F HIGH SCHOOL NEWS HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1926 * 11 ... -IT - I . . >y simply pulse with blue and white— give everything you have." “I am sure,” said Kathryn i’erigo, but it should all be massed in one acting chairman of the meeting aa vice- place. _______ (From Hood River Guide) prcxldeiit of the student body, since What do we think of our girls' bas Thomas Johnson, president, was un­ An eastern newspaper columnist In­ team? They are a pretty flue That the play, “Friend Indeed", by able to act, “that we are glad Father ketbali forms his readers that, on opening hia bunch. They may not get so much Clayton Hamilton and Bernard Droit, Marshall ahowM that it is ourselv«« direct J. W. Crites, county school superin ­ desk the other day, he found a beauti­ praises from the people but nev­ went smoothly, with few breaks, en­ Instead of soiuetliiug else that is the ertheless we are very proud of the girls tendent, who because of an interesting ful apple which disappointed him by trance« and exits well covered, aud trouble with our school spirit." address on schools several weeks ago, "like the i«d gray dawn of th« The assembly was held so that the who strive and try to do their beat to wax asked for a return appearance be­ tasting seen«« changed quickly was the opinion morniug after”. We will waive the tiieir part of the game« for old of these who aaw it Friday, January delegates to the University of Oregon win fore the Tuesday forum of the cham ­ opportunity of dincussing thia state­ Hood River high. They play a clean 27, when it was presented in the audi­ could tell of their trip to Eugene and game, too. No one could wish for bet­ ber of commerce, told chamber mem­ ment. which may contain much of of the conferences they attended. torium by the boys' "H” club. CORDIAL invitation is extended to bers at the Waukoma hotel Tuesday of Mixa Rpth Gilmore, faculty advisor, ter sportsmanship. Every player cornea the,requisites of a teacher. Mr. Crites truth. That is to «ay. columnist« are This well-oiled state of affairs was such notorious bon vivants that such up with a winning smile and. though du« to the efficient generating of Miss «aid that at her meetings they dis­ it 1« so easy to stack and let the oppo­ quoted from Dean Jewell, of O. A. C.. may, index'd, have been the dreutu- all of the people of the Mid-Col- cussed the high schl club. Every Margaret Foster, the coach. get ahead, they fight until the who was recently here, declaring that stgnce. But he explained further than Also the play was well acted. James club,” Miss Gilmore said, “should have nents the latter had declare.I it necessary last whistle blow«. The forwards are that umbia to attend our formal open­ Carson, as Jack Singleton, deserves an object.”' Other points- she men­ accurate allots, the guards watch their for teachers to have three requisites “The apple came all the way from much credit for his absolutely convinc­ tioned were that dlaiHxdtiou of control rivals, the centers work in perfect har­ and one prequiaite. The latter, it was Wenatchee, Washington although I ing at our new headquarters in the ing performance. His work was excel­ and government in the club should be mony—ail playing together with the declared, is the moat imimrtant of all. don’t know why. Still, we ought to be handled by several ¡arsons aud that lent He said that a teacher must “crave”, glad to get these apples from the coast, effectiveness of gd teamwork. Lynn McCuUey. as Charles Cart­ there should lx* open lueidings. Two games won—one lost (but who "hanker” or be “concerned” about no matter bow punk they are. the un­ said Elwin Emmel, “Most schools,.......................... ~ wright or Owls, the cub reporter, gave can*x a lx >ut that?)—let's go on to Park- teaching; that an impelling zeal must fortunate fart being that Onondaga HALL BUILDING, OAK STREET an appealing, realistic picture of a real treasurer, "I 'leave trouble with their dale aud beat them. Fight ’em, team. be a guide. county produces some years less than person. Owls became an alive char­ finances, although they have much The three requisites Mr. Crites said a million barrel« of fruit.” more money than we linve. At i Grant acter. were: First, knowledge: xecond. age, from 2 to 5 p. m< You will understand, by the allusion Fight 'em —fight 'em— tight ’em — and third, that “Bomething” that will Mlriem Knoblook, as Patricia Bing, high school, alone, $40.000 was han- to tlie county, that the columnist oper­ the stenographer, created a convincing dl«*«l by the student Ixidy in one sem- H cmm I River—fight ’em. Didn't that ab­ cause her pupils to like her. Teachers, ates SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 in New York state, and it was surd little chanting thrill you? Weren’t Mr. Crites said, must always keep character quite different from her own. ester." “Most of the Giris’ leagues, _ . ” said you just iHMcseased with a wild desire ahead of their student«, must never there he bit into the Wenatchee apple. Ray Hathhorn as O’Rellley, the And if you know anything atxftit east- police, was laughably funny and he Inez Young, president of the Girls’ to "fight ’em”? Keep it up, gang. Do­ allow t Iwii» i> catch up. They must ernoro and their stem code, you will league, “s|x*nd lot« of money on re­ ing fine. Fight ’em. We want you to know that you will was at ease on the stage. enjoy the tliiuj igs that their pupils eu- as readilv understand that they are < ■ . Wayne Mendenhall made a natural wards and they don't have enough. I Joy- required to take a vow in early child­ Elementary rules of electricity, posi­ seeming "yellow” reporter, Blackwell. told them we had plenty and they asked Mr. Crites said that teachers as a hood, always be welcome at our new store, the "ax Hannibal made oath to his The realization that he could act, me why, if Hocxl River had so much tive and negative charges, conductors rule are very serious in tiieir conven­ handle himself on the stage, had just money, we didn't buy pictures or have and non-condm-tors. are to la* studied tions. While various organizations of sire, never to speak good of a western home of quality Furniture. come over Robert Goin. Half the time an emergency room or give thing« away and experimented with in the physics business folk may skip the serious apple and ever to speak ill. The oath, al­ though secret with the fraternity, runs he let himself go and be Dana, the nt Christmas and Thanksgiving time. classes of Jesse Crensliawe. papers of their annual gatherings, the something after this fashion: "By the other half of the time be was himself. I told them that we did and still had teachers will always lx* found en­ lx*anx of my ancestors, by the codfish plenty left.” Inez smiled inischiev- Both phases had effective results. After planning a sleighing party, deavoring to gain new and useful in­ balls of our family board, by the faith Wesley Hoagland filled a small part ioiisly. formation. He cited the great changes Him* so mml) time was taken for and watching the snow melt and spoil that nre taking plaie constantly in of my fathers, I will hate with a well. With pince-nez on his eyes, he s|MX*elie«, all of them were not given. prempects of such a jolly excursion, a methods of teaching. Every effort is quenchless hatred the Infamous apple looked an entirely different person. of students gathered in the of the west.” It is a« perilous to men­ Having never been in a play before, Kathryn Perigo, Guide till tor; Carol group room of the Ben H. Iu»ge home, lx*lng lx*nt toward making courses as tion Oregon or Washington apples to a Glen Sutherlin did very well as George Hurlburt, Mascot editor; and Thomas living practical ax possible, although along a New York stater, and in praise, a« it Sunday afternoon, January 29. After Hancock, the town's leading citizen, Johnson, student ixxly president, are a marshmallow toast before the large different line from a decade ago when la to speak happily of the Florida cli­ acting of Carol Hurlburt, as Dorothy to give speeches at another time. fireplace, and an afternoon of rollick­ manual training departments were be­ mate to a native son of sunny Calif­ Hun<-ock, his niece, was enchAntingly ing filled with students. ing fun, a delightful supper was served ••THINK OF THE HOME FIRST” lovely In her sympathy and interest in Allowing Madras to score only one and the fun continued. Those present Mr. Crites said that the choice of ornia. So far ax we have been able to Dana's dying paper. point in the second half, but sinking were: Eleanor House, Myrna Cobb, teachers now require« a great deal ascertain uom* has ever l»een traitor to The play told of the popularising of two baskets to boost her own total to Myrtle Anderson, Katherine Vaughan, more selection than formerly. The ad­ thi apple oath, as It is privily known to natives of the east. a newspaper. 18, Hood River’s blue clad quintet Hammers. Ignore Igige, Ray vance in pay of teachers has resulted Of course, setting aside the proba­ Glen Griffith, stage manager, John nosed out Madras 18-16 Haturday night Mary in many who are unfit seeking such Hathorn, Willard Jarvis. Jimmie Car- bility that our columnist spoke sooth Hounsell and Edwin Goodrich, bls as­ In the most thrilling game* played here son, ¡xisitions. He urged that good teach ­ Russell Acheson. Roy Hammers when I k * mention«! the morning after, sistants, also deserve much credit for this year. ers be given encouragement. and Keith Lage. there is the merest chance that he may a successful play. The game was a battle from the Accompanying Dr. C. II. Jenkins. have encountered a tfeetern apple that start with first one team and then an­ Geo. I, Mowery, manager of dbe light A group of high school students al­ plant at Htevenaou, Wash., was a guest wax really bad. O<*caxlonally, in ewy other taking the lead. Ix>w, fast passing,' gixxl teamwork few thoustfncT barrels or so, such an Hood River led most of the second ways have a merry time when assem­ at the Tuesday luncheon. and training gained by experience in bled for that purpose, and the rule was apple may lx* found. There is a stand­ quarter, but just before the half ended recent game«, served to bring the girls' ing reward in Wenatchee, however, as not broken Bunday night, January 29. Madras sank two baskets to take the Through the Mist basketball team another victory of 21- when a |>arty of them assembled at there is in «»very other western fruit lead 15-14 as the half ended. (B.v Dean Collins in Portland Tele- center, for the apprehension of guch 17 in a game played against the Steven­ tlx* C. A. Reed home on the East Ride At the beginning of the third quarter gram.) son girls in the high school gymnasium xpples. but it is rarely claimed. The Hood River took the lead on a field for a Monday night supper and an HONG TO ORDER Saturday Night, January 28. Those present average Wenaftfime apple, as the aver­ liaaket and were never again headed evening of gayety. “Tune up your lyre. D»*an Collins, age Hood River or Rogue river apple. Frances Acheson, Julianne The Stevenson team, tired to begin by Madras, the only point scored by were: with by a game played the night be­ the visitors coming In the last quarter Benton, Carol Hurlburt, Kathryn Peri­ and aci-ompany yourself,” xayx the 1« as zestful and sweet ax it 1« possible go, Joyce Nye, Jean Roberts. Charles Hood River Glacier, “while you sing for any apple to be, and the markets of fore fought hard but were unable to on a foul. of those 10,600 robin«, harbingers of defeat the blue and white, who played In the last half the blue and white Reed. Jimmie Pierson, Russell Acheson. Spring, sighted down Roseburg way the world confirm this fart by their a rushing game from beginning to end. warriors changed their style of play­ King Benton, Bob Fidler and Bob preference and patronage. No, we are the oilier day.” The Hood River line-up was as fol­ ing. going into the percentage -forma­ I’erigo. fairly certain that the columnist is one ______ They say a swallow, a «ingle swallow. of those who has taken the oath, and lows: Hazel Sandman. Edith Parks, tion and keeping the ball in their pos­ Jean Roberta, former student tn Can never, no never, make a Spring. Ihgt he wouldn't like an Onondaga forwards; Tootsie Sandman, running session practically tlx* entire half Iltssl River high who has for the first There's gotta be other things that apple if he thought it came from Wen­ epnter; Lola Byrd. Aleda Beauregard, which accounts for the small score. follow jumping centers; Estelle Maya, Juli­ -Poulson, Madras forward, was high semester been at Lincoln high school atchee. We find his loyalty, at any To flai> and flutter and ihirp and sing rate, rather admirable than otherwise. anne Benton. Myrna Cobb, guards. scorer with 1« |s>lnts, and Hathhorn In Portland, enrolled Monday in the senior class. Jean says she ’ s awfully And All the hill ami the plain and Edith Parks was high point forward. And he has our sympathy, too. What playing his first game for II. R. II. 8., glad to get back and that she will lie hollow a lot of fine apples he is denying him­ gathered eight points to carry off high able to graduate with the class of '28. With birdsong and all that sort of self !—Oregonian. A story of the French revolution. honors. thing. Madame Therese, is being studied in Lineup«: Fertilizing the Lawn Miss Ruby Fessenden, junior English Ami that is why with (b lighted bobbin's the French IV class of Miss Margaret Hood River Madras ( By Gordon G. Brown) teacher, and Miss Frances Sherwood, And leap and caper nnd chortle gay. Foster. Poulson McCulley F good . _ many inquiries reach the A „ Evlck music director, spent tha week end In I hear the flight of 10,000 roHus F The story, written in French, is to be Hathhorn 'riment ______ Headed this way from Roseburg way. offii-e of the Hood River Experiment Endicott Portland. Bonney O translated into English. Station asking for advice on the fertil­ I dry the tears of my Winter's Bobbin's, IxMunis Peril vol G Katherine Vaughan, senior, spent the And holler: “It's almost Spring! ization of lawns In the city. This is a FINS, FURS AND FEATHERS Dee week end with Mary Hammers, sopho­ G Clifton Emmel and Thomas Clarke, Mendenhall subject on which no definite experi­ Hooray!" more. ________ both well known in music and atudent mental work has hwn conducted local­ Ah soon, full soon on the lawn and ly. but general recommendations an* In order to create more interest in activities while in Hood Blver high Ix»cal hunters and trapix*rs for the The Willamette university glee club garden school, and who are now climbing up newswriting and to give the class offered which will probably prove help­ first time tbix winter Iiave been catch­ presented a delightful concert Monday Will crimsori vests with a noble ful. in the ranks of the musicians of Fort­ training in real newspa|)er work, the Fridsy, February 8, after regular ing au ltality, and the use PUhiM Notes skinned warriors have shown much make them more soluble. the usual 104 price. Rpecial effort will ever any animal longed for companion­ of their homes.” snap and speed than they have any At the- convention January 31 the One of the common causes of run­ I m * made to have these Brownie shows ship it was that dog. He stood at street The program concluded with the offlcei We have confessed our sins. We time this season and their team work _____ *____ ■rs for the _ pre-sent (erm _____ were __ in- down lawns, lx the continued removal every Haturday and pictures of ajqx-al corners and fairly demanded that some which was ragged and lacking before know- our wrong and have begun to singing of "The Old Historic Temple", stalled by M. SI. Russell. D. G. C„ of the cuttings. By so doing a great to the Brownies will be shown. one stop and give him a kindly word. has improved Immensely in the last right it. Thanks to Father Marshall the Willamette foie has such a grand awak­ the high schixil, which will receive one- t rust««e. tables and outpoint Goldendale squad. mends the application of "mixed ” fer ­ in school.” Special prizes will lie given Reserve officers met here Tuesday Friday night, February 3. the blue ening fallen upon us. Not once before fourth of the profits. According to tilizer. There are severs! of these on from time to time for Brownies l>est night and took steps toward organiza­ It was a rare traM for those present and white quintet will meet the Cas­ this year did we have or at least dis­ Elwin Emmel. treasurer of the student the market. One texting relatively cade Ltx-ks five at Hood River in an play the enthusiasm, interest and de­ body, the receipts amounted to $58.50. to witness the Installation as put on high in nitrogf*n Is preferred. This fer­ exemplifying their Brownie creed and tion of a Hood River chapter of the as the Brownie memlx-rshlp grows, big­ Reserve Officer's Association of the sire to win a« was shown nt the game which means that the high school re­ by Bro. Matt Itnsaeli who had spent other conference game. Saturday night. All of us weined to ceived $13.85. The Girls' league wax much time in preparing for the work. tilizer comes in a very finely ground ger and letter shows will be put on United States. A membership of 20 is condition and may he broadcasted. for them. The new officers took hold of the in prospect. In preparation for college entrance have been inspired to lie loyal again, responsible for the housing and enter­ Reseeding is also recommended In Any local people who are interested work In a way that promises good re­ officer« named for the new chnpter examinations the seniors are making a to cooperate, to bring back to its great­ tainment of the cluh while here. many Instances. es|x><4ally where the in children can make any suggestions are: Lieutenant Colonel Charles Htein- sults. Bro. Henry Cramer, of Friend ­ est capacity th, glorious old Hood Riv ­ review of technical English. removal of moss has tx*en accompanied that will I* of benefit to the Brownies er spirit. No yellls were chanted in ship No. 9 of The Dalles, wax present Having finished that, they will take­ The Hood River high girls' basket­ ami gave n short talk that was en­ by raking. Tills will help renew the or on join in making the Brownies a hauaer. president; Dr. H. D. W. Pineo« vi.v president; ahd Trunls J. Wyers, up the study of literature. This liter­ truer unison, no minds faltered from ball team will play its first out of town joyed stand. bigger organization. This movement is secretary-treasurer. b.v all. their com-ent ration towards victory, no ature is composed mostly of “Odea game of the season against the Park- spreading all over the Pacific coast and persons were happier when all was Christ ian Bible School Notre The meettnfc was held at the Hood Plans are going forward for an open to—”, "Lines to—”, in the manner of over. dale high school team at Purkdale Fri­ the Brownie clubs are rapidly develop­ , anniversary meeting on February 21. The Workers' conferen. said he had come here You can help your team by coining fe<4 that the student body J a lx*hlnd Waverly says he thinks he will like ___ from Spokane. He told officers that he the past week In He«tt!e where Mr. ua, but if they want a better bunch, to the contest. Don't make them talk his position very well. He enjoys con­ had intended to enter the Raymer Green was attending to bualnem*. Mrs to empty chair*. Nothing is harder. why don’t they get on«?” ducting the meetings. homo, thinkihg the family Away from Green together with her mother and Support your team! Glenn Griffith, junior, also asserted Other officers elected were: vlce- home. sister motored on to Los Angeles, Calif., Roost your team 1 that the real trouble back of the team preaident. Bob Breckenridge; secretary, Finger prints of tlie youth were taken where they will visit with friends and Beat Tlie Dalles t lay in the student body. Kathleen Hartwig; treasurer, Rebecca b.v Deputy Sloat ntxl forward«! to Port­ r datives. They expect to be gone “Good !” said Father Marshall. “Yon Thomlsnn. land. It was learned Tnewlay that the altont two weeks "The “H" club wants everybody, that have confpsaed at least onco in your While in Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Green young man had a penitentiary^record, Is every high school student, to alt in life.” Jolin Young Wins Honor having ’b«'n sent up from Klamath experienced the excitement of a fire at “Yon remind me of a bunch of the same M-etion at basketball games. J. H. Young has just been informed Falla for grand larceny. He later got flee home of Mr. Green's parents They ebureb people. Catholics, Methodists, The yelling is so much more effective. by the head offic-e of the Mutual Lift- in were aroused gt 4.30 a. m. and found tronble in Portland. "Pat” tries awfully hard; but. I ask Insurance Co. of New York that lb* is just church people. The feal name of the youth is David the basement of the home* In flames. "The trouble with chureh people you. can ho lead yelling when half a 22nd ansmg the first 75 agents of the Richards He will be hold here on The entire Heattie lire fighting force everywhere is that they go to church dozen are In-re. half a dozen there and nation In writing policies on new lives a charge of attempting to burglarize a was called and after two hoars of fight­ to get wlmt they can from God Al­ half a dozen the next place? the past year. dwelling In the night time, a crime that ing the flames were extinguished and mighty. Instead of to give. No! No! It nn't lx* done. And so Mr. Young, too. was cited four times will draw a penitentiary sentence the home was only partially tost, says' *TIn church and athletics it is the please, everylxxly, do ait in the saux* on monthly writings, having appeared should be lx* «mvlct«!. Mr Green. The fire was canned by same. To got things you must give. section, yell yotir loudest and wear four months ago among the tint fit) defective wiring in the haaement and) If you went a winning team you must blue and white. The gymnasium should agents/«f the entire country. autw-d several hundred dollars damage. Glacier makea rubber stampe. CRITES GIVES REQUI­ SITES OF TEACHER AU Ultò-CDlumÌria Ititittrò JFurnttnrf (Lonipatiy FREE KID MATINEE AT RIALTO FRIDAY PINE GROVE WILL ENTERTAIN POMONA Advance Shipment NEW SPRING COATS THE LEONORA—SPECIALTY SHOP ■4