The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 09, 1926, Image 3

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il<L Bose
In deep fat frying the
food is at once
coated by the hot
Lard and cooks thor-
/ny more fat
Use this sweet, pure
shortening and get
better results than
ever before.
/r Every Purpose
Earl Hughes, sou of Mrs. Belle
Hughes of this city, who la uow In his
sophomore year at the United States
Military Academy at West Point,
ranked third in the course in luHltary
efficiency at recent examinations. Thin
record was malntaiued In an Institu­
tion with 1,690 students. Cadet Hughes
stood 39th lu the' sophomore class of
In a letter to bia mother Cadet
Hughes says the West Point atudentH
enjoyed keenly the recent visit of
Prlncesa Ileana and her mother, Queeu
Marie, to West Point. The local boy
had the pleasure of a dance with the
princess at a ball tendered in her
Cadet Hughes will arrive next
spring to i spend
apeud a
a ' furlough at hoffie.
He is a __
graduate of the r
Hood r
high school and was a student in thu
pre-medical department of the Uni­
versity of Oregon when he received
his appointment to West Point.
New Apple Vendor Out
H. L. Hull, fruit grower and ex­
president of the couuty farm bureau,
of Yakima couaty, Washington, lias in­
vented aud patented a new apple vend­
ing machine and a company has lss>n
formed to manufacture and distribute
the maclilnes. C. L. Ixiwe, representa­
tive of J. & II. Goodwin, Ltd., assisted
lu perfecting the dev lei*. Deposit of a
nickel in a slot gives the purchaser an
apple as in tlie case of the “Apple-
venda” machine devised by meu of the
inld-Coluinhla district.
Notice—JJks new player piano, half
paid for? Any one interested may have
for balance, unpaid. Inquire at once
Terms if ifeaired.- A good organ. $16.
Mummey's Music Shoppe.
A .
"Bea Hur,” the amgulUeeut Metrie
Goldwyn-Mayer cineum interpretation
of General Ixw WaMBce's literary mas­
terpiece of the sameBumi, will'be pre­
sented Munday, Decriul . r 12, at the
Civic Auditorium iu The Dalles.
Fred Niblo, Who dire, ted (he making
of the picture, achiev' d tlie highest
succetM possible in the art of the cin­
ema not only by the «Kriuiular gran­
deur -¿I the uikuy seen'- hut by the in­
telligent, almost inspired, manner lu
which he transferred to tlie screen the
very soul of the story. Beeauae.ot this
the cinema version of “Ben Hur” is a
satisfaction and a deUgot to those long
familiar with tho bool, aud with the
play. Ramon Nuvarro. wlm imperson­
ates "Ben Hur” says: "i rejoiced in
the role and It lias bettered me mental­
ly and spiritually.” 11 may safely be
said that Ibis feeling is shared by the
majority of people wim see tlie picture.
Besides Mr. NovagTo tlie important
players who took i>arl in the making
of "Ben Hur” were Fijiui is .X. Bush­
man, May McAvoy, Cl.ilre MclXiwell,
Kathleen Key, Carmel Myi rs, Nigel de
Brulier, Mitchell Lswis, I,e<> White,'
Frank Currier, Chark* Belcher, Betty
Bronson, Dale Fuller-mid Winter llali.
The presentations are uccouipanied by
an elaborate orchestral» cure performed
by a large orchestra under tlie direc­
tion of Clarence West.
------ -- ---- -M-
Dahlias ami cannas ure stored under
the sume conditions ti nt keep potatoes
satisfactorily. They- ar« tlmroiigbly
dried before storing. This'is done by
spreading them out in a dry, airy
place after digging. Tlie danger of
losing cannas is lews tied if they ure
stored in boxes of dry sundr—
The old Byrkett livery barn at White
Salmon, used by the Columbia Fruit
I'ulou as a storage warehouae and
garage, burned Wednesday night of last
week with an eat I mated limn of $20,(MX).
A large quantity of hay and niue auU>
inobllea were destroyed. Th® lima is
imrtiall.v covered by insurance.
The Are, the cause of which waa not
determined, threatened adjoiulng busl-
beaS property, and the Hood River Are
<hi>artment waa called on for aid.
The tire, which occurred about 3 a.
in., illuminated the entire mid-Colutn-
bia, aud scores of local families, watch­
ing the tiunves, thought the entire bual-
m*a aection of the neighboring city bad
been tired. The tire wan seen from
ranch Imines in the Central Vale dla-
(From Tlie Enterprise)
O. C. Dean, of Hood River, was a
visitor in White Salmon Tuesday.
Word was received from Underwood
of tlie death of Mrs. Amos I-arson, who
passed uway at tlie home of her par­
ents at Spirit Lake, Idaho. Mr. and
Mrs. Larson went to Phoenix, Ari».,
in July for treatment at a tuberculosis
Eurl^lA'arneke and Steve Liehter, of
have purchased the bakery
at CaWuimet, Wash., and will take
charge ulsiut the middle of tills month.
Mr. Liijiter, who lias lieen eatplqyed
as linker in the Electric bakery here
by Mr. Warneke, will go to Cathlamet
to oiierate the simp there.
Mr. Gilmer, Mr. Reeves and Ernest
Ealnier had a-narrow escape from
death last week, wlien they undertook
to retill an acetylene gas generator by
the aid of a lantern. As soon as the
generator was iqiened au explosion oc­
curred, badly burning Mr. Gilmer on
tlie face mid hands, amt removed
mustache and imrt of his lialr.
itecves w also burned some, but
Faliner escapisl unhurt. Tliey all
they'll know lietter next lime,
wait for daylight.
Baked Frye’s "Delicious” Ham and Roast
Turkey—a slice of Ham, a slice of turkey
—the Christmas Dinner extraordinary-*
"that lovely Christmas Dinner we had” will
be a delicious family memory for months
to come.
Why not spread Giristmas Cheer by the
gift of a whole Frye’s "Delicious” Hain in
its festive Christmas wrapper.
. Frye’s "Meat Guide” shows the way H»
^many different Ham menus. Get your
Notice of Shci il's Sale
Iu the Circuit Conri of the $liite of
Notice to Creditors
Orogou for llood Biver County.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
State Land Board Of the State of
dersigned has- lieen apixiinted Adminis­ Oregon. Plaintiff, vs. Louise Stewart,
tratrix of the Estate of Eliza E. Hin­ Defendant. ._
(copy now by sending 2c to Frye 8C Coos
richs, deceased, by the County Court of
Notice is hereby givi that pursuant
Hood River County. State of Oregon.
?my, Seattle, to cover postage.
to an execution in forei l<>*nie und order
Ail persons having claims against of sale issued out of the alsive entitled
ouTl find Frye’s "Delicious” Brand Hm
said deceased and her estate are here­ court the 24th day ot .XoiemlsT, 1926,
by notified to present the same, duly In n suit wlierein the n I mi vo nuiueil
Japanese Savant Viaita Here
verified, to me at the office of E. II. Plaintiff recoveru«L^mlt;mciit against
D. Yoiuogita, of Tokyo, J himiii . Ni|v-
Hartwig, 7 and 8 Smith Building, in said Iaiulsc Stewaft for the sum of
Hood River, Ore., within six months $5tXH)0 with Interest aline Slay 29, IHtnese savant, who is engaged in a
from date of this notice.
1921, at tlie rate ot 0‘, per annum ami study of institutions for the Insane in
Dated anil first published tills 25th the flirt iter sum ot S5o.<W attorney's this- country and Canada, has tieen
day of November. 1926,
fees ami for Plalntlfl s costs anil ills j I visiting fellow countrynMu here. Dr.
bursementa tHXed iitj$:.l.l<) whieli judg­ Vomoglta, who has degree« from nu­
ment was date«! Navcniber 22, 192(1. merous college* in bls homeland and
E. n. Hartwig,
and duly entered on Nuvemlier 24, 192(1, Amerlcu, might lie taken for a Jaisiti-
Attorney for Estate.
»25623 I will on January 3, 1927 nt tile hour cse laborer. He wears bino donine
of teu o'clock A. M. el' said day, at tlie and rough work shoes.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
“I used to wear better clothe«." «aid
front door of tlie court house in the city
In tlie Circuit Court of the State of of Hood River, Oregon,
to the high­ Dr. Xoinogita, "but on several occa-
Just as good as naw and will give you all
Oregon for Hood River County.
est bidder for cash in hand all the slons I was the victim of thugs, and
service you can get out of a new machine.
State Land Board of the State of right, title and inter*.-1 of the Defend­
Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. William Galloway ant Louise Stewart in and to the fol­ display any prosperityr I haven't been
can buy them cheaper than renting a ma­
and Naomi Galloway, Defendants.
lowing descrllied real property, to-wlt: Isitbered since.”
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
Beginning at a point In tlie section British Columbia to pursue Ills investi­
to an execution in foreclosure and or­
line tietween sect!' a 28 and 29, 00 gations.
der of sale issued out of the alsivv
roils north of the H E. corner of sec­
court the 24th day of November, 192«.
tion 29 iu Tp. 2N. of It. 10 E. W. M.,
Highest cnah price paid for your uaed
in a suit wherein the alswe named
thence running west SO rods, thence furniture, «toreaand ruga. Call MrClain
Plaintiff recovered judgment against
mirth 20 r<Ma. thenre oust K0 rods, E. A. Franz Co.
said William Galloway and Naomi Gal­
thence south 20 Mils to the place of
loway for the sum of (RMXHK) with
Iteglnnlug; also a right of way for
interest since October 10, 1923 at 6%
road pur]M>sea 12' feet in width de­
and the further-sum of (25O.(X) attor­
scribed as, Beglnn ng at the S. E.'
ney's fees and for Plaintiff’s costs and <• corner of a certain tract described
disbursements taxed at $26.00 which
as loginning at A point <ni tlie see-'
judgment was dated November 22,
tlon line Is-tweea'Wftlon 28 and 291
1926, and duly entered on November 24,
ao rods north ofTtlb Hi H. Corner of
192«, I will on January 3, 1927 ut the
section 29, Tp. 2 N .' K 10 W. W. M.'
hour of ten o’clock A. M. of said day,
theme running weAt 80 rods, thence
at the front door of the courthouse in
north 20 rods, thence east 80 rods,
the city of Hood River, Oregon, sell
thence south 20 rod» to the place ofi
to the highest bidder for cash in hand
beginning, for the beginning |aiint
ail the right, title and interest of the
of a right of way, thence south 30;
said Defendants in and to the follow­
rods, thence east 13 rods thence
ing described real property, to-wit:
south 11 rods, and theme easterly
The southwest quarter of section
along a draw to tlie county road.
thirty-one, Township 2 north of
Dated and first published December
range ten east of the Willamette
\\ M. H EDICK,
Meridian, except the rights of way 2, 192«.
Sheriff of llood River County,
of the Hood River Lumbering Co.,
• Oregon.
The Valley Improvement Co., and d2-3O
the Mount Hood Railroad Comtmny,
Notice of s I ut MT s Sale
Dated and first published Decamber
OW varied and beautiful are the arti­
2, 1926.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Sheriff of Hood Iliver County,
Oregon for IIooil iliver County.
cles you will find on our shelves
State l4Vinl Board of the State of
Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Eva Illllstroni,
and in our showcases, and yet each
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale
John J. Hlilstrom and Emma Hilb
In the Circuit Court of the State of strum. Defendants,
of them is a gift that will endure
Oregon for Hood River County.
Noth« Is hereby given that pursuant
1 «nd carry throughout the years the
State Laud Board of the State of to an execution in foreclosure ami or­
Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Roliert Walstrom, der of sale issued out of the aliove
Emily M. Walstrom. Florence Bram­ court on tlie 24tii day of November.
sentiment of friendship that the
well Walstrom,, and Apple Growers 192«, in a suit »Iteretax the above
Association, a corporation. Defendants. named Plaintiff recovered judgment
donor wishes to convey.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant against said Eva lliilstrom for the sum
Sterling Silver? Yes, it is always good and
to an execution in foreclosure and order of $35lX).(M) with interest at 6% per an­
of sale issued out of the above court on ti tun from April 15. 1922 and for the
We have an excellent assortment of
the 24th day of November, 1926 in a further mini of $25o'X) attorney's foes
suit wherein the above Plaintiff recov­ ■ nd for the Plaintiff's coats and dis­
Silver Articles, probably the very thing you
ered judgment agulnst said Robert bursements taxed at $27.29, whieli
Walstrom and Emily M. Walstrom for judgment was dated November 22,
have been wishing for as a present to some dear
the sum of $1500.00 with interest at 1926, and was duly entered tn Noveni-
6% per annum from July 1, 1922 and tier 24, 192«,
for the further sutn of $150.00 attor­
I will on January !i. 1927 at the hour
ney's fees and for the PllaintitTs costs of ten o’clock A. M. of said day. at the
Just glance over this list:
and disbursements taxed at (24.00, front door of tlie coin (house in the city
which judgment was dated November of Hood River, Oregon, sell to the high­
Ladies’ Wrist Watches, the finest made,
22. 1926 and was duly entered Novem­ est bidder for cash iu hand all of the
ber 24th, 1926, I will on January 3. right, title and interest of said Eva
rectangular in shape and of white gold. Perma­
1927 at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. Hllistrom in and to ibe following de­
of said day, at the front door of the scribed real property, to-wit:
nently enameled ladies’ mesh handbags. Leather
courthouse in the city of Hood River,
Tlie south half of the southwest
Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for
bridge sets and leather handbags, made from the
quarter of section 2 and the north­
cash in hahd all the right, title and
east quarter of tlie northwest quar­
interest of said Defendants Robert
finest leather. Fountain pens and pencils, gold
ter and northwest quarter of north-
Walstrom and Emily M. Walstrom in
eust quarter of -ectlon 11, all in
and to the following described real
and fancy colored. Engraved glassware, clocks,
township one north of range 10 East
property, to-wit:
of the Willamette Meridian.
watches, rings carrying the emblems of fraternal
Ix>t 6 in section ten of Township one
Dated anil first published December
north, range ten east of the Willam­ 2.
* 192«.
organizations or set with whatever stone you may
ette Meridian.
Sheriff of Hood River County,
Dated and first published December d2 30
desire, stickpins, the finest of novelty jewelry.
2, 1926.
Sheriff of Hood River County,
Notice of ShcrffTs Sale
The very best of plated silverware. '.
In file Circuit. Coull of the State of
Oregon for Hood Itiver County.
And Diamonds! These are the gifts everlast­
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
The State Land Hoard of the State
In the Circuit Court of the State of of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Marguerite J.
ing. You will find whatever your heart’s desire
Oregon for Hood River County.
Johnson and II. B. Johnson, Defend­
The State iMinil Board of the State of ants.
may be in this precious stone.
Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. George T. Absher,
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant
Lula M. Absher, Chris Siebert and
to an execution in loreclosure and or­
Alice Siebert, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given tiiat pursuant der of sale issued out of the above
to an execution in foreclosure and or­ court the 24th day of November, 1926,
der of sale issued out of the above In a suit wherein the above named
Hood River folk have never had an oppor-
court the 24th day of November, 1926, Plaintiff recovered Judgment against
in a suit wherein the above named said Marguerite J. Johnson and H. B.
tunity to select from so fine an assortment of
Plaintiff recovered judgment against Johnson for the sum of $560.00 with
said George T. Absher and Lula M. interest at 6% since .Tune 9, 1922 and
pearls. The famed Bluebird make. Queen Marie
Absher for the sum of $1000.00 with for the further sum of $75.00 attorney's
interest thereon at 6%. per annum since fees and costs and di-biirsementa taxed
wore imitation pearls. Did you know that?
December 13, 1922 and for the further at $26.00, which Judgment was dated
sum of $100 attorney's fees and for the i November 22, 1926 and duly entered
You are extended a most cordial invitation to
Plaintiff's coats and disbursements November 24, 1926.
I will on January U. 1027 at the hour
taxed at $21.00 which judgment was
come in and look over our wonderful array
dated November 22, 1926 and duly en­ of ten o'clock A. Al. of said day, at the
front door of the < ' urthouse In the
tered on November 24, 1926,
“gifts that last
I will on January 3, 1927 at the hour city of Hood River. < »regori, sell to tbo
of ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the highest bidder for cash in hand all the
front door of the courthouse in the city right, title and interest,of said Defend­
of Hood River, Oregon, sell to the high- ants in and to the following described
right, title and interest of said George real property, to-wlt :
The Month half of the southeast
T. Abater and Lula M. Abater in and
quarter of section 26 and the north
to the following described real proper­
half of the northeast quarter of sec­
ty, to-wit:
tion 35, township one north of range
Ixits 3 and 4 in aection 6 township
nine east of the Willamette Merid­
1, north of range 11, East of the
ian, containing one hundred sixty
Willamette Meridian, containing
77.76 acres.
Dated and first published Decetnlier
Dated and first published December
2, 1926
2, 1920.
Sheriff of Hood River County,
Sheriff of Hood River County,
d2 30
Rebuilt Typewriters
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co
Kelly Bros. Co., I
Complete stock of Orchard and Harvest Supplies.
All the leading brands of Sprays and
materials for Pest Control.
Soft Drinks
Draught Luxo
City «t CM
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Hood River County.
Ethel Eva Elliott, Plaintiff, vs.'Frank
Walton Elliott, Defendant.
To Frank Walton Elliott, the above
named defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed agalnat
you in the above entitled auit on or
before the 30th day of December 1926,
■aid date being alx weeks after the
date of the first publication hereof;
and if you fall so to appear and answer
or otherwise plead to said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­
ply to the above entitled court for the
relief prayed for in the complaint, to-
wit : For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, and for such
other and further relief as In equity
shall seem meet.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for six consecutive
weeks in the Hood River Glacier, pur­
suant to an Order of Honorable H. L.
Hasbrouck, County Judge of Hood Riv­
er County, Oregon, dated November 16,
1928, which- order prescribed for this
service by publication, a> herein indi­
First publication November 18, 1926.
Last publication December 30, 1928.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
'Address: Pythian Building,
Hood River, Oregon. nlfidSO
Notice to Creditor»
Notice la hereby given that the un­
dersigned has been appointed executor
of tho Will of Peter Nesson, deceased,
by the County Court of Hood River
County, Oregon, and has duly qualified
aa such. AU peraons having claims
■gainst said estate are hereby notified
to present tbo same, verified according
to law, to the undersigned, at the office
of J. H. Haslett, Pythian Building,
Hood River, Oregon, within six months
from dite.
Dated and first published November
11, 1938.