Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1934)
I HI. DAM ( IIRO N K I K SCHOOL NEWS L e t t e r s Are P resen ted One ul (hr main event* of thr high I rslrndur w4s »tag«-«! Fri day infill, March 10, when about sixty friend*, (tarent* ami »tn«l«-nt* gathrrrd in thr hiifh school gynifla* him to Mritnrvi pri vrnlaliun of hi|(h v hi ml Irttrr* fur work during thr m In ml mm I i sr.r Page S was prrp.irrd by mothers and friend*. Mr* I hennas, Mrs K. A brink, Mr* I honuu Harrison, Mr*. K. J. Hrolliar and Mis* Mona Hurt took the lead hi preparing the entertainment. I he mendier» of the team were: Nnk Harrison (îllw m Harrison, Tom Slubldefirld, James Stuhblrfirld, Wd- l*ert Harrison, Harry t'ramhlet, Ad dison Harrison, Kverill Hrolliar and Hilly Hrink. Ihe team won two league cham|donshi|M in the Ska mania (ounty league and (dated sec ond m the Hood Kivrr league. C a s ca d e E la tio n Changers Hoy: "You look lovelier to me Mrs. Gleeson (at concert): "She Nit mo to North Bonne ville* every minute. l)o you know what has cjuite a large repertoire, hun t The name of Cascade, a whistling that is a sign o f? " she?" I cost on the S. P. It S. railroad, across Girl: "Sure, you're going to run Gleeson: "Y es, and that dress the river, ha* hern changed to North out of gas any minute." makes it look all the worse.” Honneville. I here lu * l«mg l>een con sideratdr confusion in the public mind betwrm Cascade and Cavade D xk * I his confusion will m«w dis-j apprar. North Honneville still wear* You Can Eat, Drink thr postnffice name of Moffetts, hut effort* are (»ring nude to get it also And Be Merry at the changed Ihe original town of Cas cade, founded in the early 50», was the first community on Ihe Columbia With the kisketliall sravm over, river lietween Vancouver and The plans for another year are being Dalles. made Wifh Kverill Hrolliar the only ERICK ERICKSON, f'rofnutm los» to the train, the next year should C a s ca d e Food S to r e l»e a good one Dick Ma< Kinnon ha* Now Open to Public REGULAR MEALS I wen a|i|Hiintrd ailing captain for R. C. Morris, who came to Cascade next year SHORT ORDERS D ak s fr«»m California where he wax in the rmphiy of the Skaggs stores, Fftr girl* gymnasium classes have ojirnecj his Cascade Food Store, Inc., ▲ a finished folk darning and are taking to the public this week. The building up Ira« k exrr« ises, in which are fea he occupir* stands almost directly You will enjoy our food and our'service. A nice tured accuracy, lest, dashes and dis across the street from Dam Inn. It place for the ladies to eat. tance running ha* hern rrnvidrlrd and freshly Ine/ I 'err a* student body president, ««a* I hauiium uf the .irr.ingrmeni committee, Faye Douvillr ami Mi** Hurl (ilannnl ihr entertainment ; AI Jrnkin* and Hill Itrink, decorations, Jr**«r Naoshahn, invitation ami I-oi* Merrill, rrfresbmenls. Ih r lir*t I Mr I ol ihe evening w o taken up w;th music and conversa imn Allrr gathering at the dinner tuhlr a formal (migrant of short ad* dresses was given I he following re *|mn**'i to loasi* were given: “ The Alumni," Hilly itrink ; "The Scrubs," (Minted lame, kirtiy. "T h e fiirb ," Faye Ih r Oak («rove school liasrball Ihicivillr " I h r Hoard. I-rank Hall; Mr Morris, a thoroughly trained learn* were unable lo get clown last "T h e Parent»," F.rvin J Hrolliar, grocer, will be assisted in the store by I for the scheduled game*. Too " I h e Team," ("apt Kverdl Hrolliar Mrs. Morris. He is featuring Del mu* h ram «ausrd thr po»t|«inrmrnt Monte brand* and promises first - Mtrrward* to girl* (or |iartici|ia «lass service and city (»rices. He pos lion in I lie Oregon (mint system (ite- Harold Dishaw, editor of the AI- sesses a pleasing |irrv>nality, is ener sentaiains were made by Mis* Hurt l»any lollrgr |ia|irr, and tirother-in- getic and wide awake no doubt will and ihr following received these Ida law <d Mis* Mihlrnl (dann, vi»itrd attract an increasing flow of custo (•l.tnrr, 17 tirrahlinr Kankin, ’i 7 . Mi llemirrvin in (tie high school mers to his store. Faith Sandy, *JS; Hsiat O hda mm last week : !... (Villa bhMk « G overnm ent Guards letters i<* official service werr The carnival directed by Miss Hurt Provide- P ro te ctio n gi\rn t<> Inez Perras, Viola Hunk and and Mr llrndrrvin. was so wrll re- Honneville't (mlicr force of i l Jessie Nasshahn Official ha*ketl»all «eivrd that tfte student council (dans Inter* were gurn to Kverill Hrolliar, lo make thr affair a regular event. men. under command of Captain Harry f ramidetl, Howard Harrison, (June a nice sum of money was J*>hn Torkelson. is now (iroviding the government reservation at the Duk MacKinnon. Albert Jenkins, (Irared. thanks to the |Mtrons. damsttr with 24-hour police protec K l>et! \S ««.dw.«rd and Kotirrt Miller tion. It is reported that efforts may- Official gold lusknliall* were (wc Definite plant f«>r 1914 graduation lie ma<le to get the government to ex settled to Gdison Harrison, Henry exercises are gradually taking sha|ir tend the service to Cavade Dicks. K«itenback, Hilly Hrink and Kverill and members «d the senior class are There is talk, too. of getting the lliolliar All |>resrntations werr nu«lr rmlsarking on their last five weeks stale to provide Cavade Dick* with by Prim iiul Y G Henderson «»I public school work. Rev Nat tiolice (irotextion. Whether business Hut klry will deliver thr liaccaiaurralr men will want the town to come V ictory B an q u et for T eam srritx>n. .in*! I rums J Wyers of H« mh J under the jurisdiction of either the \ victory banqurt for the Pirate Kivrr will deliver tf*e commencement state or federal government, or (wr alumnus l*a»krthall teem was held address Koch senior is to have a (>art ier to employ a dqiuty sheriff until in the grade v head dining room in tfte graduation exercises with Inrx such time as the county furnishes l ues«lay night, March 2 7. I fie !»an- Perr is and Viola Hrink taking over irnlke protection, is a matter which quet was artangrd by^C a^rgr I horn- v.ilrd* t.g> and salutatory duties , they must settle amwng themselves. a« alumnus manager, and the «(inner W trick E r e c tin g Ttle B a rb e c u e P r o p r ie to r Acts And S tone Building W isely on L o ck s Hunch John Wirick *»f Hood River, who Three yean ago J. A. Merrill, has lieen engaged in the produce bus (woptietor of Merrill's Barbecue, had inrxs tor the |>ast several years, is a hunch that Cavade Locks was go errs ting :c tile and stone building «in ing to make a good business t«iwn. Main street, in the west rn«l of town and he bought property. His hunch Hr will occupy one room in the has worked out, for with the rrtu«» huihling with a genera! merchandise •if Iirer and the building of the dam store Ihe other mom has not lieen he is doing a splendid business. Now rented, although there are a numlier he is talking of putting up a dance «d .*|*fills atiotis for it The building, hall on his property. one st«iry in hrighth, is of |>rmv«nrnt construe lion. The Dalles B usiness Men To Visit Bonneville Sunday The Dalles business men have i hartrrrd the steamer Heaver and will bring a large crowd d*iwn the river Sunday on an excursion and sight seeing trip to Honneville dam. It is rejmrted that reservations have lieen made for 200 people on the boat. The occasion promises to lie a gala holiday. Music, darning and other forms of amusement will lie provided for the excursionists. W hy Try Burning W ET W OOD When U Cun gel D RY PLANER W OOD U T A H KING CO AL and PORTLAND GASCO BRIQUETTES from W . H. C LAR K CASCADE LOCKS, OREGON C ongress May Help Upriver Channel to S n ak e Further improvement of the Col umbia river for navigation above Cascade Locks is promises! in th<- house rivers and harbor committee appropriation hill for J 100,000,000. I he hill carries an appropriation of $400.000 for a 7-foot channel, 150 feet wide, from Celil*> to the mouth of the Snake river. If approved *he I hill would permit the work to lie carried on this summer during the |ieriod of low water in the river. T elep h o n e C om pany Moves Its E x h a n g c The Pacific Telephone A Tele graph company's Cascade 1-ocks ex change has lieen moved from S. (). Clodfelter's confectionery to the home of Mrs. A. Vanstrom, further I up Main street. Mrs. Vanstrom's daughter, Mrs M. Collins, operator at the exchange Imard for the (last several years, has lieen named agent to succeed Mr. Chidfrlter. Itusiness with the telephone company, as with lather utilities, has picked up since | the influx of new people into Cascade j Dicks. RAPIDS CLUB HEM RICK’S *nd SALEM BEER A A Barber Shop in Connection CASCADE U X KS : : : : : : OREGON MERRILLS BARBECUE J. A. M ER R ILL. PROP. M EALS LU N C H ES W E IN H A R D S AND A L T HEIDELBERG ON TA P TABLES FOR LADIES Open All Night CASCADE LOCKS LUMBER CO. CASCADE LOCKS. OREGON OPEN FOR BUSINESS with the largest and most complete line of Lumber and Building Materials in this community, in fact the best in the Dam country. Some of the Things We Handle All grades of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Roofing Paper, Mouldings, Doors, Windows, Cement and Plaster, Lime, Screen Doors and Screen Windows. A complete line of Builders Hardware, Sand and Gravel. If you want Paint, we have the best, also the worst. If you want to build a cottage, come arid let us give you an esti- mate and know what it will cost you before you start your build* ing. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Sec |. I ( OWENS* Local Manager