The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 30, 1926, Image 9

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Jack Carlisle, the hatter, who has
been here at the Gerdes house for the
past two weeks, will leave the latter
Bean Sprayer parts, Howell Bros. jlS part of thia week for Kelso, Wash., to
spend New Year’s with friends.
B. L. Ha* b roue k. optometrist.
* < «
An honest to goodness Grange social
meeting, tbe first one for several
months, will be held Friday evening.
It will be a watch night party. A good
program has been arranged by J. G.
Jarvis. There will be good music for
dancing and eats. Start the New Year
right. Numbers will be furnished on
tbe program by Frank Dethman, the
Millers. J. H. Kilbuck. Mrs. Joe Van-
nler, Mrs. H. L. Shoemaker and others.
Mr. snd Mrs. Walter Wells and fam­
ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mason and Mr.
and Mrs. Ham Freeman spent Christ­
mas with relatives in Portland.
Miss Myrtle Jarvis went to Portland
yesterday to attend tbe O. S. T. A.
Tbe Christmas Beals sales, bandied
by the school children this year,
amounted to 926.25.
fOr Pawlon Beach’ where theT^U
spend a short vacation. Dr. W. Donald
Nickelsen. of Portland, spent Christ­
mas at home with his parents.
R. P. Newland*, of Tbe Dalles, main-
tenant« engineer for tbe state high­
ways of this area, was in town the
first of tiife week, looking after the
clearing of the slide at Mosier tun­
Arthur Smith spent the Christinas nels and other maintenance work.
holidays with his mother at Astoria.
C. 8. Knowles, storekeeper for the
We insure anything. Talk to u*—it
stock of the Hood River
don’t east anything. J. M. Culbertson
is at Keunewick and who is well Garage was purchased by H. F. Morse,
& Co., phono 2483.
known here, was painfully Injured in of the Heights Tire Shop. Arrange­
Highest cash price paid for your used an automobile accident near Pomeroy, ments are being made to handle this
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call McClain Wash., last week.
stock on the Heights.
B. A. Fran* Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dragaeth left
Mrs. Clara P. Phillips, of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Edwards, of Mon­
Mias Ellen. McCurdy spent the holi­ accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. P. mouth, are spending the holidays with Tuesday for a visit with relatives at
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hetlierton, of Longview, Wash., and their father, W. H. Carrigan.
A. McCurdy.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Winchell and daugh­
pH. » . _
* _ 1
Mias Stella Mays spent the Christ­
Qeu‘ '' M,,rrb“n- *“d | of Bend, spent Christmas with Tom ter, Ruth Anna, left last Friday for
mas holidays at Cloverdale visiting her Mrs. Morrison.
I Fisher in .his new home on May street. Vancouver, B. C.. to spend Christmas
Bister, Mrs. Robert Carver, aud family.
with Mrs. Worthen, Mrs. Winchell's
Mr. and Mrs. Arne G. Rae, of Tilla­
J. L. Stewart returned home from sister.
Alex B. Brooke left Monday evening mook, where Mr. Rae is editor of the Minnesota Christmas morning.
Mrs. Mary Campbell, who has been
fbr Tacoma, where he will spend the Tillamook Herald, passed through here
Dr. C. C. Chick and Charles Chick
remainder of the winter.
Hunday, returning from a Christmas spent the week end In Corvallis with with her daughter in Boston and Nora
Scotia for a year and a half, returned
Rev. Father Marshall and J. P. visit with relatives and friends at Con­ friends.
la-fore Christmas to make an extended
Naumes were visitors in Portland don.
E. M. Holman was in The Dalles visit with her daughter, Mrs. Hayes
Ed Dresser and Arne Hukarl, who Friday visiting with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Russell, who had
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Carmichael went
Miss Bertha Hoke, who has bad
spent 10 days at Minot, N. D., on busi­
for the Apple Growers Association, ar­ to The Dalles Christmas day and spent charge of the hot lunches at school,
ness, returned here last week.
-__ with
Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. has gone to Pasadena, Calif., with her
rived home In time to s;>eud the holi­ a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miller and day« with their respective families.
mother to spend the winter. Mrs.
family spent Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morrison, Mr. Hmallwood has been engaged to lake
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Burns.
and Mrs. Vola Buchanan and Mrs. her place.
Sweet elder delivered to your house hold open bouse for the friends of Calvin Evenger, of Portland, spent
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Laraway and son
26c per gallon, 5 gallon or more, 20c per
803 Montello avenue, on New Year's Christmas with their parents, Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Collier spent
gallon. Walter Wells, phone 4723.
Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
day from 3 to 5 o'clock in the after-
companied borne Sunday by Mrs. Neal- ert Hays in The Dalles.
noon and during tbe evening.
eigb and son, Wilbur, who will visit
If you do not get your Portland Tele­
Miss Leona Vickers is spending
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Chenault, of there with relatives for a week.
grate, or it you want to subscribe for
Christinas fceek with her mother in
this evening newspaper, Tel. 3364. Mr*.
The Heights residents were awak- Salem.
days with Mrs. Chenault's aunt, Mrs.
J* W. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grow spent sev-
C. A. Bell, who is recovering from a ened early Christmas morning by the
Hemstitching and stamping. Order* severe case of influenza that bordered Christmas carols, sung by the choir of eral days in Portland last week. Their
taken lor pleating, chain stitching, pin for a time on pneumonia.
the Christian Endeavor of the Chris- daughter, Miriam, a student at Mon-
tucking and buttons. Min Claxton, st
tian church.
mouth Normal, returned with them for
Mr. anil Mrs. C. E. Craven returned
Tbe Leonora.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rogers and baby, the holidays.
home Tuesday from Portland, where
The Rebekah lodge members will lie they spent Christmas visiting their of Seattle, are spending the holidays
The Epworth League will hold a
hoots at a card party at Odd Fellows daughter, Miss Isalielle, a member of with Mr. Rogers’ mother, Mrs. C. D. watch party at the church Friday eve-
hall on tbe evening of Wednesday, the nurses' training class at the Good Havens, and other relatives in the nlng.
January 5. All are Invited.
Samaritan hospital.
L, H. Huggins spent Christmas day
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Collier came up
Mr. and Mrs. Medford Reed, who are
from Portland and were Christmas spending the holidays iu Portland with with bis daughter and family, Mr. and
H. R. Auto Wreckers, on the Height*
guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. I-araway Mrs. Reed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mrs. John Van Dellen.
at their Pine Grove home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLeod and son, Part* tor ali car*.
I). Kingsley, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Friends of Mrs. Enney were pleased
Local friends received Christinas Peters, who are tliere with Mr. Peters’ Billy, of Kelso, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
cards from “
“ 1 Uncle Jimmie" Buydam, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters, Peitellä, of Portland, were with Mr. to know she was able to come home
who reports that he is enjoying life in motored up the first of the week to and Mrs. B. L. Van else for Christmas, from the Portland hospital before
returning home Sunday.
Pasadena, Calif.
attend the Country Club dance.
Mrs. C. C. Walton and Mrs. D. R.
Mrs. L. C. Mick, of Eugene, spent
Friends here regretted to learn from
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Wilson, who
Mrs. Phoebe Morse, who is now In now reside in Beattie, where Mr. Wil­ Christmas with her mother, Mrs. L. M. Cooper, Sr., spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Ermonger In Fossil.
Portland, that she had recently broken son is in charge of sal«« of the White Dark.
of her wrists.
The' grade and high schools each
trucks, while ;*assing through here
Miss Frances Zolls and Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. P. h. Manser has left for Cut Sunday stopped to call on their old Frank Bigelow, of Portland, were held a short program In their rooms
Bank, Mont., having been called there friends, Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Bartmess. guests of their mother, Mrs. John Thursday afternoon.
by the serious illness of her mother, Mr. WII boii was formerly superintend­ Zolls, for Christmas.
E. Hansen, of the high school fac-
ent of the Mt. Hood R. R. line.
Mrs. Johnson.
Mrs. Blanche Bristow visited with ulty, is spending the holidays with his
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Jacobsen, ac­ friends In Vancouver over Christmas parents at Huntington, Ore.
Mrs. George Partis, accompanied by
her children, Miss Clara and I«eouard, companied by their daughter, little day.
Miss Van VJeet, Miss Feike and Miss
was up from Portland over Christmas Miss . Janet, came down from Walla
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson and Holloway all went to their homes in
to visit the families of Mrs. A. C. Lofts Walla, Wash., and spent the holidays daughter, Beatrice, are with Mrs. Nel- Portland for the holidays.
with Mrs. Jacobsen’s parents, Mr. and son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
and Mrs. A. 8. Keir.
The ladies of the Grange were well
pleased with the results of their bake
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller and little Mrs. G. A. McCurdy, and Mr. Jacob- Witham, for the holidays.
daughter, Joyce, of Hillsboro, and Mr. sen's
Miss Lucile Orans is at borne from food sate last Thursday.
and Mrs. C. G. Miller, of Rainier, are sen.
Monmouth for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hettinger and
Miss Werdna Isls-11, daughter of-Mr.
visiting at tbe home of their parents,
The merchants on the Heights had a family spent Christmas in Portland,
and Mrs. A. W. Isbell, is now on the good share of the holiday trade and guests of Mrs. Hettinger's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Binali and son, honor roll of students at the Univers- wish you ail a~happy and prosperous
Joseph Hmullin Is visiting his uncle
“ oi * ’nT'u
Press dispatches from New Year.
accompanied by their cat and dog, 1
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fltzger-
mSd“i7 from'Portland and* s^'nt i
I'«*« «“><•«>«
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tharp returned ald. In Beattie this week.
re­ from Vancouver Tuesday after a few
Christmas with Mrs. Small's parents, students of the university who ~-
Mrs. Ed Renfro has been on the sick
week*' visit with Mrs. Tharp's father, list for some time. Her friends wish
Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Bartmess.
ter. Miss Isbell, who is home for the C. II. Stranahan.
Ray B. Davis, of the Hood River Christmas vacation, is majoring in
her a speedy recovery.
Through the support given at the
Phil and Joe Kasberger, of The
Creamery, is recovering at the Hotel Romance languages.
Reserve the dates of Friday evening, recent pre-Chrlstmas dance held at the
Waukoma from * a recent accident
January 7, for the three one-act plays Mt. llood hotel dining room, the lodge
Mrs. Earleue Meyer, worthy matron Mrs. Sberinan J. Frank last Sunday.
which resulted in painful bruises. Mr.
to tie given in Mclsaac’s hall by the of Boy Scout Troop No. 2 ha* already
Davis was struck by a truck.
Junior class of Parkdale high school been made more commodious, and la
Engagement is Announced
the following appointive officers for
under the direction of Miss Feike. now declared one of the moat attrac­
C. II. Trimble has purchased an or­ tbe ensuing year: Adah, Mrs. Donna
Announcement of the engagement of The names of the plays are “Tbe Fin­ tive meeting places for boys In the
chard place from tbe estate of the late Marsh; Ruth, Mrs. Hazel Murphy; Miss
Ginevrn Nickelsen and Gordon
Ralph J. Jarvis. Mr. Trimble and his Esther. Mrs. Clara C. Smith; Martha, Green, a representative of the Ameri­ ger of God,” "Common Clay,” and country. Scoutmaster Geo. Morrison
extends a cordial Invitation to the
family have removed to their newly ■ : Mrs.
„rB Delia
Delia Alexander
Alexander ; ; Electa,
Elec’-ta, Mrs. can Fruit Growers, Inc., was made "Never Again."
purchased home.
1 I Minnie Vogler; organist, Mrs. Gladys here Tuesday night at a dinner party
Miss Gladys Aubert, of Medford, and public to visit the lodge.
"We of Troop No. 2,” said Mr. Mor­
C. C. Crew, who utilizes the display Gilbert; chaplain, Mrs. Bailie Carson; for 25 young iieople at the home of Helen and Paul Aubert, of JO. A. C., are
window at tbe First National bank marshal, Mrs. Ruby Bennett; warder, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Crew. Little Miss spending tbe holidays with their par­ rison, “are very grateful to the public
with timely exhibits, had as his Christ­ Mrs. IJzzle Fletcher, and sentinel, I. J. Nancy Marie, small daughter of Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aubert, at Mt. for their support. We have as tine a
lot of boys as were ever gathered to­
mas display a uniquely arranged Crib, Smith.
and Mrs. Crew, dressed as a bride, met Hood.
gether. They are responding to the
showing the Christ child and the great
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McDonald tl>e guests at the door and passed each "Billy Hmullin, Arthur Baboon, Lyle interest that is being taken in them.
star, which guided the wise men to will entertain tonight at their home at a card, telling of the engagement. The Mclsaac. Candice Rumbaugh, Alta
We are especially thankful to Mrs.
Twelfth and Montello for Miss Ethel prospective bride is the daughter of Basler, Harriet Mclsaac and Katherine C. A. Bell, of the Mt Hood hotel, and
Hmullin are all home from their re­
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Woolpert, of Samuel and Trevor (I’lnky Owen, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Nickelsen.
H. E. Fait, leader of the orchestra
Wenatchee, where Mr. Woolpert in whose engagement has just been an­
The Crew home was beautifully dec­ spective colleges for the holidays.
which donated the music.
manager of
nounced. Miss Samuel is the daugh­ orated with Christinas emblems. From
“I urge again that all of you come
were here for the Christmas holidays ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Samuel. Mr. a miniature ship in the middle of the after two weeks' illness.
out to the auto park and see our lodge.
visiting Mrs. Woolpert’s parents, Mr. Owen is a brother of Mrs. McDonald. table, ribbon streamers extended to the
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davies and sons We wish you all a most prosperous and
and Mrs. W. J. Knight, and Mr. Wool- He was formerly here with the Twen­ plates of the guests. Following dinner spent Monday in The Dalles visiting happy New Year."
pert’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. tieth Century grocery but Is now lo­ the |>arty engaged In singing oldtime relatives.
cated at Nyssa, where be 1^ employed songs and a mock wedding was per­
Mrs. Avon Button has been on the
Bean Sprayer parts. Howell Bros, jl 3 with a large sheep company.
sick list the past week.
Mrs. Van Nuys and eon, Howard, ac­
companied Rev. Van Nuys to Park-
dale and spent tbe week end visiting
...... -........... ..
Bloat and Joe P.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Craven spent
Christman with their daughter, Isa Wendling, who were called to McGlynn,
a lumber camp out from Albany, with
belle, tn Portland.
the former's pair of blood bounds to
J. D. Hmullin is building an addition aid in search for Harry Crawford, 23,
on his house In I’arkdale.
who was lost In the forest, have re­
The Bunday school held a Christmas turned home with a story of hardship
entertainment iu the church Friday while they followed the trail of Craw­
ford with a posse of 15.
Rev. Van Nuys conducted two serv­
The local men received the call from
ice« in the church Bunday, and will Eugene last Friday night. They left
preach again next Bunday morning at here at 11.30 p. m. At 9 a. m. the next
11 o’clock.
day they were at McGlynn, whence
The Women’s Missionary society they left at once. The trail was hard
showed the movie, “Peter Pan,” on to follow because of brush, Mr. Bloat
Wednesday evening in Mclsaac’s hall. says, and several times it was lost,
The last of this year's crop of apples only to be picked up again further
was shipped from the Parkdale Asso­ along a deep canyon. The hunters
spent Rsturday night camped In the
ciation warehouse yesterday.
canyon. They went for two days with­
out food.
The dogs followed the trail to the
mouth of Wolf creek, where they dis­
covered that Crawford had emerged
from the wildernesa about five hours
Crawford. It was said, was In far
Funeral services were held at the better physical condition than his
English Lutheran church Sunday for hunters. An expert woodsman, be had
William Frederick Zimmerman, 80 and conserved bls strength.
native of Germany, whose death oc­
curred at the apartment of his daugh­
White Salmon Defeats Redmond
ter, Mrs. May Rotterts, Friday night.
The Redmond high school basketball
The pastor. Rev. P. Hllgendorf, of­ team, on a mid-Columbla tour, was de­
ficiated, and interment followed at feated Tuesday night by the White
Idlewllde cemetery,
Haljnon, Wo , high school team, score
Mr. Zimmerman, who spent most of 45 to 19. The central Oregon team Is
his life In Wisconsin, came to Hood accompanied by Orach W. Harold Ma­
River 13 years ago. The following son. an Oregon Agricultural College
other children survive: Mrs. Amos alumnus, who is a member of the Red­
Rauget, of Hood River; Mrs. Ida Fil­ mond faculty.
yas, of Madison, Wis.; Mrs. J. J.
The mid-Columbla schedule calle for
Kress, of Loa Angeles, Calif.; G. H. games with -Wasco and Grass Valley.
Zimmerman, of Chicago; Mrs. i. H. On returning home the Redmondltes
Gorman, of Walla Walla, Wash., and will play Turner high.
Albert Zimmerman, of Antigo, Wis.
Dressmaking Bbop,
in the Davidson building.
Cash paid lor old cars. H.-R, An to
Bean Sprayer part*. Howell Bro*. jlS
Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Ravlin *pent
Christmas with friends in Portland.
An interesting meeting of cream pro­
ducers of the Trout Lake, Wash., sec­
tion was held at the school house
there last Monday evening. Those who
attended from here, were: Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Black, J. H. Mohr, E. F.
Batten, Miss Meths Hansen, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Edw. Thornton,
Psul R. Reed, V. 0. Morgan, J. D.
Mickle, Oregon state dairy and food
commissioner, Ex-Benator* Schrock, of
Milwaukie, and Chris Johnson, federal
creamery expert. The Hood River
creamery furnished excellent ice cream
and the ladies of Trout Lake provided
delicious cakes for a repast.
Our wish to all of the mid-Columbia folk
is freighted with the desire that 1927 may end,
finding all of you blessed with the knowledge
that you look back over a twelve months spent
in doing the things that bring you prosperity
and happiness and that in the doing have
brought joy to all around you
Great War Veteran Hare
A. E. Allenger, who was seriously
wounded at Chateau Thlery while serv­
ing with the 28th Division, Battery F,
and -Mrs. Allenger, accompanied by
their racoon, “Pete,” are in Hood Riv­
er. They arrived from Lewiston, Ids.
Mr. Allenger, who was Incapacitated
by the wound, is selling sachet, in
order to make a living for himself and
family. “Pete" Is the family mascot.
He is a huge “coon,” and local dogs
give him a wide berth.
The wounded veteran has met-nev­
er* 1 local men, who were at the fa-
mous great war battle.
Bean Sprayer part*.
Howell Bros.
(By A. O. Lewis) '
The heavy crop of all fruits the past
season has entailed the purchase and
handling of a correspondingly large
volume of supplies for the growing and
harvesting of the crop. Moot fruit
growers fully realise that to produce
a maximum tonnage per acr5 they can­
not safely neglect providing fertilisa­
tion, cultivation and proper attention
and care; all of which require an ade­
quate amount of supplies.
The Association undertakes to fur­
nish the necessary supplies for its
members at the least possible cost and
with the greatest protection and serv­
ice possible.
Supplies are usually purchased for
cash and In the largest volume possi­
ble; thereby enabling us to demand
and secure the lowest price on the
commodity purchased. Supplies are
billed to members st cost pins a nom­
inal handling and carrying charge and
to cover any market variations. Any
surplus st the-close of the year after
deducting actual costs Is refunded to
mem hers on a percentage basis. Wher­
ever possible the price of each com­
modity 1s pooled for the season, there­
by Insuring a uniform price to all
members at ali times.
The volume handled for the past
year is the greatest of any year in the
history of the Association and will
• ggr egate approximately gl,000,000 In
value. The tonnage is always bandied
In carlots where possible and totals
524 carloads divided as follows: 400
cars box shocks, 51 cars fertiliser, 11
cars spray material, 47 cars paper, 15
cars mlHcellam-oiM.
The foundation of any successful co­
operative organisation is confidence,
and because of confidence and coopera­
tive effort between officials, employes
snd Individual members has our organ­
isation Increased in service and value
to the growers of the Hood River Val­
While one way traffic around the
slide had been provided for since the
Friday before, work of crews in clear­
ing the gigantic mass of rock which
slid from an overhanging cliff on the
Columbia River highway Wednesday
night of last week had been slowed up
because of recurring small slides. Al­
though men scaled the perpendicular
cliffside by means of ropes and raked
off all loose stones, numerous rocks,
from the size of a walnut up to minia­
ture avalanches continued at Intervals
to drop on the road.
About 800 cubic feet of rock re-
mained on the highway Monday.
"Good Thing to Eat"
Fresh Eastern Oysters
With the real tang of the sea.
Fine Eastern Cranberries
The last of the season.
Tea Garden Mince Meat
For that New Year’s Pie.
Canada Dry Ginger Ale
A delicious Drink and a
good mixer.
Maywood Ripe Olives
If you want something extra.
Flake Butter Crackers
21c Packages, 5 for $1.00
The Star Grocery
One of the businesses of the city that
has made a substantial gain the past
year la the Hood River Bakery, man­
aged by R. BL Willis. Buttercrust
bread has become a popular staple.
The bakery has made an enviable repu­
tation with its pies, rolls, cakes and
Danish pastries. The place is crowded
before the noon luncheon hour and in
the evening with householders securing
their bread for the approaching meals.
The bakery business has reached about
KM),(100 the past year.
point to a substantial increase for 1927.
Six people are employed at the bakery.
Mr. Willis early in January will
start the baking of another loaf that
Is sure to become popular. It will be
called the 100 Per Cent Whole Wheat
Pomona Grange Saturday
Country Club Danes Pleasant
The dance given at the Pythian hall
by the Hood River «Country club Mon­
day evening was a pleasant social
Wauna temple, Pythian Sisters, will event. Many were present from the
hold their annual installation cere­ Parkdale community and a number
mony Thursday, Januaav 6. The new motored here from Portland for the
officers elected are: Most excellent dance.
Bud's Aces, the members
chief, Earleen Meyer; excellent senior, uniquely garbed in golfing togs, fur­
Alice Baker; excellent junior, Daisy nished the music. L. E. Tn ft was
Havens: manager. Caroline Morse; chairman of the committee which ar­
protector. Pearl Peck; outer guard, ranged for the party. Numerous of
Jqnnie Hbnrtllff; mistress of records the younger folk home for the Christ­
and correspondence, Jennie Hunt; mis­ mas holidays from college attended.
tress of finance, Adeline Atkinson, snd
Another of the winter series of
musician. Elsie Steele.
Country Club parties is planned for
This being the first meeting after next month. The entertainment com­
Christmas, there will also be a Christ­ mittee of the club Is composed of the
mas tree, each member to bring a following: Mrs. Medford Reed, chair­
present and receive one in return, not man; Mrs.-0. N. Ravlin, Mrs. Banks
to exceed 25 cents. Everyone is urged Mortimer,
Mrs. Bonita Frans, Mrs.
to attend as this will be an interesting Rs ly Henman, I* E. Taft and I. H.
Pomona Grange will hold an ad­
journed meeting In Rockford Grange
hall on New Year’s day at 10 a. m.
This will be an all day meeting With
basket dinner at noon. The forenoon
will be devoted to the consideration of
resolnttons of which there are several
of importance.
A joint Installation service will be
held in the afternoon at s'
newly elected officers of
granges in the county will be
Bring your basket Be on
Wyers Admitted to
On motion of G. F. Kraus*
J. Wyers, who appeared before
Judge Bean in Port
admitted to practice
Mr. and Mrs.