« * •- SS’'*!* - r ..ywtí End Tables $1.95 - $235 - $3.25 Tilt Top Tablés $2.75 • Breakfast Tables t I $3.75 - $6.75 - $&15 Open Dish Cupboards tir • The Danger Zone« of Europe" was the subject of an address given Bunday night at Asbury Methodist church by James Bettie, a senior of Willamette University, who spent last summer traveling through Europe with the Aiuericau Seminary. Mr. Bettie ex­ pects to follow this work when he graduates. Mr. Bettie covered the countries vis­ ited comprehensively. Great Britain, he says, has a great unsolved economic problem. The unemployed reach 2JW0,- UOU. Nine-tenths of the wealth is owned by one-teuth of the |>eople. Drink, Mr. Bettie declared, ta a aocia) evil, and the Church of England, he said, is losing out with the common people because of arrogance. Germany, he says, is recovering slowly from exhaustion. Mr. Bettie said that Germans deny responsibility for the war. and he said that Hinden- luirg Is working for peace. He char­ Bring your cut Imir or combings to acterised him as a praying /nan, liked Mrs. M. D. Hicks nU| have a switch by the people, a man working for *a made for 81.25. Photic 2proved plans was made during con- i structioii without, obtaining approval • resulted in a (»ridge without legal I standing. The -Vi' •• tive buyers, sellers «nd traders. List your property with us if you want to get quick action. may have the very party who We will be interested in your prop­ erty. CONGRESS PORTLAND, OREGON Oak St. - - Phone 4211 i I ** * ” iti <1 Cash & Carry Grocery "fJNf ’ X Ladles Aid Society will bold an sals in Hackett’s furniture pril fl and 7. Candy, fancy work, eggs and cooked and baked ired. will l>e observed st next fl Heights Phone 1031. THIRD AND OAK STS. An April Fools’ party twill be the fea­ ture of the flrst ParentVCeacber meet­ ing under the new officers, Friday, April 8, at Pine Grove school. The officers have request C<1 that the meeting be attended promptly at eight o'clock, itecauee of important business and the length of the program that is planned. The flying squadron of the County Health assoriatlon will furnish an hour’s entertaternent in the interest of health education Miss Carlton will explain at that time the value of the health clink* that is lieing held in the acboots of the county. The finance cammittee of the Parent- Teacher association has planned a shrub and plant booth to be erected in the hall for the sale of plants and bulbs of any sort that patrons may be Inter­ ested to contribute. Anyone Who has a supply of surplus plants is urged'to sponsor this booth. The entertainment committee 'an­ nounces that each memlx r or visitor is requested to come attired in some odd or unusual feature of dress, else he or she will I m * subject to a fine of un­ stated amount. Alan, tn keeping with the April Fool spirit, each woman is asked to bring some article of food, prepared in any unique fashion that may aiqieal to her originality. As an­ nounced at the last meeting, any per­ son present who does not attend the next meeting accompanied by a friend, preferably the husbaiqlM of faithful mother patrons, la liable to a fine. However, the committee is more Inter­ ested in increased attendance than the doubtful ImreaM in the association's exchequer. Harold Hammers waa awarded first place in Pine Grove to represent the school in the <<>nnty der lamatory con­ test. Recon (I place was won by Louise Lucas, speaking “It Couldn't Be Done”, and third by Katherine Kilbuck. speak­ ing * Ma and the Anto”. Harold’s piece, “The Duel", by Eugene Field, was se- lecte FLOUR AND SUGAR I WILL BE OFFERED TO YOU IN OUR WINDOW DISPLAY I I Children's Edocatlonal Insurance. Talk with Young. 1Q to TO. Wtf It will pay you to come and see us ! I 1 l } i bi TT OUR OFFERING ON i i ' i Kt H I I Chicken Feed and Dairy Feed IT I I I m H H-' ; ‘.t* W? twu chlldi fka week Bickford! Mias Lois McDonald, who is attqkd- lug Normal at Monmoath, apsat bar vacation last week lu Odell and Pine Grove. Mrs. G. D. finch has Aimed from a visit With her danght^f Mrs. Jen­ nette Gunter, at sheltort; Wash. tMk. and Mrs. Arirle Fim-h accompanied her to Hbelton and remained there. • Miss Ethel Bickford came from La Grande last week to spend the spring vacation with her parents. Mias Vivian Hageu hud her tonsils removed last Friday. Ths W. C. T. V. will meet with Mrs. F. L. Mack on Thursday, April 5. R legislative progrum will be conducted by Mrs. A. I. Mason. M**oU- > Mr. snd Mrs Malice Graff who were married March 19, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Graff. John Jefferson of Salem la visiting his sister, Mrs. A. F. Lacy. Mrs. Fred Mack siM-nt the weA end in Portland. . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller have re­ turned from their motor trip to Calif­ ornia. They repirt an excellent time in spite of incon vi-nfencee from the floods. At one place the water raised alsrve the running istard of their car and they, were afraid it would-be waidted away. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Collier were here from Portland last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Mraway and looking after ranch interests. A shower was given Tuesday night for Mrs. Hazel Rogers and John Gar­ rett by ‘the church choir at the home of Mia. J. D. Lester. John Mohr, Jr., with a college friend, William Berg, spent his vacation at home last week. Mrs. Hermena Hnyder who has been spending the winter with her mother, Mrs. Hans Lege, has returned to Port­ land. Bernice Jackson who is attending Willamette University, was at home last week. Mr. end Mrs. Victor Caldbeck of were guests of Mrs. Cald- motber, Mrs. Hans Lage, last DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY H. GROSS, Proprietor Downtown Phone “ 1033 Laif'- -t ’ PINE GROVE J DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY 1 * t r ' . 4 *15 Portland to San Franotaco Is not only at a Reasonable Price, but of Best Quality. ($17 28 from ■ * * MARCH 29, 191» HOOD RIVÉR Gl-ACIER, THURSDAY, i WILLAMETTE MAN ACT OF CONGRESS TELLS OF EUROPE LEGALIZES BRIDGE Unfinished' Furniture *< ■ w 1 ■ " «’ p 'Vi! M -y L 1 •-r :< a •.» f ¿0—i- g • \ ♦• * ’krra--.- * . -,t. FV / - '- r- ■ "i. , M — . r. g . the coat of the Improvement hla Street, mm provided by No. .7»? within aald dty h. are bereto- fore been made, levied and assessed to ... ______ ______ George ._ We reserve the right to limit quantities *•-w a .5 ft JOHN M. »COTT. Asst. Pxsaenger Trafile Manager, Portland. Oregon. 'S. f J*’ -ta« a 1 ■ •**4« •