I UK DAM CHRONICLE A little Inly unit In u very n kr shop mi tlie Avenue to try on it new Mill, I miiik taken liy hi* ililrr, a ri kf.il l.nly, graduate ol Vav^ar Nie youngster kiwi 'l' her Mummie k ." /'il/ tornir our adverlisrri. r FRESH MEATS AT PORTLAND PRICES Our meat* art* the best the market afford». We are confident you will appreciate the quality. The shop ¡ h open until noon on Sunday» for your accommoda­ tion. Our wagon goes down the highway on TucHdaya and Saturdays. Huy from it or telephone your order. 2 lb». PU R E PORK SAUSAGE. 35c HAM BURGER Href. 15c EXTRA EGGS, 35c STEER 15c Good assortment of Weintes and Lunch Meat Yea, we have Pickles— Sweet and Dill from 9Usr 11). FRESH ii dosen BEEF (Corn Bool), lb S. E. PERRAS MEAT MARKET CASCADE LOCKS : : : : : : OREGON CASCADE FOOD STORE „ IT PA YS TO PA Y CASH CASCADE U K KS, ORE. Next to Meat Market Shop where your dollar know* it* full value Below we are listing a few item» from our regular »took which we consider very unusual buy» at this time: POTATOES. 50-lb. bag* 35c ORANGES. 126 size, juicy, sweet, dozen 23c G RAPE FR U IT, 126 size, drink the juice, doz 29c SUGAR, pure cane, 10-lb. bags 47c CR. WEDDING OATS, nine premium, Ige. pkg 21c CORN STARCH, l-lb. pkff V fe COCOANUT, 1 .-lb. cello bags, it’s fresh,ea 11c MILK, any brand, our regular price anytime, 4 25c CIG ARETTES, all popular brand», reg. price, 2 25c Again we say, that if you will shop with us for 30 day* you will be convinced that we can save you money on your food stuffs. DR. F. FOLSOM Dentist Sunday m I hmi I i» now bring hrlit in C us. ,ulr l.ixkn at thr MrlhiHlini < omnium ty i hurt li rvrry Sunday, be­ ginning ¡it 10 o'cltxk. Classes have brrn organized for all ages, ranging In'in ihr primary runm to adulu. From IS to SO profile arr at trailing rvrry Sunday morning. The Sunday v hool it not drnominational but U t»|»rn in everyone. I hr i hurch people hn|ie to uliiain a minitler iyr Sunday morning services In Bonneville Sun­ day m hiHil it hrld each Sunday morn­ ing at thr Community Ilnuv. It, ton, it undmominalional ami it ofirn to all i rrrdt Mr. and Mrt. ( hartes Haggblom entertained 16 guests at dinner Mon­ day evening in honor of the 20th wedding anniversary of ('apt. ami Mrt. Karl Kosrnback. The teachers were alto honored guests. An excel­ lent dinner was served to thr follow­ ing: Mr. and Mm. lis te r Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nasshahn. Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kosrnback, Miss Mona Muri, Miss Wilma Eddy, Mis* Aver- il) Stewart, Aileen Sprague, Eleanor Sprague and Helen Kosrnback. After the dinner sometime was sfirnt in cards. ( ’. C. franklin, of the t'niled States department biological turvey with hradijuarters at Baker, ttupfird over Monday m route to Portland to tfiend an hour with Al Barlirr, of the Kootrvrlt liar and lunch, who for­ merly lived in eastern Oregon. He wa \accoin|Mmrd by Mrs. Franklin. In hom»r of her husbami's birth­ day, Mrs. Robert Andrews enter­ tained a group of friemls at her home Sunday evening, April 29. Alter the bau alaureate services the following gat tiered at the Andrews home to en- jny a social time ami midnight lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Sundy, Mr. ami Mrs. John Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. I hr last of a group of 20 cottages V. G. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. M. is Iwing completed on thr grounds B. Harvey ami Mrs. L. Read. v t a ide by the forestry service on tlir south side of the highway, al the Quite a group of Dalles, Oreg«»n, tofi of the hill above Eagle creek. efririds were weekend guests of Mr. All of the available lots in the tract and Mrs. J«ihn Eulgham. The party have been leased by men employed mtlud<*d Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fulg- at the Bonneville dam. ham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bilyeu, Dr. Ernest McCallam and Miss Stev­ Mr ami Mrs. E. A. Brink, Henry, ens. Mrs. Bilyeu is presulrnt of the l-awreme ami Viola Brink, Howard Woman's Federa»on o f Clubs for Harrison ami Jack Stark were in Oregon. Earl Eulgham, son of Mr. Hood Kivrr Monday. ami Mrs. Fulgham, is su|>erintrndrnl of the Willamette Valley Lumber Albert Jenkins was home for the company at Dallas. week end visiting hit parents. Hr returned to Zig-Zag Monday. Mrs. Art I-ovell is returning from the 1! R. hospital Monday night. Mrs. Kirby, Maynard Kirby and Mr G. Thurncr were shopping in Hood Kiver Monday. Bill Burnett, a member of the CCC camp last year, is back at Supt. of Sth Dist. of Airways. \V. j Wyeth again this year. E. Klim’ of Salt Lake City, was here last Monday. Lloyd Mallory, old resident of Cas­ Mrs. Todd, «laughter R<*sc Mary, and Mrs. A. Nix were in Portland Saturday. cade lax k s has returned here. Mr. and Mrs. Todd, and Mr. and Mrs. Kirby were in Portland Wcdnes- William Level, of Portland, was day evening to see the wrestling out to Visit Mr. and Mrs. C. !.. matches. Rankin. Richard McKinnon and Violet Mr. and Mrs. F. Hurst of Portland Jenkins were visitors in Stevenson Sunday evening. were visitors herr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson are visit- Mrs. H (). Ferguson ami Bonne ing Mrs. Johnsons mother and fa- j Mn Ferguson were visitors of Mr. titer. Mr. and Mrs. Jess (»lazier. ami Mrs. Henderson Sunday. Mis* Elma (»lazier has returned has been trans- Charles home from Altoona where she has . . . „ , ~ I . . ... . . . terred to the Cascade Drug t o . and J I writ visiting her sister. Billir Brink is working in Andrews store. A N E W STO R E F O R M E N ..... Here is a store where men can buy thoke things they need in a hurry. The stock is new and the prices ai\ no higher than prices in Portland or Hood River. \ As the name implies, it is a men’s shop. TheVock has been care­ fully selected to meet the exacting demands o{ men who want a good quality of merchandise. It is our desire toVidease you. If we don’t have what you want, we will get it for you. UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS COLLAR^ GLOVES SHIRTS OVERALLS NECKTIES SOX SHOES \ THE CASCADE MEN’S SHOP LOCKS OREGON Wilbur Harrison, a ranger sta­ tioned near Wind Lake, was home tor the week end. Mr. George Thomas was a visitor at Arlington last week. Supt. L. B. Gibson was a visitor here Sunday ami attended Baccau- laurette services Sunday evening. -...... -'—{y---*' — — -- ---------- Ladies Aid met last Thursday at the home id Mrs. Algers. R. C. Morris has installed a new awning in front of his Cascade K«*od store. Baccalaureate Sermon. With a sermon centered about lib­ eralism in religion, Rev. Richards of H imh I River preached the annual baccalaureate sermon to the high schiHil seniors in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Rev, Richards, who hehl some very , important church posts in the east before his retirement, gave a very masterful sermon. One that was to the point, full of information and a great appeal. Solo music numbers for the occasion were given by Miss Wil­ ma Eddy of the graile school faculty. C am auf . L ocks , O kfcon LO U IE FOLSOM Watch ard Jewelry Repairing 0 C asc ade L ocks , O regon Hradqucrttrs for F I S H I N G SUPPLIES Reels Rods Flies— Hooks — — — Unes Bait — — S pinner s- R. E. ANDREWS Why Try Burning WET WOOD When U Can get DRY PLANER WOOD UTAH KING COAL and PORTLAND GASCO BRIQUETTES from W. H. CLARK CASCADE LOCKS. OREGON THE CASCADIAtl Sound Service Presents A New Show Ever/ SUNDAY EVENING__ at Cascade Locks Oregon Attraction Sunday, May 6th “TH E LOST PA TRO L’’ With Victor McLaglen, Regi­ nald Denny, Boris Karloff and Eleven Other Men Stars. Coming Next Week Sunday, May 13th The Motion Picture Classic of ALL f l MB “LIT T LE WOMEN’’ Here is an outstanding picture of the year. Also a BLONDES and RED H EA D S comedy and a FABLE. Show Starts at 6:45 FOR SA LE— Jersey cow, .1 years old. Gives 4 gallons milk daily. Price, $ ’ 5. Inquire of John Fulgham. Prices— 10c—25c—35c