The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, June 01, 1934, Image 1

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V »1 I M F l
• \S< \ m . I.IM KS, OKKCiON, I KIDAY. J I M . I. 1934
Contest Is Launched
To Name Dance Queen NEW
Fourteen Girls Running
C vi rnnn nt P repari » to C reale F‘*rty Collage» Under Oonalruc
Work or 1000 M«n al Bun
Non and Bigine»« House»
v .1 1 . ». % l a p a n d l t m n
of $10 ,00 0 ,0 0 0
i | ^
\w.uding of the contrail for
With »Iw awarding "I a contrail
tlw Columbia CuniinKiioa com iousttuction ol the spillway dam at
^Bin\ tu ra la ) lui building ol tba Bonneville, p»th contracts for n
«llw.iy liuti .il lUmnevillr tlw way moval ol tlw I nioti I'.uifu tracks
and budding of tlw piwrr house
OI «.I .i $l< ooo.tmo payroll h I. u I» Coming Up, has had the result id
a II |i(o\ ..Ir lo. IOO litri. Ill tlic starting a lively building campngn
in tlw Honors .Hr dam area.
B ■ mu'..Ur dam nr..
Work on tlw »|»ll«*r.»y dam a¡II Iw
I>rman<is for real estate have Iw
_bm m em .nl ju»t a» -. n . m .<•. «lii.nU <«1 tome a itisr and a number of new
tl r «ontra« l i.m I« t«>mpletrd It ii business houses are to Iw built at
^fci tu ; i i!«d i!iii < . « i « I weeks » .11 ontr, according to present plans
• 11 i «o be started
J II Hurt, who is budding a 3-
|| r.itiw«t, lint tlw «• Ulta« tors al«-
gl rad) getting tin nii m \hajx- tu *t«>ry Imtrl on Main strrrl, r\|wits
to start work on a second building
11.«- H.l) H.ll in» tlw major ¡«>t
it ..i tim« \i.tii it includes • "¡i
§l latitili ol .«II laut tom ol tl.r darn
tg'.u I. ».II llom tlw |mSr|
h -r in tlw iloti, h across lii.i.lloid
ban «! to ihr Washington ' I lie
d m most I-« in two srtlions
d r to tlw problem ol tarrying on
W ir k » it It. nit riuoulrruiK tix» mo« I i
4 -Ila tilt v (r«'in tin- rivrr
T | \onwrous f«"|xilts ll.ltr l«rrl. g«i
it t ! r ota 1 ri !.i! r. r to »I > j in'.
• tr w..|i will Iw l.«rtr«l It ».is
!:t t
.s 1 f’erras is rushing work on
Im new building, next d«H>r to the
p istolfiir.
1» J Francis has pun ha'ed the
|K'>|wrty* mimnl.atrly west of the
t hid Fellows lull and will rrect a
2 st<>ry business pr«.|wrty. The
lower I loot will Iw given over to a
retail store, tlw second Hoot to of-
f u r i
West Coast Tells State It Is
Ready to Cooperate in Cnt-
ting Costs of Lighting
( h<»i*!tig a quei-n to preside «»ver a dam celebration is Iwing manifested
the Homes
bill to tw hel«l Saitirday night, June
»0 as thè «ijwning evrnt of thè 4 «lay
Bonneville «latti celebrai ion w«-rk of
July 4th in ( .»vaile lanks is eri
grossing altriition througliout thr
Itofinex ille datn arra
lu k rts to thè Itali are Iwing m »I«I
at 50 « rnts e.u h, and ea« h li« ket car­
nei a cou|ion good for a «Irawing to
lw hrl«l on a new 1954 Plymouth se-
dati, pur« ha se« 1 fr<>m ( «arra lira ut Bros.
J'lymoutli and Chrysler dealer» in
Ibxxl River.
Cash pnzrs of $150 will lw award­
rd to girli selling ticket» to thè «Lince.
I he girl vlling largrst numlwr of
cickrts jtrior to night of June 10 will
lw «Ics lare«! «jorrii of thè ball an«i
piaird <«n thè thronr to rrign over thè
inerry crowil whiili »«Il lw drawn to
( ,.v ««le la s k i f«>r thr < kc a-lofi
1 he committee in «hargr of thè
Itali, headed by Dave Dinsmore, an­
noimi « s 14 entries by girls who would
la- «|u«-eti However. sin«e entries are
o|wn to gitls throughout thr mid-
Columbia «h, it i» anticipateci
thai thè numltrr «.( contestants will
lw doublé that numlier Itefore thè en«l
of anothrr w«-rk.
li« krts will lx- place«) «m s.ile Fri-
«Liy. 1 he girl d.sjstsing «>f thè greatest
numlwr by June ‘> will lx- awardrd
; $ 15 in cash. The girl selling thè
grratrst numltrr up lo July 4th will
lw awardrd >50 in «.»sii The otte v ll-
mg thè se«orwl largest numlwr will lx-
awjrded $20 in cash, third, $15 in
«ash Fbr next four highest will rc-
« rise $5 ea« h.
\\ .«Ir interest in thè H<>nn«‘\ille
M I I lakes has purchased the
lots linmnliately tuck of thr < hid
Felhiw» hall (non Julius J Carlson
^ b
It t nial«, frrtm ol tlw «unirai ts it and ii rrpirted to I m - planning to
It ««j ninnai » .tl. tlw contractors btiilil at once.
Jon Merrill ec|ws ts to grt work
i .
H Hans |i(o-.i<lr lot a «ollrrdain started at once on a new ■ inner hall,
. - .... .u to . the street from the (hid I rl-
• . lows hall.
i . iim|i|rlr«l tlw . "II« t
\ muni < t of oilwr investors are
<1 in will I m - torn away an«l a planning new bmtiiings, some of
which we ho|w (o Iw ahlr to an-
I Water in tlw rivrr will flow rtouncr next week.
11. al . it«
t hi i "I
('ullages are going up m in-
ret ion ami through th«- creasing numlwr throughout llw dis-
«citih * ontra«ton has«- itinlied tlw irn t 1 Iwrr arr now 40 or more,
p i|rm ol ha.idling the riser and rithcr under construction or almut
^B i| x ir t<> share tlw opinion <d m- lo Iw built.
^H iw rrs that tlw Columbia can Iw
\ W Meyer has st.irt«-d work on
Hi np|wd
two cottages m Cascade lan k *; 1>
I hrrw l.i«ls »rre submitted. H.g-
M. Haskins is starting w«irk on a«l-
«i surprise is.»' lailure ol tlw (my
«\tional cottages near tlw Kid «V
Vikmson company t<> obtain tlw
White store, the sevrn John Folg-
J. i I hr bid*
li.iin cottages, just east of the Kr«i
t iilumbia t nnsiru« linn company.
\ White store, are I wing rushed to
i ompletmn.
Cenerai Construction company ol
On the highway a numlwr of new
attle and J. K, Shea Conijiany,
cottages an- under construction. At
i . Port land, $9,43(
I >ilas Mason «« Nets \ ork . l.aglr Creek Heights 10 more are
\ikinaun « otnpany. s -in Iwing hurrieil to completion by the
owners \t|uist, or West Bonne­
Pi nis«o, and W I' hwr com piny.
ville. another 10 cottages are either
S. II I heno,
(under way or will Iw within the
■ Greatest interest in mnnection
ith the dam (ipjrmscs to center week. \t W.» another 10
cottages are going up, or will Iw
¡»mil the t> iM* of toffrrdam used,
lie Huy I Atkinson company is going up within a week.
Demands for rental pro|wrty by-
_JI ■■ ,r ; « «1 to Iw .itili ir-« i with having
the job rather than undertake employes on thr dam are growing
i for a lower figure than it sub- steadily stronger. Many, unable to
Bitted. Reason
llitause it felt a rent, are prejtaring to build their
M< « I type of toffrrdam must even own cottages.
At least two and probably more
til-.My Iw used.
■ Sin i eisful bidders and army en- investors have been going over the
jÉiwers have a ty|x* of cofferdam in ground in Cascade tanks with the
^ B n d whiih will utilize heavy tint- intention of erecting large groups of
be« and clay. They are building the cottages which can Iw rented to
B< il.ler dam and are presumed to government workers during con­
be in authority in construction on struction of the dam, and later
rented to tourists and Portland |wo-
stem rivers.
¿M onili ago thè army engineers ple who will want to live on the lake.
fili«11 and leveled ground west of thè
raihoad station al Bonneville fnr
In Role of Auctioneer.
p pur|M»sra in connection with
Samuel (' .Iatncastrr will apiwarj
lildmg ni thè cofferdam. N'ow it is
thè cnntractors will !>e rrtpiirrtl in the role of auctioneer at a pie j
social to Iw given Friday night liy
to binili their own camp.
(he Woman's club of Bonneville at
The (ivi« club will In dii its regu the Bonneville Community Center.
[nionthly meeting at thè Orld l ei- Members of the club will bake the
hall Ériday night. As therr are pies which are to lie auctioned off
kumber of impirtant subjects tu (o thr highest iiiddrr for the pur-.
■tscusneil. thè tifili eri are anx I xts»« of raising funds. An hour's p ro -!
"iat m nwny memlwrs as jkm - gram, which will precede the sa le,;
‘ w,|l Iwpresent.
will start at 8 o’clock.
in Portland and in towns all up and
fiown the Columbia river. A bdica­
tion- for concessions arr coming in to
Die committees, but none will fte
granted until the contracts are ready
for signatures.
Posters inviting the jwople of the
states of Washington, Oregon and
Idaho to the celebration are being
printed and will Iw distributed over a
wi«ie territory.
Biggest problem confronting the
committee is the matter of housing
the visitors, who will Iw invited to
come to Cascade Locks for the four
day* Posters heralding the celebra­
tion will carry the names «if hotels
and camp groumis within the district.
When their accomnwxlations are ex-
hausted the visitors will Iw given op­
portunity to occupy free camp privi­
William Keeler, in charge of camj>
grounds, will su|wr\ise the rutting of
ire wixxl and the installation of water
taps. He exjwits lo call for volunteers
to help assemble tW fire w«x»d.
\. T. Stewart ami his committee
has obtained |x*rmission from the fed­
eral government for y«iungsters to
shoot their Fourth of July firecrack­
ers on the island at the lock«.
The West Coast Power company
Ju s announced that it will contribute
¿o »he celebration by lighting the
*ir«-ets with strings of lights, which
will give a holiday effect.
Frick Krickson is busily engaged in
organizing l««g mlling contests to run
through three and perhaps f«»ur days.
Kntertainment is an important factor in attract­
ing people to a trading center. Hood River hits a
splendid picture show. So does Stevenson. And people
who are not satisfied with the pictures offered in the
Mid-Columbia section can drive to Portland and en­
joy an afternoon or evening at the movies.
Cascade Locks needs, and should have, a high
class picture house. The Sunday evening entertain­
ment now offered the public can only have the result
t>f making the public tlesirious of seeing something
really worth while. A sheet, hard chairs and sound do
not, cannot make a house. It is too much like making
the proverbial silk purse out of the sow’s ear. Prices
are high quite as high, in fact, as the public is for-
fed to pay in the city.
Hood River merchants are straining themselves
to obtain trade from the west end of the county. They
realize that good movies draw trade. Unhappily, the
owner of the Cascade Locks show ownes the theater
in Hood River. II people smile at his entertainment
in Cascade Locks and drive to Hood River he is noth­
ing out of pocket and the Hood River business houses
In all of Oregon there must be a theater man who
is tlesirious of developing a picture house in Cascade
Locks. That man should be found and encouraged to
establish a theater here. Merchants wjll profit from
the trade— for trade does follow the films.
Power and light rates in the
Bonneville <lam area, from Cascade
l.«.ck$ to Multn«»mah Falls, will be
materially reduced at an early date.
Phis lx-« ante dear at the hearing
held last Friday before J. J . Han­
lon, examiner f«>r Charles M.
Thomas, pubis« utilities commis­
The hearing, called by Commis­
sioner Thomas after numerous com­
plaints had been filed at Salem over
the 15 cents «Jomestic lighting rate,
was well attended. The state had
|>rc|»are<i a case against the West
Coast Power company and presented
it by calling Mark G. Koblin, chief
auditor in the public utilities com­
missioner s office, to the stand.
In the course of the hearing it
deve!«i[x*d that Stevenson, across
the river, had been granted a rate
of 10 cents on its first 35 kilowatt
hours and three cents thereafter.
showing that Hood River is enjoy­
ing a rate of eight and one-half
«.ents on its first 34 kilowatt hour»
and three cents thereafter. Exami­
ner Roblin indicated that he pro­
posed to reci*mmend a rate in the
brackets for the Oregon side of the
H. A. Martin, district manager
for the power company, declared in
the course of the hearing that his
company realized pates were out of
line, now that the Bonneville dam
area is developing very rapidly, ami
said the adjustment was one of de­
tail and understanding between his
organization, the consumers and the
Evidence was introduced to bring
out ownership of the West t oast
Power company, and it developed
that the company is owned by the
Peoples Light & Power company of
New York.
power company, cross examined the
states witnesses, and was in turn
cros' examined by William Norris,
an engineer now employed as an in­
spector on the Cannon Brothers'
drilling contract, who appeared for
a group of Bonneville dam employ­
es living at Enquist.
The hearing «»pened at 10 o'clock
and continued for four hours with
J . B. Laber taking the lead in aid­
ing the state obtain testimony from
Cascade bocks people. W. J . Carl­
son, secretary of the Civic Hub. had
in\*ite«i Tunis Wvers, Hixxl River
attorney, to act for the city. Mr.
Wyers was present and tendered his
services but did not remain through­
out the hearing.
The West Coast Power company
is preparing to waive it sdemandh
for a cash loan on lines built into
new cottages along the highway,
and will allow owners to construct
their own lines. Under this policy
after installation has been made by
people who want lights.
Complaints over inability of prop­
erty owners along the highway to
obtain lights was ainxf at the hear­
ing before the examiner for hte
public service commissioner last Fri-
ilay. JVfterwards the power com-
pany officials conferred with the
protest an is.
The public service commission
comjxds the utilities to use cedar
poles on permanent construction. It
is expected to waive this clause and
allow fir poles to be used by own­
ers of cottages.