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About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1934)
' I t I I ¡11 DAM ‘ HRONIt I I Page S ---- LOCAL NEWS . BY VIOLA B R IN K Now Drug Store Opens for Business t he Cascade Drug company I» now estabii*hed in il» un» quarter* in ih» (KM Fellows building and is doing a lively hustnr».« I tie ***!•» fountain, ihe most nuKlrrn and complete be tween P o rt Limi imi H<» h I K>srr. i' enti *»• ii'ivn Wh« completed one o( iU( u, ilK n ctü m i tradt Mp« • She N ow iie lo r r we » ta rt t in * to te ll >« hi th a t I don t «moke, drink or nei k I visit no load title* Inna. »*'*1 I exjwcl to I* Iwck home by 10 u ik*k "Vuu'rt mistaken »he "\ou mean that I do *n> "f those things' Hr “No. I mean alu n it starting on this rule ! n d r I w ant Artist, talking to model "Ml»* Smith, h<>w (lUtnv lime» have I a»krd vou not to wear » im h tight garter« (looking more closely ) “and f,.» braven« «akr quit «iltmg on i|MMr .salir bottom « bau» Ira* hr« W h it I» a < rnsor • Simlenl “ A on««ii 1« a nUn *(„, goes from h*u»»* to ln*u«r tu (fe r r a * lite |»>po).iln>n The Independent Water company. tKr three cMtagni will be occupiedI >y . ;|tm , hc | acJit The More ba» ladies. which served a large share of the busi- Mr and Mr». t art Rru.trr»k.«M, ^ Irrsh mmtl» and Customer I d o t hke the l “»ks ness houses ami residence of Cascade l'*»K » '"* of ( ascarle Loci» ^ U a prescription ,,r|K dejiarltncnt It is the fear Iter "Willig, | think I II keep < > l that haddotk I .» kv with clear cold water from the property "i s .1 Hrmitul. who has a Fisi» I Valer ' lady, if it's lo ok » vou after « lumi ’* l>r F II Berger. Portland ph\ t|:UR > t,'. r e in Portl.unl «»ear the publu mountains, plans to begin installa Wills«* " l i won I dn you an> k >»»I you re aftrr, why ilon'l you buy a tio n of fire hydrants on Main street, skim with offices in the Medical ___ _ __________ library, awl is umler ______ the management I in a woman bain ‘ goldfish" _____ I he hydrants are badly needed and IVnlul building, Portland, has opened o( |> j Francis, a registered pharma the company's action will not only Ire an office on the second floor of the 04j \jr }{ammr| wa» engaged in the cordially endorsed by business houses I. O. O. F. building, above the Cas- business with his father in hut should haw the result of cutting cade Drug company’s store He plan» <_'awca«lc lawk» and Bridal Veil more down insurance rates quite materially to spend Wednesdays, Saturdays aw! than JO years amt. Mr Francis ha* —o — Sundays in Cascade Locks. ami will ow|1Mj an<( „jvraled ilrug Mores in INC. Camp grounds at the east end of spend more time here if condition* port|an,j for yrar*. town are filled with families, who are warrant. t \ m NDI 11 H KN, I iKi i a iN PHt INF unable to obtain houses due to the -o— Dam ¡ nn lo Entertain acute shortage of dwellings in Mrs Sam Hill is rrmodeling her Satu rd ay Evening cade Locks. More than 25 families property on Main street, across front ^ |M,v r.ctor of the Visit our new Foot! Stor»\ which tmUy, anti • w living in ib»' district around the meat market, to meet the demand Dam Inn. i» |*rc|v»ring to entertain W j Carlson’s Red ft White store, for offices ami stores. She is building save on everythin*? for the table. Ia*t un help you the publii with an»»ther of hi» Nat —o— an addition to the property next to urday night lurtie» tomorrow night keep the family hutiRel under control. F. Folsom, who practiced den- the sidewalk which will be completes! This time he is going to feature the ».-iry in Portland for 15 years, has early next week. It will accommodate Cascade Ia»cks Lunilwr conijxiny. Hr 17c MILK, tall cans. .‘1 for moved to Cascade Locks, as also has | two business firms, has arrangnl for goo»l music awl his brother. Louie Folsom, a jeweler.; —o— 10« SPAGHETTI, .i.i-oz linn promises plenty of lun I >r all seek Heretofore Cascade Locks has had The Bank of Stevenson is extend ing it. We have no doubt the hou se 26c CRACKERS. 1! lhs neither dentist nor jeweler and their ¡nK the* accommodations of its srrv- will lie (inked, so suggest you go presence here is a great convenience ¡cri, to Cascade Locks by assisting in lfe CHOCOUi i £, jtwrel ground, lb to dam workers and towns people the cashing of payroll checks. Last early. 2ft SOAP. Crystal White, 10 bars alike. They have attractive offices in Saturday Cashier Beck came across New Beau ty Shop 23< RAISINS. 4-lb. pk*?e a newly renovated building at the r(V(ff wjfh sufficient fumls to take Opeua to the Public east end of Main street. care 0f workers who were paid off 5c BANANAS, golden ripe, lb. Mrs Lucille Henderson, a graduate —° — during the day. The bank report* 10c LETTUCE, large, criup, 3 for Master John (arlson. 11-year-old that it is getting an increasing volume of the Pacific Beauty School of Port land. ami for thr j*»»t four years a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carlson. 0{ from the Locks, 10c SPINACH. 3 lb*. resident of Cascade lawks, has oprn proprietors of the Red and White 0 lc CARROTS, small, tender, 2 bunche* «tore in the east end of town, has Erkk Erickson wa5 ^ o( thc fcw ed a beauty shop and hair dressing parlor on th eseennd floor of the < H id 2ft PEAS, No. 2 can.H, 3 for been seriously ill with intestinal flu. who were willing to gamble on Fellows building Mrs. Flenderson —° Cascade Locks before President 2ft STRING BEANS. No. 2 earn». 3 f.»r was formerly employed in some ol Henry Nelson, student at Oregon Roosevelt authorised construction of Sute college, spent the Faster boh- Bonneville dam He came here last the best beauty shof* in Portland days with his parents. Captain and October and opened the Rapids Hub and is thoroughly experienced Nhe Mrs. Charles Nelson. Hr is not only getting his share of recently purchased considerable shop njui|imrnt ami hereafter should lie 0 trade from the employes on the dam. able to keep the ladies A1 Barber, who has lived in Cas- c.., „ rmm ,h* **”' *“ * ” of »' **» Cascade cade Locks for years, is remodeling highway ' ' Lock* and the surrounding loenmu nitie* Hoiking ihnr f»r>t »he has a building on Main street and will 0 given her new business the name of « !» a ^ and Helen Christensen. Gibson Ham Lucille Beauty Shop. If uncertain of parior The room he will occupy was M GUzirr Nick lla m * )n anil fonnerly a part of the building now FJma , ;Uai„ wem to PortlaiH, Tufv the location, watch for the new w^n beteg occupied by the Cascade Food ^ an(j ^ t o m i to Oregon to which she is causing to be (Minted Store. Inc. visit relatives before returning to the C ascade Locks Lumber Co Locks. Our conJwtrtK« M (» • **<lr taxk> « fe n r t> b> our w irtlta*. ot It»« Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olin. recent Opens Its New Plant town lo t lu liiit, *» « » 0 m f i r m ! Im u M « arrivals in Cascade Locks, are build The Cascade Locks I.uml*r com Wilbert Harrison. Miss Burt and ing three new cottages near the west Miss Stuart motored to Flugrne and pany has finished work on its new w r K m t u r n C M m tr l . « ( i • r*«I m o irm up lo >Ulr «tru* Mot* Corvallis over the weekend Miss off the ground in front of its huild- A Mot« tSot « ill Hr a <rr«lil lo Ifctt . < m m unlt, bang » lift th* l.r r o l I**fr Stuart s sister, Willena. ami Miss ing. A mounting demand for lumlwr H a * Hrrn (otBplrlml .Yircr Oprn to thr Public Burt’s siter. Jean, returned with them plant and is now (>rr|Kinng to level Wr « a t a ftM iW If I Hr « n » M u M lr mt Hr«n* «< * m , r |o Vou aim ] for a visit. .is the result of the town’s rapid r iln u i lo *ou «0*1 »our* a i l l l e l |rtu>iul UittlAlao* lo Ml * M br —o— growth is kee|>ing Managrr I. Owen C .m r « . i i f u i t r r l f - . l t U|- 0 IM » h f» > l ■ u » f f n o r r . l ..| .n j Mr and Mrs. E. Brink and daugh- busy. The yard is well stocked In ter. Viola, went to Hood River Tuev stock of paints, plumbing supplies make « |»t*ooal MnprtUan at out «0 ow*h«m. .1 I uuo I ami «rrsMr day on business. addition to lumber it is carrying a TKr tlo tr »III hr Ml «Hafir ol a r r c n lr m l »aianoa.M t «1 s i h m r —o— and builders hardware. A °ur tnrrw *>(><*>n< »til b orcu ralrh a**l ro rtrtlt» n M | m t« d n l. u ot Fred Grey. Helen Glacier, Inez 1 he |>lant, a building 50 by 20 feet Mrs. Lucille Henderson, Prop. «Irtrrl by you t <Hxtof I’erras. Rega Smith, Mr«. S. Penas ami two stories in heighth, was built and Mrs. Lee went to Flood River by J. B filter to meet thr demand THr p o b > ol out i'r«a tio rr » ill b lo rriulrt th r Ivpr o l orrrMr A modem shop with the latest Tuesday. for lumber which has grown up since «Hal will niftit your tuotMkrwr in-l |»trutio«r. «0*1 KiptUy the ly|» ol equipment and experienced —o— spring opened and public at tent Min iBffthiM i*# ' you «rant operators. Riale Smith s(ient all day Saturday became centered on Cascade Locks in Portland. The stocks are complete, making it —o— unnecessary for purchasers to go out e Fred Grey and Mrs. S, Perras went of town to obtain their su|>plie* to Portland on business Friday. Mr. Owen, who is in charge, came Open 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. —o— to Cascade Locks from North Bonne- Mr. and Mrs. ( arlson and son. ville, where he was manager of the D. J. FRANCIS, Mgr. PERMANENT WAVING John, and George Kogardus went to F isher Lumber company. CASCADE LiK KS. OREGON Portland Wednesday to attend the --------- r - ------------ funeral of a relative of Mr Bogardus A colored woman boarded a strret Upstairs in I. O. O. F’. Hail —o— car recently. Comfortably seated, she above the postoffice. Mrs. J. Fulgham went to Portland about the chore of giving her CASCADE LOCKS, OREGON \\ ednesday on a bu-ineso mission, re baby its m<otuiay rneal from rhe turning Thursday. breast. The baby, a husky youngster, was too interested in its surroundings Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brink, Billie to rat. After a time the mother »top and Viola Brink, and Harry Crarnb- ped coaxing and commenced threat !ett went to Portland Wednesday. ening the baby. “Look here, ymu all,” she said Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knapp and finally, "if you don't eat l*r gwine BEST GRUB ON THE WORKS (ieraldine Rankin spent all day last to give youh dinnah to the moto- Thursday in Portland. man.” ▲ A CASCADE FOOD STORE It Pays to Pay Cash 1 r I *' , Announcement THE LUCILLE BEAUTY SHOP CASCADE DRUG CO. THE DBM INN THE MEN’S HAND LAUNDRY For the Dam Workers Modern Prices Prompt Service Bring us Vour Flat Work and Dry Cleaning. We will take care of it for you. © On Main Street, second door above Meat Market. CASCADE LOCKS, OREGON Judge: "Where is your husband?” Miss Fllma Glazier left Tuesday for Altoona, where she will spend Defendant: "I ain't got no hus several months with her sister. band. He been «lead nigh onto Im years." Mr and Mrs. Bert Wheel# ami Judge: "Are those your children?” son, Norman, of Portland were vis Defendant: "Vas, suh Dry's mine. itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ju«lgr: But I thought you said Fulgham Sunday. y«»ur husband is «lead.” Defendant: "Vas, suh; he dea«f. Miss Alta Hammel was in Portland but I ain't."« Monday visiting with her father at the Fiamme! Drug company. “Can I live to lie 100 years old, doctor?” \ oung Man: "Sir, your daughter "H«iw old are you ” has promised to become my wife.’’ "Fifty.” Prospective Father-in-law: "Well, j Have any vices—drink, smoke, don t t mote» me for sympathy. Vou gamble or cha«e women?” might know something would ha|»f)en -N o.” JM jf& tt when you have been hanging around " /hen why M he I » you w,int here five nights a week. to live ti» l»e i riurjffi Just Try Our 35c DINNER YOU W ILL COME AGAIN A A Blue Ribbon And Olympia Beer Come and Join the Gang 'A;