I IIK ft DAM < H K O N |( L K FROCK THAT MAKES PARTICULAR APPEAL TO HO US EKE EPE RS Air View of Great Stock Yards Fire in Chicago Little tgp NOT TA K IN G CHANCES "You'll have to send for another doctor," Mlut $8,lSJU.(JÜU and many lifted buildings la ■ * racking! on ti" « 1 er« burned. “All Aboard for the Juvenile Bu» Special” PATtra.H >«2« For amnrt bouaekeepera-th la cap­ tivating frock that will give you a neat and attractive appearance dur­ ing your bu«y daytime hour«. And a« for making It— there'« Juat noth­ ing difficult about It at all. Tha front and back yokea are econom ical­ ly cut In one, the aemI belted waist- line la readily adjusted, and of course^ pockets are Indispensable. A tub- babte cotton print with either self or contrasting ruffling would be nice. The Instructor—Illustrated sewing Muck W o n t I'olitld an (a n g rily )—Thoa# nows paper« tell abominable Ilea about Bie. Friend—And yet they might do Worae. I'olltlclah — l*o worae! What do you mean? Friend—They might tell the truth. — Htray St t H u , l.oct Propbet* Flret Itoman (at a t'briatlan m a » •acre) — W a've got a cap-iclty crowd. but atlll we're loalng tuoney. T h e upkeep on the lion« muât t>e pretty ben «y. Second Itoman—Ye«, «Ir. Theae Uona «ure do rat op the propbeta, Ail New Ile— Tou want to see "B a ll at the Ravoy" again? You have «reo It three time«. She— Yes. but not In thl» d resal— Condon I’olite Humor. A P u n ier Son—Fath er. I« the zebra a Mack animal with white stripes, or a white animal with black at ri pea? lesson—will help you put the frock together step by step. Pattern HR.*» Is available In sizes 14. 10, IS. 3n. 3", 34. 30, 38, 40, 4a and 44. SlM 10 takes 3 ' i yards 36-lnck fabric. Send F IF T E E N CEN TS (13c) la colas or stami>s (coins preferred) for this pattern. W rite plainly name, ad­ dress and style number. B E S t UK TO S T A T E SIZE. Address orders to Sewing C ircle Pattern Department, 243 W est Seven­ teenth Street. New York City. A »ondt-r bue, d r a w n by a t r i cy cl e and Jammed with gleeful youngsters, made Its ap|a-«rancw In t'en trai I'ark Weal, New Y o r k t'ity 'I be bus w n* c o s t r u ì led entirely |.y sit and seten j car old children ai the Walden school. U has seats for als. straps for ' sardinr*“ and a piare to hang on behind Scenes and Person» in the Current New» T R Y T H I S , MR. P R E S I D E N T ■I know how to settle thla unem­ ployment problem." said the club wag. " I f we put all the men of tha world on one Island, and all tha women on another, we'd have every­ body busy In no tim e." “ Well, what would they be doing?* "W hy. boat-building."—T it-B its. T h e D essert Fir*» ■I think I'll go on a literary diet,* said Mr. I’rimm. •'Fine," nodded Mrs. I’ rimm. "T h e * you can give roe the newspaper— that Is, all but the editorial page* i dear." "Ju s t a minute, Juat a minute,* said ITitmu. "W alt till I finish tha couilcs." G enerou s G e s tu re "1 note that you occasionally 1» dulge In a Joke." “Yea." answered Senator Sorghum. "Even If It doesn't happen to be a very good Joke, It gives my consti­ tuents the assurance that I am any- lout to do what I can to make them happy." 1 Senator David 1. Walsh o f M assachusetts accepting for the congrcaa, from G ot . (I. (\ Peery of Virginia tha [itatuea of George Washington and Itohert K. le e for the rotunda of the National Capitol. 2 —View of part of tha [Vnlon Stock Tarda In Chicago after the $ 8 , 000,000 fire that swept through tha famous stock mart. S —Flags of nnny tintions leading tha "No Mora W ar" parada up Fifth avenue. New York. Komodo Dragons in the Bronx Zoo Pipea Afford Record of Indian, English Styles l,le two varunlkoniodoonnea, or giant lizards of the Island of Komodo, In Dutch East I tu lle s , which hnva Iteen p la c e d o n s h o w In the Brons k m », ^ ' orft. »ra shown at rest In their new cage home. The two b easts believed .* * •"cvlval of the prehistoric dinosaur, were brought hack from Komodo '••fence T. K. Griswold and Edward llarknesa. A collection of rust eaten relics of C ap t John Smith's 1007 colony on Jam estow n Island, the first permanent English speaking colony In the New World, Is displayed by the Smtthsontao Institution. Among the relics are tohneco pipes o f the so called "church deacon" de­ sign with the small howl aliuoat con­ tinuous with the stem, like a clgnr holder with the end tilted slightly up­ ward. But the English had missed the trick of pipe making, although their products « e re superficially Indistin­ guishable front those of the aborig­ ines The Indian practice was to mold the clay stem around a hollow reed, with the result that there was a large, clear chnnnel ror the smoke. The Eng­ lish pushed a small wire through tha wet clay to form the channel, result­ ing In a small hole which must con­ stantly have become clogged. Tha pipes ofTer a curious Instance o f bor­ rowing of an Idea by one people from another and tha return of tha bu^ rowed Idea to Its original b o n a S h e K ao w * B e t t e r "T h ere's really nothing wrong with you," declared the doctor, a fte r a thorough examination. "I'd Ilka to see you convince ray wife of that. Doc," said he. "S h e thinks everything Is wrong with rua." —Cincinnati Enquirer. WRIGL GUM