HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1426 BRUNSWICK RECORDS Released Every Thursday MUMMEVS MUSIC SHOPPE Everything Musical (Make Your Own Terms) Dr«. Abraham & Sifton Physicians A Surgeons Butler Bank Building Phones: Office 4151 Dr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Sifton 3613. WIPED OUT! TO THE LAST MAN! CUSTER’S LAST STAND! Most astounding climax ever filmed! Dr. W. Donald Nickeben Surgeon, Cancer, Plastic Surgery and Radium Therapy Phone Main 7475 809 Stevens Bldg Portland, Oregon. DR. MEARLE C. FOX Eye, Ear Nose and Throat 915 Stevens Bldg. Portland, Ore. H. L DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calls promptly answered in town or country—Day or Night Phones: Residence, 1242; Office, 1241. Office in the Broslua Building DR. M. THRANE Physician and Surgeon Office Mt. Hood Hotel. Phone 2172. If no answer call 8511, Mt. Hood Hotel. Calla answered day or night- DR. C. C. CHICK Physician and Surgeon Boom 10, B rosi us Building Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5 Phones: Office, 4002; Residence, 2101 YOU’LL NEVER FORGET Office Bro 'us Block Office Phone 3741 Home Phone 8742 THE FLAMING FRONTIER DR. PHEBA J. COLLMAN With J. L BLACK, M. D. (Homeopathic Physician) Office at residence, 724 Cascade Ave. Telephone 2961 C. W. HAMILTON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon NATUROPATH Electronic Diagnosis and Treatment Corrective- Gymnastics, Scientific Diet Diseases of Women and Children Uorrs 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Office Phone 1622 Bea. Phone 2443 Hood River, Oregon L R. Alexander, D. M. D. DENTIST Office 4, 5 and 6 Smith Building Office Phone 2021 Res. Phone 8144 Hood River, Oregon E. L SCOBEE, D. D. S. Broslus Building Office Honrs : 8 a. hl to 6 p. m. Office Tel. 8161 Residence Teh 8412 DR. C. H. JENKINS DR. BOYD T. JENKINS DENTISTS Phone 1081. Offices Hall Bldg. Hood River, Oregon DR. S. L PETERSON DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Eliot Building, Hood River, Oregon Phones : Bee. 2743; Office 3812 L L MURPHY DENTIST Complete X-Ray Examination Suite 5, Broaius Building J. Warner Henderson, D.M.D. DENTIST Brosius Building Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Phone 4001 Bee. 8784 HOOT GIBSON DUSTIN FARNUM, ANN CORNWALL The One Supreme Portrayal of the Glorious West! Thousands of Indians-U. 8. Cavalrymen-Pony Express Riders —Army Scouts—Western Plainsmen—Political Washington— West Point in the '76's—a True and Tender Love Story- Culminating in the Huge, Mammoth and Thrilling Climax of the Battle of the Litth* Big Horn and Custer’s last Stand. An Absolutely I’npnndleled Entertainment. Don’t Miss It. Let Nothing Prevent Your Seeing This Super Spectacle Filmed in Eastern Oregon with the full co-operation of the PENDLETON ROUND-UP ASSOCIATION! The Glorious West of Song and Story Lives Again in This Mighty Epic! A LIVING, BREATHING, STORY I Actuality torn from pages of the Glorious History of the West! Nothing Ever Before Like It For The VVhole Family! j J. M. CREAMER Veterinary Surgeon Office at Fashion Garage. Tel. 1201 GEO. F. STRANAHAN General Building Contractor Telephone 5716 B. B. POWELL PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK 810 Cascade Ave. Hood River, Ore, 4> DON’T MISS IT! Rialto Theatre MON., TUES., » WED. Mat. 10c-36c december 13-14-15 Ladies’ Guest Mat. Monday Special School Matinee Monday. Box Office Open Until 4:15 Evenings, 10c-36c-50c Hood River Abstract Co. Real Estate and Insurance Accurate Abstracting of Land Titles Telephone 1331 George E. Goodwin, C. E Member Ainer. Society Civil Engineer« Consulting and Practicing Engineer Surveys. Plans, Blueprints Finished Drawings Made From Bough Sketches Phone 5001, Hood Biver, Oregon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LENORE GREGORY OREGON LUMBER COMPANY Violin and Piano European Training and Experience. Hood River class every Saturday at Mrs. R. N. Young's, 1)24 State St. DEE, OREGON Phone: Odell 406 MRS. GEO. I. SLOCOM Dunning System of Improved Music Study. 606 Ninth St. Tel. 3933. C. M. HURLBURT Civil Engineer Frans Building Phone 3672 Fireproof LJÉI THE FASHION STABLES’ Parkdale Auto Stage PERMANENT, DRY, FROST-PROOF AND AS CHEAP AS WOOD Phons 1201 Plana and estimates furnished free for any building. This new unit is beating all records. The new modern city of Longview has used a quarter of a million STONE TILE since March 1st. Leaves Hood River daily at 10.45 a. m. (except Sun­ day) and 4.30 p. m. Leaves Parkdale daily at 8 a. m. and I p. m. (ektept Sunday). CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. A. C. LOFTS Phone 4111 PORTLAND DROPS CITY AUTO PARK Vamping in 1876 was just as suc- cesafui ami just as easy as in these days of 1926, for the prey was the Portland's municipal auto camp was same, if anything, the ’76 model waa 1 a deserted village last week, after six a bit more artful than that of ’26. years of operation during which time Such is the belief of Kathleen Key, it housed 85,026 automobile« and 262,- motion picture actresa, based not upon 110 persona. actual experience in either of the two The city went out of the automobile periods mentioned, but rather upon camp bualneaa and surrendered the history and a close study of the meth­ field to the private lntereets which ods employed half a century ago, and now are in the bualneaa. At the aame from observation of those/ln use to­ time it provided, through an ordinance day. Miss Key is'the Itlai ick-haired, which becomes effective January 1, fiasbhqr. black-eyed vamp in "The that no automobile camp may be estab­ Flainlug Frontier," the Edwi _____ __ lished in the city limits. ward Bedg wick-UniversaI production that is com­ The business of the auto camp ing to. the Rialto theatre next Monday, dropped off year by year as the pri­ Tuesday mid Wednesday. The picture vate camps, with more elaborate equip­ atory is act In 1876, which gave rise to ment, lagan to function. The city did the actress' thoughts on the subject of not feel that it could spend the money vamping. on the camp that should be spent there "SkirtH might have tieen a little to meet all of the demands of tourists. longer in 1876 but I think that the The banner year was 1924 when 67,824 mere suggestion they gave of a neatly persons in 22,293 machines entered the turued ankle was perhaiai a trilie more camp, while this year the number has effective than all that the short skirt dropiwd to 31,513 i»ersoua and 10,540 reveals today,” says Miss Key. "The machines. skirts of IsTU kept one guessing; those The camp waa established in 1921 of today leave nothing to the inmgtna- after the city had operated for some tlon. In ibis respect, I thluk that tlie time at the forestry building where 1876 model vamp waa a bit wiser than the camp was free. It then leased tlie Aer present day sinter. It’s harder to property at Portland boulevard and vamp «nceswfully when one haa placed Albina avenue for 8500 a month and all her cards on the table, and that Is charged 50/ cents a day for tourists. what the modern vamp does. Thia step was taken in the earlier "And consider that little curl that days of touring and before the private draped Itself in such a bewitching automobUe camps began to appear all manner over the shoulder or shoulders. over the country. In that year the Don't you think it was one of the most city entertained 21,012 persona in 6,686 HiHcessftil of weapons to use on the machines. In 1922 the number jumped helpless male atont to walk into the to 35,376 persons in 11,149 machines net? It suggested simplicity, demure­ and the next year the number was 58,- ness and innocence, yet it concealed 656 persons in 18,424 machines. In dynamite. The bob may be roguish 1924 there were 67,824 persons and and practi.nl but I think that the 1876 22,293 maeblues; 1925, 47,729 persons vamp with her little curls had some­ and 15,934 machines and in 1920, thing on us. The roadster Is comfy 513 persona and 10,540 maehlneff but I don't think it a bit more danger­ ous than tlie old buggy, buckboard or Sew by electricity. The Binger haa Concord wagon. Many an old-Mme vamp got in her liest work to the music five distinct types, all equipped with of the creaking wheels as they slowly electric lights. Buy one for Christmas. rolled over dirt road or prairie, Yes, lJlieral allowance for your old machine. HV the modern girl^^gffifito might have reason for Singer Hewing Machine Co., 214 Third alarm should a real, good 1876 vamp Street. Phone 2912. set up in opposition to her. She'd Notice to Creditors make them step some.” Notice is hereby given, that the un­ And Misw Key proves all this in her handling of the character of Lucretia dersigned has been appointed adminis­ Belden In 'The Flaming Frontier.” tratrix of the estate of Ralph J. Jar­ This picture, which lias been given an via, deceased, by the County Court of Hll-star cast. Is a thrilling story of the Ilood River County, Oregon, and haa early days of the West filled with all duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against the roiuani<• tragedy and comedy of those early and trying days. Red man said estate are hereby notified to pre­ and white man confront each other sent the same, verified according to and no more stirring scene has tieen law. to the undersigned at the office of put on the screen than that showing J. II. Hazlett, Pythian Building, Hood the massacre of.Custer by Chief Hit­ River, Oregon, within six months from ting Bull and his Hloux in the battle date. Dated and first published November : of the Little Big Horn. NINA R. JARVIS. - I The cast is a great one. Hoot Glb- 18, 1926. nl8dl6 / Administrator. 1 son, Universal's Winter»» "ace,” enacts the role of mi army scout. Anne Corn- Notice of Fihal Settlement i wall, dainty and demure, Is the hero- In the County Court of the State of 1 Ine. Dustin Farnun», well-known stage ' and screen star, plays the part of Gen. Oregon, for Hood River County. In the Matter of the Eatat^ of Fred Custer, and Ward Crane does the r "heavy.” Miss Key plays the vangi Frautschy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the ip- And Noble Johnson has been cast in I the role of Sitting Bull. Others in dcralgned executor has filed his final ; this great cust are George Fawcett, report and accounting in the store en­ , Eddie Gribbon. Harry Todd, Charles titled court and cause, and that the K. French, Walter Rodgers, Ed Wil­ Court haa set the 27tb day of Decem­ son, William Steele and Joe Bononui. ber, 1926, at the County Court Boom ■ The« picture was written and directed in the City of Hood River, Oregon, at the hour of 10.30 a. tn. of said day, as ; by Edward Hedgwick. the time and place of hearing and The final presentation of the Dixie aettling the aame, at which time and Jubilee quartet, negro singers, who place any objections to said report have revived the old cottoniield rnelo- should be made and filed. EMIL FRAVTRCIIT, > dies, wi|L to tonight. These singers, Executor. ' who have made a hit in Hood River, n25<123 just as at other places where music Notice to Creditors loverB have recently heard them, offer Notice is hereby given that the un­ one au eveuing of excellent entertain­ dersigned has been appointed adminis­ ment. The motion picture, "Her Second trator of the estate of Ida L. Buddy, Chance,” is being shown with thé jubi­ deceased, by the County Court of Hood i lee* singers' program. River County, Oregon, and haa duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against Canadian Apple Market According to a cable received by L. said estate are hereby notified to pre­ sent the same, verified according to *H. Gerry, Portland representative of law. to the undersigned, st the office the federal bureau of markets, from J. of J. II. Hazlett, Pythian Building. Forsyth Smith, Canadian fruit trade Hood River, Oregon, within aix months commissioner for the United Kingdom, from date. the British market» during November Dated and first published November leave been heavily supplied with both 11. 192