The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, April 06, 1934, Image 2

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    nil.DAM r»iK« »NU 11
News Review of Current
Events the World Over
President’s Veto of \ppropriation Bill Overridden by
Both Houses; Farley Forces Shakeup in Air (.om*
pani»*s; “ Brain Tru»t*' to Be Investipated.
K t.TS lender-
P •hip r w l r n ! ROOSKV
It* first Important set­
President will he fishing and swim
nilng. away from the heavy cares of
office. He Intends to return to Wash­
ington within the tenday constitu­
tional limit required for consideration
of any legislation passed by congress.
back when the senate. following sim­
ilar aoiloo by the house, overrode hi*
veto of the Independ­
ent <>rt •■» appfopr *•
,;»n hill carrjlng the
vrtersns' and federal
pajr provisions. The
* called on congress to pa*s legis­
tote In the senate
lation with “ teeth In It" for the con­
83 to 27. or three more
trol of the nation'* stock and com­
than the required two-
modity exchanges.
thirds. In the house
lie asked that the law be an severs
the tote wa* over­ "that speculation. even as it exists to­
whelming. *'• to 72. a
day. will of necessity be drastically
margin of 55 more
curtailed." His demand waa made In
than the necessary
a letter to Senator Duncan f 1 ■
Presi dvnt
(Dem., Fla.) and Representative Sam
The bill la now a
Rayburn (IVm.. Texas), chairmen of
law, and It* passage la of high algnlfl-
the congressional committees which
canoe, as It throw* the budget esti­ sre handling the pending stock ex­
mate* out of kilter and adds greatly
change hill*.
to the tax burden of the people. Itut
Charging the exchanges with organ­
of more Importance la the rtlcjrat fact
ising one of the most determined lob­
that the I*resident ha* lost ids Arm
bies which has fought any of his legis­
grip on congress. Fear of reprisal« by
lation. the President said that the
war veteran roter* In the coming elec­ country would not be satisfied unless
tion* proved a greater fear with many
the exchange control message la draw
Democratic senator* than the dlspleae-
tic. People generally, the ITraldent
Urv of the President.
said, blame tbe *i>eculatlon on et
Restoring two-third* of a 15 per cent
change# for the 1029 artificial boom
pay cut voted for a million govern­
and the resulting slump.
ment employee*. Including military
and naval personnel. In the economy
I N TH E foreword of bis forthcoming
act last summer, the hill also greatly
l new book. “ On Our Way." President
liberalize* compensation and pensions
Roosevelt says If hla administration
to veterans of the World and Spanlsb-
"la a revolution. It la a peaceful one.
Amerlcan wars.
achieved without violence, without the
The bill will cost the government
overthrow of the purpose of estab­
an additional S210.UU0.UU0 annually.
It eliminates retroactively as of Feb­ lished law and without tbe denial of
Just treatment to any Individual or
ruary 1, 1934. one-tblrd of the federal
employees' pay cut and an additional
The proofs o f the foreword, gives
third on July 1. The coot to the gov­
ernment under the provision will be out by the publishers, the John I*ay
company, read:
123.000,100 for the period from Fehru
“ Some p*---p!e bare called our new
ary 1 to July 1. and S126.OUO.UOO an­
policy 'fascism.'
It Is not fascism
nually thereafter.
because Its Inspiration spring» from
While the President by executive
order bas restored many veterans to 'th e mass of tb « i*-<gde themselves
rather than from a class or a group
tbe compensation and hospitalization
or a marching army. Moreover. I* Is
rolls, congress made mandatory awards
btriftg Slide .id n illiiiiti A d u ll» « 10
estimated to cost the goverum.-ot
about SS4.000.000 annually and an ad­ fundamental republican method. We
ditional S21.0OO.OUO for the rest of the
have kept the faith with, and In, our
present fiscal year.
traditional political Institutions.
The Increased amounts for govern­
“ Some people hare called It 'com­
ment workers and veterans will come
munism'; It Is not that, either. It la
from the general revenues of the gov­
not a driving regimentation founded
upon the plans of a perpetuating di­
rectorate which subordinates the mak­
FTER weeks Of exhausting nego­ ing o f laws and the pro.-raBea of the
courts to the orders of the executives.
tiations the threatened strike In
the automobile Industry was averted
Neither does It manifest Itself In the
wi.en Preeh'-tit Roosevelt secured an
total elimination of any class or !n the
'«tw een executives end la­ abolition of private property.
bor 1» 1. «•', Representation for all
" I f It la a revolution. It Is a peace­
employee« In dealing with manage­
ful one, achieved without violence,
ment was established, and safeguards
without the overthrow of the pur­
were extended to all unlor.% against
poses of established law and without
Intimidation or Interference.
Wtb denial of Just treatment to any In­
dividual of*Fla*a."
“ It la my hope,""said the President,
"that this system may develop Into •
kind of works goUncfl In industry to /"'MlARCKS made by Dr. William A
which all groups of employees, what­
W irt* superintendent of schools at
ever may be their choice or organiza­ Gary, IrH., that some of President
tion of form of representation, may
Roosevelt'* vadrisers wlnted t » lead.
nertlclriate In Joint conference with
the government tn ^
their employers."
communism sre "to he
He bailed this as basis for a mors
Investigated by aepm-
comprehensive, adequate and equl-
mil tee of the house of
tabia system of relations than ever
ko. ^
r< ;• ■ • • ntatlves. Izoc-
has existed In a large Industry.
* tor Wirt will be called
The agreement avoids tbe licensing
before thla committee
ef the automobile Industry, which labor
name the man or
threatened to Invoke If there waa no
men who told him
agreement The American Federation
that ITraldent Roose­
of Labor la not recognized as such by
velt Is merely the
Industry except when Its affiliates have
"Kerensky o f this rev­
the necessary rotes on the collective
olution" and that the
bargaining committee.
Or. W A. Wirt
radicals within the
One o f the provisions of the agree­
ment was that the NUA should set administration are seeking to foster
up a board, responsible to the Presi­ *• revolution by prolonging misery and
dent to alt In Detroit and pass upon destitution In this country.
all qnestlons of representation, dis­
Republican members of the house
charge. and discrimination. Decision
were determined that the Inquiry will
o f the board Is to be final upon all con­ not be confined to the Wirt allega­
cerned. Three men will serve on the tion* alone, despite an apparent de­
board, one representing labor, one In­ al re on the part of Democratic lend­
dustry, the third being neutral.
ers to narrow the Investigation's «cupe-
Democratlc members o f the house
EARY from the strain o f close
were making an effort to confine the
application to the affairs of state, Inquiry to the allegations made by the
Preeldent Roosevelt departed for a Gary educator alone. Under pressure
from Republicans, however. It was
short vacstlon aboard Vincent Astor’s
agreed by the r>emorrat!c leaders thst
yacht He headed for the warm
the men named by Doctor Wirt will
climes o f southern waters to fish and
have to be called.
relax for a w«*k
Jt was an unpre-
The entire matter la being treated
c-d«'ced roov for the Executive to
tear* WasMog'on while congress Is In as a Joke by member* of the so railed
"brain trust." They declare that Doc­
le ion. <■ will, to « gm- *■ spirit of s
y-xr ago
um he not out ut the same tor Wirt has been made the victim
of a practical Joke by a mischievous
yacnt before taking fhe Presidential
member o f the radical group. There
reins, fhe President greeted hts cronies
were several different atorles current
«board ship and waved hfs hat to a
a* to the origin o f the Wirt allega­
rousing farewell from the folks on the
tions, one version having It that the
dock at Jacksonville, Fin., where he
Gary educator mistook a newspaper
boarded the yacht.
man In New York for an official o f the
With carefree happiness he posed
for the photographers nnd Joshed the
newspaper men. He chatted eagerly
Witt Ms eldest son. James, who Joined
W ENTY-flve thousand school chil
e for the cruise.
dren In German cities will be aep
the next week or more, the
orated from their parents and sent to
r»r a year h* order of tile
Prussian statu
. ,,
I his is in o »e with io* •>--•
of "reconciliation of urlwo and rural
population" which will he f .terv.l by
•ending every (own child to the couiv
try for • year. Tbe ..V »»'
pose the first trial batch The veer In
the country will be financed pertijr by
the «tale of Pru*»ia and partly by
school organisations.
U 'K sgaln «1 the scene of hi» tri­
umphs sod l»le faT'Vre, after I • g
a fugitive for IN month*, Martin In
•u ll brother o f Pamuel tnsull. Is la
Chicago to answer a {barge of cm
hettleno-nt from the Iteasuty of llie
Middle West Utlttlle*
Insult arrived In Chicago where he
had lived for more lhan l‘-! )• « • * “ “
alien, technically excluded frv.m the
■ hu)
ant Johnson until the charge* sgalovt
hint are disposed of Ills srrlval ended
* sensational trip from ier»nb> d th
the moat extraordinary entry of an
alien Into the ( ‘ tilled mutes rvst re­
corded In the busj l*»trot| liiinogra-
ilon office.
*V T
National Topic» Interpreted
by William Brucfcart
illusion One of lb* u itami
t» g • •ns to be poled I« th* "
ral situs
loo I*
M in o rity
< '** * •se tlaye le
whlrh »«sel » « ’• be rec«»oiti*<l hez*, thst
wouhl gl<# the fe d e r a l g'Wertit!.«nt
r- ¡ ■
• • *•
of t! »ov. I « » ll »UII<*. We I | glv* tk,
m rvtery « f agricultura euikortiy i»
« e l cou rag e
W aket U p
t.- i a larm er whal lo d- etth tk«
r tigli» being
Ised tskro Ottl o f pc»-tuelt‘ >* by klg
lite r s iS » 1
g*(hrir«l 1»^ I»»« minori!*
l y n e s e s t lo i)M»i| arraage <*f rotea»,
«ir ei.rat, >-r »••»*», ••» tobe- ■ \l •(
nute lit r s * t l» 4
minority In Iba gut arm
ttlMtetvera ••*»« rwlvetruo thst leg «la»
jny Aral, af
itt as giving Ibe go»«»novent atetolot«
Ilea ns ami secondly, of ■4d
• litte 1 * 1 "*
ih-utinetloo o «r r the fezmrv. n , | | • i »
crats who cannot q'dl
ln I pect »bal »»-*et fazover# I I » M g .g
Itrm* of the New l*e*l i beve b
* I tu elaud fu» tbet
pull back.
F»C lb
A l st-y Z iir thle ez»t| sthvz |<z->t«utt
me lb there I«
I ’reeldenl lt--.«eiell
era u «d C«-»viazd >w- » u t* t!>n. •
at !rx»t a rrwl "eppeelllnn |**rtJ '
su » r s u ft v ix 'i “
Huí | bate O v »
lute students t»l politic* end govern-
the fszti « » *
c p H K number of In I > ' i »'• ! - *' < " n ntrtil Insist It Is * «mot health» stin
•|!>cy ara eig'««
zy»>cr fat
i sp
i r.i- ■>
rwMtntativra f»«u » s g »ic «tiu »*l szra»
men! In the emL
32..Vp.iks) Mi January I
bave l « « a gettlng metí I » - » » •-•>»»« *o4
There has been o¡i».>iltloii I » * grestl
The bureau of agricultural ecoiioit»
tu «r e ara toan y o f the bou«* m em ez*
tcs. In a new study of farm population,
who tM-vv Iztsi»! II la "**»• lo vw i *
i - ..........f
attributed the Increese prtertpally to |*> .-•- t-u; s
Fzankty, I h c«r fraquenl it-zz*
• n eicc*» of births over deaths, time
deviaraliooa that Ibe ptofrwanve i» " o
mere people left fsrms ft r eltlr». io grumbling. Most of them see toed to
• •tminlstraiien h *»e *•>»»« f* r « » " • ,k
19.13 In • continuation of the farm 1« a f r i t of the w l-le'f a-t«rfti*«-l
Thst Uieens vote* agallmt Ib# WH*
exodus of the pest decade, than went Itoesrvrll poputaflty lbZ»<M«bo*Jt •*-«
Y «4 the (tfofrwmsra ara heid workrr*
from cities to farm* Persons who
TOey fcevr« reviso lo IWfU ««I! »caz
moved to farms last jeer were 95I .00*1 im>rw so, {*-rba|>s, than azi» |*re«idehl
plazas, and Ib# pc«ttraaoi« cobllnue zo
we have had lit many yeszw. bul lite
while l.ITS,IS*) mot Ml away
ffuW fzuM the W k lls II.»use lo tt-s
The farm bound movement Involved • uptsirt so rrp*es*Htr«l does Iwl St»
C apitel H a » « « th«> b eo e» prajeet» 1«
(•ear to run In sit nf his prop*»*«!« II
I.Ml.tssi (tersons In I F .’ while ll
otvo that prwpoaso lo ewfahllab a aa-t #t
certainly does not atqdy lo fs »o f « (
moving away numbered l . o i l j u i
g,-v aramattl hank a »o sld what t»«
• l| of his sute-rdlltates
the ' --ft**»
pr.-m.Urra b a r r it e aa IHe small t - 4
ONTHS o f political unreal In Es­ •Ilion" m>w •{•(•ears to hate found ou| j
tires Tilo pía* cvm temp tal re crea' -a
tonia. Italtlc nation of 1.121.'*"
of the regí-nal hanks much after the
Inhabitants, have rulmlna'ed In a dic­ ing their attsrk.
Outntwr of It a | r-lrfal ItrarZve bal * «
tatorship, according to advice« from
will» the iteeaury aopplytzvg the ltd-
halo tn the bouse of retiZrarnlallvee
Tallinn, the capital
llatloo capital Io the »»le n t o f |l « I
Gen. Johan Ijddoner. ramtnai tier In • ml In the sruate where e wss,
chief o f the Estonian army, and ami la, piainly evident to rail • hall.
a e e
known aa “ Estonia's George Washing­ New tteal plans are M being swat-
an rovergm ry iw > »
ton," has assumed supreme authority Icwrd without mast¡rrtttoa any mure
with the sgreeroent of the president
The n;--«t important pbai« <-f Ifie
Ibe project t# 4»
and parliament
trend, bowers», sppewrs to he in the
B a n k i n g t o r » t f t » e . | r> *c
t ^ '
tendency of the •-t o to question
continued enactment of every k nd of
In d u e try
■ COM PLETE shakeup In com mer
i i . k
sw n
dal atr line«, using the return of legislation umler the guise of emer­
the air mail to private Unee ss a ball. gency needs. Everything Up Io this
Is being forced by I'nvtmastrr Ucncral time has been pushed through With s a atepchild w»iz!<l ho put lo t« >he
bua-wrae o f benkizxg fo f Induetry a«»4
Farley. Thirty officials
loud cry of "emergency “* tt<-n»o of It,
In p r I v a t e aviation
If not moat of It, was rtnefgrttry legis­ of cu ra r ell.® that h«(qo-na, tha • (*
•> ■ f
companies “ m a t ! to*
|tut (tow everybody with a tern wilt kaztg ue end a s It
•*. much r.-tetoevclal paper, fr y u .u t i
forced out o f office,
pel trhfiBe Is rushing tn with It e*
ing l.-ara, that threw really will he nt
the whole sir mail
"emergency' legislation, and 11 la an
tin.« whet» it ran quit end retire fI"*e
structure is to be re­
overworking of that word that has
built, ami ail the old
brought about concentration » f the op
Am4her p ir.e o f legiatatlun U--t t*
companies c a r r y in g
1»-sitIon f'*r< es. arror-ling to ll.e »..t»
to bate rough a led-! log la tk*
malls must reorganize
•ensiia that I have l*een able to gather.
Uoneevell tazlfT «d)uatment prop»-«al
From I I i im * he. n hh'e io see it
If they wish to share
It aaya on It.a fare of the h.ll that 'I IS
In federal air mail
la a re ruartmeut c f the old story nf
I »own In Ik«
subsidies in the fu­
giving the calf loo much r»p e; It la emergency leglalalinfi.
text, h.-wever, there Is • p fo vla -e
Choking Itself |o death
J. A. Farley
that sny o f the IntrrnatizMval Is rtl
II o t h it e p u b 11-
The Importance of this trend, per
s zee fuco i » reached u b'lrf pw*»l» •*
can and Democratic members of con­ haps, ia best pointed out by live fart
gress assailed tbe new order, denounc­ that there afe dozens of units nf |he of lite hill may he renewed and thsl
they wilt czvqitnne !z» forra ss to* t *•
ing the terms ss too drastic.
New Itenl setup that are predi- uted
one natl- o
the other, parties to lie
Hteps for the return of the air mall wholly on the fart that they were pr».
to private lines were launched Imme­ posed as a part of the general pro­ srrofd, do n>4 give nodes o f ceZKwI-
latino. The opposition hold« Ihia te
diately by advertising for bids on 15 gram for recovery. I think none can
routes, comprising I7.H20 miles. Nona doubt that the depression has pre­ be a propoMl for pennsnwni lea illa­
tion under the guia« of emeegeo.-y
of the companies which had their pre­ sented an emergency Just as great as
vious contrail* canceled will be al­ any arising under a wsr. Hut when
lowed to bbl unle*s they completely any war wa» c n u-lc-l th<- emergency
A»me o f the few Republicana left I »
reorganize arid drop all offielals sus­ wna over, then and there, and rmer-
the senate and house hava hern chid­
pected of fraud or collusion In pest ferny legislation was neither pn»srd
ing the Dem acren« leedora «b«*ul ik »
bidding. The new bids will be for by congrí-»* nor sustained in rotirts
tariff prapoeats o f the administran -o
three months only, but may be extend­ "m - might |toMilily conjecture a btl a*
tie ranas they would delegate to
ed for another six months If Woe«-*-
I'resident and the tariff commission
to where the emergency ended In the
aary. They are Intended Io pruvlde fight to get the economic structure
more authority lo revira ratee upward
pries*» firing at th.
?s,~ t*«ck on a prosperous footing, but the
.-a «lowo werij lhan now esleía.
settlement of a permanent air mall
Republicans are recalling to Ibetr
new ffi-veh^pmcnia certainly show •
policy by congress.
l»rm<>eratlr frien-la how the l e i w c M i i
considerable numlier of lenders In
A new system for computing rate«
fought against tide Ideo when il was
congress and outside who are uuwtll-
which are to be paid for carrying tha
pro|«.»ed by I'resldent C'oolldge snd by
. lb* 1« have th# emergency continue
malls was announced. The nt-w rate«
I'rraident Hoover, although nrtthrr <>f
will be based sn the average toed car­
thnee I’ rraident« Included Interns-
It might be natural to assume that
ried per mile over the route during
lional agrratzventa with the r a l» re­
the movement to halt enactment o f
the month.
vision hie«, g u ile a humorous situs
emergency legislation had developed
Hon has drarloped as a rrault.
naturally from the fart tlmt this la
» e e
A IlS TR IA 'II new cor|K>ratlve ronstt-
an election year for the 435 member*
* * totlon, as published In the official
officials » t the Department zif Agrt
of the house and «orno 96 members of
government gazette, gives the Presi­
culture sdznlt little about reported
the senate. 1'olltliul analysts of long
dent powers similar to those possessed
by the late Emperor Franz Josef when service amt able Judgment assure me.
Fa rm er e
he ascended the throne after crushing
o. • t
tend that crltlelam te
a republican revolution In IMS The case. They say that existence o f a
tn he expected anrf
president will rule through the con- campaign probably has strengthened
that, under the AAA plana being
s'ltutlou, but may change It whenever the backbone of some o f the apposi­ molded hy Administrator Da via the
he thinks an emergency demands. Th* tion hut ^Init the trend more priqierly
organization and rules are to to» kept
constitution will he onsed on the prin­ represent* the divergence o f thought
fieittde. I understand, however, Hint
ciple that all power emanates from God In the |wo s c h o o ls of students o f gov­ there la quilo a hit of objection reach
— In contrast to the present one, which ernment, If that lie true, a* It ap-
liur Hie department ntxiut Hie necee-
says all power emanates from the penr* to he, then we may expect to aea
all/ tor Iarmera allowing govertini.-nl
more and more assaults Ofl the Itooae-
ng. nla to examine their records. T he
Hilt the people, nevertheless, will he velt position.
Every time ho «tip*
reimrtg I get nre In the effzu-t thal
given sn opportunity to express their with an error of Judgment or on bud
since most o f the facta have |o lie
opinion at the polls whenever the gov­ advice and he la human nuil I h o ««
ernment think* this advisable, popu­ slips have amt will coin*- the oppo­ gathered hy county representatives of
Ihe Washington government, many
lar Initiative, however, Is barred and sition can la* counted nil to make the
farmers do not Ilk*- thn Idea o f neigh­
the people will not have constitu­ most o f it.
bor* knowing all shout their affair*.
tion*! right* to elect their own govern­
s e e
I have Inquired itrnMnd to find nut
ment All legislation must he Initiated
For example, nnd ns Indicating how
by the government, which will he ad­
whether there 1« any way that such
vised hut not controlled by four con­ the lineup la chnngltig, stlrmtlon need
n condition ran he corrected nnd ha vs
only he called to the
sultative bodies.
found mi answer, except Hie state­
C h a n g in g
opposition that tins
These will I»« th« *t*te council of 40
ment* nf Ihe high nitlclsla who nrg'i*
L in e u p
em-niilitered in
to U) inemb«r* appointed by the presl.
Hint lln-re Is little examination neces­
the house on Hew
dent; the federal cultural council, con­
sary, The condition sezun* to he on*
sisting of representatives of churches, Agricultural legislation. Most o f these
that must he expected If the concerted
religious societies a,id schools; the
contemplated by the AAA prin­
federal economic council, clmsen from the program laid down In the ugrlciil
ciple* nf crop control are to he effec­
business, | idtistrtal, agricultural and
financial r rrles, end the provindnl 1 pultdon where the present New Deni
The sltiisilnn Is one Hist obvloti«lf
council, n n»t*ting at governor* amt (ihllosophy has boon based on volnn-
nnd naturally develops ns the govern­
finance ml listers of the various prov­ tary co-operation from agriculture,
ment wndes further and further I'd*
Itself. Títere are half * dozen or more
private hiislnes«,
• hr ffvst- i t •trspspsr t'nlsw.
piece* of legislation, tlm nature of
• l>r Western N>w*[-*i‘*r Unto*.