I ’nitrd States, and Cascade Locka Of f ice— Across atreet from meat PO R TL A N D T E R M IN A L : started the town o( Cascade, which probably the largest county that ever market 1001 East Water Street »loud about a mile l»rlow the present existed. R. J. W UNER. Agent Over in Eastern Oregon j»e*»ple sorth itonnevillr. Telephone EAst 7800 During the next 10 years the l»r*t were raising cattle and mining was CASCADE LO CK S T E R M IN A L land on Imth sides ol the Columbia i< live in the Boise Basin, up on the Andrews Store was taken up under donation land Clearwater, over in (he John Day country and far over into Montana. Telephone 121 rlaitn and when my father brought his family to Cascade Iaxka, or the The gold flowed west to Portland, SH IP YO U R GOODS I |ijier ( avade*. as it was originally where it was shi|»(jed to San Fran- known, in IH02 the country was (air­ ■ cisco. B Y A UTO FR EIG H T Titles to land which is now oc­ ly well vttlrd. cupied by towns ami homes were ac­ In the middle SO* the liradford quired in those days; fortunes were brothers, Daniel ami Putman, built made on the river; sawmills were be­ their mill across the river from the ing built; fishing was getting under j »resent locks, on the Washington way ami there was a rush and bustle DO YOU W AN T TO shore The blockhouse stood just be- that made men want to acquire quick M AKE M O N EY? yond their mill. Alx»ut the u m c fortunes. Residence lots for sale, lease or time the liradford* built a portage trade in Cascade Locks. Sightly out nl w.ioden rails on the north side Drain well; plenty of trees. of the river, to carry good* lietween JAPANESE AND LOCKS Fishing, bathing, boating, moun­ at the EACH TAKE BALL GAME the lowrr Kapids and the t'jjper tain climbing, horseback, riding Rapid*. IN FAST DOUBLE BILL wonderful clim ate; finest spring In the late 50» J O . Nan Bergen The Ja(»anese ball club of Hood water. liegan work on a tram on the south River valley proved quite an inter­ S ee or W rite CASCADE DOCKS side of the river J. S. Ruckle and esting treat for the Cascade Locks A. W . M EY ER Henry (>1 ms lead helped him complete baseball fans in their double header C ascade L o c k s , O regon it ami they were hauling goods over Sunday. So interested were tbe local this road when our family came up suj»j»>rter» that after the Dam Build­ the riser from Fort Vancouver. ers had defeated the Nipponese in For srvrral year* there wa* more the first game, they cheered lustily activity on the north *ide of the Co­ in the night cap for the visitors who lumbia than on the south side The took the game. Make up a party and join the crowd. It ia the laat i i . Mi aad R R. In the ftrst game “ B ill” Brink rhom|ison, who owned the sawmill held the scrafipy nine from up the dance of the aeriea aponaored by the Chamber of on the site of ( avade Locks, were river to four hits, and four runs, Commerce. industrious, lar seeing business men. while his team mates were clouting It ia eaay to enjoy youraelf at theae dancea, for They were interested in lumbering the bail for 18 hits and an even 10 and sharping ami in time came to runs. In the final game Tom Stub­ everyone ia friendly. Attendance haa increaaed build strand*cats, which they op­ blefield. slow ball artist, pitched to every Saturday night and thia dance ahould be the erated on the river. the Nipons liking, and before he could lie removed in the second inn­ beat of the aeriea. ing. eight tallies had been scored. Seasoned Wood — 12- The dance ia public and everyone ia invited to be This proved quite a lead but the inch, 16-inch and 24- preaent, to enjoy the good timea. MOORE S GARAGE Cascade Iatcks boys were able to tie inch— delivered in town the score in the seventh inning, due Ford and Chevrolet Ignition at $1.25 per load; $5.00 to some remarkable relief pitching by S|«rc ulisls per cord. Prompt ser­ Erwin Brolltar. Fender ami Body Work MUSIC BY In the seventh inning, however, vice. First Class Painting with two out, and the bases full. Jim M ERRY WIDOW ORCHESTRA Acelrlyne Welding Phone central office or Stubblefield, in left field, let a ball Gas—Oil Water— Air get away from him, and before it leave orders with Mrs. ADMISSION: 50c. Ladiea Free could lie located, four more visitors Cascade Locks Kaiser, opposite drug had scored. This proved the margin ___________________________I store. by which the Builders were defeated Harvey F o x Farm in the second game. 12-8. -'~C J * C 3 r g g q p J — N f l ü P J P L . T R J F ' . T T ,’B * , ' F . , 7 ^ • c ’ i r - n - nr ;- t r x r t r nr - y O T - ’y . m J g J C i H L a t L Z W L a g - During the first game Fred Kino- shita. first baseman for the visitors, hit the longest ball of the season on the field. The ball bounded, on the RO O SEV ELT BAR second bounce, against the Eberhart house, ami Iwfore Bud Woodward and L U N C H ............ could get the ball into the diamond Cigars, C igarettes, C andy Einoshita had rounded third, and was headed for home. However in The CASCADE LUM BER CO. has a big fire hose hanging on the A congenial spot in which to his excitement to stretch the hit, meet your friends. wall for protection in case the building at the lumber yard should Kinoshita disregarded the necessity of stepping on second base, and E m ­ become overheated. Acme and Rainier Beer pire Shook called him out. W e carry a stock of— An accident which happened in the On Draught sixth inning of the first game very C ascade L ocks , O regon much dampened the spirit of the All grades of Cedar and Composition Japanese. Ray Yasui, sporty and The kind that last a lifetime. talkative catcher, attempted to stop Cranihlett at home on Bob Wood­ Our PAINT will make your oud shack look like a newborn babe. S en e Open to Ik e Public wards double. .As he was blocking W e carry a large assortment of— I the baseline when the local heavy­ weight was nearing home, the inevi­ DRESSED and UNDRESSED LUM BER table collision resulted. “Choppy" BUILDERS’ HARDW ARE came off second l**st, and nursed an CEMENT injured ankle the rest of the game. Hitting stars of the game were LIME j Curb I'nderwood and Mitchell. Both Mrs. Lucille H enderson, Prop. PLASTER hit perfect scores in the first game but fell a little short in the second ROOFING and BUILDING PA PER A modem shop with the latest j encounter. DOORS and WINDOWS equipment and experienced Boh Woodward, who caught the operators. first game, came to life, recovered his You may be looking for a ROUND PO LE for your curtains or hatting eye, and pasted one pitch for closet. W e have a large assortment of MOULDINGS. a double, and the next time up hit o for a single. This was the last game See our SM ALL STEP-LADDERS for use around the house. OIso for Boh under Cascade Links colors we have a small stock of IRONING BOARDS for your pressing Open 10 a m. to 5 p. m. for a while, as he has been signed up needs. by the Hood River American Legion PE R M A N E N T WAVING juniors, and will hereafter (day Sun­ day ball for Tom Johnson. Bates of Eagle Creek heights, and t'pstairs in I. O. O. F. Hall Dick Shook of Cascade Locks were above the postoffice. the usual good umpires. And A1 Bar- FR E D ELIV ER Y SERVICE CASCADE LOCKS, OREGON l>er w;is chief rooter. PHONE 151 Portland Telephone AT 6524 It is hoped that the managers will l»e able to bring the flashy young L et the Chronicle handle your next Japanese to Cascade Links for an­ jo b o f printing. other game in the near future. 10:00 A.M. 6:00 I* M 1:30 1*. M. 9:30 I*. M. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DANCE BRIDGE o f g o d s h o t e l SATURDAY NiGHT JUNE 23 x t t t t t i i DRY WOOD FOR SAlt t t t t Cascade Lock.? Lumber Co. SHINGLES ................................ THE LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP I. OWEN, Local Manager