The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 28, 1927, Image 1

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Are Yòu Going Away?
If you are ¿oing away this summer, you
should be sure your valuables are safe
before you leave. Rent a safe deposit
box In ourÜ burglar- and fire-proof vault
and-be free from worry.
Indications now point to a tonnage
of Hood Biver Valley fruit this fall
clean enough to meet all export re­
quirements. Kelly Bros, the first of
rhe week announced that washers and
IMtcklng equipment will be Installed in
their warehouse on railroad avenue at
once, and this firm will take care of
the fruit of independent growers.
P. L. Tompkins, of the Hood River
Produce Exchange, has leased a por­
tion of the Hood Biver Canning com­
pany's plant and will install two Cutler
washers and two grading machines im­
The large plants of the Apple Grow­
ers Association and E. W. J. Hearty,
Inc.,’are progressing rapidly. L. M
Bentley is in charge of the Hearty
plant, which la rising on Railroad
avenue beside the company's storage
plant. The Association plant, which
will cover a full block on Columbia
street, between Fifth and Blxth, is be­
ing rushed to completion by L. C. Bald­
win. The Association is completing ar­
rangements for growers for. the main­
tenance of central washing plants in
all valley copununitiea.
AU other shippers are arranging to
have their tonnage of fruit washed and
will be able to make definite announce-
n ia
To Investors
We have half a ■ • dozen very desirable appli- s
cations for loans to be secured by first mortgages
on highly improved real estate in Hood River
Mm. Harold Hemhner, retiring presi­
dent of the American Legion Auxiliary,
Department of Oregon, is now national
comiulUeewoman for Oregon and as
such will attend the national conven­
tion which will be held in Parli Kn.
Kershner leaves about the first of Sep­
tember and will go by way of Chicago
and Niagara Falls. Rhe will sail from
Quebec, Can. Her point of debarkation
will be Antwerp, which will give her
an opportunity of seeing Belgium as
well as France. In addition to attend­
ing the national convention she will
have sufficient time to take several In­
teresting tripe, especially to the battle
fields and cenieteriea. On her return
she will stop in New York where Legion
and Auxiliary conventions wlU recon­
vene and ratify the action they took on
foreign soil.
Mrs. Hemhner returned from the
■tote convention Bunday, which waa
held at La Grande. Bhe hu« had a
very successful year in her work as
state president, and the Department of
Oregon shows a healthy Increase over
lent year. Tire convention was very
successful and Mm. Hemhner was
shown many courtesies while there and
appreciates the hospitality of the citl-
■ans of La Grande and the La Grande
unit and post.
Mr. and Mm. Hemhner are spending
their vacation at Cannon Beach, hav­
ing left Hood River Monday morning.
County. The applicants are willing to pay «even
per cent interest. The amounts are from "$1 500
to $5000
A PROFIT is now offered on the prices we are
paying for APPLES and PEARS.,
We advise selling within the next few weeks.
Prices have been named on various varieties as
being prices that the GROWER may expect this
season. These prices are not supported by Offers,
and most of them are so high that if put into effect
would have the result of greatly restricting the de­
mand in what should otherwise De a favorable year.
We will BUY Jour fruit packed, or will do the
various varieties, both DOMESTIC and EXPORT
Phone 3531
Select your Suit
from a full length sample.
You’ll find-
Glen Ochil Twists
Kynock Saxony Twists
Yarrowvale Cheviots
There are no better fabrics made and they tailor them in
keeping with the character of the goods -
14 dags is all it requires!
-............. —.................................. ...
------------------ :------------------------------------------
cheeked up In June, 1927, it was found
that approximately #0% of the calluses
upon which aphids ted nt some time
during the year, developed infection.
It was also noted that approximately
the same percentage of the caUuses
kept free of aphids during the same
time failed to develop infection. It
seems more probable that those cal­
luses which were painted from time to
41 ure in order to keep the aphids from
freezing, probably had aphids present
at some time during the year. Upon
the removal of soma of these, old aphid
colonies could be found under the
healed callus- A large part of this
type of infection was of little impor­
A heat 1 « rd Sor 1«
tance covering only a small part of the
Saturday v C i tbe ree«
cull us.
Though we have at the present time eter at the 2
only a limited understanding of the tlon showe<
effect of pruning during early and mid­ hottest sin< -
winter it appears more than probable whs record< t
_ ___
that such a practice will permit Infec­ Saturday, U? _ ___
tion under certain conditions. Buch Columbia gorge as though from an
treatment however, la controllable and oveou The tack of humidity, however,
can be regulated when our understand­ prevented dim-omfort on the part of
ing of the disease is more fully known. residents. Saturday night waa one of
Tire conclusion that can be drawn u the hottest nights on record hen, and
tbe present time la to the effect that it was one of the rare occasions when
the central of wooly aphids will to a rvHldenta passed the entire night with­
large extent prevent natural inlection out desire for a blanket
Growers reported that sunburulng of
occurring on our trees. Control of this
insect cannot be accomplished with ease apples Saturday waa negligible. Ths
on account of Its feeding habits which light crop and the heavy foliage pre­
are unfavorable so ter as reaching vented lose from burntag.
On Saturday night late tbe wind
them with applications of spray. Owing
to tile fact that the old canker tissue changed to the west, bringing some re­
is*rsists under which the new callus lief. The temperature Bunday reached
forms, a protective coatlag is given the 90*4. The excessive humidity made tbe
Under this protection the day almost as uncomfortable as Satur­
aphids establish themselves out of day. General electric storms and show­
reach of the spray. On account of this ers prevailed over tbe mld-Columbia
behavior on the part of tbe aphids It Bunday afternoon.
Lightning etruck In the forest on the
will be necessary to remove tbe dead
tissue about the cankers for the pur­ Upper West Fork of Hood river and
pose of exposing the healthy wood. By caused a lire which gave crews of the
so doing, it will be possible to reach the Oregon Lumber Co. some trouble ss
aphids with an application of spray. late aa MoRday.
The most effective spray we have found
up to the present time is that of Black
Ireaf 40, 1 1200 plus 2-100 casein
spreader. Thia spray is a contact ta-
aectlcide. The insects must be struck
by tire material in order that they be
destroyed. As a rule, It la not necessary
to spray for woolly aphids before tbe
(By W. J. Kock«)
middle or latter part of July following
Numerous reports of the European
which time they rapidly Increase In earwig In Hood River baa come to tbe
numbers until tall unless spray for office of the county fruit inspector and
their destruction is employed. During Hood River Experiment ■tattioa. Thia
some seasons it will take at least two sMaon, being a moist year, has been
applications to keep down tills aphid hvorable tor the earw^Ta reproduc­
population. The first spray should be tion and epread. In seam instances In­
applied at the time the Insects beg*» to vestigated by this office they have be­
show up an the* young tender shoots come ao numerous that they are a nui-
■nd should be repeated if an increase Mnre and a pest.
in the aphid population is noted on tbe
Arrangements bar« been made with
the Hood River Spray company to Man­
The above recommendations are net ufacture iocaiiy a poison batt to be
as simple or as economical as is de­ used in the control of this pl
sired. However, we believe If growers
poison bait la mixed accordln
will clean up the cankers on the main '
O. A. a formula. By making
framework and scaffold branches, locally in quantity, the cost is
where the most serious damage to the to-what it would be U each ii
tree occurs, the methods outlined will
bought the . Ingredients and i
be found practical and well worth himself or sent away for th«
wlille. - Black Leaf can be combined bait. The poison bait may be
with the arsenate sprays as well as the
at the fruit inspector’» o«ce,
Bordeaux application. Various paints building, or Hood Biver By
used on the cankers have nut proven of pa ny plant. - “ .
sufficient value to warrant a recom-
This poison bait should be scattered
mendatiiMi at this time. Work will
over the ground and about the build­
continue for the purpose of determin-
ings on a warm nlgbL On tbe open
lnf more effective control measures and
lawn a very thin coating is sufficient
growers will be advised as progress Is
but particular attention should JM
made along thia line.
given to walk edges and the bases of
buildings and trees. At this tiaae of
the year the earwigs do considerable
climbing and the bait may be placed
in low crotchea of the treea and on the
weather boards of the house. This In­
sect likes a moist, shady place and will
most commonly be found in heavy
Following a mana, raid by the pastor, growths of flowers like dahlia« and
Father Marshall, at a point near the hydrangea«. Water washes the poison
snowline In the vicinity of legion camp from the bait so sprinkling should be
Hunday, the memls^s of the congrega­ withheld for
few days after the
tion of 8t. Mary's Catholic church will application.
participate In an annual picnic on
The earwig has been known to be
Mount Hood Sunday. Numerous visit­ present in Hood River for four years
ors from Portland and neighboring mid- and doubtless has been brought to the
Columbis points are expected to motor vHlley in many ways such as in bed­
to the mile high altitude, and In order ding and clothes of people who have
that they may be accommodated the spent a night in Portland or other in­
mass will not begin until 11 o’clock.
fested areas. It han also been known
The Mount Hood J-oop and the to have biren present In cannery lug
Coopers Hirer lateral highway are In boxes which came'from the Willamette
excellent condition, and one can reach valley.
the United States forestry “camp
Reports would lead us to bollero the
grounds at Tilly Jane creek In two aenil-ilry climate of He
­ Biver is not
hours of easy driving. All friends of wett adapted to the rapid reproduction
the jMirish are invited to attend the of the earwig and may account for a
unique mountain service and to join In not more general Infestation. However,
the picnic. Those who have no means with the development which is taking
of transportation are asked to tele­ place thia season, it is time that con­
phone immediately to Joe McDonald, trol measures be used. Therefore this
No. 1081 or M92. All who will have office has made arrangements for the
extra spare In their cars for one or procuring of the most effective poison
more passengers are also asked to reg­ bait.
ister with Mr. McDonald at once.
People who are not familiar with ths
Those who wish to explore the lower pest may have spreimen« identified by
reaches of Eliot gla<4er will be piloted bringing them to the fruit inspector*«
to the scenic snowfields by Fred W. office. Bpedmena are on display at this
Donnerberg, who last Sunday escorted office that people may see and famil­
the A. A. A. party over the glacier.
iarise themselves with it. At the pres*
Coffee, sugar, cream aud ice cream ent time the heaviest infestation seems
will l>e furnished at the picnic grounds to be along Cnsiade avenue. However,
by a committee. All are aaked to bring It has Ireen found in practically all
picnic lunches and their own cups and parts of the city and it is hoped that a
spoons. A committee of the Joes of generous application of tbe bait will be
the parish is arranging for the picnic. given particularly to lota wbleh are
kept in a moist condition throughout
tlie season by sprinkling.
If you are going to stay at home, you
don’t want to iiave your troubles multi­
plied by* unnecessary worry and anxiety
over your valuables. Place them in a
safe deposit box here*where they are
beyônd thé reach of fire and theft.
'*■ «
(Ry Leroy Childs)
Immediately following the discovery
of perennial canker in tbe spring of
192fi, expert mental work waa started
for the purpose of determining meth­
ods of natural infection that occur on
tire trees and to develop control mea­
sures. Very definite progress has been
made aloug this line. During the year
of 1H25-26 conditions were such that
no infection occurred.
baa shown that natural infection for
the moat part takes place on areas of
tiie trees infested with woolly aphids
followed by temperatures sufficie^iy
severe to permit freezing of the tree
tissues. During the course of the study
a large number of pruning wounds and
cankers have l*en under continuous
oboervatioA wound on a tree,
whether In the form of a pruning scar
or Injury caused by a disease such ss
[s rennial canker, anthracnose and tb<-
like, proceeds to recover from this in­
jury by growing new tissue between the
bark and wood forming what is known
as a callous growth. This callus Is
rather succulent and soft making an
ideal place upon which woolly aphids
feed, often during late summer aud
early fail a targe percentage of these
calluses become infested with aphids.
The feeding aphids irritate tbe cell
structure to such an extent that the
callus becomes knotted and spongy.
These spongy areas fill in with sap and
with the occurrence of freezing weather
burst This bursting permits the en­
trance of tbe spores which an found
in targe numbers on the dead wood sur­
rounding the cankers and Infection la
thus established. Tbe fungus starts
growth a short time after the spore
gains entrance spreading quite rapidly,
forming ths canker. This development
Is finally checked when tree growth
starts In the spring.
Obasrvatlona have been made employ­
ing sound pruning wounds, that is,
those cuts poeeesslng a healthy callus,
perennial cankers possessing a sound
callus and cankers where diseased tis­
sue waa removed by cutting, thus en­
abling a natural callus to form. On
these different type« of calluses, aphids
were permitted to feed and as a check,
aphids ware kept from the calluses on
all three types by applying Black Leaf
st intervals throughout the summer
with aa ordinary brush.
During the winter of 1226-20, at
which time the temperature failed to
drop below JO* above aero, no infection
developed on any of the cankers or
pruning wounds under observation
whether aiJilda fed upon them or not,
with a very few exceptions. These in­
fection«, scarcely targe as one’s finger
nail, were always associated with aphid
colonle«. The same cankers and cal­
luses were under observation during
the Winter of 1920-27. The minimum
temperature recorded • at the station
was 11’ below aero.
At the time tbe experiments were
í A»
Rev. William A. (Billy) Sunday, who
last Bunday delivered the sermon at
the Gladstone chautauqua, will preach
for his neighbors next Sunday at As­
bury Metliodl^t church. Mr. Sunday,
while on bl« vacation at his Odell
country borne, annuaUv gives his Hood
River friends a sermofl. And this year,
as ou former ones, the officers of the
Asbury church are making Veady to
accommodate an overflow audience next
Sunday. Heat» will be arranged on the
lawn at doors and windows.
Water Surrey On
Rev. Sunday’s meetlags here attract
City Engineer W. L. Clark and many motor tourists each year, and
County Engineer C. M. Hurlburt are residents of neighboring communities
expected to complete a surrey for a motor here to meet tbe noted evangelist.
proposed pipeline from Cold Springs,
Taft Finds P r segteto Oeefl
in the Lost Take area of the Mount
Hood naUonal forest to the city. With­
I* H. Taft, of L. E. Taft Co., who
in the next three weeks the engineers began here several weeks ago as mid-
expect to be able to furnish an estimate Columbia distributor for the Richfield
on the cost of such construction, con­ producta, returned last week from a
templated in making available an visit in central and eastern Oregon.
adequate supply of pure water for the The local company has besa given ter*.
city and for West Bide orchard dis­
Roy Cornell and family will leave
Hood River for Burns, Wyo., where
they expect to make their home. Mr.
Cornell has been prominent in musical
work here and will be missed by the
Knights of Pythias band.
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at the Hotel Waukoma was pot la com­
mission last week. It is the only pass­
enger elevator of the city, and Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Painter, who have been busy
lately making numerous improvements
at the Waukoma, invite their friends
to call and inspect the new equipment.
The elevator la almost noiseless and
carries passengers to and from the
various floors with dispatch and ease.
Painters have completed thh work of
tinting and enameling the lobby of ths
hotel, and rooms have been refurnished.
' "'Á »-W
The new electric automatic elevator
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