« ; V V»'-' í -r .¿ k v ~:-w * — - a - 1111 .Wnt Open to the Public LO CAL NEW S THE LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP Mr and Mrs S I Perras and M i ' M orri' were in Portland last M ins Avrrill Stewart spent Satur­ \\ emlnrsda) on businev> day with friends in Portland — O1 ■ — o— Count.\ Superintendent I B Gib Mr and Mrs. Pete Lee and Faye n *> ii xi'ited the grade and high schools Ikiuwlle went to Hood River M on­ I huiNtlav forenoon day night. HY \ IOI. \ HKINK Mrs. Lucille Henderson, Prof. A modem shop with the latest equipment ami experienced operators. — o— P E R M W E N T W A V IN G Upstairs in l. O. O. F. Hall Mr and Mrs. William Keeler are Helmet Sundsten and llrly n and now moving into the former home of i.o is Merrill went to see a cinema in Mr. and Mrs. Reuterskiold. Hoed River Tuesday evening, o- Sylvia Spiier. Hula Fritch, Frank Mr and Mrs. Art Lovell were in Barr and Jack Roth were North Hood Ruer Thursday afternoon Bonneville Friday. —o — above the postoffice. C ASC AD E LOCKS, O REG O N THE MEN’S HAND LAUNDRY James F.dstrom went to Odell last week and spent the weekeml visiting his parents. For the Dam Workers Hal Chapman, princqxd o f the Mosier grade school, was in Cascade Locks Tuesday visiting friends. Modern Prices Prompt Sen-ice Miss Rose Woodward was visiting with her mother in The Dalles last Wednesday. 0 Miss Alice Finley has rrturned to her home in this city after a visit in Portland with her sister. '"-O— Mrs. J Foulkes has rrturned from a trip to California where she lus been visiting her father and mother. — O—- fa ith Sundy has Is-rii out of school for several days with a sprained ankle. Meitner Sundsten. Roliert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Perras. Rclia Smith and Hrlyn M etfill s|wnt Tuesday and Inez Perras were in Portland evening in t’ortland. Sunday on a pleasure trip. Bring us Your Flat Work and Dry Geaning. W e will take care of it for you. Miss Wilma fairly sjient last week­ Mr-i and Mrs. I'. Christensen, with end at the state Christian Endeavor their daughter, Helen, Frank Davids meeting in Salem. Miss Eddy is a and Katherine Karavanich, qtent state officer o f the association and Saturday in Hood River. Concluded several conferences. o On Main Street, second door — o— above Meat Market. * Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brink. Billie Dr. and Mrs. C. E Ilardw iik cd and Viola Brink and Jack Stark went Hood River N|ient a few hours Sun- to Portland Saturday. day in the Locks visiting Dr. h. H Berger. Mrs. Wilma Lovell, considerably - o worse from her illness, was taken to Mrs. Cassius Sundy and daughter, the Hood River hospital. Dr. M c­ faith , and Mrs. S|kthnger were in Cain is attending the case. Hood River Monday C AS C A D E LOCKS, O R E G O N Lamps 0 . — o —- Mr. and Mrs. J A. Merrill and Pete Iae, Art Lovell and Mrs. A Mrs. Tesseir were in Portland last Ihtuville went to Hood Riser M on­ Wednesday on a business mission. day to visit Mrs. Art Lovell, wlto is in a fiospit.il in that city. r GARDEN SEEDS EIMER ELECTRIC Electric Contracting CRAIG M O NT HOTEL MHS. E. FINLAY. Prop I Might fully situated in o x atre» of p m air grounds < K r t looks Collimiti« uvei On Columbia Kicrr Highway at rastren en ttaiti’r to Cawadr I . » I s Dining room «>|wi* < »ne of Oregon's Itritrr hotels \mple accommodai tons for Iraiisirnis and tourists Sumiixv Dinner» by Appointment I El f PI IONI 41 l'»K RF'EKVMIONS 75 Cent» \|t S 11 I <-\M It was ■ \ 1'itor in Addison Harrison and Willena Portland Phursrla) Stewart hiked front Multnomah Falls — o- • to Larch mountain Sunday. Arthur Sundstrn i' in Prairie City — o— visiting his friend. Ilam ld Kim/rv Mr. and M r ' K Sturgese. old time —o— residents of Cascade la n k ', were vis­ M i " \lt.i Hammel was a Portland iting friends here Sunday. visitor last Friday. Open 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Supplies Wiring Repairing l> \M C H R O N IC l I Those attending the party at Jane (»eitner s home last Wednesday were. Mr. anil Mrs. (¿eitnrr, Mrs. Ko|>p, Harold Geitner, Charles Hill, Everill Brolliar, Maynard Kirby, Geraldine Rankin and Viola Brink. The eve­ ning was sjtent in dancing. BANK OF STEVENSON STEVENSON, WASHINGTON CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00 o o COMMERCIAL SAVINGS O O Ten Minute* from Cascade I»cki it: in tkti t-jnt at f tmurr d b -, lk< J r l t t . : . I>

ent Sunday in 1 he Dalles as guests of long time friends, Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Badder. PRESCRIPTIONS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colfix and Mrs. Lydia Colfix, relatives of Miss Afona Burt, sfx-nt Friday at her home. They were en route to their homes in 'viuth Dakota after s|>enr| ing the winter in Oregon. — o— Prescriptions brought to us are carefully com­ Just Try Our 35c DINNER YOU WILL COME AGAIN M r. and Mrs. Henderson s|ient Sunday in \\ hite Salmon at dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. fo r e ­ man of the White Salmon cash gro­ cery. —o — B lu e Ribbon And Olympia Beer free! Gray, local star angler, is having an immense amount of luck with his fishing equipment these days, f red seems able to drag fish out of pools which seem empty to other fishermen. - o— Come and Join the Gang The Dam Chronicle Mrs. Jack Kirby and Mrs. Alice Harvey are directing a local talent play which is to be presented in the high school auditorium about May 9. Definite plans for the play have not been announced yet. pounded by a registered pharmacist. W e tell you this in order to emphasize the fact that it is no longer necessary for the people o f W arrendale, Bonneville, Eagle Creek, Cascadd Locks and Herman Creek district to go to Hood River or Portland to get their prescriptions filled. i’ Our stock o f Drugs is clean, fresh and complete. W e carry about everything that you would expect to find in a modern, progressive drug store. And if we don’t have it, we will get it for you. CASCADE DRUG CO. L ASCA DE LO C KS. OREGON J