chase is consummated, the water board | population of Oregon because there is fruirò Bitter (Marier The Store will for all time prevent the construc­ .nothing on which such an estimate can! be baaed. He said that wherever his tion of the Lolo P bbs highway. The company has compiled directories In of Biggest Bull Run reserve as it exist» today will recent years in thia state, there have Value* give Portlaud sufficient protection for been marked indications of increase. its valuable watershed. Tbe United He would make no statement, however, as to the accuracy of tbe censua bu­ States forestry service has given this reau estimate. A TIP TO THE RAIL LINES protection in the past and will con­ Tlie census bureau ext liuated the While the increased freight rates on tinue it The Portland commission's population of tbe entire United States short haul tonnage, which will go into attitude against tbe Lolo i»a»H road is July 1 would be 118,628.000, an in­ crease of 12,917,380 over the figures of effect February 18, will not affect our unreasonable. the 1920 census and an increase of apples snd other commodity shipments, 1,492,000 over the estimated census of 1926. ________________ the ratea will lay an increased coat to In another column of this week's consumers here. It is expected that Glacier we reprint from The Dalles Muy Enjoy 8t. Mary's Card Party . x motor truck lines will follow with an Chronicle an editorial altout a >17,000 A large crowd was present Tuesday Increase similar to that scheduled by deficit that has Iteen incurred in com­ evening for the second of a series of card parties being given by St. Mate’s the rail lines. pletion and maintenance of the civic The argument la advanced that tbe auditorium. Not Infrequently the mat­ church. F. R. Adama, in charge of the pleasant social eventa, was congrata- rail lines must increase the rate, in ter of constructing such a building lated on ita success. order to derive more revenue. We won­ hobs up here. We ask you to study the l’riaes were won by Mrs. J. H. Me- der if the increased rate will result in condition that has been brought about Vay, Mrs. George Mellon and 8. J. Readings were given by greater revenue. We predict that a at our sister ntid-Columbia town attd Mfferty. Miss Helen Kleeb. Numbers were ren­ trial of the new rate will allow an then see if you feel we can afford such dered by a trio composed of II. E. Fait, actual falling off in revenue. an expensive luxury here. When the violin; Geo. Zolls, clarinet, and Mr. Why has the short haul freight rev­ new auditorium Is completed at the Lafferty, piano. Songs that were much enue of rail lines droi>ped to a negligi­ new high school, we hope the ghost of appreciated were rendered by Misses Betty Simpson and Hattie Hackett. ble quantity? For the reason that rail 1 civie auditorium for Hood River lines failed to im*t the situation reared will be buried forever. Banks Have Oregon Trail Cains r- by construction of arterial motor roads. The two Hood River Itanks now have We daresay that merchants and busi­ After a half century improvement a supply of the Old Oregon trail spe­ ness men, realizing that motor truck I may be seen on the Tucker grade. The cial half dollars, minted through a lines have no expensive roadbeds or] state highway department la now con- special act of Congress. The «iteclal coins are being sold for SI, the extra rolling stock to maintain and that they] 4(jerinif making this section of county 5o cents going to tile Oregon Trail The moni e« are further apt to have their service highway a market project. The Hood Memorial Association, Interfered with by the elements, would River county court will order a survey raised from sale of the coins will be prefer to patronise rail lines. But the of a proposed new grade as soon as used in erecting monuments along the old Oregon trail. motor truck operators render a *rVlce weather conditions permit. Everyone The banks urge all desiring the coins that tbe rail lines have not provided. 11 | has long felt the need for bettering to call at once and make their pur­ It is convenient to order small ship­ thia link of one of the valley's main chase. They will form valuable keep­ ments, or large ones for that matter, highways. Financing the improvement, sakes. and have them delivered to your base however, has always been a stickler. Apples Pat Through Sausage Mill ment. and the cost is no greater than We are glad that a way out has been Faced with the necessity of securing the station to station coat of tbe freight provided through tlie Market Road sys­ an abundance of apple seeds to be used In experimental work on the new farm shipment. The rail line failed to adapt tem. of the Hood River Experiment Station, itself. If it had provided a pick-up Gordon G. Brown, the station's horti­ and door to door delivery service, the We recently contended that spring culturist, has been trying various meth­ motor trucks would never have robbed was Just around the corner. Some of ods of recovering the seeds. He ban finally discovered that the apple may it of its short haul freight. Motor our friends gently jibed us. We turned lie crushed in a sausage mill without trucks will continue to haul most of one corner yesterday, and it was (Tacking the seeds. the short haul freight, unless the rail Mr. Brown spent a part of Monday groundhog day. We all hope we do lines see the light and supplement their not have to turn another or two before experimenting with apples and a saus­ present service with a delivery and age mill at the Economy Market. the vernal aeason is actually with us. pick up service. Representative Haslett Better Capt. Wilbur learned yesterday by of the Apple Growers Association, was! that the new hotel on Mount Hood will IDLKW1LDE LODGE NO. 107, 1. O. O. F.- “The blooper must have iteen ill last For Sale—A 2-wheel trailer, wllb pneumatic STOP PETITION HAWKING tvrry Fhureday tire« C. A. Trimble, Hxlph Järvi« ranch. '4 night,” «aid Rome radio fans Monday. telephoning to Salem that Representa­ elected general chairman of this dis-1 Ite constructed during the coming sea- night. in Fraternal hall, J. E Mailoy, N. G. mile we«t «nd U mile «oath or Rockford «tore, tive Haslett 1« improving. He has lieen Bills have been introduced at Salem Others said Sunday night was his si­ teli «f and und is la iifitv uiirvlntr ihn trict now serving the second son. Hd No. ».______________ _____________dHOir (teo. W. Thomson. Hecretary. by Representatives Kuehn and Norvail, lent night At any rate the individual seriously ill, however. A turn for the term in this capacity. Representatives For Sale—Flr«t cla«a hav. meadow grown lietter was' noted Tuesday. Mr. Has­ H(X)D RIV ER V ALL E ¥ H U M AN E HOC! ETY no «nray, fix, dlacount od 3 ton lol« or more, which will put an end to the hawking who haa been a source of grlevoue an­ lett is at a private home and is being of the Traffic Association have attended Hood Kfvei. Ore. Jäinen Stranahan, Free. SOCIETIES. L. II Ro««, % mile N E. Odell. n all meetings of the Fresh Fruit com ­ Mrs. Alina Howe. Hwc. Lenlie Butler. Trea« of petitions seeking signatures, in or­ noyance to local radio fana was off the cared for by a special nurse. Call phone 1801.______________ .__________ mittee of this board, and out of these For Hale — Barred Kock cockerel«for mating. HOOD H1VF.K CHAPTEH NO. »7. K. A. M,- It will tie 10 days before Representa­ meetings has grown a cooperation ite- der that initiative or referendum qiea- air for one evening. second and fourth Wednesday nights W O W —Meeting« every Tuesday evening at Excellent pare bred bird« from laying «train. tive Haslett will be back attending tween the various fruit shipping dis­ of Mcets Tel. M A. Mr«. E. J. Nlcbolaon. d»r aurea may be placed on the ballot. At oiO’i monili. a . 8. K»lr, H. P. M. W. A. ball over Electric Kitchen. legislative sessions. • W. M. Pne<| I lance. eetabilsh various deputy county depos I joyed tt. THE ANNUAL REPORT A Canfield, Recorder. For Kale-Dairy ranch in Trout Lake Valley, itoriee. rrlce will anrprlae yon If yon have real money (From Apple City Progrès«) CANBY W. R. C.—Meet« second «nd fourth MEMBERSHIP FORUMS to do bualnes« with. C. M. Cutting Jylt Hatnrday* of each mootb In th» Munroe Adoption of such legislation will not We may again see a boat operating On the following pngea you will find FOR SALE The Forum committee of the cham- m. hinder the people from expressing I on tbe Columbia. The merchants are the annual report of tbe actlvitlea of Iter, coinixtsed of L L Murphy, 11. L. Building, »12 o’clock p Ruth For Balo—ix-ln fir and pine wood also 4-foot Foa», Praaldent For Hale—Wanted, party with (MO to noon delivered Kant and Wret Hide and Hood River. their sentiments on worthy measures. I talking of promoting a river freight your Chandler *of Commerce. Such Bartol, E. A. Sonniciisen. L. A. Ben­ Iv» H< hobee, Hecretary. slltt to txke 10 acre orchard of «pplee xnd pear« Phone «M. A. LaChapelle. aecompliahmenta ax have been made, It will, however, prevent the constant I service to combat the increase in nett, has provided programs through­ ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORK MEN (BOO apple.SW Afijona lf> IWi) beantirol hon«e For Hale—Gond lote for nate in ali parts of Riverside Lodge No M-Meeting night« 1st have been made because of the cooper ­ packing lionae frill equipment Including out the year with the exception of two and confusing intermeddling of hobby-1 freight rutes. lit. Nnl’l. Hsnk Bldg. tracer, a*«ntne rtXX) obligation«. Ad dree. the city, price« right. A W. Ontoank AOo. «I41Í ation and activity of tile memlierahip months' vacation during July anti Aug­ ■nd 3rd Haturday», H. L. Howe, Flnauclcr. Box E, care Glacier n lets. For Hale — Apple, rxxtch, pear and cherry at large, the chairmen and members of ust. It has iteen the desire of this Cheater Hhute. Recorder. We have a full line of general nursery For Bale—Can yoo beat 1blx? Hacltlce mle tree«. ^7——--L—_ --------- I ti ,,. legislature ought to provide for committeee, and your Board of Dlrec- committee to provide a variety of pro­ Phone Parkdale or write 0. T. Raw- HOOD RIVER CAMP. NO. 7,702, M. W. of If) acm orchard, good building, xnd equip­ •lock Now that the chlnook wind and sun Lome kind of rnle that will prevent ton. ftstf grams which would appenl to all mem- Meets at Woodman Hall every W«»dne»d»y ment for 3HM0 C«»h or term«. Now 1« the •oo. Parkdale. While there are no outstanding ac- iters, and in this endeavor they have night. W. W. M«u.field, C. time to «nap on to thia ranch L mile we«tof ahlne have reached the mld-Columbia that body from loading the (»allots of complisbmenta, with the ixiralble ex­ J. K. Rel«, Clerk. I Oak Grove «tore and acbool. C. G. Ix-mmon. iteen fairly successful. Hood River, Ore. again, it is a kind of useless task, that I coming elections with referred bills, WANTED ception of tbe handling of the Spray A numtier of out of town «iteakers HAZEL REHER AH LODGE No. 160, LO.O.F. of chiding the city authorities and the 1 ,- Residue situation, it is the belief of lias Ix-en secured. ntuxical program« Meets the first »nd third Tuesday evening in For Hale—Chinchilla rabbit« at very cheap Wanted To Rent-By family of adnlla. fur- each month In the Odd Fellows Hall, «even Dr. ;Boyd Jeuklna. Pbone 3373 or citlsenx of the town in general for Thank you, Peter B. Kyne, for your the board that a steady progress has prepared, and topic« of local intereat miles anulb of Hood (Over. H. D. I prices. rlMhe<1 lion««. either In town ar the country. >»»• fA iHnT^ a’M° °°n®*^er ■mall orchard place. Tel. been made, and the report will show Floxale Mre, N. G. their lack of diligence in clearing L|n(1 reference to the Hood River ap- discussed by variou« member« of the Bessie Crenon. Sec. For sale—Fre«h good milch cow; also year that the chamber has been kept active chamber. old Barred Rock hen«. K. W. Perry. Phone streets and sidewalks of snow. For s pi,^. You're a darn good writing man and functioning throughout the year. 117 Wanted—Mtn want« steady year «roand MT. HOME CAMP 340», R. N. A., meets«econd *21 MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT week, however, we ought to have felt and a ju,ig(. Of good apples, work In orchard. Had five years experience The coming fiscal year beckons this ■nd fourth Thursdays of each month at M. For sale — 11 room apartment bonne oom- In apple orchard Handle tractor, horses. W. A. hall. organisation on to further continued ashamed of the conditions of streets] » plety furnished. verv eloae In Income F5 Hnatler. B. C. Dowdy. Gen Del, Portland fl7 The main activity of this .....nmittee. Zana Caine«, Rec. Adeline Atkinson, O. per month Reamnable If sold at once A «o and sidewalks. There were times when | The householder will soon find him- activity, and the accomplishment of its which is composed of Truman Butler, some acreage close In. Two to 10 acres.’ Fine Wanted — Married man pa*t middle are Program of Work, as outlined by the chairman; Kent Shot-maker, A. L. An­ WAUNA TEMPLE PYTHIAN 8IHTEKH No.» IIO !?.w?rk on ranch- Addreea Owner, care of ferry boats would have come in handy self arrived at a point of indecision Program Committee and the Board of derson. ami Fred Bell, wax in connec­ Meet» lb» first and third Thuredaya of view. Phone sei. Glacier. no each month at K. of P ball. For Hale—Goiur piner of jaz «ere« Ml mlnntee at business street Interstx tlons. The over whether it shall be golfing or gar Directon. Without your help and co­ tion with a camiialgn for funds for the Mrs. Earleen Meyer, E. C. from center of Portl«n<1. high and algntly, Wsnied — To bay «mall acreage near town. Mra. Jennie Hnnt, M. of H. and C. •olrt »« ■*<•«•. U’ii. I el. rioNi., operation, as a dtlppn of the commu­ construction of a new Cloud Cap Inn. percentage of cleared sidewalks during denlng. m!7 nity, and a inemlier of your Chamber Ax a rexuIt of this committee, a total HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. »7O. K. H - O. Hildebrandt. Tigard. Ore. the recent snowstorm was practically] Want To Rent—Have experience In both fruit MeeUiaeeond and fourth Tuesday evening _r’"J?1;™1* ("land Kc1 and Harred unnotlceable. Someone has suggested | 'The motor tourists are going through of Commerce, the solution of these of $8,911(1 was raised in Hood River of each mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed Rock baby chick., 3> per lUO. 15 per cent cash ano diversified farming. Or will ran name for that the women form a street and side-1 again. We saw a big Wisconsin car in common problems must necessarily be Valley, and nearly all of tbe <100,(MM) Earleen Meyer, W. M. c»n furnish reference AddramJ.F. with order, balance day of delivery. W. K. slowed up. However, with the assist­ was raised in Portland. It is expected Margaret Bncklln, Sec’y. Carpenter, Hoate 4 Hood River. flO Hhay, phone 3372, walk cleaning brigade when another | town yesterday. ance of tbe niemlierxhlp at large, there Wanted — 100 calve« and freah meat. Om- For Bale or trade—For work horae, an Avesv will be no doubt tiut that the year 1927 snow storm occurs. Unless they do, | --------------------------' tractor. Also for sale, a good, heavy stock «on Silver Fox «nd Far Farm*. Oppoalte tbe oZ7ti we will probably founder along com-1 Riverside church Sunday night will be will show the Hood River Chamber of «add le and a JW ton Muck truck, 1921 model. Colombia Gorge Hotel. Pboo« 59». Commerce in a' more substantial posi­ W. J. Fils, tal. Parkdale >9. j27tf plainlugly through the slush again. | worth the while of all. tion than ever before. For «ale—A modern up-to-date bungalow, FOR RENT The secretary, in retiring from this ne irly new, 6 room* and hath, hot water «ya- tem and electric llichta. completely fnrnlahed city with tile completion of tlie present We hope the mld-Columbia ground­ Marahall N. Dana, gifted aa a pub­ For rent—Honaekeeplng «nite al a t>«*nn- S haaement an^l rarare.mrr er lot, downtewn fiscal year, wishes to heartily thank location Al*o Thnr Electric Waahlng Ma* able rate. Call afternoon. tl4 Eugene Hl. 13 Helat, puta a kind of contagious en- hog« are all blind. the Board or Directors, committee ®S1 ne*‘r,y v«ry reaaon able. Phone 5881. »3 For Rent—Apartment« cltm. in with or e—a—!He!r«=!5— ineinlxTs, and the memlx*rxhlp ot the tbu«la«m Into every task that he un­ without a piano Phone 2MI. Mra. Belle chamber for their fine spirit of helpful­ For Halm nr Trade for Anything—A Dalton dertakes. He fairly glows when he | nip « mri DADfll AT1AN . ___________________ fMf Adding Machine, like new/ Tel 3ttl, Mnm” ness, their willingness to work oiTeom- begins to talk of the 1st ferment of the lul Alu lUl ULAllVll mey a MnMr Mhoppe. a For rent-A X-room «partment, Including inunity problems when they have ■’•nt«, water «nd nnone nn flrat floor Hit American home, and his addreaa at arixen. anil especially for tlieir gener­ rg '•‘•“'»»'.a prua that I-a «nap. Sherman Ave or phone Mil. (,«ll at Barton Beauty Parlor. Tel. 1793, home ous contributions of funds to support Arrange your plane for Hunda.v, Fcl>- phone 2nl¿. . ■2' ’ t'««cade Ave., «| a room«, tbe work of the chainlier. Without ruary 13, so that you can join the 8kl bath «leeplnr porch, rail cement baeement. these things, any actviinpllsliments m k Mtiawh« rry nientä. rarage (I N, Ravlln, agt. Pytblan build- club at the aunnal Winter Sports car-1 The population of Oregon July 1, as would have lxx>n iiiqxixxlble. Tlie fine Tel. F. A. McDonnM. J20tf _______________ ____ _________ Jiotf nival up on tbe north side of Mount estimated by the United States census and willing assistance of tlie Htxxl For tl*nt—The Newell of 100 acre. f-O ,«Fo.r.plat* close to c'ly limits on Hood. The Ski Club la not going to | bureau, will 1« KWI.OOO^ according to River Glacier and the Htx»d River Ine Heights, ».room house E. 0. Sagem, tel to 71.' ,U.°r5Br v«’'*y. .hare or caeh. W J. Fllg, teL Parkdale wo. ------- ontr __________ ___________________,, flO overdo popularization of tlie north side Assolateti Press disjiatch from Wash­ Ncwx must not pnxs without comment, ington. For Bale—Dark Barred Rock cockerels for for their support and assistance have f 00 » ” I" Broeln. building. of the mountain in a single jump, but s”°11_________ _ ________________ a27If mallrx from Canadian prlte exhibition birds R- That will lie an increase of 106,611 lieen invaluable. heantlfn'lv m««ke i, «nd up. Mrs W H their efforts are bringing about a grad-1 over the 7x3,389 census of 1920 and a .ir°LÎ1<*'2Lr*“ü,,2Lroom apartment«, at 11«. It la greatly hoped that* tlie fine Chapin. Route 4. f|q • im , tao. 822 and S'jfi per month. Mra H J ual and gratifying increase in winter-Lain of 23JXM) over the estimated cen- spirit shown in tlie (>axt will be con­ nfttf For Bala—int) laying pullats. Phone 6Hr.| or Frederick, phone 3M«. time recreations. You 11 Ixx-ouie a |’’b" of lW2fl- tinued. and that the Hood River Cham­ ■M. _____ ___ _ |«nwtf Fornlehed Cottage«—By week day or »< I The census estimate, which wuicu cover« cvvvr« ber of Commerce will continue to occu­ l-ooster, too. if you get out and watch a)| H|at(,H, Ir on ,he ava)|ab|P For Bala-I^wla Strain Rhode Island Red month, with or without board. Wanooma lyTîîf py its present high position in the Hnoxtera. fine breeder«. Phone MM. H o. Cottage«. Tel. »14 71t 9th BL the activities of Sunday week. | data of births, deaths, Immigration and opinions of the other cities throughout Oxborrow. J2l»< f | emigration of the various states and on the state. For Hale—One dining room «nite «nd other MISCELLANEOUS | the increases and decreasea in ixipulo- fnrnltnre Price» reasonable. Bee Mr. Baker Professor George Turnbull, uf the tion ns shown by the 1910 anti 1921) nllba Chamber otOmmeroe. jistf HOOD RIVER TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION school of journalism at the UniWrsity iWrsity | regular census, census. No estimates were Want to trade—A a year old Guernsey eow, For Hale—Clark Heedling airawbarry plant«, anont two galionaof milk, for mini abwtlotaly caarantead free from waavrl. Tel giving The Hood River Traffic Association «lock Tel. 47« A J <1 aft. ' 5 ratF* of Oregon, is passing the cigars. Pro- ni"d,‘ ,or ««»graphical divisions small* Parkdale XX________ fewmr Turnbull is going to join the e\ta"hi"2«n state estimate of popu- under the leadership of C. H. Costner, Iwst — Tire chain near »naineaa «notion of For Hale-1 can fornlah peppermint root«, president; P. I* Tompkins, vice-presi­ ral«ed M ml. from Hood River. Thia 1« a good city. Reward. Pnone V«. B. p. vttken. IB Benedicts. His engagement to Miss I latlon wax 1.562,000 aa against 1,306,- dent, and C. B. Wtxtlpcrt, treasurer, lima to en«««e for Hprlng planting. Write for Mary Lou Burton, a graduate from the I «21 for 1920, a gain of 205.379. has had a most active year anti has Loat-A grav «Ilk nrabrell«'Tnw»o«v morn­ 11"U1 K * llalnea, MR Preeeott Ht.. ing Finder please telepl one Mrs Angnaat Pnrtlxd, Ore. mar.V University In 1923, who has made an Thls cannot ite considered been engaged in a great number of "»II- ' : ___________ f3 i > I accurate, actxirding to General activities. A short resume follows: For Bala—Dry taxi v tir wood.l« Inch. You envlatle reputation in the world ®f Manager W. D. B. Dcxlson of the Port- Rave a nomber of honeea for rentorw-le. 4 It was found at the Ix-glunlng of the "»»r d*1,T’r H. R. B oomer. tot. SXS Parkdale. jatf to 10 rixvma. some partly furnished G H. Me- joumslism. was announced at the home I land Chanilw-r of Comm twee. In com- shipping season that the track facili­ Pherren with R. E. Boolt. dSStf of Dean and Mrs. Eric W. Allen. Miss menting on the figures, he said it Is ties in the Htxxl River yards wore en­ . ror"f*t-,T'»«»«|br. «l«ver. «heti ■Sy'•’J.îy1*”' on Tooker hill. A. J Voslsr. Watcbe« and clock« repaired. Prieme reatam- Burton is now at Salem, reporting pto- <»«’<«lt to make any estimate for tirely inadequate and consequently the phone M12. _______________ j« man Apt. 3,over Hoggin« grocery «tore, oo F°i ’'“'L C- J4 * R«d cockerel« from 3m the Height«. vited to Htxtd River to meet with the ng&ct c n hen« 33 m snd u, while they la^ Ralph lives for the Oregon Voter. Professor|census bureau, and this liaais will not Traffle AsstH-iatlon committee, com­ R. Lewi«, pnona Odell M. Ja7U For inaiar plowing phone M«t. Turnbull Is known and admired gener- apply In sections whore there is more posed of It. W. Kelly. P. I,. Tompkins, for Hale—Fsaltlewi stamp puller. Al non ally by the newspaper folk of Oregon. th,n a increase in population. ant! P. F. Clark. After investigating —ho"k» »"n the other hand ities in Hood River yards and It Is For He le- Bee Ibi«. «S-aere tract, floe 11«(MB Hood River is but trying to apply a «T* ha' »**" • Feyy »urge Ibcrease ln hoped that tills will be effective before bonae. nice lor «nnim> r resort, well located. ml« i- »to. __ _. I I aoc . Multnomah. Marion the 1927 shipping season begins. Fine lot of ornamental nnraery stock. Will pule of common sense In the matter of I Hll<] other counties west of the Uas- I tv» 35 cash prise for largest order for aprine The Traffic Axatx’iatlon has been ellvery of roses and other ornamentala from devaloping the ecenic asset on Mount cades." moat active in its Connection with the Oreeon nurean Also «parlai priora oa Fno- Hood’s slopes. The Portland water Jww*' P- Cleland, superintendent of Pacific Northwest Regional Advisory qeetta walnnta, tjellclona apple tires. Also eltv and eonntty bonaex. Bee A. G. Jennings mission is endcwvorln. L- P«