t h e dam chronicle 1'rof. W. A. Nasahahn has been re r fin teti as princi|vvl of the l astade „ the Kate tanks grade »rhoúl. I'he pndevsor visited his father. Oscar Hyde, her < K'irUv Mtkirr Shirley Moore varane garage at at the the lower kmc will at trini summer sthool In I’ort- end of Main street, opposite the state land. last Tuesday. «> - highway dejvirtment’s garage He has Mr. ami Mrs. Hale were visitors occasion to paint two or three cars in eastern Oregon last week. and it is said does excellent work. He is also an accomplished welder. |. Owen, manager of the Cas­ E . H. B E R G E R , M. D. cade 1-ocks Lumber Co., was in l\»rt* Office in tVId Fellows Building, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Folsom of land on a business mission Wednes­ Coquille. Ore . are visiting their sons. above Cascade Drug Co. day. Dr. Fred Folsom, he dentist, ami HOURS: Louie Folsom, the ieweler. Mr Fol­ F.lmer Meyeh, son of A. W. Meyer, som is So and Mrs. Folsom is 84. is n o * staying in Cascade lawks. Wednesday»—10 a. m, to 5 p. m. Both are in splendid health. 1 hey Mr. Meyer owns some choice prop­ haw been married 04 years and are erty in Bonneville. Saturili)»— 10 a ro to 5 p m. the |»rent* of six boys and two girls. Sumilis■— 0 a. m. to !• Noon —o— Mrs. Folsom dies ail of her house­ Mrs. John Wapdward and son, work and in spare moments does John Thomas, were business visitors needlework. She laid down her work in Hood River Wednesday. to discuss 04 years of marries! life. “Come to think of it,“ she said. The approaching marriage of J. C. Vit is a long time to wash dishes L O U IE FO LSO M McDonald, night superintendent at Mr. Folsom was bom in Massa- the Guy F. Atkinson company, and Jeweler chusettes and Mrs. Folsom was bom Miss Mary Sullivan, art tradier in in New Hampshire. They met ami the Pasadena, Calif., high school, has If we don t have it, we were marriesi in Minnesota in 1870. Iwen announced in the south. They will gel it for yon. In 1890 they came to Oregon. will make their home at Penn's Tav- Bobbv Reed. master of ceremonies We repair watches and jewelry Yon will appre­ ciate onr prompt service. Ed. I’olaeheck, formerly of 1U *I Esther Erickson was visiting rela­ tives in St. Helens his week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Umiliar are Thelma Daniels is again home in building a cottage on a corner of the Locks after a visit with her par­ their block, which is to be occupied ents in Albany. by Mr. and Mrs. Berry. Miss Inez Perras, 1954 high school graduate, is working as office assis­ tant in the Fourth of July head er- ten. ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to our expansion in business, we find it nec­ essary to hereafter sell our Wood and Coal for cash. We want to thank our customers for their patronage and trust they will appreciate our need of selling for cash only. W. H. CLARK Cascade food Store INC. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH We have just purchased ’ supply of Canned Goods, which we got at the right price, and are passing this opportunity on to our customers for SATURDAY and MONDAY ONLY. Buy now as prices arc advancing daily. TOMATOES BEANS Large I'/i Cans with Puree C.4.YS FOR y jc ^ Whole kemal. C .4 A 3 FOR tU R CANS A->c ^ A very fine absorbant 1000 sheet 3 or POST TOASTIES L LARGE A R G E BOXES DUXES |Q C SUGAR COFFEE Another opportunity to buy sugar reasonable before it advances. Golden West i na resealable glass jar. POUND ...................... i9 Strike anywhere. ^ FOR . FOR MATCHES CORNFLAKES 2 Cut Stringless, No. 2 Cans C.4.YS C .4 .x Ò r FOR UR 2 o n Ç c TISSUE CORN Preferred Stock Mr t . C . B KimmtU, Cascade l/ in w p r lank» Popular Hotel IPr Serve 1/eo/j DAVES BARBER SHOP //(!*» lulling U V r iM . ' f y Ian «led next door to Mrrn||', (Ur II l) TA BLES FOR LA D IES v: Open All M E R R IL L S BARBEQ UE J A MERRILL, PROP. It tl ern . Cascade, Locks, Oregon 3 COLUMBIA HOTEL 3 Ie YQLB S. PURE CASE. . 49 P R IN T IN G ! We are equipped to handle your print­ ing needs and can turn out your work on short notice. If you require menus, letter heads, cards, statements, bill heads or envelopes drop into the office or flag us down as we barge along the street. It does not make any difference where we may be going, you will find we are never in too big a hurry to stop and talk printing. The Dam Chronicle Mr. arwl Mrs. Oscar Ecklund, for­ mer residents of Cascade Lock«, are now making their home in Tacoma. Those «tending the Ladies Aid siciety were: Mrs. Tharp, Mrs. F. H ill Mrs l^vack. Mrs J Fnulkes, Mrs. J. Everhart, Mrs. A Warren,, I Mrs. J. Martinses. Mrs. C. E. Cams, Mrs. I. Osborn, Mrs. W. Harrison. Mrs. J. Ellis, Mrs. V. Wigren. Mrs. O. MacKinnon, Mrs. R. Andrews, Mrs. C. A. Bmlliar, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. I-axton, Mrs. Nesbitt and Mrs. J Woodward. Mrs. Jesse Everhart entertained a group of friends last Thursday after­ noon. at which a delicious luncheon was served. Those present were Mrs. Bradford of Patbad, lira J Fmdk* es. Mrs. S. Lrvack, Mrs. Art Warren, Mrs. Erwin lirolliar and Nell Ray Broiliar. CLASSIFIED Hereafter The Chronicle will run a classified or wantad column. The rate is one cent a word. Count eac h initial as a word. If not convenient to bring your ads to the office, mail them in. FORK SALE— Wire haired puppies from prize winning stock; sired by famous Campfire Stylo. Male» $25, females $10. Ga. 6363. 3330 N. E. Klickitat street, Portland. FOR SALE.— Nrw 3-room house with garage; modern, convenient, attractive; walking distance of Bonneville, lesfs than a mile west. Sold on terms. Save money bv buying rather than renting. But whether or not you wish to buy, visit this place and see a little house that for the money can't lie beat not by a dam site. Drive in at number 40.36. FOR SALE— Modern service sta­ tion, with cabins; wonderful oj>- portunity; for $5800.00. W. J. Carlson, Agent, Cascade Locks, FOR SALE— 51 acres of land, just back of high school in Cascade 1-ocks. No encumbrance; half clear, half timber; will make ideal sub­ division; has two houses; plenty of water; lays well; jierfect abstract. $4500. See Algers. C a MEALS •nd LUNCHES a WEINHARDS AND ALT 0 k HEIDELBERG ON TAP SPECIALS Far FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE S -9 For Lunches, Picnics and Hurry-up meal* don't overlook our assortment Royal Baking Powder, 12-oz. LOG CABIN SYRUP, medium si/.«- LIBBY’S DEVILED MEAT, 4 for ALLIANCE PINEAPPLE, largo < an, U for ALLIANCE HOT SAUCE, 3 fo r........................... SNIDER’S PEAS, Fresh Kept Table, 2 for PALMOLIVE SOAP, 2 for SUPER SUDS, package POSTS BRAN FLAKES, large package PORTERS CELLO, Macaroni Products, pkg 15c UNIT, 2 for ARGO CORN STARCH, package 33c 42c 15c 35c 13c 31c 14c Be 14c 25c 19c 6c GOOD VALUES ALL THROUGH THE STORE Andrews Daily Free Delivery Phone 121 BONNY VILLA One-half Mile Weal of Bonneville ICE CREAM — CANDY - CIGARETTES B L, I T Z 8 i 40 FOR R E N T — 3 room cottage; com­ pletely furnished; has garage. Rent $25 per month. Inquire Penn’» Tavern WINEHARD AND HOP GOLD W ILL rRADF- 1930 Chevrolet \'/t ton truck for light delivery car; or will sell reasonable. John Wir- rick, Cascade Locks. BEER ON DRAUGHT and BOTTLED BEER FOR RFA’ I-Furnished cabin. Has light and water. Tooth Rock Gar- * age, Cascade Locks. Sit and Sip by Our Open Fireplace’ ■ £