The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 29, 1927, Image 1

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Yesterday’s meeting Included a
luncheon session in the Congress hotel,
st which Mr. Htypes presided. Speak­
ers were A. E. Thompaon, D. M. Bots-
ford, Ralph E. Morrison, Mareball N.
Dana, associate editor of the Oregon
Journal, and Horace E. Thomas, city
and news editor of The Oregonian
Officers of the new organisation are:
Frank Jenkins of tbe Eugene BogUt-r,
president; Robert W. Sawyer, Bend
Bulletin, vic« president; Joe Tbomiaon,
Hood litver Glacier, second vice-presi­
dent ; Lucien Arant, Baker Herald,
treasurer; L. D. Gordon, Southwestern
Oregon Daily News, secretary, and A.
W. Sty is*», executive secretary.
The following Oregon newspapers
are members of the organisation : Lee
Drake, Astoria Budget; Lucien I*
Arant. Baker Herald; Robert W. Saw­
yer, Bend Bulletin; C. A. Sprague.
Corvallis Gazette-Times; Bruce Den­
nis, Klamath Falls Neww-p L. D. Gor­
don, Bouthweetera Oregon Daily
News; Frank Iainpkln, Pendleton East
Oregonian; R. J, Hendricks, Salem
Statesman; Earl Richardson, Dalias
Obaerver; Earl Brownlee, Forest Grove
News-Times; Joe Thomiaon, Hood Biy-
er Glacier; Sheldon Sackett, McMinn­
ville Telephone Register; Ante Rae,
Tillamook Herald, and Elbert Bede.
Cottage Grove Sentinel.
Auto-Strop Gillette-Durham
Budgeting is wise; and the first item in the
budget should be SAVINGS.
un» BAI
The Executor
Picking of the main commercial var­
ieties of apples. Newtown» and Spltzen-
burge, started the first of the week.
Growers, in tbo city tn large numliers
last Saturday, were unable to fill their
quota of harvest help and a call was
issued for additional pickers.
The fruit has been maturing better
this Mason than for many year». The
late August and early SeptemlH*r rains
and subsequent cold weather caused a
heightening of color, and mid-Coinmbla
apples have never bean colored better
than on this season.
AH washing plant» of the community
were ready to receive apples Monday.
Tlie Apple Growers AssiH-latlon alone
is <>|H<rating 22 maciitnes. Six of
three are located at the coopers five's
new ceutral packing house in tbe city.
It is the largest in the state. Tlie
Odell and Van Horn plants each have
two washers. A washer is located at
each of the following points: 11. K.
Davenport's house and tbe packing
plant <>n the Kimball place, Odell; The
Annala, l*ierson, llnkari and Jakkn
plants In Oak Grove; the Harrett Pack­
ing (K and C. King Benton house« in
Barrett district; and at Mrs. Gladys
W. Brock's, Geo. Bhejnwird's. Don Nun-
atnaker’s and Ntmnmaker A Downing’s
on the East Hide.
Shipment of apples will show a ma
terial lucreaae this week. Up to last
11» tasked nie through my natural life
To guard the interenta of his wife.
To see that everythiug was done
Both for his daughter and hta son.
Apartment House
Within the near future the Board of Direc­
tors of School District No. 3 will advertise for
bids on the old Junior High School property on
the Heights. This announcement is made, in
order that those who may be interested in the
purchase of the property may visit and thor­
oughly inspect the building.
that it might some day be aonverted into an
apartment house. Put to sdeh use it will be a
valuable and income producing piece of property.
For further details see J. L. Breckenridge,
City School Superintendent, who will arrange
for your inspection of the building.
To Portland?
His children hate the sight of me.
Although their friend I’ve tried to be,
And every relative declares
I interfere with his affairs.
(With acknowledgements to the United States
National Bank, Portland)
Winter Nellis and Anjou Pears
and Early Variety Apples
•re prepared to have your fruit washed and packed, and
will buy all varieties on a cash basis.
We again advise
selling at market prices.
Phone 3531
Second Floor
4 »
Hood River Merchants
Freight shipped by
Telephone 6151
City Tailors
Patrons and friends of tbe school
gathered with faculty and students last
Friday night to formerly dedicate the
new 1175.000 high school building,
which haa been occupied by classes
since the term ls>gan September fl. The
program of the dedicatory services
Invocation. Rev. F. Gordon Hart,
pastor of Riverside Community church ;
address of welcome, Glenn B. Marsh,
chairman of tbe board of education;
piano solo. MI m Janet Mlade; address.
Raymond W. Hatch, architect for new
building: address. Geo. E. Goodwin,
supervising engineer; address, Truman
Butler; vocal solo, Albert T. One; ex-
Ph> nation of school plant facilities, F.
H. Knight, princli>al of the high school;
concluding remarks, J. L. Brecken-
ri<ll»K,-irfn*Tlritendent of schools.
The Glacier la one of 15 Oregon
newaiiapera, ten dailies and five week­
lies, outride- of Portland, which Mon­
day effected an organisation to be
known as The Selected Oregon News­
papers, the aim of which la to aid local
mercantile establishments engaged in
the distribution of food.products, man­
ufactured articles, automobiles and na­
tionally advertised goods in securing
larger appropriation of funds in na­
tional advertising campaigns. The fol­
lowing account of the meeting appeared
In the Oregonian of Tuesday :
Motivated by a desire to exploit
standardized merchandise,leading news­
paper publishers representing every
section of the state convened in an all­
day session at the Congress hotel yes­
terday. Resultant from thia meeting
was the inception of an organisation to
be known as the Oregon Newspaper
group, including newspapers outside
of Portland, whose purpose will t>e to
offer to manufacturers seeking a mar­
ket tn the state a uniform and stand­
ardised form of merchandising co­
operation in Ihelr business transac­
It will be a function of the nowsjmp-
er organisation to act as a research
agency to collect definite data pictur­
ing the scope and character of the var­
ious markets of Oregon. This data
when complete, will be compiled in
booklot form for the guidance of man­
ufacturers, both local and foreign, who
seek to extend their Oregon activities.
Headquarter» of the newspaper
group win be maintained in the firm
of Doty A Btypos. Ine., publishers rep­
resent 1res, of which Arthur W. Slype»
of Portland is president.
Due to the clouded sky. Hood River
folk were able to gaze heavenward,
watching th» racing alrplunea, Ixuind
from Spokane to Portland Tuesday,
without lieing blinded by the sun. That
night, however, wore« of < Itlzena com­
plained of atiff necks. Nine planes
pesned immediately over the city, fly­
ing low, ta>canee of the clouda. The
first was sighted at 4:11 P. M.
The city had Its first excitement
Tuesday morning when (Jordon Mounce.
Portland aviator, who dropped from
the sky at dusk Monday night, while
on the way from H|s>knne to Portland,
for a visit with hfs old friend. Traffic
Officer George Morrison, took off
again nt an early hour.
The Tuesday air race was won b.v C.
W. Holman, who boat the time of E. E.
Ballough by just 27 seconds. The two
planes were traveling neck and neck
when they pawed over Hood River.
Class B racer». on route from Spo­
kane to Portland yesterday kept inter­
est at the tension point here.
On Monday one of the big military
transport planes was forced to make
a landing on a sandbar Isdween here
and The Dalles. The big ship was able
to rise, however, and winged its way
Into Portland after engine trouble bad
been takun care of.
The city school board has announced
that It will call for blds In the near
future on the old Junior high school
on the Heights. The structure was left
vacant thia year, when Junior high
classes wore moved to the old high
school building on completion of a
new high school. The Junior high
school was constructed tn 1921, when
It was so built that it may convlently
l>e turned Into an apartment house.
It is antlci|>ated that the structure
will he sold to some one who will con­
vert it into an apartment house. City
The Hood River Ski club spent Sun­ School Superintendent Breckenridge
day enlarging a runway on a steep hill­ will have charge of showing the build­
side n««r Homes tend Inn. The mem­ ing to prospective buyers.
bers of the club, who have secured use
of the Inn for the winter, will work
each Sunday from now until snow flies,
getting the run In excellent condition.
The ski club has added 22 new meni-
lH*rs from Upper Valley folk. John P.
Cooper, of Parkdale, ha» l«-en elected
vice president of the organization.
Mrs. Allphin Injured by Car
Although clues are meager, officers
yesterday were trying to find the hit
and run driver who Tuesday night
struck and felled Mrs. John Allphin <>n
Sherman avenue near her home. Mrs.
Allphin, who had l>cen talking to Mrs.
J. C. Meyer, whose car was parked on
the north side of the street, had started
to cross to her home Just opposite when
the unidentified car dashed by at high
Mrs. Allphin was rushed to the hospi­
tal b.v Mrs. Meyer and a neighbor,
Floyd French, In the former’s car. Her
injurl,^ proved not to be serious, con
fined to painful bruises.