The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, May 04, 1934, Image 6

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- « y tH & A & L à & iM i
T t e t e a ia ft M B X .
OREGON STATE NEWS H o w e A b o u t :
Brief Resume of Happenings
of the Week Collected for
Our Readers
Toncalla— Fifty-eight fleeces of
wool have been stolen from the barn
o f the Cody Long farm near Yon-
calla. The thieves forced an en­
trance Into the barn and sacked the
Pendleton— The Tendleton Round-
Vp budget for 1934 w ill probably be
Increased by $1000 over last year s
budget of $17,500. according to Roy
W . Rltncr, secretary of the board.
The extra money will be spent for
publicity folders.
O w yhee--M organ Rust, a farm
boy o f the Owyhee district, has a
record lamb production.
His 35
ewes have given birth to lti sets of
triplets, 15 pairs of twins and four
singles. Tw o lambs from the trip­
let sets died.
Roseburg— Douglas county egg
producers claim to have suffered
$100 a week In hauling their eggs
over a rough section of the Pacific
highway south of Roseburg.
eggs are so badly shaken that they
are unfit for shipment.
Eugene— Because a large number
of townspeople have a membership
in the state university band and or­
chestra at Eugene, participation in
these activities will not be depend­
ent upon the payment of the $5 As­
sociated Students fee.
Astoria— L. A. Pierre of Astoria
lx exhibiting a 15-inch cutthroat
trout caught in Gnat creek and
which had already swallowed a six-
inch trout before being caught. The
tail o f the smaller fish was still in
the cannibal fish's mouth.
Coqullle— An Increase o f approxi­
mately 800 voters in Coos county is
shown by the registration roll. The
Increase is practically all Democrat­
ic. The total registration o f the
county is 13,329. Republicans out­
numbered Democrats by more than
2000 .
Roseburg— F or the construction
o f a garage, warehouse, machine
shop and oil and gas station at Rose­
burg, and fo r tw o road projects, in
the Diamond Lake and Bohemia dis­
tricts, an appropriation o f $54,000.
has been made to the Umpqua na­
tional forest.
Eugene— One o f the m ajor cele­
brations in Lane county is the an­
nual picnic sponsored by the Pleas­
ant H ill cemetery board. It w ill be
held this year on June 2 and the
proceeds w ill be applied to improve­
ment o f the cemetery and the pur­
chase o f additional land.
Astoria— A "r iv e r of fire ” w ill be
• feature o f the entertainment pro­
gram fo r the American Legion con­
vention at Astoria next August. It Is
planned to station fish boats up and
down the river fo r several miles, and
at a given signal have them all re­
lease rockets.
Code Observed By Cats.
Fstacada— A census o f the kittens
born in the city o f Estacada In April
reveals the astonishing fact that each
cat gave birth to two kittens, no
more no less. This even applies to
the gray feline who is the mascot
o f the Estacada union high school.
Ripe Cherries on Display.
N ew berg— Cherries which are ripe
and ready to be eaten are on display
in the Newberg Scribe office. They
are from a 30-year-old seedling tree
on the farm of August Schaad o f
Rex. Mr. Schaad says thia is the
earliest the tree has ever produced
fu lly ripened fruit.
Potatoes Go Begging.
Salem— J. E. Stansberry, state In­
spector fo r the state agricultural de­
partment, reported upon his return
from Klamath Falls that there are
200 carloads o f potatoes there with­
out buyers. He said there were 500
other carloads of unsold potatoes in
the Redmond district.
Baby W eighs 2 Pounds.
Dalles— Nathaniel McDaniel
Moore, who weighs but two pounds,
Is taking nourishment through an
eye-dropper and physicians at a lo ­
cal hospital announced that the ba­
by would live. It is the smallest ev­
er born here that has lived more
than a few hours. Nathaniel barely
fille d the palm o f an adult’s hand.
Th e
Bad Habit»
Prisoner Carries Saws In Shoes.
Bend— Police officers here laugh­
ed in derision when Dick Knight,
Idaho prisoner being returned to
Fremont county from Sacramento,
told them he could easily have es­
caped from the Deschutes county
Jail. Th eir good humor turned to ; A man named Norton ts quoted aa
surprise when Knight produced to saying the only way that haa ever
support his boast a half dozen hack­ been found to discover what honey
saw blades sewed in the soles of hit tastes like, is to eat IL
An easy way to look one * best at
home Is to make this frock up In one
af the cotton or wash silk prim*
shown this season In such gay do-
sign*. The frock boasts c»[>eclally
good lines for the larger figure, with
the smart trre r treatment, comfort­
able flared sleeve*, and pointed
aer.:n!ng where tha yoke and skirt
Join. The spiall sketch shows both
ravers worn buttoned up. Easily cut
and put together whrn you follow
the S r » Chart given with this pat
I’attern Dkol may he ordered only
In sizes a t 3*. 40. 42. 44. 4«. 4t and
fiO Size 3*1 requires 3 '» yards 3d
In- h fabric and S yard contrasting.
Send F IF T E E N CENTS In edna
or stamp* (roll.* preferred) t <r this
Be sure to write plainly
NUMBER snd St/.E.
Send your order to Sewing Circle
Pattern Department. 232 Went Eight­
eenth 8L. New York.
Money Merely a Word
on Triatan da Cunha
The island o f Tristan da Cunha
tuny be a “ bleak. Inhospitable place,
fog bound and mist ridden, with only
one g>od landing place,” a* d o e r I bed
by Andrew Swan In ”The odyssey of
Andrew Swan.” but—listen to this:
There are no landlord* and no tates
to pay, diie Inhabitants das t worry
alxiut money—in fact, money la of n<>
■so to them !
“ When they made a collection on
the Island for their departing nils
sionary," reminisce* Andrew .i real
old Salt who has sailed the seven
mas ever «Inee he ran a w .y from
Greenock, Scotland, ns a ship's boy—
“ they brought him all the money
there was. It amounted to 30 shll
lings. Ear more valuable thnn non
ey was firewood. They would do
anything—even pray for a wreck—
In order to get firewood."
Hint the ' ‘departing missionary”
de»er»od the 3d shilling- and more,
there can he no two opinions, for.
•ays Andrew:
“ I was told that In Triatan da
Cunha the severest |>enalty that la
Inflicted on Ihe islanders for mlscon
duct was to sent cine them to stay
away from church for a number of
Sundays.” — Kansas City Star.
The most charming way o f enter
latulng, both hostess and guests will
usually agree, la at the small dlnnet
o f six or eight. Dinners of thla a»rt
may be a* formal or a* Informal a*
you like or as you ran aerve easily
Dinner menu* no longer follow a
stero>t)|>eil plan. You may take al
moat any liberty you like with your
menu. SO t ha I you rh*w»*e food* which
you know your guests like and
which blend together properly. If
you have a specialty of the house,
you will do well to work It In. a* al­
most every one like* a dish which la
Just a little different.
A popular hostess I* sometlmea
asked by pro*|>crtlve guests to give
them “ that grand veal paprika with
sour rrram which wa bad at your
house once.” Another household la
famous for Its yorkshlre pudding,
which, by Ihe way. It is a good idea
to bake In the form o f popovrrs It
will then be sure to be fluffy and
light and you may dresa It with dish
gravy fr»m the roast and get all Ihe
advantage# aud non# of the disad
vantages o f the old fashb>ne.1 kind
o f pudding which was baked around
the roast. Although at formal din
n<-r* butter is supposed not to figure
even if bread Is served, you will And
that most o f your guests will apprw
elate a hot bread with butter.
Kalad* for dinn-r should l-e tight,
of course. There Is nothing better
than a green salad mixed at the
table A reader who asked for some
menus for simple dinners has re
quested suggestions and recipes for
deaserta. which ars Included among
tha reel[>cs today.
Angsl Food Oootort
Bake an angel food cake In a tu'-e
pan and Just before serving remova
some o f the crumb In the renter.
I l l ) hollow with strawberry tee
Frost cake with whlppad
cream and garnish with strawber­
ries. Extra strawberry sauce may
be passed at the table.
M arsh m a llow Crsam.
pieasur e
Not Necessary to Follow
Stereotyped Form o f
Dinner Service.
W 01
Ci n»u a > » « n m i * —w w I
y t U T the people are really try­
ing to achieve 1» for every day
to he the Fourth o f July. Christmas.
Labor day. Washington’s birthday.
Sunday. Mother’s day. New Year's day
—holidays merging Into each other;
every morning s sun to light up a new
day when we will have nothing to do
but get In our care and attend a picnic,
liberty rally, or show Of course, a
few must work, to operate filling sta
tions, hot dog stands and the Ilka
That can he attended to by making
slaves of the rich w# rapture and put­
ting them to work.
• • •
The excuse for public extravagance
In the United States Is that only the
welt-to do pay taxes, and that tax
atlon la the quick and proper punish
ment for acoundrela . . .
I f tha
reader will call on me I wtll ahow him
the poorest man I have aver known.
He lost his horns lately through a tax
sale after paying $.'<Ui in taxes on It
during a long and struggling owner­
ship. He had eight lota. They wera
assessed at $100 each, although ha
originally paid only $<k> for ail of
them; at no time during his owner
ship were the lots worth half tha
amount at which they were assessad
year after year.
• « •
i do not know how much longer I
shall be here. I have a ahorter ax-
pectation thao many others, being old
er. but 1 am determined while here to
pursue the course best calculated ter
produce most comfort.
I am still able to keep my hands out
o f the fire and prevent unnecessary
and painful burns; 1 am still able to
avoid shooting those of my neighbors
with whom I disagree, or breaking In­
to their bouses. Such actions wuuld
land me In jail where accommodations
are poor; | can better afford to prac­
tice honesty and remain at h»me with
all Its natural discomforts I hope to
continue to the end to avoid other bad
habita which do not p a y; gormandis­
ing. swearing, drunkenness, cheating.
I do not much fear punishment aft­
er I am dead, but have lively appreci­
ation of the punishment threatening
during the remaining daya o f my jour­
if 1 am extremely practical It la
what life has taught me; I bava en­
countered nothing to cause me to
greatly respect visionary things.
• • •
In the old days, when there waa a
disaster at sea. the women and chil­
dren were first given seats in the Ufa
boats (It has never made much dif­
ference what happens to men). Mod­
erns are forgetting that gallantry. In
Iowa mobs of armed farmers blocked
the roads and would not let milk
wagons on the way to town with
necessary supplies for the women and
children. There were plenty of food
supplies In the country, town people
were willing to pay for them, and
farmers needed the money, but tha
farmers were mad and determined to
starve women and children to show
their Indignation.
We are becoming worse than the
Russians The Russian peasants have
always been willing to sell fond sup­
plies to town women and children, if
paid for; the Russian town men went
out Into the country and took things
before the peasants rebelled.
I believe the American farmers
should rebel, but In the name o f com­
mon sense why don’t they Jump on the
politicians who have robbed them. In­
stead of Innocent women and children?
God hasn’t deserted os; It Is otjr
• - ................... .....
. . .
I know little o f Sir John Falstaff
except that he Is acclaimed today as
the world's favorite rogue. Sir John
thought himself one o f the few good
men o f his time, and said: "Thera
live not three good men unhanged In
England, and one o f them Is fat snd
grows old” (meaning himself).
. ,
('apt. William Kidd, another famous
scoundrel. declared on the gallows he
was a much wronged man. A book
has lately been announced to prove
that Captain Kidd was an eminent
New Yorker, and a bold and capable
navigator o f high standing among /he
mercantile community In both Boston
and New York; that the New York
legislature voted him $750 for his
services as s patriot; that a ship was
given him by popular subscription be­
cause of his defense of liberty, and
that he was hanged by guilty capital­
ists In England, because they knew
that In hi* own city, where his virtue
was known, he would have been ac­
a a •
Plan Menus That
Are “Different
I cap c fss m
V% cup candled cherries or shrsd-
dsd ptaeappls
v* cup pistachts nuts
Cut marshmallows Into pie. rs. add
to whipped cream. Add cherries and
pistachio nut* which may b« rut In
pieces or left whole.
Put Into g
mold, rhlll several hour* and an-id
nnd garnish with cherries and nuta
Under more modern living coniti
Iloti» apartment hi.::»*, flats aud
auch the modern city child la being
deprived o f a great deal o f I ha pleoe-
urea that thrlr fathers and mothers
Editorial P*rerpt.
True a* a trivet. Who mneuil-era.
by the way. tha boya and alida who
»ip erle iired that supreme delight of
sliding down a long curving balua
traile? Itetroll New».
Ferry's Reeds are a»ld only In Dealt
datesi packages When you buy Fer­
ry's Reeda you are sure o f Ihe fluent
quality available
Hew It W eek* Owl
It# who aaya what he tikes, heart
what ha doesn't like.
A Few D r o p » E very
Niftht nnd Morning
Will Promote n Clean,
Healthy Condition I
A t A ll I H u i S lo r t t
«M c U e w U
Be* *
* Z o e I— t w
Or L e e g »r
lie I've lo-en trying la think of
the right word foe le u week*
She It >w about “ f « r t » l j i | “ I
tu m »
C o n s tip a tio n D ro v e
e r Wi l d Ä m &
Ä t
he» *
J«f, rari t y e c ,
pound mars hmall ows
• t»M *
U w r S 'e w fc I
»Mrumava»«Me » i»v e < e u ««ii»s i«e »T »
h e « C W l i e k r a i t r a e ui t m t a l e a
F»—v •»***■ ' l i « » * » ' w e m n a It pk S
KkM>J»Y— IM e»M. en « I g k I
raM r » m m S m m U e • » - < abati
V " ' V " » w » •* --latra i t e
«a lev a JW bea
l*4s» al y «or
r ìr
Cqaur da la Crams,
t pa. usee* t raasasg ■>.««s*
*» cup cream, whippsd
Fresh fra t c r preserved fru it
Beat cheese with a fork, add tha i
whipped cream, put In greased heart-
shape molds and set in refrlgrratnr
to chill several hours, and surround !
with berries, sliced fresh fruit or
preserve*. Kerve as a desert.
Com pany O l n n t r Menu*.
l i »H* ►./ <1 -•.» .< û«rdons
sheppcut «rd «Nt««»aal <ac«sr. ,,
thava two H¡¿andd SoHv'-e* of
i»* you «very comfort sod lunry
at aitr»m»ty modacat« coat.
Clam Broth
<‘rls(-sd i 'r s c k s r a
•'liv es stuffed W ith Anchovies
Broiled .-teak vv./h Mushrooms
Stuffed Itaked P-.fatu«»
Plcklsd Beet*
Kndlvo W ith lto<|uef<>rt Dressing
' ream 7.« ¡shark
P lu m Pudding A p rico t Cordial Hauro
P ortlan d ! '< —*•■• «rvd l e m
ftresd and B u tle r
Wasst l i st
Hand vs t, hr *
Mustard h « ,. *
Orapa Jolly
- »
h o­
tel» .. locataci *v ih* hub of the
v b « » i j and recraatongl d»B<Ct
.. ara tha urv»o*V(-on«d chocs of
••penanced t>*r*i#r»,
' • .ra
Cslsry and P im ls n to Nalnd
O'hseaa Stick* I MIAIHUW-M
mao »
Individual Strawberry Short-aka
Rolled Herring on French Tonal
Rips Ollvss
Roast Turkey
i rsnbsrry Jslly
Maahsd Potatoes
Brusasll Sprouts In l.»m on Butter
d o m a in s Mslad
Si'srlal T o m a to Dressing
Chnssa Slicks
M arsh mallow C r » s m W ith Pista chio
rxi hi w
M tA T M M A N
#. lu ll Syndic*!« * WNt* M«rvic«k
The Ideal
M a n y Bird« Im p o rte d
WNU 13
Trio k Driver— Didn't you see me
There were 618,830 birds Imported
■L-rial for you to stop?
Into the United Htates in 1032. This
Haughty Motorist— Yes. hut If you number Included 417.M4 canaries.
tblnk I ’m going to take orders from ’^».107 parrots, 30,131 quail and 41.-
“ What do you think o f my paint­
you, you're mistaken. — Tld lilts,
•M® birds classified onder “ miscel­ ing o f corn In the field?"
laneous specie*,"
'T d plow It under."
F E R R Y ’S
« w ry p a c k s t