The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, May 11, 1934, Image 1

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Demand for Dirt Prom pt* En
n icer* to S tart Tu*k o f D ic ­
ing Approach to Lock*
f'ftlOAY, MAY II. 19.14
Beginning next Monday The Chronic^ wjll begin
to K4*t*k Mubrtcriptionit. Subacriptiona are qecewary to
any newapaper, for they are an important part ,,{ the
revenuea derived from the publishing buisjnf,hW
The Chronicle has purposely delayed asking any­
Railroad Chamber
Commerce Join*
Official* Needed to Let Job
With Civic Club in Arranging
of Moving Track«
For W eek of Fun
one to Kubncribe because* it deal red the |>ubliC to be­
I »round lor dirt to l»c used In
making .1 <»11 ha* caused lhr l'luted
Slain army enginerr* to atari work
on thr ship tanal which will paw
ir iir li from ihr river lo llir locks al
Boltnev die dam
Ihr rfl|lnm i qirak of thr ap
Iiii mi h lo ihr I»* k* at a "Imrrow pit .
Ihry r «| n l lo tall for bid* on ihr
tanal at a latrr tlalr, but at pnwnt
arr carrying on ihr work undri forte
at tount.
\\ hrn completed ihr tanal will br
[ of Ihr largest in ihr west, for It
tor.ins ihr moving of I.OCO.UPU • ubu
yards of tlirt ami rutk. ihr tanal
will lake out of thr nvrr at a (mint
twin* the railroad »tafnm
It mil
Iw titOO frrl long. I >0 Irrl widr ami
40 frrl drrp. It b> lieing dug thinugh
M.ii in thr mainland on thr Oregttn
side id thr rivrr. At thr U|i|wt rml
It enter» ni I m I rtak.. Ihr lock* will
lw installed in thr huge tut, Iwlwrrn
thr wall* of mi I k I rutk, to the south
of ihr jmwrr house, which will set
in Ihr siough.
|»trt now tiring mmnl out of thr
i anal is Iwinji hauled lo a point just
wnt of thr Atkinson camp, twlow
thr railroad station I hr ground has
lo Iw Irtrlrd off for thr 100 hunk-
huuATA wluth ihr government pc«»
|m n lo build for u e of men who
will Iw rm|iloyed In constructing thr
*|rtllway, between Itradford island
Jlml the Washington shore,
Ihr rock bring carved out of ihr
cut at thr upper rml of thr canal i*
Iwing stacked up at a point opposite
ihr hospital ami will Iw crushed at a
latrr dale ami used as material in
building ihr spillway ami (mwrr
house I »air for calling for twit on
thr |mwrr house and locks lias mil
I wen herd, but it Is not aniici|utrd
that thr call will Iw issued for some
wrrks yet.
Work of taking dirt from thr canal
ami dumping it on thr site of ihr
pro|n>srd bunkhciusrs is bring done
by the t»uy F. Atkinson company.
They are employing a number ol
steam shovels and trucks. They
have movwf .15,000 cubic yards of
come acquainted with the paper before asking reader*
to ansunu* a portion of the costs of |*r<»«Itiein^ it
We are now' organized to mail the papt,r ^ out-of-
town subscribers and order* will receive prompt at­
The Chronicle »cells at $2 for one year; $1 for six
months; f><) cents for three months.
Thcise who desire may pay for the pap(.r
of 20 cents a month. Thus, the cost is divided into
12 equal payments.
The boys who deliver the paper will ca]| Ml
y OUr
homes anti places of and invit* you to take
out a subscription. We hope you accept the invitation
for the more subscriptions we receive the better paper
we will be able to give you in return for your money
Willi* Mahoney, dynamic young
mayor of Klamath Falls, ami can­
didate for thr democratic gutter nat
orlai nomination, stufgwd In Cascade
Daks Saturday night to meet the
<r->wd at Firick Flncksons birthday
(tarty and triname«! to makr a line!
Flarlier in the evening Mr. Mahoney
wmk« in H.-al Ruer After leaving
( arcade Locks It stopped in Bonne
ville and other to-vn* lielwren here
ami Port Und.
Mr Mahoney is the cmly candidate
for governor on either re(>ublican nr
.1 ». M . « M * .
locks, and there i* every indication
that he will carry the district by a
Uigr vote Uom li.-Kl R .m crime,
word that he wd! have almost an
unanimous vote among the (»range
member» ami fruit grower* in thr
u|i|ier valley.
Ihr Klamath Falls mayor has
visited every county in the »tate and
i« now engaged in a whirlwiml cam-
pnign m Mulino— h county, lb-
friend* »ay hr will carry every county
in eastern and »outhern Oregon, ami
prrdict that he will come out of
Portland with a handsome majority
Because of hi* attack* on the Port-
land chamlier of commerce and his
demands lor deep sea lock* at BOMt
ville dam, Portllind daily nrwsjia|irr>
havr refused to give him any ptlb-
licity. Hr ha* overcome the absence
of publicity by carryt-.g his light
against the (mwer trust direct to the
people over the radio.
Cnited States army engineers have
.ibandone«! (4ans for a tunnel in favor
of an open cut through Kurkle «luie
and now are only awaiting word from
t nion Pacific affinals brfore under­
taking the job of rebuilding thr rail­
road line Iwtwera Bonnevdlr and
Cascadr lawks
\ dopi ion of thr igwn nil has nut
bren madr publk. but aa announce­
ment may he expected al any day
kraion he thr delay is thr fact that
I n a l*anfe official* and slate high­
way « < mm— mw art an« m agreement
over the | e griM advanced by thr
army engineer*
The r n rrwmrwt p u p a e « to make
a CM el sufficient width through
Ruckle didr to carry the railroad
and the highway <ai the same grade
The highway engineers are brandy
■ lame « I the* plan, but the Tnsuo
Parile » am an ewtbwMaetic over N
I »nailed plam for the gigantic
celebration which will be held in
Cascade Lucks iei the Fourth of July
are fast taking form. At the meeting
of the Civic club last Friday night
l‘re«idrnt Frank Flail appointed Jim
Merrill chairman of thr general com­
mittee At the mreting of the Cham­
ber «if Commerce Wednesday, Presi­
dent A W Meyer followed the Civic
club* lead by making Mr. Merrill
chairman of thr Chambers Fourth of
July committer
The general committee is composed
of m m members It met Wednesday
night and buckled down to the task
of «rlting things rolling
The celebration will begin on Sat­
urday afternoon and run for four days
with mrthmg doing all of thr time.
Strvenaua and North BonnevtUe are
putting on a yam 4 day celebration
thr fun that week will not br con-
f fcg É I pn p w 4 change in
In m r vdr of thr nvrr
the hand* of the
k \ew l e i «
aWe *•• repnet back urn _
• h» k carry thr story
to thr
R C Morris. «,wnrr « I the CmaaAr
I inai Store, ha* liera g p isicd agesn
for thr state lique cncstrvd h w d g
< m a«le D ak« The »•»«* «k ( a m
ml wet g«aaf* car»*» up Uw Irsday
a(tern<«>n and «a * piarmi an sale
Satuniay. Mr. Mo»t»* add fa© w n h
"* <tvN the first da«
I ine* aie c«ui«i-*rt» .»
P * * « ****** »»>
......gratin g i«»
further cut w a s «im * w »^
i <
. .
• _ « .
ï " i
* “»■ » " ^
Ihr eatmairunrat is ex
in» twdr water «ports, baæ hail
hrewurk*. a cansival.
Fowl*, hnrsr
rscuig. daacmg and othrr
and sports
Ihr arw radnwf gradr
w il «tan
I *4
I s I 000 f«*4 ti
an a
rrrwlr and pnm tl
I 000 h w lanari
After hwvmg thr
m a d tun art hry und F-actr creek it
wsg rate* the «p en cat k t w i Rnrklr
It will ewd jwW writ ol thr
A defHMte sw w toward pr-tvwhn*
fire protwrtwwi 1 « ('aarade Lucks
was launched at the meeting of the
CHtc c tub Friday m«ht
A. W. Meyer. (emcipaJ owner of
thr Indrywruirnt Water company. toM
thr dub that hr would lurm«h water
without coat on cimditiiwi that bus-
mew» men and preyerty owner* gen­
erally put in hydrants
Thr hydrant* will cost approxi­
mately 55 each tine or a dozrn can
br installed Thry will br of a scar
that will conform to thr hose used
by the forestry service on its truck
at the Herman creek ranger station.
That will makr it possible for the
town to obtain assistance of the
President Frank Hail of the Civic
club expressed the view at the
meeting that the town should take
steps to put in water mains and hy­
drants of a sufficient size to meet
demands of the insurance companies.
He said the insurance companies
would not reduce rates unless the
standards are met.
The club voted, however, to take
advantage of Mr. Meyer’s offer, and
President Hall appointed James A.
Merrill, of MeniU's Barbeque. to
interview property owners and learn
how much money can be raised to­
ward defray ing cost of buying ami
placing the hydrants. Mr. Merrill
started the ball rolling by offering
to put in a hydrant near his own
property. Cither property owners will
lie invited to accept responsibility of
placing on or more hydrants.
ihr rail Ime br­
ui Wyeth *
of fart, arc ordine
> * f j K \ rail« al «ad manager
He said
^ j»ul4ic
id not mten
•w tk,
thargrs ol the V
/ r
« « d r
thr kwaticNi ol the
com|iany in Casi'“**r l*^k* and ad riij ,|f<r ,
( awadr Locks
jacriit territory ol* *hr < We*»>«v ««dr «d
p ,, |
Pacific is reputed to
the river will be!**“'-1 May ( by thr
mjM(r a
of *ur\ev* back
BASEBALL c l u b to g iv e
publii — vfc»
hsr- l^y Mm«. w„ h a view ol «burning
mg t«. lie held he* »* * "cderrd Tur, a nfm
be linked
day by Commi!*''’'* * * Karle, M ^ W|, h |hr
^ ^
A Iwnrfil dance for the liasehall
ten between Ronnryillr and Cascade
tram will Iw held at ihr ( raigmonl
It ha* mit lire*
»**" I 'W j ^ h *
Mr Finch shook hi* head
hold, just Iwyon dthr city limits, on
the complaint th^’ **** *° •*** <*lhng 4|W(
Saturday night. The dance will o|wn
of the hraring Ar'taiNui f.v lower
Nothing to it." he said
tur-th. pubhcand*hurts will 1« uud<
powrr r.m-s i’rrn e«""* W I'.t
_ _ _ _ _ _
to get oul a large crowd. Mrs. Kin-
month* and a nu(***^* "I people » m \ t . . p ... .i.y p , C D P IP U T I HUP
lay, proprietor of the hotel, has vol­
-threatened to Uy tke * * * * *
A w i u r n t i u m LINL
unteered to donate ihr use of Ihr
before the commi"*00 at Naiem
s|ucious lobby, parlor and idning
The l»allr* Freight Line, Inc., has
room an<l has joined the management
BURT C O M M ^ ^ ^ ^ WORK
lieen granted a certificate of (»uhlic
of the lull Irani in inviting everyone
convenience and necessity to operate
in thr Bonneville dam district to be
J. 11 Burt rxj»** ** «° start turning a truck line server into ('ascadc
present and enjoy ihr evening.
dirt Monday fof ,hr foumlation of Locks and Bonneville and Rrdal Veil.
An admission charge of 50 cents EIMER ELECTRIC OPENS
will Iw made for men. latdirs will lie
CTnRC ftw MAI M Q T P P F T ^, p , u ‘ w (hree s t ^
which he It will start the service this week.
b l U H t UIM IvmilM i t n C L l
M t ( M M
K | Wunrr of Portland has been
admitted free. Dancing will liegin
Jack Kimer, manager of thr F.imrr ,,f (|M. «Irug store-
'»Pf,,,'4',p Mer- appomtril agent for the company and
shortly after 8 p. m. and continue
Electric, has been busy this week get- j rill’» Harl»e«(ue.
is moving his family to the Locks
until 1 a. m.
Plan* call for a building 4r> feet this week. He is preparing to open
Ihr Craigmor.i, one of the most ting a large stock of elcctrial supplies
11»p an office in the new building just
attractive hotels on the Columbia on the shelve* in his new store, acroas in depth, by (6
River highway, makes an ideal set- ; the tsreet from the ( ascade F ckk I ( hotel will contain ' ' rooms, with a completed by Mrs. S. M. Hill, across
ting for the dance. There is ample Store. The stock, one of the largest lobby on the sec*'0^ Boor. It will lie th«- street from the meat market,
Itrsf floor
h^l. Spickerman, manager of the
toorn for .100 couples and plenty of in eastern Oregon, would do credit of frame constru^'00- I
The noonday Inutheon of the
to a town several times the size of ¡» to lie given ov** *° a **ar- * dining com|viny‘s Portland office, came to Chamber of Commerce at the Rapids
space outside to park cars.
A splendid 5-picce orchestra has Cascade Locks. Mr. Eimer has ob- j rmim and kitchet*-
i Cascade Locks xrith Mr. Wuner Wed- club drew a crowd of neatly .50 busi­
been obtained for the evening. Ex-1 tained a number of contracts for
Plans for sev^ra* «'ther buildings nesday and made arrangements to get ness men and women. Dr. E. H. Ber­
cept for the music there will lw no I wiring new homes and business ane now in the niaking, and if the the service under way. He announced ger was chosen vice-president. Annual
ex|wnse. The hal Itram is hopeful of | buildings. Between getting the new weather remain» pleasant for a time that the company is preparing to dues were tentatively fixed at $J,
clearing sufficient money to give it store established and taking Care of work on them w'H **' started almost ojien a freight station here and spent payable semi-annually. Next week s
all the funds needed to start the his electrical supply business he has immediately.
a considerable (>art of the day dis­ meeting will be held at the We-Ask-
season without any handicaps.
had no time to play. A licensed elec-
Inquiries for pf°P*r*y are becoming cussing plans for a new building, You-Inn. Hope was expressed that
«h S " " - arP rr<lUM,p<* n°* to bring tricion, he has had alxiut all the work pronounced, and tbe demand for Through freight service will ze sup- the size of the crowd could be
one man can handle.
houses continues iinahated.
plcmrntrd by a local pick-up service.
doubled within a short time.
Talk wI ret»« at
rww s thr t»4l