THE DAM UHRONTULK m Birthday Party M. E- OAKES General Contractor AU>ut 35 friends, mostly old timers, gathered at the Hrolliar Free Plans and Estimates home Thursday evening. June <, to Cascade Locks, Oregon help C. A- Hrolliar celebrate hi> HOth _ birthday. Mr. Hrolliar was K>rn in 1 Mansfield, Ohio, June 7, IS>4. and is the youngest of a family of 11 children and is the only one sidl E. H. B E R G E R .M . D. living. His family was quite devout and named their youngest son Office in Odd Fellows Building, Christian Anthony. above Cascade Drug Co. When he was Jo years of age Mr. HOURS: and Mrs. Hrolliar boarded a train for the west, and for the just 44 years Wednesdays— 10 a. tn. to 5 p. m. they ha\e hern residents of l .is« ade Saturdays —10 a. m to 5 p. m. Locks. There were three children. Leslie, who was born in Iowa; Se­ Sundaes— 9 a. m to 17 Noon villa. bom in Kansas, and Krwin. born in Washington. During the evening old fashioned games were played and a sprlling centest was held. The women were L O U I E FOLSOM easy victims of the men in the Sprague. Mr. ciate our prompt service. and Mrs. V. Wigren. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hrolliar. Mayne Osborn. Mrs. Cascade, Locks. Oregon Isabelle (Kborn. Mr. ami Mrs. I has. Nelson. Mr. ami Mrs. Hoff, Miss Krim Mn H < ramblett Mrs lhoinas Harrison, Miss Stella \ \ ....(ward Everill Brulliar, Mr» Vanstrom, Mr» Chas. Ilagghlom. Melvin 1 ollins IVggy Barry Nell Kae Hrolliar and Howard Hrolliar. Owing to our expansion in business, we find it nec­ essary to hereafter sell our Wood and Coal for cash. We want to thank our customers for their patronage and trust they will appreciate our need of selling for cash only. W. H. CLARK Cascade Food Store INC. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH ¿7THALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1 # *ust a ■cu' ^ OZfn to at f>r'ce V J I A G M j I V U 2-lbs. SALTED. Get sours now. IT 92 - BUTTER ÜRADt 1 SPUDS POL S D COCOA Rocku*oo(Ts — 2-lb. Can ^Q c a 2 ¿l' FLUFFO ‘ LB. PACKAGE SUGAR nRE CAXE ¿^-LB. RAISINS PACKAGE 10 49 **• A A n r r ^ M - s Q Save sonn money n thi ihm ,\o . 2 P i RLE, rack C '/ ^ \ P i ’ n p 1 * * 9 n w t e n a Caffe* under our own norm wkk k 4 comet in a nv • reuseablt glatt jar /nr canning ii ( purposes. I T ’S A SUPREME B R A SD . Per pound - j q P R IN T IN G ! We are equipped to handle your print­ ing needs and can turn out your work on short notice. If you require menus, letter heads, cards, statements, bill heads or envelopes drop into the office or flag us down as we barge along the street. It does not make any difference where we may be going, you will find we are never in too big a hurry to stop and talk printing. The Dam Chronicle Mrs. <\ H Kimmrll, Manager U.iscadr L* h k» Popular llulrl W t Serve Meals DAVES BARBER SHOP Hair l ulling a Sßtt sally 14» 4trd nrvt di»* In Mrf rill i lUi H Q WARKKNDALE , A A A t I O. I .add, of lIw W airrwlak i.imp. is the prouil owner of a new Ikitlgr whuh he and his family are enjoying to the utmost. W B. Here her, who i» eniployril <>n the dam, is now living in one of the Lively cottages. Mr» Wolcott (ashman, »no of the heirs to the (airman estate, which lies directly across the highway front the Warrendale store, ha* ret unted front California ami is now living in her house opposite Lambs tavern Mr. ( ’ashman died a month ago in Manila. His body was brought home on the General Perishing, but due to removed from the l*>at at ban Fran­ cisco. He was burted Saturday in the longshoreman s strike had to lie Portland SPRINGDALE ANNOUNCEMENT COLUMBIA HOTEL Fast of Sandy |>eople are rounding up a crowd to attend the Fourth of July celebration to be held in Cas­ cade Locks. Two new citizens are atlded to the population of our community \ girl to Mr. and Mrs. I>ewey ( arjwntrr. and a son to Mr. and Mrs. lieorge kneriam l he Springdale Needle club met with Mrs. Dan Hurgois Wednesday \ pleasant time was reported ami de­ licious "eats” were served by the hostess. Theclub will meet with Mrs Pi Flnquist two wrrks from W ed n es day. A c.tliflower meeting was held at Springdale school house Friday eve­ ning. Strawberry picking is almost at an end. according to John 1-arson, ami King cherries and Royal Anns arc now ready to pick. Crop« look well and we hope some good weather is ahead of us. Link Davis says it is a sure sign of rain when he cuts his hay. And it is. Mrs. Lew Warner, Mrs. Minnie McCarty and Mr. and Mrs. F.hrrn, from Kellogg, Idaho, on their way to visit relatives in Salem. stojijird and visited at the Babbitt home. They arc looking for a location and were very much impressed with this part of the country. Mrs. Warner, whose husband is head man at the ore mill at the Hunker Hill ami Sullivan mine at Kullogg, wants to buy a home. Mrs. Met arty would buy a highway- stand or a good location for one w here she can build. She and her hus­ band are restaurant |>eople, hut wish to leave such hard work for something more pleasant and yet in their line of work. We are sorry to learn of the dis­ astrous fire at Jim Pounders' mine in Southern Oregon. Many of our neighbors lx»ught stock i ntbat mine. L. Davis, Miss Thelma Davies, Gail Davies and Miss Juanita North- way climbed to the top of Mt. Hood .Sunday. 1 he girls faces were blist­ ered and they were tired out but had a thrilling time. They said 100 people reached the top Sunday. Some started climbing the evning In-fore. The party started at midnight and it took 11 hours to reach the summit. Gail Davies, who has been teaching at Dufur, and Wife visited with her folks in Portland. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT-Fumished cabin. Has light and water. Tooth Rock Gar­ age, Cascade Locks. FOR SALE—Very reasonable, good |>ool room equipment. Three tables, show case, cigarette case with a lower shelf case; National cash register; cues, pool balls, chalk, retipping outfit and other supplies. I o I k * sold for storage. Write or inquire at Washington Printing Co., 404 Washington St., Vancou­ ver, Washington. 3t TA HI PS FOR I \ D l f s Open All Night MERRILLS BARBEQUE J A MERRILL, PROP MEALS *"d LUNCHES WEINHARDS AND ALT HEIDELBERG ON TAP S P E C IA L S For FRIDAY and SATURDAY. JUNF. 15-16 EAR GRAULATED SOAR Large Package ^ GOLDEN WEST COFFEE, «la»» jar. pound DESSER rS, Hollywood Gelatine, all flavot • I tik IVORY SOAP. i ban FRESH LETTUCE, head FRESH CARROTS. 3 hunches RADISHES, 3 bunches CELERY HEARTS. ASPARAGRASS, all tfreen WATERMELONS, per pound FRESH HOT HOUSE TOMATOES. 1!) CANTELOUPES. FRESH BEETS, per bunch A n d re w s Dnily Free Delivery