TH E DAM ( H K O N K U Prof. .uni Mr». Vermin G Ifradrr- win w«-rr hi lloml Kivrr Sunday visit iii K with ihr II (). Irriiuwa lainily. —-0-— Mi». Hi lly lame In'- returned Irum a »hurl visit to Portland. If Carrie Nation wrrr alive today •hr Mould have a mighty tore arm. F. F O L S O M DR. Dentist I ”.»»< Mil I IN K», < »Ml artment William Krrlrr, ( .iv .nlr D m kn agent lor Mr. lather, in ihargr of rral rs talr, will have quarlrr» in thr nrw building However, hr will not utilize all of thr lowrr lloor, a large room of whu h will I k - for rrnt. Srvrral a|»|»li- ration» for the gmuml ll«M»r liavr Ix-eii rrrrivnl With thr o|»ening of an oilier Mr. laltrr r»|in 1» to I k - in pnsitxWI to thow |N.qx-« livr pun t baser* thr residential and business projx-rtle» of the townsitr without dr- lay Inquiries for pro|x-rtirs arr in­ creasing steadily a» word of < avadr Dxks growth »|>rrad» out ovrr thr «oast. Rank to S erve Locks Tlir Bank of Stevenson, aero*,» jhr riser, is prr|iaring to rxtrnd hanking service to t .iv aile Daks insofar a» stair hanking laws will (x-rmit. I hrough its iKesidnit, (»eurge k ( hristrnsrn, thr l*ank lias annoum «1 that it will tash |»ayroll i hecks and takr «arr of olhrr kinking n«-e«ls in (.‘ascailr Lock» llowrvrr, the statutes prohibit it from designating a re­ ceiving station for »1 i- «lay, ami m»w with the frdrral law which guarantees individual deposits up to $2 500 is in a strong position. There is mi other hank this snle ol I| imm | Kivrr ami the $000 fx-opte who live in a 10 mile radius ol the liridgr of thr ( km I s are finding it convenient to tarry on their (ranking business with it. Why Try Burning l u r k s , ORKI.ON FRESH MEATS A T PORTLAND PRICES Our meats are ol the liest quality ami day in and day out you can­ not Iwat our pines in Portland <»r H» mk I Kiser, *«> why burn gasoline when y«»u «an as well or lirttrr right in t ’as«a«ie lank*? II you are not sho|*ping lie re regularly, tmne in ami get acquainted. We are confident you will like our meats STEER BEEF R OAST, lb. SIR LO IN STEAKS, lb. T -B O N E STE AK S, lb. R O U N D STEAK S. II». P U R E H A M B U R G E R , lb. 14c 20c 20c 20c 15c (Our Hamburger contains no trimmings or crrrals) EGGS, Fresh Extra, dozen 18c W e curry a large line of Fre*h Vegetable* S. E. PERRAS MEAT MARKET CASCADE LOCKS : : : : : : OREGON You Can Eat, Drink And Be Merry at the RAPIDS CLUB E R IC K ERIC K SO N , Proprietor R EG ULAR MEALS S H O R T O R DERS A A You will enjoy our fixxl and our service. A nice place (or the ladies to eat. HEMRICK’S •"'* SALEM BEER A A : : : : : : SCHOOL NEWS .A MS \ farewell party for Albrrt Jenk­ ins and Robert Miller, who left Tues­ day morning to join thr CCC forces in the Zig /-ig i amp, was given for Mimr nl thr Ugh school »tudrnts Monday night by Mr. ami Mr*. Joe Miller, (kune*, music, conversation ami much gmxl nature«! "joshing" nude up the evening's fun, which was followr«! I»y enjoyable refreshments. “ Al ami "Bobby” will Ire greatly missed by their ilassmates, hut they will lx- Ira« k for another year next Srjrtrmber. They have made arrange­ ments to complete rmrst of their Playing a muchly improved base­ ball game, the Caacade Dx.ks gram- j mrr school was able to iv*!d the Bar­ rett youngsters to a 19-13 score. I he girls did not fare so well, according t«i Betty Burt, star grade outfielder. The grades play two games this week Wednesday against tire Oak Drove team ami Friday against krankton. Both games wifi Ire played on the government groumis and are the last of the season. I wo new registrants at high s« hrnrl during, the jrast week were lot V«m kugrr, freshman from Ibxrd River, j ami Jane Oeitner, freshman fr«rm Sandy union high. The first year group is now the largest in sch«x»l Orations! Dresses! Term l ’a(rer' k.xams’ T h r v and a few more or less bitter facts stand before the seniors ami their graduation. And at present orations arr the most im|mrtant. Helen ( ’hristrnsrn is back in school again after bring confine«! to her home for several «lays with tonsilitis. L. It. Gibson, su|x-rintemlrnt of county sc bools, s|x*nt Monday visit­ ing the Caacade Daks schools. Mr. Gibson has lx-en very friendly to the ( ,tv a«le Dicks schools ami rejsrrts they are «loing fine. Everything is in readiness for the Jnior Prom night in high school. The affair is in general charge of Diis Merrill ami Faye Douville, junior officers. Lois Merrill is chairman of the invitation committee; Harry < r.imblett, decoration; Dick McKin­ non. (M irons; D o r o th y Trankle, re- ir«*shments. Patrons and (tatronesses for the dance are; Mr. and Mrs. Cas­ sius Sundy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jenkins. Mr and Mrs. Archie D«»u- \illr. Mr ami Mrs. M. E. Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Merrill, Mr. an«l Mrs. Trankle. Sir an«! Mrs. I’had Glacier, Mr. and Mrs. Otis MacKinnon and Mr* II I Wattle* The biology class, with a few ex­ ceptions, has lx-rn working rather long hours the (vest few «lays getting their fifty-flower herbariums done Ire- fore deadline day. Faye Douvillt- was the first to finish thr project uml brought in some «juite rare plants. News has lx-«-n received from Fre«f Worrack who is now attending school in Josephine county. Fre«l is staying with his |wirents at the Sexton mountain airway beacon and walking two mil«*s to attend a small high ■a Inxil. While attending school here Fred stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Matheney. Work of putting in foundations for the 20 residences which the govern­ ment is building at Bonneville, near the dam site, has reached the point where army engineers are srekfng ¡hills on construction of the houses. The government is employing SO men on the work. They are quartered in comfortable buildings near the main office. The government is spending $150,000 on the houses, all of which will lx* of permanent construction an«l will contain seven or eight rooms | «-ach. Streets are being laid out and roads opened. After the dam is com- pleted the houses will Ire occupied by j the |rersonnel in charge of operations. Mrs. Cassius Sundy and Mr. and ¡Mrs. Spallingrr were in H inh I River Thursday. Barber Shop in Connection CASCADE LOC KS P»Ke 5 OREGON The ideal marriage is when a man finds a beautiful girl and a good housewife, says a philosopher. We thought that was bigamy.— Life. GROCERY SPECIALS F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 13- 14 K«*d A White Baking Chocolate, j^-lb pkge., 2 for 29c (The new (jackagr («n U im I l-«u rubrt) Red A White Vegetable Salad, No. 1 tall cans Palm Olive Soap, 3 liars for Crystal Whitr Soap, 10 liars fur White King Granulate«] hoap, Lge. Size 23c 14c 29c 29c ((.‘«Ml» lew became it goes to rfa; Clorox, quart bottles ...... ..... .......... Johnson's Paste Wax, 1 lb. Johnson’s Liquid Wax, 1 pint can ............... 18c 59c 59c (Your choice of two above J Flake-white Shortening, 4-lb. cartons 39c Sunshine Black Walnut Butter Cookies, 1 lb. 25c ( A H Pure » ane Sugar, 2 5 lb ( lo’ h Bags $1.53 Reel A White New England Style Oven Baked Beans, lge., 2 for 29c Re«J A White Brown Bread, 2 fo r ....................... ....... ...... 29c (Your choice of two above) Re«l Red Red Red Red A A A A A White Gelatine Dessert, 3 for White Coffee, 1 -lb. Jars, vacuum pack White Corn Beef, 1-lb. tins White Cereal, 28-oz pkge ............ White Tomato Juice, No. 2 tins 3 for W . J. C A R L S O N 14c 33c 19c 18c 27c Ca.scade Locks, Ore. SAVE with Quality RED & W H,TE Foods B IG P A R T Y AT T H E BAM I IN N BEST G R U B O N T H E W O R K S SATURDAY NIGHT E V E R Y B O D Y H A D A G O O D T IM E L A S T S A T ­ U R D A Y N IG H T , A N D E V E R Y B O D Y W I L L H A V E A G O O D TIM E T H IS S A T ­ U R D A Y N IG H T Good Music and Good Entertainment Come TRY OUR 35c DINNERS W I T H T R IM M IN ’S-------C A N ’T BE B E A T 4 'm I IfSTfR AUTO mtlOtll FAST D A ILY SERVICE BETW EEN PO R TLA N D AND CASCADE LOCKS A N D ALL W A Y POINTS. Our Trucks provide a quick, convenient method of getting your hauling d«>ne promptly. No delays, no red tape. F R E IG H T SCH ED U LE Leaves Portland— — Arrives Cascade Locks 11:00 A .M . 3:00 P .M . 5:00 A .M . 9:00 A .M . Leaves Cascade Locks— — Arrives Portland 6:00 P. M. 12 Noon 6:00 P .M . 9:00 P .M . PO R TLA N D TE R M IN A LS : 1001 East Water Street. Telephone EAst 7800 CASCADE LOCKS T E R M IN A L : Andrews Store. Telephone 121 SH IP Y O U R G O O D S B Y A U T O F R E IG H T L