TH K PENN’S TAVERN "CATERING TO PARTICULAR PEOPLE O G Housekeeping apartments completely furnished with electric refrigeration. G G A real place to live. See an for one of these. G G EXCELLENT FOOD Blitz Beer on Draught Dining Room and Lunch Counter Service MERRILL’S BARBECUE J A MERRILL, PROP. MEALS *"d LUNCHES WEINHARDS AND ALT HEIDELBERG ON TAP TABLES FOR I AI »IKS Open All Night MAIL YOUR CHRONICLE TO A FRIEND DAM IH RO N ÎCLF HIGH WATER IN RIVER STEVENSON PEOPLE TO EARLIEST EVER KNOWN DEMAND FREE BRIDGE Now »hr Stevenson jM-nple me «lr- With thr Columbia 25 fret abovr trrminrd .«<> lift thr tolls from thr normal and »till rising, thr rivrr is firii »hr <*«1» t>ridtcr* and thr|iears certain they will hoid back will lir brongh to l»e»r to have thr thr water ami contractors arr getting toll* liflril Krprrsrntativrs in lon­ rraut it, may the (»rnrral Construction Company,! * r »uggrst that they also imludr nas lieen entirely covered by the high thr toll bridge at Hood Rivrr ami water. make thr old gorge a Irrr artery of traffic. Removal of thr loll« would PORTLAND MAN OPENS do n*>ir to advertise thi» part of thr HABERDASHERY STORE west than any other item People re­ sent this excessive tax. If you want Oscar C. Hyile has been busy this to «hi your |«art. write your congress­ week [»lacing stock on the shelves of the new halierdashery store, which men Stevenson Piooerr. he and an as*** iate have o|iened next U H Clark 1 » working steadily floor to the Cascade Food store in on tlie building whuh he is erecting Cascade Locks. The stole, to be f«»r his new cold storage plant and known as the Men’s Shop, ticcupies before King will lie turning out ice one of the ground floor rooms of the for the traile in the territory tribu­ new building built by J. B. Laber. tary t<* I lie Bonnev ille «lam. He plans “We will cater almost exclusively to install a 2-ton ice machine. It will to men,' sai«! Mr. Hyde. “ However, have sufficient cajiacity to take care we are going to carry a line of w«»m- of all immediate demands and enable e n « silk stockings. Our stock is him to |irovide homes am) business new ami has l»een selected wi*h a houses or both of the «ide» ni the view of meeting the demand« of the Columbia with ail the ice they will people in the Bonneville area." Mr. Hyde ran a haberdashery require during the summer season. «tore for year* at Prineville, near \ numlier «if fishing Imats were Bend. After disposing of business placed in the river Monday prejiara- interests there he moved to Portland. tory to the o;iening «if the rimuneri ial fishing »cason, which got umler way Quite a numlier of people attended Tuesday. The canneries at Warren- the P. T. C. meeting last Thurraiay dale ami Dodson are operating again, evening. The lunch consisted of ice cream and cake. handling the catch«. HOME SITES to LEASE Krirfuire Telephone Bonneville DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY? Residence lots for sale, lease or trade in Cascade D m kv Sightly Drain well; plenty of trees. Hr it Future C anode lJuki tun m rr had. Next door to Honnr- vtlir. Fishing, bathing, boating, moun­ tain climbing, horseback, riding wonderful climate; finest spring water. See or Write A. W. MEYER Cssi'Am. L ocks . O recon r Nails, Hinges Bolts, Screws, Locks, Wire Screen Poultry Netting Electrical Supplies Tin, Aluminum Enamelware Dishes RADIO ACCESSORIES Tubes Tested Free H IM KEEP YOUR EYE ON CASCADE LOCKS 0 SOLID, STAPLE, CONSERVATIVE GROWTH ASSURED Modern Conveniences, Electricity, Water. Telephone, Etc. i i-2-Miles Highway Business Frontage Over 100 Acres Residence Sites W ith Beautiful View of the River, the Cascade halls and the Mountains Reasonable Prices and Terms....Select Your Lot NOW J. B. LABER, LOCAL PHONE 151 Of tur owner Portland Office—«21 Failing Bldg. AT 6524