HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928 APPLE ADVERTISING DECLARED A NEED T "No More Pyro Irucks or Conv AGRITOL the NEW Land'Clearing Explosive made by the du Pont Company which cartridged Pyrotol business In placing Agritol, the new du Pont explosive, on sale, we do so with full confi­ dence in the quality of the powder and its suitability to yourstumpingcondition*. Years of selling du Pont powders and knowing about their satisfactory service warrant our recommending Agritol to you for stump blasting in this section. Bennett Brothers If you use Agritol, here are the advantages gained Phone 1601 A powder is no better than its blasting cap. We are especially careful in purchas­ ing caps, fuse and all accessories for powder users. Don't use good powders and expect satisfactory blasting results if your caps, fuse or accessories are inferior. Du Pont caps and powders are always dependable. I’eur Crop l>ooniH l^rge The outlook for a bumper crop of pears equal to any previous bumper crop and |K>*sibly excelling such pre­ vious crops is the present situation in the Rogue Hirer valley, as there are very heavy settings of all varieties of pears, and barring damaging frosts and other possible act* of nature, there will be a record yield. In general the *eason la a week in advance over that of recent year* and the need now i* for proper polleniza- tlon of the early blossoms, hence grow­ er* are ardently wishing for warm, ■unny weather to Insure pollenlxation, a* the d’AnJoua especially arc in need of it. The Howell* and d'Anjóya are al­ most in full bloom a* the general rale. the clusters' of the Nellie, Boac Cornice are just separating and Bartlett* are half way between bloom and separation of cluster*. Place your orders for Agritol and blasting caps and fuse now vaccine for S. J. FRANK, HOOD RIVER HOOD RIVER SPRAY CO., HOOD RIVER CRAVENS & EMSTRUM, WHITE SALMON, WASH. EXPLOSIVES FOR FARM IMPROVEMENTS FISTON from H this Discount Bunk ? Lots of fellows do! It’s the old game of making the buyer think he’s getting a better price than anybody else. makes N ash the favorite The price we name on your tire is the very lowest pries at which GOODYEAR quality tires can be sold! .We sell only Goodyear Tires. We think that the only way to keep the biggest tire business in* town is to handle the best tires we know about z And when we quote a price—that’s the price, and it’s honest. It’s the price that means you’re getting your money’s worth. It’s the same price everybody pays—whether it’s a cash deal, a trade-in or on monthly account. This Smart Sedan mthB^E^uipaunt reduced in price*. *2202 Come on over. We haven’t any funny discount stories to tell you, but we ean show you excellent merchandise, aboveboard. priced fairly and Use our service station. Free inspection, inflation, and advice. Sparks’Service&TireStation Automotive Service C Fifth