The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, May 04, 1934, Image 1

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VOl t MK I
SEEK HOMES IN Mother of Nine Children, Near­ MOSIER IN FIRST Active Head of Dam Inn Taken BUSINESS MEN
Century Mark. Calls in
CASCADE LOCKS ing Physician
First Time.
H o u s in g S h o r t a g e T h r e a t e n « to
I.a lr in February Frank Bennett «»i A W M e y e r C h o s en P r e s id e n t
Want to live to a ri|w- old age,'
D am B u ild e r s D e f e a t V is it o r s
l « a m e associated with Fred
o f O r g a n iz a t io n W h ic h is to
Then lie sweet naturrd
10 to 6 E arn H a lts Play la
la n d Bt h o o U C lo s e fo r
M e e t E a c h W e e k a t th e
This Is the recipe o f Mr». Maria
ment of the Darn Inn. Last F'riday
S e v e n th In n in g
S u m m e r M o n th s
Johnson, ( awadr lawk* oidrM rr»i-
Lu n ch eon B o a rd
night Seattle authorities arrestee]
dent in |«>int o f year».
She tele
Bennett on a warrant charging him
l >nr of l lie busiest m e« in (nwn braird her 9Jrd birthday two week*
Cascade lawks has the material
Cascade laicks business men put
grand larceny. Anderson hurried
1 I vtm - i L y i it W illiam Kreler, who ago
(or a splendid bavhall team, it dr
to Cascade lawks from his home in aside prrscjnal affairs Wednesday to
M r* Johnwm wa»n t feeling well vrlofird Sunday when the du b met
puts in 4 laf gr »1*4rr o( hi* lime ex­
(¿rand Kondr and took over the a f­ gather at (he Craigmnnt hotel and
aDiut the time »hr observed her the Mosier nine in the first game of
organise a chamber o f commerce.
plaining lo men employed on the
fairs of the restaurant.
hirlD D y, «n her children called in the season on the homr leg.
The meeting, held in the form of
Honneville «Dm work that the J. It.
Dr F. H liergrr, the new physician. halted the play in the seventh inning,
a noonday luncheon, was well at­
i-alirr organi'atinn ha» no vacant Said Hr Berger to Mrs. John«on s with the score »landing 10 to 6 in
cade law ks. Most often told story al­ tended. harmonious and enthusiastic.
lot» lor rent in ( awadr lank».
(avor of ( ascadr lawks A crowd of
lege* misappropriation o f funds from Practically all o f the leading business
N o ad
Inquiries (or twt»- and three-room
“ Your grandmother ha» the honor 200 (iroplr »aw the game
men in town were present.
an oil com|>any.
miwHin charge was made, but the hat
m ila g es are »tradily m< teasing. ami o f firing my oldest patient."
Bennett has not returned, and
A. W . M eyer, for more than 25
they a ir coming (r»m employes «»n
■That'» nothing," said the grand was p a «v d and sufficient money whether he will return in event he years a merchant in Cascade Locks,
raised to defray the expenses of the
“ You have the bom>r of
the «lam *h n wi»h to bring their daughter
make* Dmd pending trial has not was cDisen president of the club;
visiting team
tiring the first doctor wDi ha» ever
been learned. Reason: He left so Vernon G. Henderson, /»peanten-
famili«-« up hrrr.
rarkdalr team will be here Sunday
quietly that few knew o f his arrest dent o f the city schools, was elected
I hr la d that Cascade lin k * in a attended my grandmother
(or the second game of the season
Mrs. Johnson, mother of Julius
until he had been whisked out of secretary-treasurer; W illiam Keeler,
~ .j»».- «n iter, ha» elettrw light»,
N o admission charge will he collected,
Dr. Fred F'obum, J. A. M errill, W.
water. gaud »«hool», ih u n h r» and 1»
but ihe hat will tie passed again
J. Carlson and A. T . Stewart were
only ten minute« from the «Dm by Ida (..ran»iron, was D»rn in Sweden. This system of obtaining revenue»
FL E. Lackey, a truck driver at cD>sen members o f the board of di­
car 1» causing it to Iwcome |n*puUr She came to America 32 year» ago at will be continued until a fence can
dam, and his wife nar- rectors. Officers chosen will serve for
with wrorker» who wl»h to br near
lw rrn ted around the field.
death when a (»ardmer six months.
their >»*!>?» and at the »ame time br
Manager Vernon C. Hendrrvm sedan in which they were driving to
with their lamilie*.
Th e chamber will meet every W ed­
(rotted out a number of capable play­ their Dime at the M itchell auto
The mother o f nine children, (our
Inability of dam employes to rent
er »4 (our of whom are employed on camp, east of Herman creek, left the nesday at luncheon time. Th e meet­
boiitr« in Cascade lawk* ha» p rom is­ !■>>« Slid five girl», »hr i» still quitr work in connection with construction
ing next week will be held at Erick*
highway and was wrecked at a point
A »i*trr died three
ed quite a numlier lo huihl cottage» hair and hearty
F.nckson's Rapids club. It has been
of Bonneville dam. Tom Stubblr
-along the highway How rxrr, there is or lour years sgo si the agr id 94, field hurled the first five innings for just beyond the Red A Whits store agreed to hold the luncheons at dif-*
not very much ground g a t r a vail­ ami a lifother in Sweden lived to he Cascade lawks, giving away finally on the state highway early Sunday lerent restaurants and hotels, thus-
able on the tyghway, due lo the 100. A hard c o lfrr drinker all of to William Brink and Crum after the morning.
rotating the meetings.
M ate police, who investigated the
pf..«unity id the mountain» to the hie, she still puts the pnt on tile game wa* safely on ice. Bob Wocwl-
Wednesday's organisation meeting
accident, said the .car must have
»Inve amt enjoys a »framing cup ol
srd caught the entirr game
In four been traveling at a high rate o f speed was the outgrowth o f a preliminary
It 1» quite generally agreed that the hot beverage
time* at twit he got (our hits, driving for it (airly flew through the air and meeting held a week ago at Bridge
at leant 50 m d probably 100 hoa»e»
of the Gods hotel, where it was the
in five of the ten run».
struck head on against a tree.
or cottages could he rente«! at once
John F ulgham and »on, Henry, arr
concensus o f opinion mat Cascade
Mrs. Lackey s nose was crushed
in Castadr lawk« Everybody 1» talk­ preparing to build six collage» on May C h a n g e Baseball Grounds
Locks had need for a strictly com­
site also suffered severe cuts
ing abouy the aiutv abort age. «h u ll property which they own jus« ra»t of
There is now taYlc o f sbsncvming about the head. Her husband was not mercial organization which could be­
i» daily becoming more pronounced i the Red A W hile *uue. They already
the Itatcball playing field eaM of seriously hurt. She was hustled o ff come affiliated with other state or­
but to «Dtr mi one i« «bung anything have camping ground» available (or
Hernia ncreek in favor o f a diamond to the Dispftal at Hood R iver a ftA ganizations of a similar character.
aDiui it.
tents, but have come to the conclu­ nn the government reservation at the
The noon hour meeting* will begin
lieing given emergency treatment at
The federal government ha» «lone sion that the growing demand for
promptly at 12 o'clock and adjourn
Icwk*. The distance to the field now Bonneville.
it* (»art in |>rovHling bemkhouse» at living quarter» in Cascade lawks will
promptly at 1 o'clock. Hope was ex-
in use is lelt hy many people to lie
Th e car was completely wrecked.
li<>niie%illr and nu antic ifiatr» that it make it profitable to build a group
pteased that well known speakers can
entirely too far, and the opinion is
will aMem|K to do more The quar­ of »mall houses.
be brought in from time to time to
M a n y V is it o r s a t D a m
growing that there is enough ground
ter» are «plrm lid for »ingle men but
l>espite the bad weather of the past address the chamber.
Iwiween the railroad tracks and the
do m*t meet the requirement« of
Monte (»a y, compressor engineer canal to ftrovidc ail the room that two weeks, Urge crow d« continue to
Membership in the chamber will
fiiarrte«! men, the bulk of whom arr
flock to Bonneville on Sunday to see lie open to All business men and all
at llonnrvillr clam (nr the Atkinson is needed.
«up|»)Ming (amtlie» in Portland
company, rounded out his 130 hour*
Managrr Henderson declares him- what is going on at the dam. V isit­ business women. The organization
for the month early in the week and »elf quite pleased with the his ma­ ing hours are from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. started o ff with 20 members. Those
Irft (or San Francisco on a buxine«» terial, and says he Iwlievex the kicks M ore than 350 cars were at the dam .present pledged themselves to bring
and pleasure trip. He expects to gone will turn out an unusually gocwl ball last Sunday, bringing hundreds of at least one new member each to the
ten days or two week».
tram this season.
next w eek’s luncheon. A fter that a
Among it» other «D im «, Cascade
campaign will be launched to obtain
law k» now ha» the youngr»t river
a large membership. Business men
captain on the u|>|w*r Columbia, if
up and down the highway through­
not on the entire stream. This lie
out the Bonneville area will be in­
came known thu* wrek when result«
vited ot jo*n- as will engineers, pro­
of pilot license examination» taken
fessional men. contractors and others
by Henry Rnsenhack were »ent to
engaged in building Bonneville dam.
hi» home here. Henry took the text«
Plans for the Fourth of July cele­
la.«t week in Portland and (Mused
were discussed at the meet­
with high mark». Hr ha» ju»t turned
New cottages are being erected every week to accommodate
the problem o f procuring
19 year* of agr.
men employed on the Bonneville dam. but the demand continues
from the county for
Henry i» a »on of Captain ami
to outrun the supply.
Cascade laicks. Frank Bennett, o f the
M r« Karl KovuDuk of M oody ave­
Dam Inn. had been appointed gen­
A house was vacated in Cascade Locks last week by a family
nue and ha» liern a resident o f Cas­
chairman o f the celebration com­
cade lawk.« for many year*. Capt.
who moved out to let another family move in. The house stood
but his arrest by Seattle au­
Karl K ovn li.u k is master of the tug
vacant several days. It could have been rented half a dozen times
removed him and left the
Dial “ W arco," on which Henry had
a day.
by President Frank Hall
mm h valuable experience. Henry i*
With 1300 already enmployed on contracts which have
matter up in the air. H e has been
now master o f hi« own Dial, the
o f the Active club, where plans for
been let in connection with construction of the dam, and the gov­
"Ihirri.s," which is engaged in gov­
the celebration originated. The cham­
ernment preparing to put another 1500 men to work, there is an
ernment work at the present tmie.
ber voted to send a committee of
H r graduated from Cascade lawk«
acute shortage of houses.
to the A ctive club's meeting
high school in 19.1.1. W hile there hr
Cottages built for rental purposes can be kept rented at a
.Friday night to discuss the Fourth
was a member o f the two champion­
reasonable figure throughout the life of construction work at the
and learn what action was desired.
ship basket hall tram*.
B cc o n tc A c u te W h e n P o r t ­
Biirbcque Being Enlarged.
Hy adding on a kitchen in the rear
of hi* building, “ Jim” Merrill has
D en able to double the »pace in M er­
r ill* Barbecue. Hr ha* lorn out the
partition where the burlier *D>p was
quartered and mover! the bar to the
rear of the one large room which re- I
suited from the alteration* to the in­
terior of the building.
Dave's barber shop almost got ;
shoveled out into the street during j
the process o f alteration* but every-1
thing i* alright now for it i* going
to occupy a building next door to
the barbeipie, where trade will go on
as usual.
dam. When the dam is finished Cascade Locks will stand on the
shore of a great inland lake. The town promises to become a popu­
lar summer resort. Cottages will be in demand by Portland fami­
lies and tourists, who will wish to spend the summer months here.
The opportunity for a fair profit on a comparatively small
investment never apperaed better. Individuals and corporations
seeking investments should be invited to investigate conditions
which obtain in Cascade Locks.
Houses built for rental purposes do not need to be of an ex­
pensive type. They could be erected at small cost. Outside capital
is needed to finance the building. Every means should be made
to attract it to Cascade Locks immediately.
President M eyer asked that the
question of procuring police protec­
tion tie put over, pending a report by
a committee which the Active club
had sent to Hood River.
F lo o d L ig h t s .
A1 Barlier, of the Roosevelt Bar
and Lunch, got mad the other dav
and ordered a flood o f light installed
in front o f his place. He proposes to
throw the light on the front of his
building from a wire pole along the
highway. It is a real idea, and if
generally adopted would make Cas­
cade Locks a spot to D- remembered
by motorists. We hofie more fieople
get mad.