HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26. I «8 Iaist week we wore burrle«Land wen- unable to have included in Odell notes the announcotnents for Sunday's serv- icaa. Rev. 0. L. Dark preached a tar sermon Sunday morning with Over­ coming Onr Handicap" as his subject and in the evening another sermon equally fine on "The Value of A Man.' Several men of the church met at the parsoimge last Thursday and rein­ forced tlie supports under the Hue and instaJkd coils in the furnace. Announcements for next Hunday at the Methodist church are: Hunday whool, 10 a. m., Allison Fletcher. Snpt. Morning worship, 11 a. m.4 sermon sub­ ject. "Prayer and Pray-ers." Epworth League, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m.: sermon subject, "The Power ol a Noble Purpose.” Rev. C. L. Dark. Minister. Pupils and teachers of the grade school are ]>reparlug a program for the evening of February 21. The men of the Methodist church aro very quiet about the supper and program for hVbruary 22 but all in­ terested are looking forward to this a* one of the principal events of the year. Mrs. W. N. Weber received a mes­ sage Saturday which stated that lier mother, Mrs. John T. Jones, had pasoed away at the family home In Dover, O. Mrs. Weia-r had visited her old houk- but race sin«« coming to the northwest. Nine years have istssed since tills visit and Mrs. Weber in^-mled going horn«- for a visit soon. Hhe 1ms many friend* in Odell who express aincereat sym­ pathy. The Odell club basketball team de­ feated the Bingen town team on the* Bing«-n floor Wednesday, January 18, by a score of 39-28. The slippery con­ dition of the Bingen floor almost proved too much for tlie Odel Ilans. The first quarter ended with die score 8-1 in favor of the home team, but by the eud of the half the leud had l>een cut to 13-10. Fast playing in the last half put the Odell team in a saf<- h*ad, and close chc-eking kept tb<‘ Bingen players from taking short shots. Har­ old Pemberton was again high point man, making 15 of the club’s total. On Thursday night of this week the Lyle town team will la- met on the Odell floor. -j- A. E. Jakku went to Portland Thurs­ day and since that time lias is-en under treatment at the Veterans' hospital. He suffered an attack of rheumatism. He returned home Monday night. Mrs. J. E. Ferguson and Mrs. M Hawthorne left Hood River by the S.39 a. m. train Monday Both women stopped In Portland. Mrs. Hawthorne also visited relatives in Oregon City.« Mr. and Mrs. Allison Fletcher went to Portland via O.-W. R. A N. Tuesday morning. They exissct to return home Friday. Mrs. L. A. E. Clark went to Portland Tuesday for a short viwit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Nickerson. Quite a number of Odell friends of the J. O. Cameron family attended the farewell party given for them Haturday night at Central Vale school house, and Just here your correspondent wishes to say that Central Vale community is to be congratulated on having secured that tine new school htmse. The Cam­ erons are to be at home soon in the M«-Gulre property north of the old town of Odell. Mr. and Mrs. Poul Hansen spent the day Tuesday of last week at the bona- of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Krohn. Mr. and Mrs. Krohn re«*ived five hundred baby chicks. Barred Rocks, on Wednesday of last week. . Mrs. L. D. Boyed was a visitor in The Dalles one day last week. After having spent the past several weeks In Portland Mia* Grace M. Cluimls-rs motored home Friday. Evi­ dently the trip home was anything but uneventful, but Miss t'hamliers ar­ rived safely. Mr. L. D. Boyd s]s-nt Monday in The Dulles. A school clinic will is* held at the grade school Friday, tomorrow, morn­ ing. Drs. Rifton at id Black and Dr. Peterson, dentist, assisted by County Nurse Carlton will conduct the clinic. Memls-rs of the Health committee and other women of the community will assist. lunariL mA» fuît for Odell high PARKDALE Ged. Monroe received word K Portland last week that bls sister. Har­ riet. Had broken one of Iter legs. Mrs' Walton and Mrs. L. II. Rom- entertained the children of the Cradle Ridl and their mothers at the home of Mrs. Walton last Friday afternoon. lottie Htewart is recovering from seveiv burns «lie receive«! some time ago. Hhe will soon lie able to be about again. Miss Lucile Carlson, on«- of the Cas­ cade Ixs'ks teachers. s|a-nt the week eud with her friend and former school­ mate, Mrs. Harold Molsaac. The Women's Miasionurv sortety met at the home of Mrs. Grieves on Wcdnes- day afternoon. Mrs. Warren Gibbs was the leader. Tlie Parent-Teacher association will give a Isix and pie social in the near future for the la-ueflt of the hot Juucli fund. Watch-for the date. At a well attended lms-ting of the Apple Growers Association hehl in Me- Dane's hall on Monday night. R. J. Me- Isaac. Victor C. Folleniua and 1. li. Acheron were tin- prlnal sis-nkers. Quite a few visitors from the I»wer Valley helis-d to swell the crowd. Weatlier permitting, the Idgli sclnsd teams will motor to Corbett next Hat­ urday to play th«- teams of thut near Portland high nchotd. Bill Sommer has received word from Chicago that his mdUter is well enough to leave the hospital and return home. Tlie last word receive«! from th«- Hood River boapital is that l*ith J, B. Doggett and Herman Meyers are stead­ ily improving. Mrs. D. P. Elliott I* also getting better. E«l Krieg, contractor of Hood River, has Ismght the lumlier ami buildings of the Mt. Hood Milling Co. at Park- ■lale. lie is wrecking tin- building ami making it into firewood. E. K. Reikman had the misfortune to loro his garage by fire last Haturday morning. The building was a two- story one with two miuiu aliove and an office and garage Mow. Beside* the loss of the building and the car, Mr. Reikman lost most of his pn|a*rs and the usual offi«« furniture. Only the ear was Insured. Snow Is falling a little every day and Is now about 16 inches deep. Our roads are kept open and we are but little in- ■onveniemvd by the precipitation. Orvle Thompson and Earl Newman, bagge«l a «-ouple of liear last week. Tlie first Hunday night program in the hall was well attended. Everyone seemed to enjoy It. -Tli«-*«- In charge of the program were well please«! with the resiionro. Next Hunday night three short subjects will lie shown : "Durable Houts", "Paul's Travels", and "As We Forgiye”. At the church aervi«* next Hunday morning Rev. Hcherer will preach an­ other roruHin on Peculiar P«-ople. The topic will be: "Hobby Horse Riders.” Tlie ronlor claas of young p«-ople in tlie Hunday roh«s>| had «-ats at Mrs. Hcherer’a Tuesday evening an«l organ- Ized their class. *> Heveral are planning to attend the Community leaders' Training confer ence at Ilood River thia week. 1 Hood River, Oregon Spring Silk» Dress Goods Are READY for All Home Old fashioned dame at Rockford NEXT week, Friday, February 8. . BELMONT Hoclal Grange with g«s>d program this Friday evening. New members es­ pecially are urged to attend. Mr. Forrey went to Portland on and brought Wednesday of last week v his car home over lh< >e Columbia River highway. t Miss Ila Loomis and her cousin, Loren Humphyey. went to Portland by train Friday and returned with Miss Ila's car. Rhe la located in Hood River now, employed nt the Hood River Drug Co. Current Events clnl> meets next Tues­ day with Mrs. J. T. pawning. Geo. Palmiter is in Idalia and east­ ern Oregon attending to Grange work. We regret to learn of the coasting accident to George Okamnra and Roy Gallaway. MOSIER I____ _ and W. PINE GROVE One of the best programs presented at social Grange tor some time was presented by the Camp Fire girls of Pine Grove and the Hood River group, directed by Mrs. J ton McLeod, last Hat­ urday evening. An explanation of Camp Fire work, given by Mrs. Mc- la-od and some of her girls, was en­ joyed. Peppy Camp Fire songs and stories and a forest setting by Camp Fire juniors and the Hood River girls were thoroughly enjoyed. Tin- girls in Miss Tbomseu's group deserve great credit for the manner in which they presented their play. Mrs. Edw. Hawkes recently enter- .allied Mr. and Mrs. Gersbon Battey and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Battey of Rena tehee aiid Miss Jeuuie Adams of Hood River. Miss Beatrice Murphy, a nurse in the Medical m I kmi I hospital in Portland, spent the week end with Mrs. Clare Bickford. The Amicus club will be entertained at a 1 o’clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Mary Fletcher today. Miss Leona »Finch, who baa beeu at home for a short vacation, returned to Portland Saturday. Mrs. John Mohr and’son, Tony, spent two days in Portland last week. The Ladies’ Aid will meet with Mrs. Fred Mack Friday afternoon. Miss Bertha Hoke of Bingen is visit­ ing Mrs. F. 11. Kingdom * Miss Alberta Volatorff of Hood River s)ient the week cud with Lenore Lage. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Page, who had lieen in California for two months, re­ turned home Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Morell is spending Home time in Portland and tier family is lageant by the school Fri­ day evening and a talk of interest to orchardlsts bjr Dr. Cooley of Washing- ton, D. C., at 19.30 Haturday morning. A full program will appear next week. A. Hmdianda, . Husltands, Mr. Jones and Frank Mid- dleswart motored to Ilood River on Monday. Mrs. W. A. Marsh was in Hood River Wednesday visiting her |»arents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Middleswart. E. W. Davidhizar sis-nt the past week in The Dalles attending court, be­ ing" on the jury. The winter sports have Is-en rather varied the past week. Skating was g(ssl for several days, when the wea­ ther man thought »lie young folks needed a change, so he sent a fine snow storm of just tlie right kind which made «-oasting the Is-st ever and both old and young are eqjoying it. Miss Ethel Brainard s|s-nt the week end in Portland ‘ visiting friends, Mr, and Mrs. Al Taggesell gave a hridgb party last Thursday evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. and ___ Mrs. James Mr. __ _ Cherry -. .. carried home both ladies' and gentlemen's prize for higli scores. Thursday evening Mrs. W. A. Marsh gave a fiarty at her home. The eve- ning was sitent in piny Ing cards and dancing. MOUNT HOOD teeth pulled for several The tint deliate in the mid-Coluinbia district on the question of whether the state should provide for the ownenlilp and «•ontroi of hydro-electric resources takes place at the high school on Fete rujir.v 1. Home weeks ago I offered a small cash prize to the winning team in the district contest, and asked the pow­ er couqtany to join in a like amount on the theory of mutual interest in the matter, but have not had the pleasure of an affirmative answer. Home vague suggestion on tl>e part of the company that a loving cup be offered instead of u cash prize was made. It has also lieen suggested that said cup bear on its outer surface two gentlemen clasp­ ing left hands, standing on the edge of a kilowatt, but of course I did not feel like consenting to any other than a right handed clasp; so the matter rests. It has lieen a hard winter on the com­ pany. and I cannot find it reasonable to criticise. Tla- age of miracles lias not, passed. We read in sacred history that the Master turned water into wine at a wedding feast. When the supply became exhausted. In this latter day, we see the |s»wer companies turning water into dividends with comparative ease. •• The reports from all locali­ ties indicate aatiafgetory seeding of them* streams. Carson venison is rather an expen­ sive luxury and the same kind of food at R.van-Allen mill camp is also a cost­ ly tit-bit as two Illicit killers found out last week. Game Warden Ziegler ar­ rested Tom Monaghan of Carson for killing deer out of season week la-fore last and the result of the trial before Judge Kirby placed his "hunting trip" as worth »250 and deprived- him of the juicy venison roasts he had broken the law to get. It is said several other inen were impliiwted but Monaghan would not divulge their names if he knew. Zenn Wilson was also taken in the toils of the law for the same offense and after pleading guilty paid bls fine and costs and yyomised to sin no more. Tlies«- are the first convictions in the county this year. When Warden Zieg­ ler, W. R. Price and Frank Wachter went into the Bear creek country to get the deer carcass confiscated from T. L. Monaghan they found two other does hanging in the same vicinity and brought them in. Warden Ziegler Bays he d«s-s not kuow who was rt-«iiorisible for tlie killing. hi reams Springtime Prints Ar« Freshly Patterned Flowers bloom in gay pro­ fusion on the printed wash fabrics for spring and sum­ mer frocks. 36 inches wide and tub-fast. Dainty Voiles For Frocks and bodies White and a score of delightful colors — dainty, cool and sheer Tor summer-time frocks and undergarments. Permanent krinkle 30 inch Plisse Crepe for pretty, practical gowns, in lingerie shades. Plain or fancy patterns. Yard CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES (From Apple City Progress) A special committee -appointed by President H«-ott to consider the condi­ tions of the streets in Hood River dur­ ing the recant snow storm and if ileemt-d advisable to make recommenda­ tions. met last Monday and made the following rroommendation. ----------- "This <-<>mmittee recommends that in case of a snow storm in the future, at any time, the «ity take such steps as are necessary to keep snow plows run­ ning Sight and day. if n«*ceraiary. “We rt-commend that some one be given ample authority to take full charge of thb work to see that some­ thing definite is accomplished. “We recommend that efforts be made to haul all snow from Intersections in business district. "We recommend that business houses he instructed to shovel snow front the ns.fs of their places of business to the rear of their property whenever possl ble, anti that if snow is shoveled to the street, tlx- business houses shall remove stirtt snow at their expense. “If these rerdhunendatiigts arc fol­ lowed. we feel full cooperation Will fs- given by the business men, whom we , represent." Tills report was presented to the , council last Monday night by President Scott. The |M>rsonnel of the committee was ! N. C. Coulter, li. Gross. E. A. Franz. Earl Hlmnk. R. McRae and R. B. Perigo. C. M. Hurlburt was appointed but was unable to attend tlie meeting. The council expressed their apprecia­ tion to the chnmher for their coopera­ tion. A motion that the report be , «■<«pted and pla<-ed on file was passed by the council. CENTRAL VALE Forrest Hylvester of Oklahoma In spending several days viaiting his brotiter, C . D. Hylvester. in the 1!. A. Hylveater home. He is on his way to California which he expects to make his future home. Haturday evening alsiut seventy friends gathered In the new school auditorium to honor Mr. and Mrs. J. <>. Cameron and family who expert soon to lvare our community. A moat de­ lightful time was sja-nt In playing games and visiting, after which deli­ cious refreshments were served. All voted the |>arty. which was aponaorad by the M. and I), club, a real success. The committee in charge were Mrs. L. E Allen, Mrs. O. II. Hill and Mrs. H. A. Rylvester. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hheppard and Jane, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hheppard and Mrs. Job Hhepitard spent Hunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Allen and enjoyed an afternoon of coasting. Lloyd Moss returned to Medford on Wednesday of lakt week after spending several weeks in the- home of his |>ar.- ents. He motorc-d here l-eforv tlx- boll days and on account - of the storm stayed two weeks longer than he had intended. Mrs. Ray Gibson's mother, Mrs. Mc­ Millan. is spending some time with her. Mr. and Sirs. Arthur Hanson w re at The Dalles last week. Mrs. Hanson remaining several days visiting her sis­ ter. Mrs. Weber. The M. and D. club will meet Thurs­ day. February 2. at the home of Mrs. May Fletcher with Mrs. F. Clark assist ant hostess. Tlie P.-T. A. will meet at the schtsd house Monday evening. January 39. If nothing present* there will Is* moving picture«. All are cordially invited. Dressmakers STEVENSON Rooks on public speaking now in the library through courtesy of Mrs. Waite, librarian: Hoffman—Public Speaking for Busi­ ness Men. Kannneyer- Principles and Practice of Public Rpeaklng. Tx»ckwood—Public Speaking Today. Mosher—Effective Public Speaking. Phillips—Effective Speaking. Robinson—Effective Public Speaking. West—Purposive speaking. Winter—Public Speaking. Fernaid—Expressive English. Palmer—Relf-Tultlvatlon in English. Everts—Speaking Voice. Kleiner—Helpful Hints on Hpeaking. Kleiner — “Impromptu", or How to Think on Yonr Feet. ■ Kleiner— Phrases for Pnbllc"’Rpeakera and Paragraphs for Study. Winter-Public Speaking. J*rin«4ples and Practice. Another public speaking claim was organised last week making si total of nlxty-two men now Interested and ta­ el mling truck drivers, clerks, county officials, lumliermen. merchants, busi­ ness managers, dentists, bankers, news­ paper men. farmers, ministers and in fact every line of business excypt at­ torneys are represented. This goes to show that there should be no embar­ rassment on any one's part In signing up for a cis as. We are sure that Ray ('noway of the Oregon State Motor As­ sociation had no Idea of the results that two years ago when he gave an out-'nine families, would center the eqnip- line of how to organize a class in Hood meat near Hood River which would In­ River. '______ | sure quick action in cases of emer­ We wish to express our appreciation gency. and might lead to something of the interest Mrs. Waite, librarian, even more desirable. The committee is taking in our-classe* and for her co- apiieared before the city council last operation. We also appreciate the, co­ Monday night with their recommenda­ operation of the state librarian, who tions. President Scott was asked to has expressed her interest in the suc­ roe if a release could be secured from cess of our classes and her desire to the Batchelders so the city could give cooperate in any way ismsible. Mrs. the state the.ne«*saary title to the lot. The indusrial committee also voiced Waite lias secured from tlx- state li­ brary a shelf of books on public speak­ its opinion to the council that it still ing for the use of members of the was of the opinion that the city made a good buy when it purchased the city clasues. An effort will lie made to keep the auto park and was opposed to its sale. There was more consideration on the ■-lasses already organized intact as much as possible. Results are not as possibilities of securing a pulp mill, satisfactory when a man cornea into and also of securing at least one of the a clans after two or three meeting«, two large canneries to be built in Ore­ so any one tntereete«l will be required gon during the coming year by the to attend a meeting where the wliys Held Mnrdts-k & Co. The committee and wherefores are explained before will do what it can to-interest these Is-lng assigned to a class. Provisions two industries. will lie made to a<-e<>mmodate any one Several came to us for further in­ else that might I* interested. They formation after the article that ap­ are asked to talk with the secretary. peared in last week's inane with refer­ ence to the effect of*the proposed 88 The agriculture committee of the aut«i license. Figures are often not in­ ehamls-r met for lunch last week. At teresting but every taxpayer should the time of calling the meeting the know the results in case the proposed chairman had no good reason for doing measure to reduce the license fee on so. It soon developed however, that automobiles is passed. Petitions to have there is an alarming situation con- the measure appeftr on the ballot are fronting Hood River valley with refer­ now tieing circulated so It is a question ent* to the county fruit inspector.. The that demands your attention. last legislature passed s law which The following figures were compiled prohibits thp county fruit Inspector by file state highway department, and from receiving more than »5 per day, shows what the Income from each class with an additional ten tents jier mile of auto d-un during the year 1920 and for auto hire. It is the opinion of the what Jt J”t would have lieen l>een under the agricultural committee that Hood River proposed law: will be unable to secure the services of Collected T’nder a competent fruit inspector for that 192« Proponed salary. It is true, as lias often been Mensure said, there are a number of men in Hood River willing to take the job for Passenger Can 1 »4.489.979.72 that salary but the committee Is of the opinion that any man who would take Stages and Bnsnes 79.021 25 the job for that salary would not be competent or he would not find it neces­ Commercial Can «9.008.28 sary to work for such a low salary. Trucks and The county fruit inspector's office has Tra Ren 848,910.48 heen and will continue to liq an im­ Motorcycles portant office. On his judgment deci- I ionien slons affecting th® entire valley are Chauffeurs made and now that Hood River has a Opera ton government man studying the perennial Transfen ■anker and with some of onr orchards Etc. 175.179 25 189.811.00 being sadly neglected on account of Total »0.017.759.49 81.801.049.52 the spray residue problem, a man with The difference between __ ________ good judgment and fearlessness la need­ ed to use and enforce the police power collerted for the year 1920 and what given the fruit inspector. The commit­ would have been collected under the tee finds that the Traffic association prop med law is S4.21fl.709.97. There Is no provision made to take would lie unwilling to do away with government inspection of cars. There care of the deficit which is required to Is nothing the county conrt can do to maintain the highways, operate a sink­ help solve the situation as they will lie ing fund and pay the interest on the obliged to follow the lnw. The agri­ highway bonds. Tonr money that has cultural committee and a committee been spent on the highways would soon from the Traffic association will give lie wasted unless the highways are maintained. the matter further consideration.