HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY. APRIL 1. 142» • e • À The school child Hcrlptions for The Saturday Evening Home Journal to aa* money for play­ ground equipment Are You Willing To Help Build Hood River County Industry? CHURCHES at Christ, Scientist Services la church building Sunday, 11 a. m. Sunday school the game hour. The reading room Is maintained In the Davidson building. Boot» 8 la open week days from • to 8> with an attend­ ant in charge from • to fl. Wednesday subject, “Unreality." u Y°u “n do so by patronizing those dealers who distribute Hood River products. 'Th® Hood River Creamery is one of your home institutions t is vitally interested in the welfare of the community and is contributing directly to the prosperity of Hood River county by supplying a ready market for the dairy products of the county, by paying taxes, and increasing Hood River’s payroll. Seventh Day Adventist Church Corner 15th and Pins streets. Serv­ ices Sabbath— Saturday. At 9.45 a. m.. Sabbath school; preaching. 11 o’clock; Young People’a meeting, 8 p. m.; pray­ er meeting Wedneaday at 7.30 p. m. Everybody welcome. F. H. Oonwaj, Pastor. In appreciation of the superior quality of Oregold products and the service rendered the following ice cream dealers of 4he county have given us their undivided support and are in turn entitled to your patronage. the guide C. I). HAVENS HEIGHTS CONFECTIONERY HOOD RIVER DRUG CO. OR MRS. WITTENBERG A. S. KE1K KRESSE DRUG CO. C. A. RICHARDS N. V. TOSTEVIN PASTIME POOL HALL ELECTRIC KITCHEN WAUKO.MA HOTEL AUTO PARK STORES H. L. HASBROUCK L. H. WHITE COLUMBIA GORGE HOTEL CLIFTON PARK STORE COUNTRY CLUB J. H. GALLEY GEO. HANEL JOHNSON CASH STORE ANNIE JOHNSON W. E. WHITE PINE GROVE STORE PUNCH BOWL CONFECTIONERY H. D. STEELE J. A. THURNER F. W. CHINDLUND A. W. HARDMAN MILLIE HARDMAN F. H. MANN ED RACE cloud cap inn C. E. KISH C. M. STOTT RALPH SHERRIER R. J. MelSAAC JESSE HUTSON FRANK HUTSON J. H. KOBERG IXIUISE nex I WM. PAASCH WYATT BROS. Regular services at 11 o’clock. The church school meets at 10.30 a. m. The Ladies’ Aid will meet on Thursday at 2.30 p. m> There will be services on Good Friday at 8- p. m. Holy com­ munion will be celebrated at thia service. P. Hilgendorf, I’astor. Gospel Tabernacle V 1 Beautiful Chevrolet fe Asssedsf dhriwvy Eighth and May afreets. Dr. Robert Apits, pastor. 9.ifl a. tn., Sunday school; 11 a. m.. morning services; 6.30 p. m., Young People's meeting; 7.30 p. m., evangelistic services; 7.30 P- «>>•. Wednesdays, __ , prayer meeting. Everybody welcome, everybody Invited. I Touring ‘525 ft* .‘595 S- ‘625 ai^‘695 atc‘715 2^ ‘745 Morning worship at 11 with sermon by the minister on “His Many Crowns" Church school 9.45 a. m.. I. R. Acheson, Rupt. ftirlatlan Endeavor societies at 6.30 p. m. Communion service Thurs­ day, April 14. at 8 p. m. The choir will render Stainer’s “Crucifixion* on Good Friday, April 15, at 8 p. in. F. Gordon Hart. Minister. Special Lenten Services at St. Mary's T' 1 DIPPED CREAM Per Pint______ ^Per Quart ___ _ Per Gallon____ - $ .30 .60 _ 2.20 BRICKS AND SEALRITES Quarts — One to nine inclusive, each___ , Ten or more, each ___________ _ $ .50. _ .45 Ask above ice cream ^dealers for prices on pies, cake» and other specials made to order. City—A welcome for every worship­ per, a work for all who are willing. Bible school 9.45, Communion 10.50. Junior church 10.50, meeaage at 11.15. Intermediate ChriatiaK~Endeavor 5 p. m.. Senior Christian Endeavor 7 o'clock and evening song and preaching service at 8 o’clock. Note change of time. Valley—Unified service 10.18 a. m., Junior church 11 a. m., Intermediate Christian Endeavor 7 p. m., Senior Christian Endeavor 7 o’clock and eve­ ning song and preaching service at 8 p. m. Welcome to all. The Llvingatonea. , • The Baptist Church Bible school at 9.45. Growing all the time. Morning worship at 11; subject of sermon, “Jesus and Tiewards." Spe­ cial music. Evening service at 7A0. We will begin at this time our Pre­ Easter Heric« at service going on each day. Each day following Jesus song service lead by the Young people’s choir. Junior B. Y. P. U. at 5 p. m. Senior B. Y. P. U. at <1.30 p. m. Serv­ ices every night of this week. The services will begin at 7.30 sharp and will close at 8.30. Each day we will follow the corresponding one of Jesus’ ministry during the week of the Cruci­ fixion and the Resurrection. Modem to the minute in design, built through* out of the finest materials, and offered at amaa, Ing low prices—the Most Beautiful Chevrolet is the outstanding motor car value of all *!***«, Come to our salesroom and see the car that to breaking all records for popularity. One glance at the beautiful new Fisher bodies, one ride in your favorite model—end you will agree that the enthusiasm for Chevrolet to based on the greatest value achievement in the history of the automotive industry! Balloon Ur«« now standard pllcationa for reservations on hla arrival today. Nu­ merous organisations and dubs are planning functions at the hostelry. The junior promenade of the Hood River high school will be held there at an early date. One of the largest functions being planned by local folk will l»e the lnatl- tutlon of the Hood Biver Rotary club, the charter of which is expected soon. Portland Rotarians and members of the service club from various parts of Oregon and Washington will be here for this event. blockhouse, a replica of old Fort which played an Important part in pioneer days when Indiana attacked settlers around the Cascades, have been completed. < The grounds of the old blockhonst will be enclosed with a stake and rider fence. _ __________ None who saw the ▼ Because of adverse weather oondl- Rockford Grange playa tions, dedication of a reconstructed baa forgotten them. Join blockhouse near Stevenson, Wash., will 2 h and see "Mrs. Temple’s lie postponed until May 30, according to D. A. Brown, historian of the Ska­ mania County Historical association. The floor and lower story of the old C. R. I »cleplne. Pastor. ROCKFORD PLAYERS WILL SHINE SOON The Rockford Grange has won note throughout the mid-Columbia for the excellence of home talent plays given the past several years. Their vehicle this year will be, “Mrs. Temple's Tele­ gram," billed for the Grange hall on the evening of April 28. ' “O, what a tangled net we weave, when flrat we practice to decrive," Mid Sir Walter Scott. If you would laugh, and you know a good laugh is worth barrels of gold, come and see Fanny Hanahan (who was such a charming Eva in Adam and Eva) as the jealous wife. Green-eyed, doe« not describe It Viola Colvin portrays the part of Mrs. Temple’s sister, Dorothy, to per­ fection. She la very much in love with Captain Sharpe, but keejm him guess­ ing with a capital “G.” But who wouldn't dangle a bit? O, boy! the reward he gets in the third act. Lucky Captain Sharpe 1 Mrs. George Coe, our well known character actress, takes the ¡»art of a cockney Englishwoman. She sure Is careless of her "H’s." Mrs. Coe needs no Introduction. You all reinember lw*r as the mammy in “Come Out of the Kitchen.” Jteae Manley, of Hood River high school faculty, takes the part of Mr. Temple. This is Mr. Manley’s first appearance in grange plays but be cornea to us from foreign parts with a great “rep,” having appeared before all the crowned heads, etc. Come and hear him lie to hla wife. Sam Fetter takes the part of Fuller. Mr. Temple’s great friend and partner in crime. It is not necessary to tell yon of Sam; you saw him in “Adam and Eva" and “Come Out of the Kit­ chen.” In the play he coaches Temple on how to deceive his wife. Andy Walter takes the part of Oapt. Sharpe (Lucky Captain Sharpe!) and portrays this part of the English cap­ tain aa ably as he did Adam In “Adam and Era’’ last year and that’s going some! Mr. Byars, principal of the Frankton School, has the part of Wigson, the butler, one of the chubbiest little butlers you ever saw; in fact he is a fount of information whether you want information or not. Ned Barrett ao the cockney English inan, Brown, is amusing in his flirta­ tion with Mrs. Temple. PINE GROVE * The school plsy, “A Picnic In Story­ land Forest." presented at the Grange hall Saturday evening was excellent «A charming stage setting, beautiful costumes and almost perfect rendition made it a success, ktiich credit la due the teachers and the 40 children or their spleudid work. Mrs. Kllbuck. who baa been visiting friends and relatives in the east and aouth for several months, returned Tuesday. She has visited the Sesqul- - ! Centennial exposition nt Philadelphia ami also the chun k from which she nnd her husband were sent as mlnnlon- Hries to Alaska many years ago. Mrs. Kllbuck has purchased the former Geo. Stanton home and Pine Grove is glad to have her aa a permanent resident. The school hoard and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McDonald were guests of the school children last Thursday at their chicken dinner. Thanks are due the parents who ao generously provided the chickens. Mrs. Walter Vannier, Miss Bernis McDonald and Mrs. F. H. Blackman assisted Mrs. Smallwood In prefiarliig the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. DeMuth, of Pasco, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben iAge last week. A large attendance is asked for the P.-T. A. meeting Friday evening. Mr. Crites will tell us about the recent edu­ cational laws and music will I* fur­ nished by George Hmith. Miss Burch spent Monday at school weighing, measuring, and testing eye«. Hlie was assisted by Mrs. Yoder, Mrs. Albel, Mrs. II. il Bickford, and Mrs. A. C. Bickford. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Laraway and son spent Sunday in The Dalles with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haye. Will McGill died at hie home in Grants Pass Tuesday evening. Funeral services will be held at Pine Grove the latter ¡»art of this week. Leona Vickers returned to her home in Salem Sunday. . Mr. Gala van, representing the state superintendent, was at Pine Grove Wednesday afternoon lnsi»ectlng dub work. At the Pine Grove church, beginning Thursday evening. Rev. R. Rumerlin will l>e the preacher. He Is a good gosfel preacher. Come and hear him. Come and help to enlarge the spiritual life of this community. The Home Economics committee will hold a sliver tea next Tuesday at the home of Mra. Ben Lage. v The Amicus club will meet with Mrs. Ed Hawkes next Thursday. Margaret Bartholomew, of Bingen, spent last week end with Mrs. Meta Scobee. A party for the four upper grade« of school children was held In the aawmbly hall laat Friday evening. It was sponsored by the Parent-Teacher association. The games were arranged by Mrs. P. B. Laraway. A Boy Scout rally for the Scouts of Oak Grove, Barrett and Pine Grove was held at the school house Thursday evening. Scout Executive Schouboe was In charge. BELMONT Mr. and Mrs. Whit back, of IO Crosse. Wls., who have been spending the Winter In California, have been visiting their nephew, John iiutaon, and family. Miss Esther Hutson, who Is taking nurse's training at the Mt. Tabor hospital, Portland, has been at home for a few days. Dr. Donald Nickelson, of Portland, came home to celebrate his birthday. A friend of many years standing, R. G. Summerlin, came with him. ' Mrs. W. T. Price entertained some friends at a card party last Friday evening. Mrs. Price is hostess today for the Four Leaf Clover dub. Music Lovers’ dub meats this after­ noon with Mrs. 8. G. Oxborrow. Beet­ hoven's life and music is the subject as this is the ivntenary of Beethoven’s death. Current Events dub met with Mrs. W. Kinsley last week. Mrs. Downing read two letters from her daughter, Irene. Mra. J. T. Downing is hostess for the next meeting. Bruno Frans haa purchased the Rat­ cliffe place to the aouth of his property. This waa the old Morse home. Mr. and Mra. Ratcliffe have purchased the Tufts place on Methodist Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Loomis* home was in­ vaded last HiunHUy evening by a group of their church friend«. All the teachers of Barrett school went to Portland last w«*k to visit other schools. They spent part of the elng conducted at the Oak street store of the J. O. Pen­ ney Co., will be compute In about two weeks, and the store will then have a front that will compare favorably with tfiat of any large metropolitan place of buainess. The top front brick wall of the store was removed, in order to per­ mit the installation of steel girders. MOUNT HOOD These are now in place. Work la being Mr. Sampson and family are moving delayed slightly Itecnuan of failure in to the Devin ranch at Robin Hood. Mrs. Harry Issel was a Hood River delivery of mill work. visitor one day last week. H. L. Raabronck. optometrist. Miss Anelory Everson was a visitor at Hood River Thursday. Rhe was accompanied home by her nephew. Leonard Sheldrake. The P.-T. A. held their regular buai- ness meeting Friday afternoon. Miss Bernice Rampeon has returned I home from Umatilla, where ahe visited relatives. At Mr. and Mra. W. T. Wyatt were Hood River vtsltora laat Tuesday. The P.-T. A. will give the play, "Put­ ting It Up <0 Patty,” Friday evening at the school auditorium. There will be n candy booth, so take your pocket­ book along, The admission to the play Is 35 and 15 cents. » Per Double Roll C. H. Shaw and family were Hood River ’ lsltors Saturday. Van Embree won the blanket given Bring in the size of your by the Mount Hood store April -LA ¡»air of field glasses will be given the rooirts, and we'll do the first of May. W. J. Flla has sold hi« team and rest bought a heavier one from A. M. Kelly. W. L. Van Nuys held services at the church Sunday evening. Wall-Paper HACKETT’S 20c, 25c and 30c The Highest Development of Low Priced Sixes FORI AND AFT" STIBRINO (a aew achievement In easy steering) Famoas BBND1X 4-WHBBL BRAKES (same ae Locomobile and Packard) -Life.protecting" LOW.HUNG CHASSIS CONTINENTAL "RED. SEAL" MOTOR At NEW LOW Price. Startin« With FULL FORCB FKBD LUBRICATION NEW-TYPE RKMOTB DOOR CONTROLS OBOUP1D INSTRUMENT« NEW COLORS IN POLISHED LACQUER MANY OTHER FEATURES oCared only in the "highest.priced cars* - dte *7 2. C vj Ittf - Star Six Touring . a worthy companion (in dollar <> for dollar value) to the NEW SILENT STAR FOUR Twin Peaks Auto Co Corner ßth and Oak Streets Phone 4331 Buy On Easy Terms!