The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 20, 1927, Image 1

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When your DOCTOR hands you that little BLIP of p er all filled
with MEANINGLE6H marks and figures and 8YMBO I, (meaning
less to you that Is) it Is a definite ORDER to be fill« in a VERY
DEFINITE way and permits of NO variation or HU! „
livery DRUGGI8T is required by law to go to SCHOOL and get him­
self all plastered over with DIPLOMAS and then |>aaa a rigid EX­
AMINATION tafore he Is PERMITTED to monkey with oae of THOSE
things. That is for YOUR protection. We have two registered PHAR­
MACISTS here at our store and EVERY prescription is DOUBLE
CHECKED to INSURE Its accuracy.
Do Your Part the Coming Year toward
Preventing Fire Loss in Hood River
Last week we said that if Columbus had, in 1492,
begun saving ten cents a day and the habit had been
continued by a trustee or successor down to date, the
accumulation at 3% would now amount to the tremen­
dous sum of over THREE HUNDRED MILLION
We know, of course, that no one wants to save
money for some one else to spend four hundred years
hence, but the figures are interesting.
house and deliver them in
15c within a radius of 9 miles.
17Hc over 9 miles.
Now Buying
Winter Nellis and Anjou Pears
and Early Variety Apples
True-To-Name Nursery
We intend to close up our purchases on all earlier va­
rieties in the next ten days. If you havfc these varieties
to sell see us at once.
H S. GALLIGAN, Proprietor
Hood River, Oregon
A vigorous healthy stock of apple, pear, cherry, peach
and apricot trees, grown on virgin soiL All pear and apple
trees are rown on the best type of French roots; the
cherry on lack Mazzard roots—these are without doubt
the best type of root stock for this locality. Se we are
pleased to offer at this time a fine lot of trees that are
grown right together with the benefit of oar 27 years of
practical experience growing trees in Hood River. We
also offer a liberal discount on quantity orders and for cash.
Bear in mind that every tree we offer is guaranted
guaran ted nbso-
lutely true-to-narM and of the best producing type. Your
inspection and patronage will be appreciated. Phone 4796.
are prepared to have your fruit washed and packed, and
will buy all varieties on a cash basis.
selling at market prices.
We again advise
Second Floor
Mental Mathematicians
Commencing Tuesday, October 25, and each
2nd and 4th Tuesday thereafter
In Our Hall Qvei' Electric Kitchen
Modern and Old Time Dances
Good Music -Good Floor- And All Invited
Figure it out for yourself I
City Tailors
ideals aa serious, tempered by the Joy
Its members gain from their songs at
the weekly luncheons and the good fel
lowshlp entered at such gathering».
Mr. Manny visited tho Hood River
clnb the first time last May on the
night the charter was formally present­
ed. lie cited that the hold that Ro­
gained from the fact that representa­
tives froui 12 other cluta were here at
the Columbia Gorge hotel that night
to greet the new club members.
Rotary, Mr. Mauny declared, offers
au op|M>rtunity to build up a fellowship
of diversified lutereata. It supplies
the medium for bringing together dif­
The co-operation of all lorn I apple ferent types of business and profes­
Apple growers of 3 | mid-ColutaMa
sliipiM-rs and their insistence, coupled sional folk. The true Rotarian, be de­ district«
bare taken -c 11 advantage of
with the excellent team work of mem­ clared. is a member uot Just for the the recent good wed > , and practioal-
tars of the Oregon congreaaloual del­ short luncheon period each week; be ly the entire tomia* a. ias been picked
egation lias resulted iu securing the engages constantly in an effort to ren­ aud Is now under ct -j , Central pack­
assignment here of an expert plant der a servlie to all the busiuess world. ing and washing p.’> i, however, will
Mr. Mutiny gave a brh-f history of
pathologist to study |>eremii«l canker,
busy for aeveM “ eeks, furnishing
according to Representative N. J. Siu- Rotary; bow it was founded in litofi a be large
payroll fl i yews of sorters
uott, here from 'rhe Dalles to confer iu Chicago by Paul Harris, a- young and packers.
with fruit men before leaving the lat­ attorney. Originally, the aiui of tlte
Pit-king crews v .. observed tn all
ter part of this week for Washington. club was more or less selfish, fur'tlte districts
Sunday, : ~ king the picking
Leroy Childs, superintendent of the purpose of advancing the business in­
In orchards where the harvest bad been
Hood River experiment station, and terests of the individual member. A delayed.
representatives of fruit «hipping con­ change was launched in 1910 with the
the 1927 apple crop has shown
cerns and grower's organizations took advamemeut of the idea of Hervlce and a While
heavy shrinkage sluce harvest was
up the matter of securing an ex|M*rt uuselfiahness, a tattering of business
started, estimates at the present time
witii Representative Hinuott last year. ethics.
The second club was organized in vary widely. Some shippers express
The fruit interests enlisted the aid of
United States Senator McNary. Thru 190N In Han Francisco, ami the third the talief that the tonnage win not
the activities of Mr. Sinnott and Mr. in Oakland. Heat tie had the fourth exceed IMM) carloads. The imitiiim
McNary, W. 8. Ballard, plant patho­ club. Out of the first 16 cluta, the Pa­ estimates place the crop at 1200 cars.
The tonuage will be the lightest In
logist of Fresno, Calif., was sent here cific Const bad eight. Thus, Mr. years.
by the bureau of plant pathology of tiie Manny cited, tlie great western coun­
Considerable confusion has been evl-
United States de|*artmeat of agricul­ try wlUi its kludnexs and sympathy
ture to study the canker situation aud lias had a great deal to do with Rotary. denced miKmg shippers and operators
Mr. Manny told of the Ketchikan. of central washing plants over injuries
report. lie apent more than a week
here and forwarded an exhaustive re­ Alaska. Rotary Club, the only one in to fruit caused by suhmerger typewof
cleansers. In several instances one
port to the bureau. The report, how­ the great northern territory.
“That club,” said Mr. Manny, "is an type of machine has been taken out of
ever, fell into (lie hands of tta assis­
tant secretary of agriculture and did example of what a Rotary club should the cleaning plantsand others Installed.
The central washing plants will be
not reach Secretary Jardine. The as­ bo. Without any duh ariion of its
sistant secretary wired to those inter­ own, but through its individual mem­ busy for several weeks, furnishing •
ested iu the matter that no funds were tars it is participating aud cooperat­ considerable |>ayroli. Employees at the
available for an appointmnt of a ing in every good movement on foot iu plants are for the moot part local resi­
tlie Alaskan city.
dents, and the payroll funds WfU be
Representative Sinnott spent some ■'‘Mexico has 24 Rotary cluta and 141 kept-at home.
time here this summer and conducted «-itli-s arc being surveyed for member­
an independent investigation. He se­ ship. When they are all establisln-d.
cured a comprehensive lot of (fata on we will nut need our soldiers on Un­
the situation from Mr. Childs. Mr. border any longer."
Mr. Manny said that tho members of
Sinnott, wldle attending the Peudleton
Round-Up saw United States Senator Rotary in other countries are taking
Stelver just as the latter was leaving Rotary i-lub work even more seriously
for Washington. Mr. Sinnott Informed than In Aiueriia. London has 39 cluta.
Mr. Steiwer of the canker situation and The visitor told how King George, of
advised him that he would send on to England, and King Altart of Belgium,
the capital the re|s>rt of Mr. Child« have given their »auction to the Rotary
lie advised Mr. Steiwer to carry this work. Musaolini bus urged bls busi­
report direct to Secretary Jardine. ness and professional men to aid in eg
Mr. Hiunott said he knew that funds talilishlng cluta in that country.
Mr. Manny cited the six objects of
could Is* si-cured to carry on the emer­
Rotary and briefly defined each. He
gency work.
After Mr. Sinnott had relumed to declared that it is an effort to make
his home at The Dalles and just as he practical the theory of good fellowship
was leaving for sous* other part of aud the golden rule.
Mr. Manuy told how extravagances
««stem Oregon ho was approached by
R. J. Mi'Tsaac, president of the Apple had is-en eliminated from the adminis­
Grower's Association, and Trunuin tration of Rotary affuirs in headquafv
Butler, kx-al bunker, who urged that ters in Chicago. Tin- admirable system
he get busy and lend further nsslatanre Installed there by Harry Rogers. Mr.
in securing the appointment of a path­ Mnnny said, lias resulted in u saviug Of
ologist. Mr. Sinnott Informed the lo­ SltMi.iMki a year.
Mr. Manny was accompanied here
cal men that Senator McGary was
chairman of the committee that pro by Mrs. Mauny, who was a guest while
the city of Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, wife
vlded funds for the work desired la-re.
and suggested that they agaiu get In "f tlie president of the local club. They
touch with him. They reached Sena left Monday afternoon for Pendleton.
Guests of the club Monday were Hon
tof McNary and the latter got in com­
munication with Secretary Jardine N. J. Sinnott, of The Dalles, and Ix>s-
while Senator Steiwer was- lm«v with lte Butler.
At the <lur> luudusm last week. B AW
him In Washington. With Mr. Steiwer
present in Washington, armed with E. Steele was commended for his activ-
alarming facts concerning the |s-ren' ity in starting an aeroplane contest
nisi canker, and the other two mem among tin- ls»ya. A number of the chili ¡u J
tars of the delegation firing tta re­ inetnls-rs gave extemporaneous talks on "«H
quests of their constituents from here, the moaning of Rotary to them.
A round table luncheon will ta held K,,R
tlie United States dc|mrtme«it of agri­
culture was made to realize tta ser- today at the Waukoma. in order to M»«
ionxiK-ss of the situation. Mr. Sinnott accommodate the few members who *,al'
says, and the petitioned relief was were not present Monday or any visit­
ing Rotnrlnns who may l>e in thevity. Iff
A song written for the occasion by All
Mr. Sinnott has revived word that
a competent itathologist will be assign­ Walter R. Wool|>ert, was »ung by Al­
ed to permanent work here as xxm a« bert T. t^ise at the luncheon for Gov­
a qualified man can ta ta-ated. Tin- ernor Manny. Mr. Case was accompan-
same information was conveyed to Tru h-d by II. B. Perigo on his accordion.
man Butler in a telegram from Sena­
tor McNary.
Howard doe. son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
T. Cloe, was adjudged winner Satur­
day night of the airplane context
stag 'd here by R. E. Steele, memla-r of
the Rotary club, who is active in boys’
work. Lieutenant A. W. Davis, one of
the Judgt-s. complimented the youth on
his knowledge of aeronantiex. The
small model plane showed that young
Cloe knew the technique of airplane
Other youths who won awards in the
airplane model context were: Melvin
Lingren, Willard Gallaway, Vincent
Orcutt, Roderick Finney, Rotart Mark-
ley. Lawrence Klncwld and Charles
Great interest wax shown by young­
sters in ail parts of the valley. Mr.
Steele, in a talk to the Rotary club
last Thursday, said that he had taen
called by a numtar of mothers, who
told him that his airplane contest had
aided them In keeping their children
occupied at home during the tan
placed ax a result of the Infantile par­
alysis alarm.
The plane were exhibited Iasi Sat­
urday and Monday at tlie Economy
market. They attracted the attention
of hundreds.
Henry Manny, of Heattie, Governor
of District No. 1 Rotary International,
who Monday paid an official vixit to
the local clnb, declared that the sixth
object of the serviis* club, which pro­
poses the encouragement and foster­
ing of peace and international good
will through the international expres­
sion of leading professional and busi­
ness men, will go further in influenc­
ing international relations than the
activities of diplomats.
With the world map hanging from
the wall of the dining room of the
Waukoma. where Mr. Mauny was the
chief speaker st a luncheon, coloring
of various countries was given to show
where 2T00 Rotary cluta are now In­
stituted in 42 different nations. Ro­
tary International now has 130.000
These memtarx, representatives and
loaders of their various businesses are
receiving constantly the same litera­
ture. They are inbued by the same
ideals of service to mankind, “an un-
seiflshneaa.’’ said Mr. Manny, “and
you cannot tell me that they are not
going to bring about a better feeling
of good will.”
Mr. Manny characterized Rotary
With the movement of apples just
well under way, u shortage of refriger­
ator cars created a hamper for local
shippers this week. Because of the
volume movens-nt of California wine
gra|s-s, the Pacific Fruit Express an­
nounced that apple shippers here would
only ta able to secure an approximate
150 is-r CMt of their requirements. The
shortage will Inst for another two
weeks, it is ex;s-eted.
Railway officials are urglnr that
shipis-rs use tax car«, c«|>ecially for
apples rolling from here to Portland.
The shippers, however, say that heavy
breakage results when tax cars are
used. Tile Apple Growers Association,
which is xhi|>ping 21) cars of pears to
Portland for loading on refrigerated
ships. Issind for European ixirts, said
that the pears would have to move the
short distance under ice. The Associa­
tion expected to load 25 cars of apples
for export in Portland. These will be
largely handled by Columbia river
steamer, the Beaver, now making a
regular .daily trip between hero and
Portland. Trucks, too, will lie used in
forwarding the export apples.
Up to last Saturday the Apple Grow­
ers Association had shipped only 100
cars of apples and r>5 cars of p>-ars.
Daily sliipnieuts thia week will average
20 ears.
The play, “Under Cover” which the
A merli nn I><gion Auxiliary Dramatic
dub has Isen rehearsing for several
weeks has been definitely set for Fri­
day, November 4, at the new high
school auditorium. r ■
It is a highly dramatic play of four
acts interspersed with many high lights
of keen wit and sparkling humor—a
play to suit every taste, with plenty of
notion, thrills, mystery and humor.
The east Is taking an unusual inter­
est and is rehearsing four nights a
week in order to get the play in first
class shape to present. The cast in­
cludes : Mrs. A. L. Anderson. Wayne
Poland. V. C. Morgan, Herman Mende.
Mrs. Walter Ford. Banks Mortimer,
Mrs. Eunice West, Mrs. Ed Krieg, Jas.
Wilson. C. C. Lindley.
Mrs. L. L. Murphy, who is directing
the play, also takes a part.
Miss Torrison Gives Dinner Party
Miss Mildred Torrison «are a de­
lightful dinner party nt her home on
Sunday afternoon. Those present were:
Hlyvia Stewart, Betty'Coulter, Edith
Patton. Ruth McClain, Catherine Kelly,
Carol M, Kercher. Kathleen Hartwig.
Vesta Sclioll, and Miss Ann Olaon.