VOL XXXV111 RIVER, OREGON, The ü. P. Stock Profits Special Striking and profitable lessons may be derived by the Hood River Valley fruit grower from the Union Pacific Stock Profits Special, which will call at Hood River from the hours of 9 to 12 a. m. next Monday. SEATTLE CONFERENCE NEXT £ Paciic Northwest Apple Shippers This train will be accompanied by specialists from the Oregon Agricultural College who will be fully prepared to show you how more profits can be made from a diversifica­ tion along dairying or hog raising lines. They will have concrete evidence to back up their talks and demonstrations. In view of the fact that we of Hood River have profited in no uncertain way from diversification in the past ten years, we would advise that all business folk and orchard- ists visit this train, as a matter of selfish interest. And, furthermore, our presence there will be heartening to the rail line officials and Agricultural College specialists, whose efforts are being expended to aid us in the solution of econ­ omic problems and to bring about a greater era of prosperity. TRAMWAY ON HOOD For Mother’s Day BANK Conservative enough to be absolutely safe Liberal enough to satisfy all reasonable people Artstyle Chocolates? ■* A Gift that will be doubly welcome—because the contents are wholly delicious—because the Box of heavy enameled metal can be kept as a permanent Remembrance. .j&, Packed and mailed to any desired address. We will also deliver in the City. Spring’s Koberg’s Nonpareil At a conference called Monday u,ght by P. F. Clark, chairman of the mid­ Columbia committee of apple shippers who have displayed a favorable inter­ eat In the proix>ned inter district co- operative organisation of »hlppera, it was decided that a large delegation of apple men will visit Seattle next week, when a convention will be held to draw final plans for the central agency. With B. H. Kipp, cooperative mar­ keting specialist of the Portland cham­ ber of commerce, taking a lead, apple «hlppera and grower» have held numer­ ous conferences in all district# the past winter, and tentative plan* drafted several weeks ago called for corollary Inter district cooperative bodies of growers and shipper». It was proposed that all shippers should report sales and shipments of apples daily to a cen­ tral neutral body, which would dis­ seminate th» information. Members rtalned. Leroy Childs, who spent the morning examining blooming cherry orchard», •aid the injury will take practically all the tonnage. He thought orchard heaters had saved tracts of thoae growers who bad utilised them. Apple blooms were not far enough advanced to be Injured, and tbe damage to straw­ berries. blossoming of which had not begun, was negUgible. B. D. Chatfield, manager of the Mo- •ler Fruitgrowers association, reported damage to cherries and prunes in hie district at 100 per cent. Pears and apples were not sufficiently in bloom to be injured. The Wasco county fruit Inspector re­ ported that 50 per cent of cherries on lower areas were killed. Cherry or­ chards in the Dufur district, where the bloom was late, were not injured. Mld-Columbla asparagus growers, who were expecting a car shipment this week, were bard hit by the freese. Two days’ cutting were lost, and be­ ginning of car shipments will be held Up for several days. Reports reaching here from Yakima were that the temperature dropped to 14 degrees, with an estimated loss of SO per esnt of both pears and apples. Harvey Jones. R. B. Scott, J. R. Nona maker and numerous others spent Tuesday night operating orchard heat­ ers. The supply of fuel ran out yes­ terday, but tbe Standard Oil Co. rushed the fuel here by special truck from Portland, in order that heaters might be operated last night. Tbe Tnm-A- Ltim Lnmber company was constantly on the job furnishing briquets to grow­ ers operating heaters. First National Adds Boxeo The First National Bank has ln- (tailed a new nest of safety deposit boxe*, Demands for thia form of bank service have been constantly Increas­ ing. The First N'atlonnl just two yean ago, because of the Increase of patrons demanding security for valuable pa­ pers, had to add a new section of boxes in its big vaults. Cantata Win» Commendation One of the best musical program» »▼re presented in Hood Biver was that last Friday evening, when a group of soloists of the city and valley rendered Stainer's “Crucifixion" at Riverside church. The church was crowded, and aU left expressing enthusiasm.