a *t '3 rg j M — HOOD RIVER. STUDENTS EQUIPMENT FEDERAL Auto-Strop GNIette-Durham Interested phoenix It would be a lot easier to write an advertise­ ment on the subject of WILLS If we were not interested. You see, when we serve an ad­ ministrator of an estate or examiner of a will, we get a small fee for this service; the amount Is fixed by law and Is the sarhe whether an Individual or a bank handles an estate. That fact naturally makes any reader think we are advertising for business, and, of coure we are, but If we were not Interested we certainly would want to tell everyone who has property In any substantial amount that he ought to make a Will and that the very best time to do it Is RIGHT NOW. COMPANY SLOAT CATCHES A Now Buying Winter Neills and Anjou Pears and Early Variety Apples We are also in the market for other varieties. SCHOOL FAIR TO BE SATURDAY EVENT TO ELECT TONIGHT Attention Please! TTH the opening of schools and incoming of transient harvesters, we are again confronted with our annul! health prob­ lems in Hood River County. Last year we had two extra nurses on special patrol duty far about two months, with excellent results. This year Mrs. R om Rose and Miss Gladys Bench are the Special Nunes, assisting our regular County Health Nurse, Miss Carleton, and they are making regular and frequent visits to schools and to camps where transients congre­ gate. *, The cooperation of every employer is earnestly solicited. Report arrivals of transients with children immediately so that the greatest care may be taken in preventing possible epidem­ ics. Let us try this season to better any pre­ vious health record in the County. ' DUCKWAUL FRANZ BUILDING Second Floor Phone 3531 HEALTH ASSOCIA Representatives from every txhool district of the county, here Saturday for the annual institute of the Hood River County Health Aaaociation, pledged themselvea to work toward pre­ vention of contagious dlaeaaca among school children. Those who addressed the meeting wete: Harold Ilerwhner, president of the body; Mrs. Glendora Blakely, state advisory nurse; County Judge J. H. Jeffrey; B. J. Moore, treaa uror of the association; Rev. Schuyler Pratt. Mrs. A. L. Anderson. Mrs. L. D. Boyed, Mrs. Percy F. Bucklin; County School Superintendent J. W. Crites, Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive sec­ retary of the Oregon Antl-Tiiberculoala aaaociatlan; and Miss Lola Carlton, county health nurse. .............. -r-r--- - T-— Hood Rivi REUNION SATURDAY FORUM SPEAKER MEYER (Q. SMITH Hood Hirer chamber of com- obaerved Constitution Week CONSTITUTION PRO­ GRAM FRIDAY NIGHT