n iK P A M CH R O N IC LE THE DAM CHRONI CLE ----- c h u rc h It HI a Published K\rr\ fruity at Cascade link.», religious C u m m in s A S h ie l d s , Publishers M . A. S h ie l d s ...................... Editor J. M . C u m m i n s , . . . Manager SutMcr|>lion Rato .50 100 2 00 ___ Three Months, by mail Sit Months, by mail One Year, by mail The Chronicle serves Kastern Multnom county and Western Hood River countv It ts distributed to ail camps hous na employes on the Bonneville Dam F R ID A Y , M A Y 4. 1934 A S T A T IO N sad commentary u|wn (hr ortaniulioiu 1 Oregon AGENT FEDERAL FORCES PLAN FOR CONTROL' AFTER DILLINGER OF MILK DROPPED s e r v ic e s i of HIGHWAY GARAGE W eldin g OrflfW ol 2500 pnpic there is no . • asra™. ,\h where the itroj.lr A s .uni Bonnevillr and oth n lo m n m ties of (he dam arra can enjoy Sunday morning services. Sunday schools have lK*rn estab lishrd in S.iscaile lo c k s and Bonne­ ville, but this does not satisfy the desires of older jieople for spiritual teaching Surely the organized re- ligious Kidies of the state can afford to send pastors to the district for Sunday morning services. I'rue. hun­ dreds of jieople might not attend, but we believe enough people would at­ tend to fill either of the two churches in Cascade lawks or the Community House in Bonneville. If the church is to fulfill its pur­ pose it must provide pastors. If it is not going to do this, then it has neither a purpose nor a mission Repairing lir e I _ W id e s p r e a d O p p o a ilt o n Is C a p . uro f o u n d by A A A . M.idiii ,i. Hi# I.mu uiliuinl.tra tlon ut,. , uueed elmlioetiiueul of Ila I,Um i„r ... .,.-»1 il, ili# n .ninnili uu.k au,.,.:;. \V III«- .prv.id i > pjh wit*i*u Of III# Industry » MS MliliiHl.lv V• par- tiripeiiug irw Iu o T t, r w cune* to t># derived trwtu a pr«»»< »»mg lav uu tint 1er tat. Additional appropriati»!!« tu »a: lit ln»*e lucre« «ed th# amount p-i ) ab v tu dairy weit *•« >p|w>a,ti»ii under cviitralltecl lead erslilp ilevel»|>ed before lb# pru|M,aevJ program urn taken tv> tbv farmer* f»r vllac u a*, ou In rvv.uual conference#," •nid tbv aniiouiiceinenl. "Since tt « » ■ aptfcoent that Ibo dairy Industry a» a » hide 1« not agreed upon a. epfance of th* ;ir»t» >«*d pr«a ¿i.i.ii »r am »flier plan pn luctlon aitju«tuiv-ut. the adiuild*trutl»u (eel* It mh»uid not undertake dairy production _ Oil On* Water Air O u t la w a n d M il C ia n y r.s c a p o t a u a d r L o ck «, • bejain 1 w ie® . iv t* p»l«»-.| •! t u. AIM' aiiuit ..u points u> II.# ImMl i>*r Joint Du ..„r, «premi tbri.i .it III# Ml.Ml# \V «**1 In lb# v.iu .u .od wee lb # aliati», at le.a ut Ili# ,«■ »till H>* SO# eri..iliiul trailer*, elder of III# Mwi.u II l*urvl I lilted M ale* bun III ot lio ca liga li»# lu i v, mad# tin* viuiet. Unii predi v( l»n 1 .Veil avi hliu ibi* Unie We bat# luurv ravt« Io »u tk »U inan ever ta» lure.” DllUugcr hit. w lf. U «*aa t-cilcud, w a* av.mea li ere liv ar St. I ’aul. ai- ih ». „Ii id» band baa a. altered «U b i/. ».videi.«# Ifiat lie lia I prepared a li .eolit lu tlie v Utility ut III# l a i « t i f i « « ma e In 111 # vi», » i r r j »? a l-ltt* rvdu aevlan m lib li » » ■ *l»red lu a pri vute ga rs.e III I. • beater Vlli n , Ju«t a , , aflei I'. . r - I || In • l v ,.i from the chaufTeur of Mra l|r«s nioi stern. G A R D IN SELDS Arrrv J/orir Sred IVfrfi/Wri H tnrrt « (•>#n f ( • W r * /’»m/i F rrltlu crt /i’Miifii, ( tthbugr a#,/ /’r j ^ r Pianti Business men in Cascade Locks are becoming provoked with the I n i*m Pacific because o f the railroad s N ew p ftper at Cascade Lock s failure to keep an agent at its station , . _ here. There is considerable talk of ' ( hr"nfi c •’■»«.< it' ap cuotr#! until aacb a ilia# a* the dairy DUbuaei a favorite girl friend. K*#- filing a complaint with the public P^nrance at L ascade 1 <,cks, • rr , the i,..iu, try i« substantially surw-O m«>n iyn »>»• - • « » a « Under present conditions the pro- an pr-ent 8u pph cS L - eiv, without telephoning mess.,ces sheet with four pages of local news ^ r(T< t i w n . o f existing milk in the si l .ul •partment shortly bn- t T & n n e i l l e the c L . t receive and four pages patent service. The ^ V r U n g «ferm en t, .nd liv e n s for# tu. u.gbt of March a» -»«-» DU- Wiring to Bonneville, tnev vannot rneive . , „ rrr..<„| «*u» »l'«*rstiui; lu about twentyoo# Unger. John llaiulH»u and another an express package without going to n« ^ venture snv>ura provr succcsstui lit^ Tb, of oufal.l# m»iuau r«. .«im-vi m . terrinr nun bat- Rv-piurtng Bonneville; they cannot receive anrtng . it d t j n ir in ti » I ki-iy to in Ile mltb SI. l'anl polle# and federal freight without going through the about a bigger and better community cmi«e the contribution »f fluid milk •genta, Lampi Bonneville office; passenger trains across the great river. Any commun- «bed» t» auppiiea u»#d f»r mannfar- John Dllllnger alivi ar vera! nietidier# whistle through halting onlv on a •*>' worthy of the name of a town lured dairy K»du. fa. Admi.-Uatrat<»r of hia gang »rr# io«*nt#d at a ba. k- * , , I ‘ I.... • \ w . Iw _ i . l . an a . a rr a i f Pa»ts «aid. I womt* near M m * , aa " < . > . . n» f#»t#ml fla* should i n rw ^ p e r 1 h# dairy (>lan » 4 * the ftrmt o f th# agents ami |M>a«rti>en. Ilr.-auae th * uf* Railroads complain of dull busC ** lhe right kind of mrn are at the farm administration'* ptojram * to t,e fleer* mtatook *v«n»e cuiiaervafloti camp ness, rush away to congress and ask head of the publicity plan, a news- •et aside. Pavl* said It ***• apparent worker* for th# vrluiioal* the t*t:*r for subsidies in the guise of loans. pvprr offers any community a greater frv»m reaction developed at ronfrittncra trv>ke through the rordon and Hr t Into Private individuals enjoy no such service than any other enterprise, held Ibrooghotu the country and from the wotela. In the flghtlna two men privileges. Instead they are compelled There tsn t a business man in any a auhampiv-nt check on provlucer»' were killed and four wovindrd to hustle and hold business on their community that can do as much for aentlmeat Hint th# induatry did »»t T lie ne»t day three of th# de*|>*ra- due* v*e»e encounlerwvl In SI. Paul merits. The Union Pacific is noc his h>cai*oo as the publisher In ,b* t-‘* n- Electric Contracting seeking business on that basis. In a 3»st places you will find the news- “ After a tittle m»re e«i»*rl#i»r*. they Park, a auburtt o f Kt. Paul, Minn, by / « , ) h m t r , Mgr may want it." he <>fuverveul up a tierce fight. its station to stand dark and deserted, of public work, but that is the nature wonld continue It* plan* fur eradica- They eacaped again, hot on* of them of tae tnbe and they like it. tlon o f Ulaeaaed catti# and for In- « 1 1 believed to have be»-n wounded. TOURIST TRADE t ascade Locks should get solidly creased relief pvlrcham ,"f‘ milk .nil Not far from Ht. Paul lliey atot# an- other automobile and flr>l Into \V|w-on- Tourist travel is ttcadily tncrets- its Ever> b,t of busi' hotter ing as spring advances and summer ® the community should lie Various plan* offered by certain •In. The car they ahandoi -d waa approaches Hundreds of car« are E*v*n tbe Chronicle and our neigh- dairymen r.v «utwtltnte# f»r the AAA tered With blood. Hog 96 passing over the Columbia R.-.er * ,th Pr"P<'r su{iport, |>r,,er"*u ' r,’uM * " * H W * * J In highway dailv but too manv of them editors will not be found wanting (h# nv* r fu,urr- becana# * rr* Canada Chief Justice C ANUADF I.O( h \ O K K (»O N mgnway daily. out too many ot tnem . " deetuevl outatd# the authurtty of th* are rolling through Cascade Locks . agrtrultural a.Uu.tmrni art. Raised to Knighthood without occupants stopping to cool .The >kamanta bounty f loneer, the Optmaltlnn to the AAA plana. Pavla Ottawa, Ont Rnlfhthov.«! waa its parched throats, buy a necktie, eat P*onffr newspaper of the gorge, of- «aid. cam# fmoi Inrlitdlntf flower «¿vln In Canada whet, the chief 2 l meal or fill the ¡gasoline tank. iers a hearty welcome to the Chron* the National Co-operative Producer®* Joitire <>f Canada knelt before the guv- Bonneville dam » going to prove and congratulates our sister ciiy F e.jeratior, and several atat# and r#- ernor general, « i t tap(>*d on th# ahotlld*T with a aw«rd and hidden to a powerful magnet for visitors. It in stepping out into the procession of "rl»e. Mir l.yman IhN'r# In iffe " promises to become a mecca for the progress. — Stevenson (Wash.) I’io- promises Tim*, pursuant to the medieval prae- Rexfcrd G. Tugwell Is curious. Cascade Locks is strategic- ne* r- tlcea o f ntonarcha honoring their "right ally situated to enjoy a share of p<>- # # # ▼ # # ▼ ▼▼ # # # # # # # Promoted by President Iruaty and well In-loved'- «lit,Jrctj by tential business that pass-5 this way. Washington. — President ltoo**velt giving them the accolade, Mir l.imatt But it cannot obtain the business by ON SECOND THOUGHT nominated Itexfurd Uuy Tugwell, waa admitted a* a knight grand cr<>«a For the Dam W orker« known as the head o f the "brain of the iuo*t hotMirahle order of tit. wishing. It must offer the to u rist__________________________________ truat." for the newly created [KMiltlon Michael and Ml. tieorge. something for his money, make him v a a a a w A W A A A a A A A A A o f unilervecretnry o f agriculture. Tu g­ Twenty-two Canadian« rc,-i*|»cd the Modern /Vivei want to halt and linger a while. t V __ . . . - , . . , u li T he government is talking of cut well has bes-n assistant secretary of Insignia o f various rh.vnlr.c order* at In our judgment the problem can ■ .. . .. . . . _ . . • _ . Prompt Srrpitr the first Investiture Witnessed here In be solved by setting up an Indian legging. If °:? ! * * are * ! n* rlrU,i"!T-. ^ it is revenue “ T they a promotion for Tugwell, it t* un- fifteen years. village here in an ancient home of after, why not tax the bootlegger? *tood, nml will Inrrea*# hi* aalury the Red Man. Tourists, and particu­ ____ I from $H,ono a year to tio.otu. Preaent to Head of larly eastern tourists, are invariably- T. Jefferson Coolldge, now serving They claim that the custom of bet- as an nssistant and adviser to the Cuban Army Explode« disappointed in Oregon by failure to Bring u* \ our Flat Work an«l find blanketed Indians leering out at bnK ,,n horse racing was originated retary of the treasury, was nominated Havana, t ub,- OM. Pulgeorl# Ha Dry ( leaning We will take care them from the brush. If we can find by Queen Anne, of England. I ’ h huh! By president Roosevelt to th# |e»st of tlsta •ii*ti-re<| Injury to his rlglit hand, ol it for you. tinmunrrned reiM.ris sa d. when a «mull the means of accommodating the vis- Always blaming the woman undersecretary of the treasury. cigarette ll-htcr | have „ On Main Mrrrt, second door fer them mean- of a livelihood. Ph< ed b) contractor! paaoing the hti atoel drs the govern- r*-'>"iining it. above Meat Market. subject is worthy of discussion. hat among spectators. merit Is setting In place In new vaults A. f AflDRfWS EIMER ELECTRIC THE MEN’S HAND LAUNDRY A UNITED FRONT cs • I • i • fourist travel into Oregon is re- Stevenson. Cascade Ge ^ on ,,n tne thl. increase. \\e |, ... , ... North Bonneville have one thing in have felt from the first that some common; All are dependent ujton g(Kxl would come from the creation cheap power at Bonneville dam to (Jf -hfc control commission attract industries It goes without saying that in the , ^ ___ . . . , . , Joe Dunne wants to lie governor months to come much good natured . „ , , ,, ... ,, . . ... . n . liecause he fathere > ”, ‘ . , J, „ --------- Inches of metal would die quickly and I lie War department has issuer I or- horribly In a cloud of K„s generated 4#rs that ••hn»»d on imi,mhat.iiiir of by diemlciils conrcnteii in the doors. T»«- vault#— i»g enough to contain • II the monetary gold «lock In the country ns well ,,s huge treasure* In silver, currency a:,d aecurillea—will be completed In September lit * cost of «.UlO/vjn their n-» in t; » fut ,n-, i » . ,i« aIr^- ;« to store its subert." _ _ Senator \>e o f North Dakota w i* chosen chalruinn o f the a[,ec|iti c>,nt- mil tee to Investigate manufacture and ¡Irnflle In arm* and mnnltTons. Arthur J. MHIott, Knrmnii € *Jt jr# nn $200,0C0 Bank Loot ardent Methodist "dry." was named Recovered for $25,000 t,Y «••‘■retary Morg.-nthau b> head the Kamui« t’ltv, Mo,—More than «'.’•«I,- boo In bond« and stocks stolen January 31 from the Independence (Kan.) State bunk, was recovered bere nt n secret conference in n downtown hotel. Two ,l,,or,“ '5i re|,re«ente»| the Imnk, The ,',‘*n,l,Jr of Ml** other negotiators was ,l" t dlwlosed. I’aytm-nt of %Z",OHO tor I be loot Was rejmrted. NRA Sign Inspires Hen to Lay 4 i/2 Oun-.e Egg CANCADK U h KS, OREGON' ",,v,' r,,nietit * ll,|in>r control campaign, will he a deputy Internal r#v- *nu# e°»n*lssloiier. An election committee reported to the house that Representative y reft Britten, llcpubllcan, was pro|«-rly ’'‘‘‘‘I#‘l from tb«* Ninth rongri-ssbitial district In Illinois to his seat In tbs house. It recommended that the con­ test of Juntes McAndrews, n Ivernocrst, l*o dismissed. Firms employing lobbyists hereafter will be barred from bidding for sup­ plies to the War department. Mnsanpeqtm, !.. I. A white barred though twere his own.”— Goethe. “ Genius is developed in solitude, rock lien at the Mtnte Institute o f but character is made in the stream Applied Agriculture In Maasapequa A rnan without mirth is like - I _ has laid an egg weighing 4.45 o u n c es . of life.’’ . T w o Ki l l ed in Lawsui t R o w wagon without which one Henderson. Texns Trouble over « ----- . x ...... — —- springs, in "im n one • ben's egg weighs « s shade Business men are like motorists; ls n had ney's | been nailed right opposite the e nest |rls, Jr., of Henderson and Joe M;:rr o f A’tnr Open io the Publie THE LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP k in . I.m ille Henderson, Prop A modern «hop with the latest equipment and cx|vcrirntctl operators. Ojicn 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. PERMANENT WAVING Upstairs in I. O. C). F. Hall above ihr |M»sioffice. CASCADE LCJCKS, OREGON Patronize our advertisers. r