HOOD RIVER, OREGON, »AY, AUGUST 25, 1927 ;8ONAL draw it when Lwant to, althou not intend to touch it unless 11 And it’s a satisfaction to know is earning more money for me. SAVINGS equate SAFETY BANK Pity Your Poor Summer Suits THE PRICELESS INGREDIENT Once upon a time, in the city of Bagdad, lived Hakeem, the Wise One, who said: A THING THAT IS BOUGHT OR SOLD HAS NO VALUE UNLESS IT CONTAINS THAT WHICH CANNOT BE BOUGHT OR SOLD THE PRICELESS INGREDIENT OF EVERY PRODUCT IS THE HONOR AND INTEG­ RITY OF HIM WHO MAKES IT. This is another one of those advertisements which, to be effective, must leave something to the imagination. MEYER «k »SMITH City Tailors WK CALL AND DELIVER ' Now Buying Hood River Day Sunday, August 28 Exhibition of Red Cross Prizes for Best Divers, Races ' and Comical Stunts DUCKWALL BROS. FBANZ BUILDING Second Floor Phone 3681 77ie Battling Amazons •xirna VeUtorff. Anne IlouuaaU, Viola Bryant, Gertrude Backinger, Florence Beirier. Those receiving tbe high eat camp Those receiving the highest Camp IJnilM-rkrnt honors which has 20 re- qulrvmenta are: Edetha Hartwig, Mis* h>m Knoblock, Anne Hounaell, Gertrude Backlnger, Kathleen Cronyn, Mary Baboon, Mathilde Knoll, Eleanor Halli­ day, Kathleen Hartwig and Dorothy Anderson. x , ;'l The requirement» for the l.iinberlost honor were: ' 1. Advan<