The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, April 06, 1934, Image 3

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I MK ! JAM < H RON l< I K
Scenes and Persons in the Cun ent News
Bri ef Re su m e of Ha p pe ni n gs
of the Week Col ccted tor
Our Readers
Cold H ill— Depositors o f the de­
funct llrooking i -State hank will toon
recalva the rifili and final di-id'-nd
of 15 p<-r cent on claims against
the savings department.
Astoria — The lari
bonded debt of Aslorla
o ff April 1, In 1914
made a bond I isuo of
highway Improvement.
I - The new dmtroyer Farragut launched at Qulnry, Mans. 9 Itoyal marines on review when the Brltlsn fleet
flailed |ho West Indies. 3 Col. Kddte Itlrkrnbnrker. famous war ace, testlf>lug before the senate post office committee,
c.-nt of the
will be paid
the county
5400,000 f ' r
Kugena — Sixteen (hiriese pheas­
ants, all show birds, hare he a kill* I
by a dog at the Ku. »ne »tate g.ime
1200 and Included 12 hens and four
Kugene — Out o f a total of 23
school districts In Lane couuty c lg -
Ible to receive funds under the edu­
cational relief act, 1 4 have ma le ap­
plication to the county school auf r-
Eugene— I-ane connty ban!'# w.M
pay the county one-fourth c f 1 per
cent, on deposits of $1.009 or more,
according to an agreement with the
county court. Tbls will bring the
county about 1150 a year.
Salem During the preat-ut month
the gam« commission, acn rd n ; to
Matt Itycktnan, sup- rlntend nt cf
hatcheries, has lib# rated
four-inch rainbow trout.
mately 225,000 were liberated in the
Deschutes rlv# r.
Klamath Kalla — William Kltt-
ridge, rauch owner of the
Klamath marsh, reports that more
than 15.009 turkeys will be raised
on the marsh this year. They will
fatten on grass-hoppers and the my­
riad of other insects-
Wlllauilna — Bex D. Horton has
be* n reelected principal of the Willa-
tuina schools. 1‘resent teachers also
haxe been reelected for the coming
year. According to a report of the
school board, Wlllumifr. will not
need federal relief for Its schools.
This “ Orel# IMane" may replace the runabout In the averar* American family, according to the designerà. The
piano has an umbrella like wing god ran I n # landed at a 00-degrve angle in n ga loot area, it can iravei 133 rxiiiar*
I-er hear, end comet down to earth slower than a parachute.
Sherwood— The old Herman Evan­
gelical Lutheran church at Sher­
wood, together with the parsonage
and barn, la being dismantled. The
material will be put Into a farm
home. The building is one of the
first churches erected in Sherwood.
Eugene — Persons who are re­
ceiving a county pension or those
who have private work
t h e m an Income are not entitled to
the government subsistence garden
seeds, according to O- E. Crowe, sec­
retary of the I-ano county relief com­
Baker— Only four school districts
of Baker county have taken advant­
age of the opportunity to secure fed­
eral funds under the educational re­
lief act, according to Mrs. Maybelle
II. R o a i| , county school superin­
tendent. The districts are Whitney,
Cornucopia, Sumpter and .Union
High of Hereford.
Blooms Jostle Spring
Eugene— First Ijvne county rh o­
dodendrons o f the season were
brought to Eugene from the Flor­
ence section on the coast.
flowers seldom bloom In this section
before May 20.
ITiotogrnph shows Pnnrhen f.ama (liv in g Ituddhn), the Cultural Commissioner for the Western Border of Chinn,
during hit forty nine days of uninterrupted prayer for the departed spirit of Dalai Lama, the Tibetan ruler, who died
at Lhasa In fteeemlier. The Panchrii Lama, who was ex|>elled from Tibet by the Dalai Lama In 1024, la In Nanking
planning to regain hla lost authority.
Sawmill to Employ 30
Joseph McKinley sawmill, on the
outskirts o f Joseph, will
start running about April 1, giving
approximately 30
men. A. M. McKinley, owner, plans
to cut 3,500,000 hoard feet this sea­
Quicksilver Mine Producing
Redmond — Twelve persons are
employed at the Mother Olde quick­
silver mine, which started operation
a few days a^o, C. W. Wnshabaugh,
operator of the mine, reports. He
said the advance price of quicksilver
would cause several of the mines la
the Blue mountains to start opera­
Treasurer's Call W ill Moan State
Cash Basis
Salem — State Treusurer Rufus
C. Holman, Issued a call for all out­
standing unpaid general fund war­
rants, $535,363.€4.
The rail, e f­
fective Wednesday, w ill place the
state of Oregon on a ca.ut baala
again, lacking two days of a year
when first warrants were registered.
The Norvveglrn freighter Tal Yin ran aground on Folnt iloyea, CaUL, while trying to make port with U passengers
And a crew of 4&
Press o f State for Tongue Point
Aatotia — Editorial comment by
Oregon newspaper editors through­
out the atate reveals that anpport o f |
the Tongue Point naval be e la not
only statewide, but energetic, was
tho conclusion reached by the local
Tongue Point naval base committee
following receipt o f much publicity
on the project In the Oregon press.
Possibility of Places
of Fire *nd Brimstone
T li» discovery of th» r«r<«-!i'-*‘ of
sulphur In llx* min In not wholly an*
f or many y#-nra w## ha*«
b«*#*n hearing about “ fire and brim-
Stono" and wc have concluded that
Are ami brimstone are the hot!oat
combination In ex -lent**. But whrra
was there uny sulphur, or brimstone,
n c rp t on tb«f earth? Astronomer*
have senrcli*-d autrr *(>n< e with
..;.- i '| > r y hart* found varlou*
elements am li a* tungsten and flu »
rlnt*. but no brlmatom*. I’ rearh.-re
hat#* confeawd they did not know
»lu r e thla place of Art* and brim­
stone wan located, und In l*it*r y**nra
•oint? of them **v**n began to doubt
If It wa* r#*al. though others atoutly
ln*l*tf*d that It was.
Hut now l*rlm-fton university
• stmnomers. with infra r«*d rays and
highly sensitive plates, hare obtained
photograph* showing more than JO
sulphur lines and confirming the the­
ory advanced by a Herman astrono­
mer some years ago that there la
sulphur In the aun. So t h e r e must
be some truth In It. The sun. tha
hottest *i>ot science has yet teen
able to And anywhere. Is Ore and
brimstone. And It Is only «t.nOU.uOO
miles attsy. And If tile sun Is not
••the" place of Are and brimstone,
that does not prove that no surll
place exists, fo r It Is now known
that sulphur Is not simply an ele­
ment of the earth, hut an element
widely distributed through space.—
tit. Lamia tilobe-fiemocrat.
World’ s Oil Supply
Petroleum In known deposits and
at the rate of the present consump­
tion Is sufficient to last the world f->*
the next SO centuries, according to
l>r. CusIave Kgloff. of Chicago. With
only J.tsst.issj acres of oil land pro*
during In the L'nlted States atone.
Doctor Kgloff points out that Amer­
ica has l.lOO.UUf.OUO acres of pos­
sible oil land that Is yet to be ex­
plored and developed.
TV Piere«’• Favorite Prescription nukes
weak women strong. No alcohol. Sold
by d~nggi«to in tablets or liquid.—Adv.
Must Bo This
“ Now about these Hollywood lu­
minaries. What Is the most difficult
autograph to get?"
“ Well. I know o f one star who
can’t write."
Even Cosmetics
can’t do this!
G a r e ie l d t e a
# i i tv a #; k p k n s io n i v r o K x t T i o s
Send stamp.
St IH*(C L E H VIAN . . M amlx.Ml. K a a
S ess
IN N O IT t lll — J B #
Q lX tf
$t.2S All Dnttfsti I t scrtpttii ftHtr mrnmt
Alas smrsUsst fas Temporary Desfases
«■A Heed Noises So« to sMiceetiea
ce See d by ce M s. ria and swiataiae.
TO Fifth Ave.. N ew York City
Mr M J. Webber of 79
I ingiirld, Owu
“ I io»t weight, h»J
Bo ftpt*t>te and developed
“ c a cough. Some night* I
. 1 V would cough all night. lk-
!•’ fore I had finished one bot-
k' |
lie at l)r Pierce * GoMcm
Medical Dint over? I had
no more rough and was
•oon enjoying real health."
Write to Dr. Pierce s O in k. Buffalo. N. Y.
New siae, tablets 50 eta. liquid $1 00. I-arfi
gDe. taba or liquid. $1.33. Mm . Do Our r * r t.-
r \
Nnurltla, 8 **4 1 ««
Bpralns urn! Dackache quickly relieved,
ffend 1 0 c for mtmi le Keliev- n.
f o , ? N l't«ni|ihe|| A v f^ Detroit, M lflk
i|-r«»Tod and blotches clears#!
• way by d a ily trra tm en t wi th