I hi DAM CHRONH I > Pane 4 in a spntacuUr way. While o m i« ...- THE DAM CHRONI CLE done these things may show up larne. they one I'U k iikh C Jaw s'»l.ul«»n* in u t Purl lami in a ' h i I R m B icv |>olr’» ll»« I-»« Jv*’1 r I '"i'­ C u m m in s & S h ik l ik , Publishers nmst largely tlepetul (or its forward l«elie\e that the editors are l>eiog 2 7c lin n » *» lui 20c hi* lor 55c M. A. S hiklus ...................... Editor march. Let's do things with a single i«osrd up«*n. Kr*l S VS hitc Muucd ‘ l**»'- >• Ul1 purpose that shall not only he able to k , . i * w 1 1 m i B mu -• J. M C ummins , . . • Manager demonstrate Thfrr t*-» 59C s '» H I ® our [U't glories, if any. BASEBALL TEAM NEEDEI Di ree «o» 3 7 c *t» 1“ « O O o Blur * While «>»»!»«». 5 «« In»» and present progress, hut what is of Superintendent Vernon G llemL Herl 4 White t l W ) tx-klrn Subacripdon Ralf« | hire lot 3 0C St* 7® ° IltrtUm Font. far more significance shall re.nh f»>r rrson, of the local schools, and ties» 50 Thrrr Monika, kv ma.l Rr*» 7 9 c l'uri». «I à While (»uiikn i 00 One Year, by mail shall compel us to retain our place |K|!tc|M|| lram, but to date thru ef- (>lili< l) « ll|n 1» ] «» lof 3 7 c Ht« Io* 110 among the most imigrrssive and stir- for|4 m tK.it dimtion have l>een Threw l«f 30C Ml I«» 7B c Tbr Chronicle « m o K*«»rrn Multnomah ring communities in the entire slate Rr-i 4 White llom tlt), i V>» (|u<- to inahilily t«» fiml any Hr* I A VS hue IV «ilio . JV*a Ih n , lut 29c ht* i « i 57c county and Western Hood Rivrr count« of Oregon. 1 here is ih * legerdermain ^roumfs three lor ft3 c Ml 0 0 c It is distributed to all tamps hous n* atsmt the development of a locality S)mc rr;l||y excellent Imsektll ma­ Herl 4 White Soeet P « t . ,’ i three lor ft3c Sj' •*»* 99c emploi es on the Bonneville Dam Three lot 4 7 c 02o lt comes about always because those (rr^ | csist> am,)ng the older residents Hr,I k While tUMlell IVan. i*,* who are a |v»rt of it are true and (mj anlol,^ workers empk*>ed on tire Herl 4 While Tulni-iUt, IV ,* Hr«l 1 While Slitr»l l’inr«|X>tr, J* »• loyal to its best interests in little dam. and it appears imperative that Thlte Io» 3 7 C ht» Io« 0 9 o FRIDAY. APRIL t. 1QJ4 Whole t>«klrn M»«r» ;tnd unobserved but very practical grounds t>e found for a diamond. Herl 4 While 'i n u l t i J I» thrrr l«t Oftc '*'* I*»1 $1 2 5 ways. No meeting has liern announced Three *»• 4 5 c l' " *"♦ B 3 c A CHILD IS BORN Blue 4 While Stor-I t'mr«| 4 *lr * for the |*urj*>w of organizing a Three lui ftftc Mi lor $ i 0 3 Blue 4 While T io u lie r orth With this issue The Dam Chronicle VENTURE DISAPPOINTING yet team, but it is to l«e ho|>rd that l*u»ee. |Ve» makes its appearance in Cascade Oregon's venture into the rum action to that end will !>e taken at Rett 4 W hile t » »* y Cut three lot 4 3 c s“ I » » 7 9 0 Three tor 4 5 c *** 8 5c Locks. From an humble beginning it business has not proved the success once. The Chronicle will !>e ham>> to Rrr| 4 While «'olire hopes to develop into an institution that friends of the Knox law hud aid in getting fates out to a meeting, (Wren 4 While Cut H o w , tine l-ouft-l |r«ch»«e 20C Three lof 3 7 c Ml I«» 6 0 c of genuine service to the community. ho[>ed. March sales were only slight- ............. where the subject of grounds tan l»e Independent in thought and action, l> m o c m ©I $110 k©d with (RjcuM ed Out <>i a mix-ting should C a sc a d e leockw, Ort*. W. J. CARLSON it will seek to print the news each the formal opening of liquor stores ctm,r JlJans |or a team. Vny reader week and to present it in a manner across the river in Washington thrrr living a suggestion on the subject, C A U L ’ with RED A WHITE that will merit public approval. is every reason, to believe that sales of wjH) *hetr grounds might ^ ^ Quality Food» The columns of the pajier are often will slump still further, for prices in ^ o p in ed . invited to get in for an expression of opinions. It is the neighboring state will lie lower touch with Superintendent Mender- our desire to serve the best interests than on the Oregon skle of the Col­ vm. There is every reason to belie\e of the community, to explan to the umbia, unless Administrator Satnmis that Cascade Locks could turn out balance of the state and to the people stops moaning and begins slashing one of the best teams in Orrgon of the Pacific coast why Cascade prices. this season, so if you are interested Locks is a jrermanent town with an No one has ever explained why s|ieak up. V»u have the (l««>r assured future. We want to cooperate, rum prices are so high in < >regon. to be helpful in welding residents of However, the public has its own Nrwx|iai>ers tell us that Hitler Cascade Locks--both old and new— opinion. B«~*t bet: Too many politi­ scorns to surround himself with "yes" into an organization wihch will battle cians on the payroll. men S> did Solomon; he surrounded uncompromisingly for the welfare anti .Aaron Hoiz, employed by Gover­ himself with "yes girls development of the town. In that nor Meier to purchase stocks an«! or­ spirit we ask your cooperation and ganize the st«»res. drew 52200 f«»r six We were really alarmed over Dr support. If our opinions, editorially weeks w«>rk, and if that wouldn't communis»:; -«are until we expressed, do not conform with your make a mule laugh we II buy a drink. Wirt's saw the educator s puture in BEST GRUB ON THE WORKS opinions, write yours out on paper, The Holz salary was pair! after the the daily great |>rejs. bring them to the office and we will governor has solemnly assured the give them space. pe«tple that the purchasing agents The Chronicle will be distributed salary was being ¡iai«l by the States Roosevelt went fishing ami con­ gress went haywire. Strange acts men for the next few weeks without cost Steamship company. in Cascade Locks, in the camps at No one knows why (ieorge Neuner will commit in the name of |»atnot- Bonneville and up and down the should tie Employed as attorney for »«" * hen lhr ,ruut i,rr bit,n« highway. In that manner we hope to the liquor control commission at a m ake everybody acquainted with it. salary of 5400 a month when the Backyard/ in Portland are «lotted If you approve of the paper we want attorney general at Salem is pre- with abandoned wells. Thow are the you to come in and subscribe. It is sumed to be hired by the people to hoics in which a lot of candidate» your paper, and the greater the sup­ handle legal affairs for the state will disai^iear on May 18. port the better the [»per. Strangers boards, commissions an«l institutions. judge a town by its newspapers. They does anyone und«*rstand An ol«l-fashioned merchant liJ»c.t Even Friday at C l* ad* L- h L v 1 ANOTHER OPENING AT THE D A M INN SATURDAY NIGHT APRIL 7th Good Musis and Good Entertainment Come ’ « 4 F ' . 4 »- * " T *■ **. \