HOOP ftlVfefi ÛLAÛ&& THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, FULL TEXT OF KAIL DENIAL OF.KATES THE ADVANTAGES SERVICE ^Nowhere Else in the WORLD! J. F. VOLSTORFF, THE HEIGHTS I • r GOLF NEWS Hood River'Country club Women over The Belli« course. The play Inaugurated r aeries of “ladle«' daya” at The Bailee course, to be held each Thuraday. Following the 0-bole matches during the morning, luncheon waa aerved at Voters are urged to read Section 4« of the Housewives’ Council Constitutional Amendment authorizing the State of Oregon to go into irrigation schemes and into the busi­ ness of manufacturing and selling light and power: Every voter should know that the assessed valuation of Oregon is $1,058,880,736, and that the Housewives’ Council “Water and Power” board could issue and sell bonds for $52,944,000. Your property would be a guarantee for the payment of this hugh debt. * Oregon’s total bonded debt, including that of all politi cal subdivisions, is now more than $166,000,000. Its Stat( bonded indebtedness alone per capita, $47.08, is the high est in the Union. X NO! PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO 762.2S6 dife't