( / / ' m i COLUMBIA HOTEL Mrs. C. P .i DAM O I K O N i n K MEYER OFFERS WATER ERICKSON TO BE HOST AT FOR FIRE PROTECTION SATURDAY NIGHT PARTY lESTW AUTO n t lH T KìmmelJ, Manager There is considerable talk going Krickrqv»ritt|* to the rounds relative to the need oi , hrow a foir,fo,|ax party at his K »p Cascade Locks tM-tter tire prot.vt.on in Cascade jds c,ub Saiur.lav night that will !*• Popular Hotel Locks. n.»w that building is becoming , hr , llk of |ht. |imn ||r has broad C ascade L ocks , O rkgon increasingly active. cast an invitation lor everyone to A. \V. Meyer, principal owner o f come aluj bril)K one the Independent Water company, has The tables have lieen t rat ranged volunteered to furnish water without to make additional floor s|cue in the DAVE’S c.cst in event of fire if property own­ restaurant, ami he says that if the ers and business men will furnish fire weather i- pleasant he will put tables BARBER SHOP hydrants. out on the front porch where gue-t* Hair Cutting a Specially The forestry service has a truck m.iv -it and sip their l*v: i la I rein h . •'< »he Herman creek ranger station jrKj „ )t( tht. ^ ,.. by Located in Merrill's Bar B-Q \ which would be available It carries H a n n in g at 8 o'clock he wUI open a 7-inch how. Mr Meyer it o l the ( ( l!r ,,, kl.,, beet allt| lr,,m opinion that 7-invh fire hydrants untd the two kegs are ex Jordan's Barber Shop should I h * installed in order to permit hattsted the drinks will I k * on him He \V. L. J ordan , P rop . cooperation between the forestry has arrange! for an orchestra and Extensive Peauty Parlor ll'orA service fire truck and the town. promises plenty* o f music, lights and Mains of the Independent Water |aUghtcr in .Vetv York ami Other Cities. company have l**en laid for a con Next door to Texaco Service How old will he b e ' We don t siderable distance along the highway know Guessing his age will brobably Station, C ascade L o cks , O re j Mr. Meyer says they could he ex- "evening s entertain tended up the street to the Odd Tel- n{ lows hall, or beyond that point if ‘ __ SERVICE SHOE SHOP property owners desired the fire pro­ tection. H arvey C a r e y , P rop . It is estimated that the hydrants Shoe repairing at Portland Prices could be purchased for $5 each. Any With Modern Machinery A crew of paid men, working un desired number could In* installed. der the direction of trained mineral- C ascade L o cks , O regon olgists and geologists, are about to begin an exhausive survey of the I \s| DM1 \ " I KVH I HI- IW L I V I t »K I I \ \ D t ASCADT LO C K S \ND A L L W A\ \ND IttlNIs thir l i ut ks provide a quick, convenient met hod of getting your hauling done promptly. X u delay«, no ted tajie l.raies Portland E K E li ilir Si IIP iH /.A .ir m v i Canadr ¡.thk i 11:00 A .M . J 00 I ' M , 5:00 A . M . /.eater Can ode 1 .* h k i 9:0 0 A . M . irriv n Pott land ft:00 P. M. 17 Naan 0:00 P. M . « 00 I' M P t l K I I VSD T K K M I X A I . n It»! Taw*. Water M ieet Tele|thoiM* T Nst 7H00 ( \SC.\DK l . t H’ KS I I K .\lIN M. \mlirw% Store Telephone 171 SHIP YOUR GOODS BY A U T O FREIGHT SKAMANIA COUNTY PLANS TO EXPLORE RESOURCES DATA BEING PREPARED 'FOR HEARING ON LOCKS arisen] resources of Skamania coun DAY and NIGHT TOWING Ford and Chevrolet Ignition Specialists Gas and Oil Water Air We do all kinds ol general repairing MOORE’S GARAGE C AS C A D E L fX 'K S , O R E G O N ROOSEVELT BAR and L U N C H ......... Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy A congenial spot in which to meet your friends. Acme and Rainier Beer On Draught C ascade L o cks , O regon A group o f five men. name«! by the ty. Wash., across the fiver from f a - inland Empire Waterways associa- cade Locks. lion, is now busily engaged in com- Individuals |»>sv—ing samples of piling data to In* laid before the mineral and clay dejuruts havr tiren Cnited States engineers at the hear- invitrd to -ubmit them to the Steven ing to be held on deep sea locks. son chandler of commerce for the The hearing will be held at The purpose of permitting analyrises to Dalles the latter part of May. or foe made of them early in June. A mass meeting was The survey is being jiaid for out held during the week for the purpose 0f funds provided by the Washington of raising funds with which to carry state legislature, and has been urnler on the task of assembling material to taken with a view in determining ; be used in proving to the federal just what resources are adjacent to government that deep sea locks are the cheap power which will lie cre- a necessity at the Bonneville dam. ated at Bonneville dam. The opinion \\. S. Nelson, manager of 1 he prevails in Stevenson that minerals Dalles chamber of commerce, is di- and clays may lie discovered which recting the preparation o f the evi- will lead to the development of large dence to be presented by the upper and imfmrtant industries in Skamania river towns. He is being assisted by county. i Herbert G. W o t U ilia Walla. E d - ---------------------------- ward M. Cousin. Portland rate ex- Mr. and Mrs. L. Sprague were pert; Orris Doorman, of the North hosts last Friday at a dinner ¡»arty. Pacific Grain Growers, Spokane; and honoring Miss Wilm a Eddy, Miss Dean Schoenfeld, of the Oregon State, Averjll Stewart, Miss Mona Burt and college. M r and Mr». Nasshahn. You Can Eat, Drink And Be Merry at the RAPIDS CLUB E R IC K E R IC K SOX, Propnttae REGULAR MEALS SHORT ORDERS a a You will enjoy our food and our service \ nice place for the ladies to eat HEMRICK’S *"d SALEM BEER a a Barber Shop in Connection C W A D E LO CKS OREGON mma js m mauBmMMaaMMMMMMMMMMMMM CASCADE LOCKS LUMBER COMPANY LOCATED A T CASCADE LOCKS, THE LITTLE C ITY A T THE DAM W E CARRY ALL THE MATERIAL TO BUILD A HOUSE, LARGE OR SMALL. WE SELL YOU ANY GRADE OF LUM­ BER YOU MAY REQUIRE— FROM THE BEST GRADE OF FIR FINISH TO THE CULL GRADE OF SHEETING. HARDWARE SEE OUR STOCK OF ROOFING AND FELT PAPERS, AND PAPERS THAT ARE NOT FELT. WE SELL AT THE NRA CODE PRICES. OUR PRICE BOOK IS OPEN FOR YOUR INFORMATION AT ANY TIME YOU WISH TO INVESTIGATE PRICES. CALL IN AND READ THE BOOK. WE CARRY A WELL-KNOWN BRAND OF ALL GRADES OF PAINT. ALSO BUILDERS HARDWARE. BUILDING PAPERS WE HAVE THE ONLY STOCK OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES IN THE CITY. DON’T FORGET THAT W E HAVE SHINGLES, LATH, CE­ MENT, LIME AND PLASTER. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD A HOUSE, BARN OR STORE, CALL ON US AND GET AN ESTIMATE AND KNOW EXACTLY W H A T IT IS GOING TO COST BEFORE YOU BEGIN. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE (. OWEN, Local Manager RHONE 151 Portland Telephone fo ^ 2 4 ROOFING