The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, April 27, 1934, Image 1

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V n i.r.M i
‘ \S< \DE U K KS, OkK(«ON, I K 11 » \ V. APRIL 27, l<M4
p p r o v u t n n a B e i n g Miuli- to C a r e
I, W ho W ill
D raw Ju b a on 9 6 ,0 0 0 ,-
0 0 0 S p illw ay
\\<>rk nl (illing Stvl Irvrlmg ibr
g> mini mi .1 10 acre trait |>rr|>araU«ry
t> thr building c| atMtlhrf l(X) bunk
h- in n l<>r ihr aiioirinvaUlion <>l
■tun rm|>lo\r<| on tom t ruction n<>rk
Ht I In- hugr «pillM.ty at t hr Honrnr
Villr ilaru h.»» I xtii «Ijrtrd by thr
Uiir <l«*|inrtmrnt
lint« lor tornitrui (ion o( ihr spill
».i> Mill l«r ojirriril M ay 2 S I bat
Ho ills ib r nrM bonklmiisrs Itiusl lx-
built at on er in orilrr to ba\r tbrin
In trailmrsA lor ib r additional I 500
I n n m ! x > Mill lir given «•inployinriit
I b r Mar dr|iartrnrnt » at lion in
i • • , • • i■ ! . it It' . l i i i r i l l r
» ai ( rjitrd as p fo o l that tb r Morkrrs
ill lie hoUinl on tb r ttrrg 'in Mile <d
i b r ri\rr, .uxj not on tbr W ashington
Aille is thr J »til >1 i« has l ir r n Ird to
V 'b r v r
I here arr now 1.100 men
'ifagrd in building tb r ikun I b i s
| ay roll Mill lx- d o u b lrd as work on
I b r spillway grts into lull swing
I b r spillway will link Bradford
land with (hr Washington slxirr nl
l|Hr m r r It is ri|irstrt| to lo st lx*-
■ wrrn 94,000,000 and $6,001
.ind prolkibly will lx* from two to
It brrr y rats in building
Ground to lx- iwtupird by tbr new
l.unkhouses at thr darn ÿitr lays on
Imth soirs n( tbr railroad tracks and
thr tlkinyin hgnkhntiwt
By dumping dirt Ix-ing takrn (rom
«cav atio n s al tbr apposai h to tbr
pro|msrd lixks tbr ground will lw
brought up to a Irvrl with tbr I m I-
an ir nl tbr tamp.
W ording to prrsrnt plans, hall
id tbr Ininkhoiisrs will lx- |iul up on
tbr viiith sidr of thr radload trai ks
and half <>n tlw north sidr. lin t to
tbr rivrr.
E m p lo y es n t D am
W a n t M ag azin e»
Workmen living in thr bunk
at Itoiinrvillr dam arr short
on trading Ib r shortagr
a r is e s Imm thr fact that there arr
morr than 500 men living in tbr
tamp* and thrrr arr nrvrr rnougb
magazine* to go around I br t bron-
u Ir would like to help overcome thr
short age. so if v«>u have maga'inrs
you have (misbrrl reading bring them
to our o llu r, opposite thr mrat
market, and wr will undertake to see
that they rr.u h thr men. Fiction
magazines arr tbr most |«ipti!ar, par­
tit olarly those with plrrity of action
h o u ses
Cascade Drug company is now
selling (isbing li« ruses lor thr state.
Ib r rivrr continues to rise. It has
halted blasting
Clan» of F o u r to R e c e iv e Dtplo
mart T h u rsd a y N ight B a c c a
la u r e a te S e rm o n N ext
S u n d ay
Club H as A b u n d an ce M a te ria l
B u t N eed s M ore P itc h c r a
and a F a i t T h ird
B asem an
D is tric t Will P ro v id e M a te r ia ls
and G o v ern m en t th e L a b o r
Vermin G Henderson, manager of
F o r L a r g e r Q u a rte rs
the ( asc ,ide L k ks baseball team,
F o r P u p ils
has morr talent at his command than
he realized, it developed Sunday
Properly owners and (xirents of when the players turned out for
mde|wndent school district No 4n their first practice game Hr found
at Bonneville voted a ta> cd $1200 that hr had enough men to build a
Monday night for thr pur|>osr cd first and a second string. By u-ing
purchasing material with which to all nl his material he could play a
build another room onto the school game on the home grounds every
building. Ih r meeting, held in the week, providing sufficient funds are
community hill on the government obtainable for additional uniforms.
\n order has Iwrn placed for 15
reservation, was not largely attended
laibor on the sc h-xil building will uniforms They will lw gray with
lw furnished by the federal govern­ blac k sox and caj>* and carry a
ment Workmen will lw | m ic ! out cd monogram "C L ” across tbr shirts.
Xdditional pitchers and a third
t'W 'V but the materials must lw
baseman are needed To date Tom
provided by tlw s c h o o l district.
Construction work will not Iwgm Stubblefield must lw depended ujxin
until i mhr summer, due to tlw fact to do all ci fthr heavy hurling, al­
that some of the |x-oplr of the dis­ though Bud Wcjodward is expected
trict want to build a new and modern to develop into a gmxl pitcher as the
buddmg on property to lw deeded seamen advances. The first game is
l«» the sc lx col by the federal govern- s< hrdulrd for Sunday, when ilv-
mnt However, inability of tlw war Muster club will lw here for the a f­
cle|urtmerit to determine just what ternoon. Other games are being ar­
land can lw made- available for m H oo I ranged Efforts arr Iwing made to
pur|» ses is delaying action ami may get elates with some of the stronger
continue to delay action until late Portland teams.
Mrmlwrs of the club have been
in the summer, or even into the au­
busy putting tlw field in shape. An­
I lie lionru't die school had a total other week or two may lw expected
'enrollment of sis pupils at the bc- to jvrss Iwfore the bleachers will be
V e te ra n s In v ited
hinning of the term Influx of fam­ ready. Business men have been lib-
T o Jo in L eg io n
ilies after work on the clam started ral in their donations to the club's
lioiuwvillr Post No mh , American caused tlw enrollment to jump to 24 fund ami enough money has lwen
obtained to provide all immediate
l egion, organized two weeks ago. has pupils, ami is forcing the district to
necessary exjienses. Funds with
invited veterans of Cascade ta sk s u-r the community hall for a school
to defray cost of building the
and other communities in the district
will lw procured from the
adjaernt to thr dam on thr Oregon
sole ol teh river to Ixtom r members.
Ex servur men cd Cascade tanks other four grades are Iwing handled
talked id founding their own poM, by Mivs (iuila (ialaslwif, who used B o n n e v ille R e s id e n ts W a n t
but sentiment appears to have un­ to trach the sc bool at W arrrndale.
R e c r e a tio n a l D ir e c to r s
dergone a change and thr majority
Bonneville residents determined at
G o v ern m en t to Build
seem to (eel that they prefer to Iw-
ing Monday night to ask the
R e c r e a tio n C e n te r
long at Bonneville
rederal government for two recrea­
The Bonneville post meet» once a
1 he federal government pro|x>ses tional directors, to be paid out of
month Tlir nest meeting will lw to build the much talked of recrea­
¿»ERA funds. In addition to a man
held May •> It is hotwd at that time tional center on thr reservation at
recreational director and a woman
to draw a large delegation from Cas­ thr Bonneville clam ami rent out the
director, the Bonneville people want
cade Locks
concessions. This was announced a full time librarian. Mrs. George
Veterans at the camp and in Cas­ Ihursday by the I n i ted States en­
Atkinson, Samuel Lancaster and Dr.
cade l a x ks take the view that one gineers' office, and sets at rest re­
W ells were appointed mrmlwrs of a
of the strongest |«sp m the statr port« that thr government had alian-
committee to take the matter up with
Can lw built up in this district if all donrd the original plans.
the government.
join a single |*i»t instead of attempt­
Efforts were made two weeks ago
ing to build up rival |x*tv
Tiy thr war dr|urtnwnt to find an E n q u ist is Given
Ihe Bonneville |*ist meets in thr individual who would s|wnd $25,000
community house at tbr camp on thr on a building. Only four proposals C le a rin g C o n tra c t
second Wednesday of each month. •were received. All were turned down.
Erick Enquist of Springciale has
It h a s not lx-rii drtrrminrd whether
Tndrr the new setup the govern­ Ix-c-n awarded a contract by the war
thr meetings will Iw2 hrld oftrnrr ment iwll put up a building and let dejvartment for clearing lo acres of
than that, although the executive suit the concessions. However, thr in­ land at the Bonneville dam. The con­
committee has had thr subject under dications are that the recreational tract was taken by Erick Enquist A
consideration. Ih r (Mist started out center will not lw so large as first Co. A crew of 10 men are employed
wit ha mrmlwrship id .10. Its officers planned.
on the project, which must be finish­
anticipate that 200 or more veterans
ed within 60 days. I he property be­
¿it Bonneville alone will enroll By
\ I Stcwin and Erick Erickson ing cleared lies adjacent to the land
drawing the veterans front other com- drove to Seattle Wednesday on busi- on which the government is building
jit uni ties thry Iwlieve the member­ \ ness. They expect to be home Iwfore 20 permanent residences at a cost of
j the end of the week.
ship can lw run up to .100 men.
I be high school annual b.uia-
laurratr services for ibr graduating
(lass will lw brlil in tbr Mrthodist
church .Sunday. \|>ril 2*7. at h o'clock
Mr Richards <d Hood Rivrr will lw
in chargr
Commencement rvrrc iw-s lor thr
( lass nl 14 will lx: hrld in tlw high
< ln»ul auditorium Ihursday evening,
M i
•< k I r u m - J W
of lb«»d Rivrr will drlivrr tbr pnn-
ti|»al .oldrrss, although each senior
has a »jxt ial topic lnrz I’rrras, *al-
rilntortan, has srlrc trd a short ad­
dress entitled, " I Am a I'art ol All
I Have Mrt
Viola Brink, valuta
tonan. will s)wak on ' \n Cnrncbng
t.iurst Ever ill ha» v lr iir d
My t la-srnatrs
and Jrssir \a -
babn has ( ho-a-n Our \ctivitirs
Music will lw lurnisbrd by tlw girls'
chorus and Miss Wilma Eddy will
lavor with a solo.
I hr four students who will grad­
uate arr Evrnll, Inez Per-
r a s , \ iota Brink, Jrssir Nasshahn
Ib r right pupils to lw graduated
Irom the grade «* lx«il arr Henry
Brink, l^iwrrncr Brink, J.u k Buce.
Jr , Rosemary I'ndd, Virginia I rs
sirr. I aVrrnr Jrnkms, Norva Jenkins
and Marguerite Mas kmnon
Hack water from the huge Bonneville dam will form the
largest log pond in the world. The Cascade mountains on the
Washington side of the river contains millions and millions of
feet of merchantable timber. Cheap power from the Bonneville
dam and water transportation promises to make Cascade Locks
an ideal location for pulp and paper mills and for a sawmill.
Already industrialists are studying the territory adjacent to
the Bonneville dam with a view to determining the feasibility
of the area for manufacturing purposes.
Cascade Locks has an abundance of level lands fronting the
river. It is served by water, rail and highway. The rolling hills
J o b s to B e C re a te d io r A n o th er
1 0 0 to 2 0 0 W o rk m en a t
D am S o m e T im e N ext
M onth
Ground is Iwing cleared prepara­
tory to the building of from eight to
16 additional bunkhouses on the rev
ervation at Bonneville dam in which
to house employes of the contractor
who will put up the 20 jwrmanent
house« near the administration office.
The (ieorge H. Waale company of
Portland was found to lw low bidder
when proposals for bnilding the 20
homes were opened Wednesday at
Portland. The bid was $ !6 t ,6 M
Bid« were submitted by seven other
It is reported that the government
may «tart work on another unit of
fwrmatwnt houses, to be occupied by
the employes alter the «lam is com­
I he new bunkhouses in which the
contractors' workmen will live are
located just east of the Atkinson
camp. Under arrangements wihcb
have been entered into the Atkinson
company will lw given a contract to
feed the carpenters and other artisans
Exact number of new bunkhouses
has not I wen determined fur the rea­
son that it is not definitely known
just how many workmen will be
brought to Bonneville by the con­
tractor. The company may use 100
men or it may use 200.
The 20 bouses will be of English
()|w. two stories in height with base­
ment. Each will have three or four
twdrooms and garage. Foundations
for the buildings are finished and all
is in readiness for the superstructures.
B u s in e s s Men
To F o rm Club
A movement to launch a commer­
cial club or chamber of commerce
Mas start«] Tuesday when 20 busi­
ness men gathered around a lunch-
«>n board at the Bridge of the Gods
After a very excellent meal they lis­
ten«! to a number of speakers dis­
cuss the subject.
Principal discussion center«! about
disposition of the present Civic club,
of Mhich Postmaster Frank Hall is
president and W. J. Carlson, of the
R«1 A White store, is secretary. Dr.
Fred Folsom, the dentist, presided
Sevcial speakers expressed the
opinion that a commercial organiza­
tion composed of business men should
meet weekly at noonday lunch«ms
for the purpose of acting on problems
as they arose. The meeting next week
will lw held W«lrwsday at the Craig-
mont hotel at the ixxin hour. An in­
vitation is extend«! to all persons
interest«! in organizing a commercial
club to be present. A 35-cent lunch
Mill be served.
offer ideal sites for homes.
Every visitor to the Bonneville dam should spend some time
in Cascade Locks. The town is only a short 10 minutes from the
dam site. There are now 2500 people on the Oregon side of the
river, within 10 miles of the dam.
Cascade Locks is the nearest town, and the ouly town within
miles of the dam on the Oregon side of the river. Completion of
the dam should mean the beginning of a new industrial era.
Cascade Locks has been a splendid town in the past, should
be an important business center on the river and highway in the
future. It is not a boom town.