Lecture Economical Traiuportatit* Science mbodying every modern feature of Advanced Automotive Design! No matter what you pay for a motor car, you cannot buy more modern design, more proved performance or more advanced engineering than is offered in the Bigger and Better Chetf rolet! Every unit of this remarkable car has been developed by engineers and scientists who a/e specialists in that particular technical field, and its quality, stamina and performance have been proved by tens of thousands of miles of testing at the General Motori Proving Ground! Come in and see for yourself! The more you know about engineering—the more quickly will vou be convinced that here is quality in design, ma­ terials and construction never before available at such low prices! Thinking of the Garden ? Bartol Motor Company MELLON’S GROCERY OREGON Phone 1111 —To every purchaser of 5 or more gallons of gasoline on opening days. TVeWdameyou «oP.rd.ai1 200eomforttbl. room., ■xl> with bath. M mumm M. n«. Nm* m U ot « wmm I mwfuiil o/ SAM D. ADKISSON RADIO NEWS Sie HOTEL CONGRESS PORTLAND, OREGON DINNERWARE —In the enlarged store! Our new, modern fixtures and facilities for displaying, make this department one of the outstanding features of the store. Easy to see and compare. Open stock patterns in all Blue Bell-Quaint Colonial grades from which you may select just the piece decoration on rich old ivory ground. Unique in you want shape, color and decora­ tion. 32-piece PC EE set, only..... ........ yv*0v Money Saved is Money Made BIG SAVING Ol$ Just Received DU BARRY and Cogs well Chairs In beautiful new coverings Due to the fact that we are taking on the General Electric Refrigerators, we are in a position to offer you several Electro-Kold Refrigerators, both Unit Models and Models to Install in your own Ice Box, at a Big Reduction in price. We wil^ still continue to ser­ vice these machines as in the past. 78-In. Davenport- Full web construction-spring filled cushions-heavy Jacquard cover-Larie Fireside Chair to match-Terms J EA if desired.......... Pacific Power, and Light Co E; A. Franz Co ** Always at Your Service PHONE 4031 ;