The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934, April 06, 1934, Image 1

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    CASCADE LOCKS in only 10 minnti** from ItnmicvilL» dam. lu
school:;, church*1*, ntwiou ami restauiant* aiv I’ntablirlu-d inutitu*
tions. It is« permanent town will be* a permanent town after the
dam i* completed. It net* above the huge lake which will be
formed by the waters of the Columbia river when the dam in
fni*hed. 'I he lake promises to make it a popular summer resort; it
is on the famous Columbia River highway and the Union Pacific
railroad, with completion of the dam it will enjoy the cheapest
power rate in America. With the building of deep sea locks great
ocean-going freighters can load and discharge cargo within a
stone’s t h r o w of the business section. Owing to the fact that it is
the nearest town to the darn on the Oregon side of the river it
kss become the. reel»
of hundreds of work
nd gov­
ernment employes.
I \M \liK I.IM K.S, t iRFGON, K K IhW
Why Not A '1'enl C olon y ?
Workers ciuployvd on Bonneville dam w ant to
live in Cascatlc l/ocks. liuntlrctls of them are living
in* government camps because they cannot obtain
houses. If living quaaehj were made available they
would bring their families to Cascade Locks
Now that the w»M*i rains are over and the
weather is clearing up it would be pracitca! for the
workers to occupy tents. This would permit them to
bring their families up from Portland or down from
Hood River.
There is an abundance of vacant ground around
in Cascade Ix>cks, j nrticularly at the east end of
town. We believe water and sanitation facilities
could be provided for the camp grounds ut a reas-
onable cost. The ground could be laid out in lots
and rented to workers at fair prices. Development
of thr tent colony would have the added advantage
of attracting families from Portland, who would
like to spend the summer in the open.
Workers ami business men alike would benefit
from the tent colony. It would permit workers to
reduce living expense«, would turn thousands of
dollars loose in Cascade l*ockn each week.
Union Pacific Tracks to Pass
' Through Two Short Tunnels
Above Bonneville and at
Eagle Creek.
CiomiW dil engineer* have
ally compieteti Ihe survey Iof re-
• tation til the Union Pacific * rail
rood track» from a point a mile »rti
d llonnevtllr elation to a |**int lie
\ ml l agir Cfrek but have not «k
i net I whether it will It ne» r.--irv
to hr mg* thr line ml ) Uasocdr Izxk»
thi mh a tunnel
Nearly 50 test holes have lieen
unk in the title ol the mountain
which hunt the river from the «lam
till to the toll brxlgr Crew» wtuking
.lay am! night m X-hour »hilt» are
.lull na canatantly. It ha» been pretty
well established from the borings
th at the entire aide ol the mountain
tn|* 'n| ol an old alide
Union Pacific officials are protest-
mu construction ol a tunnel for »he
reason, they say, that a lunnrl w o u ld _________
be ri(e tisv r U> nwniyiuii Govern-. _
„ „ ____ :T ' ~
ment engineers do not want to bulk! * rb o o | £nreQ m eBt
ir,- Changes Sltow
a tunnel either, but mat te l o r . .
, |o clim b
From Friday to Sunday
retort to one thi» »ide ol l--a«le creek
g .....
,n lhe ■ ( ___
Art Kolstod, j <1
K. mm , I Kiv
I rnattve pUrw provide (or a tunnel
|>j|t ^ Kjo,§ ^
11». mllo to
II •
ll, , um and owner of thr
tunnel b u»e«l It would come out
west »1 the Inidgr ami would not
nmpnitatr a clwnge in ti r railroad
gruiie through laecade u k m .
No decision has been rear
t ie government engineer» rr~ " ' r
a change in the ixevrnt hignw«>
grade, and no «let i»i<m will *- rr.u ie.t
until aster the change» lo b e ma.le in
the railroad grade ha«. Iwen detwie«
upon Hw government engineers
they h<>i>e to avoid a tunnel by curry-
ing the railroad tracks up the hilUide.
II this b clone a change necesaartly
will have to tie made in the highway
grade between Eagle errek and the
State highway engineers are alter
the government lo realign the high­
way grade for miles, but to «late mi
(dans even u( a temporary character
have been adopted.
lhe change in the railroad gra.le
will begin a mile cast of the Ibinne-
villr station. The tracks mil »>»-•
through a 600-foot tunnel under
Tooth rock, cross Faiglc creek on a
trestle and under the s|xir of the
mountain another <>00-(««)t tunnel,
tkivernment engineers «lr«lare the
new gradr will be more satisfactory
than thr present grade
Church People Arc
Becoming Active
\PRIL 6, 1914
Investors Turn Attention to Dnm Employes Experience Dif-
Town in Increasing Num­
hculty in Finding Living
bers as 0am Work Gets
Quarters for Themselves
Into Full Swing.
and Families.
Uving quarter» in Cascade I-ocks
Alter lying dormant lor years.
l \iw id- I nek» ha» «wakened to n n ioe families of men rmpkiyrd on How
ut|v;,y with drvelopromt of the mid- nrvillr clam rrnuin at a premium
Columbia river district and now 'leapite the ef\»rts of builder» u>
[irumiar* to liecomr nor ol thr live- meet the demand (or houses
I teat towns in thr Pari Ik onrthwrai
Many two- and three room house»
t.r.mth of thr town it reflected in
« b,f“
hem* tail» in dillemu
the increasing number ol new bust- I* * 1*
town, numerous «mall rot-
ora, houses which are being opened
*“ ve
^owtructed in thowe
and n thr rapid imr«.' . . thr |* p
•'**"'»» along thr highway, but thr
s**PP|y remain« l«r from adequate.
The town» strategic location at the
* CtM? . ° f thf P « * * 1 * ^ 1 «'»on
•«uth end ol the Hridgr ol the Gods. J
5 V *
- d it» jimiitnlt) to the Konnrv lle « “* °
knultr* ,l « «'-»mated
«Ian.,»» attracting the attention o! In ^
E f t
veatora and p.rri, uUrly ol iav M an I' ■**
ami bust n r» mm who .knurr to inve»,
1K t i* J " " * *
and lo, air ,n . enunuaity -huh wtti T ,he
* * Undf n ! ? r
be pevmanr.d and cont.nur to grow
f * V * « " * * rwp«t«J to double
after the dam la completed .
Every available house in towa ia
. . .
* ncrflplitJ. arid it k not uncommon to
( *Kade Lock* rvprem themselves a, (tmi two (>r ^
, hrr_
aid. iim.; !sv«*ts«*a<a. espying a one family dwelling.
Them eapremmm of satisfaction are
\ umernun» have taken in
havine the result of drawine the at-l««.
I . , . , , ^ , 0 »m ih, oplnta. pwvdl.
¿n lbr
wh,ch '* l*’u»cd in the I. O. that a large number of busines* firm, .Mlr,i |hjl( |hr a - — a
¡ntre^ .
|mm 60 ¡n j q j j lo joa this 0
building, has changrrl the date will trek kxationa in the town .luring ^ ¿ ¡ j y M summn ai»p»«)athe>
^ ^ njr.
mr.qimrrn in thr high of hw wrrkl> %h»w Imm Friday night 'he summer
Uontrary to expectatkos, rnnken
whivil ha* «limtw.1 lr«»m 22 to J 2.
to SumUy night He is exhibiting
J H laber of Portland, who con- employed on the dam are not cro»-
The wh««il«. at present a port of good film« ami hi» »«und equipment Inilt a Urgr sharr of the vacant mg ihr river to rat and sleet) in
the I|« xm I River county unit »>-»trm, i» equal to that fuuml in large houw» pro|wrty in town, b opening an oilier North Bonneville, buf art either liv-
(ll (Jg ^ .,f g w »mill i.iwn Ihr quality <•) rntert
t is such on Main tree! '>|^a»iie the D m
ig in the g^erMMM OMp ai the
| hr •« h«*.l bu»a-» gather that it is m> longer nece»»ary (<»r Inn, in order to lake cate of inquiries damsitc or are ik<tung m’v f .< cade
^ py|„|t jwf M Uistamr of several resident- of (aw aitr laxks to drive (or property. The office will be laicka.
on r4tb
0f t„wn, thu» up to Mood River or down to Port- houwd In a 2-story 20 by .10 building
The fact that (a -* ode lawks »•
fn*|ii 5 K educational facilities to chil- land to see a good show It is hoprd which is now in course ol construe- only ten minutes from the damsite
(jfen wb<w4> (#lbrf, arr employed on that the t«»wn give» him the coopcra- lion, ami wU4 hr in charge ol \V_JD by car makes it easier for workers to
lbr (|Bm
(ion and Mpporl th.n hi dr»er ves • Kee»^r ■
live on the Oregon side rather than
on the Washington sj«ie of the river
There afr now mhir than 1300 men
employed -on the different contracts
which have hero let in esnaectiun
with Coristruction of tfir dam. Hun­
dreds of men are supporting families
in Hood River, in Portland and in
other towns on their wages. l*robabiy
a majority of th«-M- would prefer to
move their families to Cascade Locks
if they could find a place to live.
A dozen or more new louses have
gone up within the past 60 days.
These houses have been rented before
¡the carpenters could finish them.
Bcnnott Comes to Rescue
Of the Unwashed
I he influx of pe«>pl«* to Cascade
Locks caught the town in an em­
barrassing, and we might add, an­
noying situation. Just now they have
siying noying situation. There have
not lx*en enough l>ath tubs to g«>
around and the weather has hardly
Ixm warm enough to encourage bath­
ing in the river. The condition is be
ing remedied, at least in a measure,
by Frank Bennett, proprietor of the
ham Inn who is causing puhli«
showers to lx- installed in thr base­
ment of his new building
With the rapid increase in |M>pula-
tion, members of different church
«lenominxlions in fa c a d e I^icks are
beginning to talk of organising con­
gregation,. The pulpit of the Metho­
dist church here Is occupied every
Tuesday night by Rev. Nat Buckley,
(Kistor of the Methodist church at
Hood. River. The MethodisU are
holding Sunday school every Sunday
morning an«l the Kpwnrth league
meets at the rhurch each Sunday
Mrs Kim m ell In
P ortland H ospital
Mrs. C. kimmdl, who conducts the
l he Catholic church is holding no
Columbia liotel^ has g«»nr to P«>rt-
services as yet. It is reportr«! that
one of the employes «in government
\ 10-root raise in the Columbia bored feverishly t k rp the lte%hih . le. mi (u»t as prclumnar» work OB tand to receive t*e b n e u for an ah
work, wlw* is an ordained < hristi.m rjvrr bj)H threatened to carry out of the «lam above
water, and with the Hi .¡evtlle dam wa» Eottiae well erssed cor Her condition is not coo
minister «K l commence to hold ser- , offmlamH |M.twl.,.„ H,.,d(onl .»land cessation
................ «il ‘ the rains there ------------------------------*
* ■ * tdxa
- * ol - the heighth of
^ tS I ld e W i r’nftgerous, out thr obcess is
is every umler way. - An
vices on Sunday, (irobably otitiknirs iin(j tbp majn|aIH| on ||„. o rrgon si«le, Indication that th»*\ have won the th« dam may he ubtamed from this' ivitig her much pain Cast .ole lawks
if the weather clears up an«l becomes |da^pi^ ,-ff,,rts nf contractors to lieat battle. I An uitesnpdfd isisr in the picture, taken during a visit of t he 1 ,rj ' ntk sfnt her flowers and best
I dea sa nt again.
O P ^|an fjyp,. W'orkmen have !a- rivet i.i-t ......n.1 ... ri«d
I Port I., ml e h ...,I* ..I
« **• {l»“
,r,ovrr>' a" H
turn to tw home ti>wn.