HAWAHANS HERE TOMORROW NIGHT CHURCHES A comfortable, homelike place to worship, where you will bo assured a cordial welcome. Sunday school at ».45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Epworth League at 7 p. m. All young people especially invited. Evening wor­ ship at B o’clock. Prayer and Bible study Wednesday evening at 7.45 Henry Young, Minister. The annual fall run of silveraide salmon started last week in the Colum­ bia river, and anglers, trolling at the mouth of the White Salmon river, have begun to catch the game species. Ott Byers Friday landed a 29-inch sliver­ side. He also caught a 31-incb chinook. WHITE SALMON Cooperative weather report tor 24- hour period ending at 5 p. tn., Sunday: Maximum temperature 52, minimum 4B above aero. Partly cloudy; brisk north­ west wind. Precipitation, .04 of an inch. Precipitation for 24 hours end­ ing at 5 p. m, Saturday, .02 of an inch. George F. Helllwell publicity direc­ tor of Loe Angeles Traffic Commission, drove up from California during the middle of the week to look up some friends in this district. He was accom­ panied by his son. The family former­ ly resided on the old Helllwell place. North White Salmon. Country dirt roads in this district are in a slippery condition, but the rains are welcome to farmers. Forest Banger H. A. Welty was here Wednesday from Guler headquarters. He states that the road from Peterson's Prairie to Twin Buttes in the reserve has been closed to traffic on account of heavy rains rendering them unfit for travel. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Woodward were recent guests at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray, at Hu­ sum. Mr. Woodward, American con­ sul from Northern New Brunswick, has been transferred to Prince Rupert. He has purchased a house in Beattie and the family will reside there. Mrs. Woodward and children lived here two years ago. Clyde Ferell and Dr. R. W. Browne of Minneapolis, Minn., have arrived in the Mountain Brook district wherq_J)r. Browne owns an orchard. They will remain until after the apple harvest is completed. Mr. and Mrs. John Dow of Lon An­ gelas were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wensel Olson. E. A. Gibert, popular agent of the 8. r. ft R. Ry, and Mrs. Gilbert have gone east for a mouth's vacation. Harry Mountain, night operator at the station, will act aecial music by the Young Peoples’ choir. Junior B. Y. P. V. at 5:80 p. m. Senior B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wed­ nesday at 9 p. m. Make up your mind to come and you will. C. R. l>eleplne, Pastor. English Lutheran Church The last sermon of the series of ser­ mons on "The Providence of Qod” will be delivered at the regular services, which liegin at 11 o’clock. The church MI rh Mary Itadcilff, who laid year school begins at 10.30 o'clock., Rev. P. Hllgendorf, Pastor. conducted very aucceeaful -kindergartu claaaea at St. Mark’« parish house, will Christian Bible School Notw remain in Hood Hirer thia year. last Reptember 11. attendance was good week M1 m Radcliff, having found, as she thought, that insufficient interest ami interest keen, with the Loyal was api>arent here for organising suc­ Bereans carrying off honors for largest . cessful claanes thia year, visited Salem attendance. to investigate poaaibllltlee of a kinder­ A unanimous vote of thanks was ex­ garten there. During her i ‘ once, tended to the Riverview Auto Park at mothers of the community held meet­ Rowena för the nee of the grounds for ___________ __ „_____ ing at Riverside church and reached the Labor Day picnic. the conclusion that her services were Each department and class set their Indispensable for Hood River. On her goal for attendance Rally Day and now return she discovered that Hood River was behind her in a most gratifying manner. Hereafter Mias Radcliff will conduct kindergarten claaaca each morning. A nursery school will bo conducted each afternoon. Miss Radcliff recently returned from Leonard, N. D, where she spent the summer visiting relatives. Rev. Young'« Return Asked The congregation of Ashlmry Metho­ at voted a unanimous invitation to DELIVERIES WICE DAILY Heights Phone 1031 Specials for Saturday and Monday, September 17 and 19 C A H. BERRY SUGAR EQa 10 lb. sack ....................................................... CROWN FLOUR <4 CM SILVERS* 100% BRAND FLOUR <4 CO 49 lb. sack ............................................... * 1 GROSS BEST COFFEE 07* in bulk, per lb................................................. W ■ V (Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back) BACON OR BACON BACK lean streaked, per lb...................................... COG SUN MAID MARKET DAY RAISINS «a 4 lb. package.................................................. wvC or CARSTEN’S PURE LARD <4 OQ 8 lb. can. net wt—........................... (...... ▼ ■ SNOWCAP SHORTENING <1 8 lb. can, net wt...................................... ▼ 1 17 • 1 ■ BORDEN'S MILK A A r tall cans, 5 for............................................... WWV (Unit 5 cans to a customer) SALTED OR SODA CRACKERS f fU in box lots, per lb............................................ ■ vMJ WASCO MILL RUN 801b. sack........................................... <4 4 0 WASCO SHORTS 80 lb. sack......................... E4 04 >1.44 ; \ UNION CHICKEN SCRATCH • 1001b. sack ..................................... PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAP PKrb 5 ban for......................................................... (Limit S ban to a customer) * ARMY LAUNDRY SOAP 4 1 lb. ban when cut............. .............. . ........ .......... I——-'....... -... . ---------- —J UNION EGG MASH Pw 100 IU......................................... •“ffltSK.. ............ >1.19 t — CO EE >4.33 e« >Z.5U M $.125