The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 16, 1926, Image 8

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1926 Ford
Balloon Tires with
two extra
Hassler Shock
2 Spot Lights
Motor Meter
Bar Cap
Ruxtell Axle
Heater - Cut Out
Wind Shield Swipe
Mirror - Stop Light
Oversize Steering Gear
Delco Ignition
1926 Buick
5-Pass.-Brand New
Saving of $200
light Six
Hood River
Fumaral services for 1
Mias Vanda York. Portland young
woman, had a thrilling experience on I’uddy, 86 and native
Eliot glacier oa Mourn Hood Sunday died at her home here Saturday night,
wheu she slipped and fell 30 feet into were held Monday afternooq at River-
a crevasse. Mias York, suffered no aide church. Rev. W. L. Van Nuya,
permanent harm from the experience Presbyterian minister, of Portland,
but was painfully sore from numerous officiated. Interment followed at Idie-
bruises and was recovering at Home­ wilde cemetery.
Mrs. l’uddy and her late husband,
stead inn Monday from a lm<l case of
C. A. Puddy, came to the Upper Valley I
frayed nenes.
Accompanying a boy cimqianion, Mias 22 years ago. Mrs. Puddy is survived;
York, who ia a Portland teacher, was by eight children. They are:
Mrs. James Johusoa, of Dundi'e;
acelug the glaciers, the crevasses and
seracs In charge of Mark Weygaudt. Mrs. Martin Gribble, of Fort U ml; Mra.
I’he young woman ali;>ped on an ice Grace Johnson and Lawrence Puddy,
held a mi losing her balance slid down­ of l*arkdale, aud Mra. L. M. Baldwin.
ward some 10 feet, plunging into the Jesse Ernest and Mias HaiUe Puddy, of
yawning crack In the Ice. She dro|>ped Hood River.
Th« funeral was directed by C. C
about SO ft»et. Her phuigv was stopped
by obstructions where the sides of the Anderson.
glacier approached. Below her the
walls separated more widely, and the
girl, wedged into the narrow confines,
The second year cooking class at the
her feet dangling over an abyss that
might have been hundreds of feet deep high achool was discontinued because
sntrered torture while awaiting rescue. not enough students were interested to
Guide Weygaudt hurried down the continue the class. The first year class
mountainside for a rope. Then direct­ has been shifted from the first and
ing tlie girl's companion, a frail lad, he second periods to theJthird and fourth
<I<W<VI<IV<I into the creva wes, where his periods so that they may better handle
work was hampered by the narrowness tire cafeteria cooking. Tim cafeteria,
of the crevice. Nearly an hour was under the direction of Miss Mury E.
I’itney, will open in the near future.
required in freeing the girl.
Miss York excited admiration by her
shadiness of nerve while in danger.
Mias Gladys Wilson has been ap­
She directed the work of Mr. Weygandt pointed senior class adviser and Mb«
and waa cheerful while living aided Ruby Fessenden junior class adviser.
down the mountain trail by a ¡>oeae of Miss Ethel Bwarta will lie sponsor for
21* Hood River Crag Kats, who heard the sophomores and Jesse H. (.'reilulla w
of the a<vident and hurried from will l>e adviser for the fresh ns-n ac­
Homestead Inn to Eliot glacier to aid. cording to an announcement made last
“I thank God for once." said Miss week.
York, "that I am fat, for if it were
not for such physical state I realise I
Victor Miller was elected president
might have slipped through that crev­ of the senior, class at the first class
ice in the Ice and have lieen resting meeting of the school year held last
now in a state of refrigeration far Friday. Mr. Miller, who lias been a
down in the dark confines of Eliot gla­ member of both football and iMuketliall
cier. I am going back up there next teams, succeeds Kelsey Hlocom, who
summer and conquer that trail. I have has been president of the class of 1927
ridden horses and they have thrown for the last three years.—M. M.
me, but I have been accustomed to go
The senior class now has an enroll­
Isick the next day, and the next, if
necessary, and in the end I had con­ ment of 84 students. Indications pre
quered the beast I had art out to ride.” that the graduating class this year will
Miao York is well known in Portland be the largest tn the history of Hood
outing circiea. Rhe has frequently par­ River high achool. The class of 1927
ticipated in hiking tours of exploration will lie the first to hold its commence­
near Portland and at roast points. She ment exercises in the new high qchool
and her companion were on a biking building. The new building, construc­
trip around the Mount Hood Loop tion of which commenced last week, is
expected to be completed by the first of
The Crag Rats were engaged In next June.—D. H.
building a ski trail when they heard
of th* accident. Their immediate re- - The junior class had a meeting last
*l>onae made it possible for Mias York Friday and elected the following of-;
to be carried qnlckly to the end of the fleera for the coming year: Joe Naumes,
Coopera Spur lateral road, and here president; Kathryn PerIgo, vice-preOi-
she was carried 10 miles by automobile dent; Julianne Benton, secretary;
to Homestead inn.
James Carson, treasurer, and Inex
Young, Girls’ league representative.
The sophomores elected Elwyn Em
mel for their president; Ray Hathhorn,
vice-president; Dorothy Mitchell, sec­
English Lutheran Church
retary ; Max Calandra, treasurer, and
Regular nervicea at 11 o’clock.___
¡lev. Frank Stratton, sergeant-at-arms and
K. Ixirens, of Portland, will deliver athletic manager.
The freshmen chose Russell Acheson,
the sermon. Sunday achool starts at
president; Gerald Putman, vlce-preal-
dent; Mildred Trlplette. secretary, and
William Hahn, treasurer.
0.16 a. tn., Sunday school. 11 a. m..
Forty-five men, including nine letter-
morning worship; 7 p. m., young peo­
ples’ meeting. 8 p. m., evangelistic men, received equipment and started
services. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer on preseason training under R. O. Gar­
ber, roach, early last week. Memlwrs
Imur and Bible study.
<if last year's team who were out again
Dr. Robt Apits, Pastor.
• thia year are: Victor Miller, Clayton
Foreman, Thomas Johnson, Garland
First Church of Christ, SdenHat
Osborn. Glenn Mendenhall, Wayne Men­
Services in church building Sunday, denhall. Dale Fike, Tatwrente Wright
11 a. m. Sunday school the same hour. and Mayhew Carson. The schedule for
The reading room is maintained in the this season has not yet Iteen completed
Davidson building. Room 8 is open but games probably will ls> played with
week days from 9 to S. with an attend­ Benson, Roosevelt and Franklin high
ant In charge from S to 6 Wednesday schools, of Portland, and with Golden-
evening service at 8 o’clock. Ixaaon dale, Gresham. Oregon City, Wasco ami
subject, “Matter.”
The Dalles —U V. A.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Regular Bunday cervices: Low Ms—
8 a. m.; High Mass, 10.30 a. m. In­
structions in the doctrinca of the Cath­
olic church will be given each Wednes­
day evening at 7.30 in BL Mary’s
church. All who may be interested in
such are cordially Invited.
Father Hugh J. m —Pastor.
'I’he gymnasium classes at the high
achool are now organised for the year's
work. Miss Ethel Swarts has the girls'
gymnasium and girls' athletics, and
Jeaae E Manley han charge of the boy.’
gvmnaslum work. The girls, besides
their regular gymnasium drill work
and tumbling, will organise -indoor
baseball and iiasketball teams.—R. C.
Mildred Bmith was elected by the
The Baptist Church
senior girls to represent them in the
Bl I de school at 9.46. ClaasM for all. Girls' league throughout the achool
Morning worship at 11; subject of ser­ year —C. C.
mon, “Jesus’ Warning Against Hyp<ic-
Twenty-three students are registered
risy. What la Hypocrisy?” Splendid
singing led by the nien'a choir. Even-'
•“ th® newswriting class. The
---- --- stu-
ing worship at 8; subject of sermon,1 dents of thia class will furnish high
“2 Hamuel. or a Rea) King.” Devotion school news to the H imm I River papers
al and singing worship led by Mr: each week. This is the first time a
Fisher with tin* help of the young class in this anbje<-t haa lieen offered
Itenple's choir. Junior B. T. P. U. at at Hood River.—J. G.
5.30 p. m., a splendid place for boys
Rev. F. Gordon Hart Will address
and girls to go. Senior B. Y. P. U. at
The kick of a rooster has disabled 7 p. m. Splendid meetings. Come, the high achool students at assembly
Jeremiah Clifford, a Washington black­ help and lie helped. Prayer meeting Friday morning on the subject of the
smith. Mr. Ctlfford. now 59 yetirs old, Wednesday at 8 p, in. The prayer Constitution of the United State* The
Oregon Bar association is providing
operates a shop in north west Washing meeting Is the life of the church.
speakers for the observance of Consti­
ton. He baa been shoeing horses and
C, R. Delepine, Pastor.
tution day in every high school in the
muh>H since he was 17, and has never
St. Mark’s Churrh
hefore been diaabled. It remained for
a “hard-boiled’’ rooster to kick him in
The corporate service of the Holy
Mias Desna Weaver, county nurse,
the left leg. causing temporary paraly­ Communion for the Daughters of the
sis and forcing him to bobble around King will be held at 8 a. m. Bunday. and Miss G. Borsch, school nurse, have
on crutches. The blacksmith owns a Sunday school at 9.46 a. m. At the 11 lieen giving preliminary physical exam­
flock of chickens, among them a tough a. in. sit vice the rector’s sermon will inations to all high echoed students this
rooster by the name of "Red.r‘ —
Early treat Jesus’ Parables of Myself and week. They report the students In
thia week, at the time of the usual Mine." At 3.30 p. m. the prayer Imok excellent condition.
morning fr-edtng. “Red,” without warn­ service will lie held at Parkdale for
Eligibility regulations of the Oregon
ing flew up and drove n two-lncb spur mcmlicrs there, by courtesy of the Com­
Into Mr. Clifford's kneecap. Mr. Clif­ munity church. Wednesday the Guild High School Athletic asscsiation pro­
ford has lieen cri|>pled ever since, and will entertain the women of Ht. Paul's vide that a student In order to comi>ete
haa bet*n In danger of blood i>olaonlng. church, The Dalles, with luncheon at in lnterscholastlc athletics, must lie un­
der 21 years of age and must carry
1 p. m. The annual rummage aale will
Game Warden Ziegler, of Skamania he held the coming three Raturdaya. four full anil regular subjects and lie
county. Washington, has Is-en busy the afternoon and evening, on 4th atreet. titling |Mss1ng work In at least three of
past week with a crew of men idugging just aliove Oak street. The Children’s them, lie must have passed In three
leaks lu Goose lake, noted goal of trout Oirner group gathers each Thursday at or more subjects the last semester lie
fishermen on the southwest liase of 3.30 p. in. Mis* Radcliffe’s kindergar­ was in school. His parents or legal
Mount Adams. The lake Iced is com­ ten meets daily in the parish house guardians must tie legal residents of
the school district, except that after
posed of lava rock. In which numerous from 9 a. tn. to noon.
a student has bren In a achool for one
cracks appeared simultaneously with
semester where he lias done passing
the great Japanese earthquake. The
Apple Week Plans Up
work in three or more subjects, the
lack of snow In th* mountains the past
The retail merchants committee of questlou of residence docs not affept
winter and the unprecedented low
his eligibility. The student must lw> in
stages of streams that feed the lake,
has caused it to dwindle to a series of haa <!<><l<le<l to participate in the ob­ school not later than four weeks nfter
servance of Apple week, October M to the opening of school in the fall and at
The crew engaged In sealing the hole, November ft. and will cooperate In least by the close of the second week
in the bottom of the lake have trans­ making the week a success. Apples of the second semester. He must con­
ferred fish .from pond to pond, diverting' are to lie displayed In the windows, tinue to lie In regular attendance ami
good standing.
the inlet streams. In order to dry the and In other ways they will assist.
Cooperation also la to be given to th*
pockets of the lake bed .nd apply
Bernard Carlos, In a short talk at the
cement to the boles. They expressed olmervance of University week. October
4 to 0. and the Unlveralty of Oregon first merlins of the senior elans last
the belief that the lake will now fill to colors
will appear prominently In dis­ Friday, urged the class to la* first In
Its usual level. When water is plenti­ play windows.
Advertisements will the student body memltershlp drive.
ful in the streams feeding the lake, the
overflow escaped through a crater in , have noticea In them calling attention “It la an honor for any clans to achieve
to the dedication of the new Multno­ this dlstlnition and liealdes It Is a tra­
ti>* crater
,. .
» mah Civic stadium and the Oregon- dition that the seniors be first in secur-
Householders who have English wal­ Washington foothall game of October 9. ing 100 per cent student body member­
nut trees in teckyards and on lawns
ship,” said Mr. Carloa—R. I.
l iikeosaa Hurt lu Fall
are watching their crops mature this
ssaaon wlthont paying the usual toll to
William Rhaw. 4«. who fell !W feet
Two loxes of Ora venstr In apples left
silver gray squirrels. Up until last from a power pole In the Dee Flat or- at the hlgli school last Monday by O.
wlnter hundreds of these beautiful ani-1 chard district Monday when his safety B. N'ye with instructions for the teach­
mals, in Instances almost as tame as (licit gave way. ia recovering at the ers to help themselves were much ap­
house cats, cavorted over lawns er, Hood River hospital from shock and preciated by the faculty, If the smiles
chattered from oak and pine trees A i painful bruises. Mr. Rhaw lighted in on their fares were any indication,
scnrvyllke pestilence struck the aqulr- plowed ground!! which waa cushioned The faculty wants to thank Mr. Nye
rri population early last winter, and with a vetch rover crop. His fellow for the gift.
the city haa been left without a aquir- workers rushed him to the local hos-1 ’
---------------------- —
I pitai. and an examination revealed that
Dr Robt. Apltx and E. M. Holman
occasional silver gray ia reported no bones were broken.
. left Tuesday morning fof Hcsttle. Wn.
neighboring rural aectlona.
........... ■ •—
I They will visit the Rimpson Bible in-
I H'glieet cash p<l*e na’d for ,«ur n<ed stitnte and also deliver a large gift of
Drove Grange hall every fnrnltnre. stoves and rugs. OaH Me^lain canned fruits for the use of the instl-
Jenniiurs orchestra.
at S. A. Frans Co.
tute students.
at the Most Amazing Rescue Ever Attempted I See it in
With all the color tend flash of the Circus
—all the memory stirring fascination of. the
sawdust ring
“Bigger than Barnum’s”
is the greatest Circus Picture you ever saw*
— the greatest Circus Picture e . e • made!
Ralph Lewis, Viola Dana,
George O’Hara, Ralph Ince
You’ll roar at the clowns! You’ll shiver at the death-defying feats of the
acrobats! You’ll tingle at the tender love story! And you’ll gasp at the superb
glorious climax, with the lives of two meh balanced on a slender, swaying wire
fifteen stories above ground—the most historic rescue ever shown on the screen! •
Don’t miss this epic of the arena!
VAUDEVILLE—MACK, The Ventriloquist
World’s’Champion Imitator of Musical Instrumentsand Animals.
Rialto Theatre
EVENINGS, lOc, 35c, 5Oc
■ "*■ . ..... ~ - ------ --------«----------
Mr. Patrick says the new company in< rease of more than 6 per cent over
will try to give the best possible ser- the August forecast and indicates a
no vice at all Uu>ca on all claaacs of bulld- production »3 per rent larger than last
rMKY LU Ing material and fuel, trying their best year. Without exception, each of the
unii« a v • t<| InB|(e every transaction so pleasant 15 eastern and central states listed
and satisfactory that everyliody will shows an. increase in comtnerriai crop
want to rohic iato their yard fre­ forecast over the previous month, the
Oldtiine residents say the crop of
Tliv real < -.tato and building materi­ quently.
ln<Tc«se for the group Ix-lng almost 13|aeon>s was never heavier than "thia
als ami <-<|u>pment of the Einry Lumber, (Haronee Ellsworth, who lias been per cent. Decrease in the commercial year. Every oak In tlie city ia now
4 Fu<-I ('<>. have tieen sold to C. C. active manager of the yard for the past formas!« for Washington and Oregon maturing Its burden of nuts, which are
Patrick A Co. The accounts of tip* year, becomes
...... .. .................................
Interested in -the ......
new mor* than offset small Increase tn the larger than normally in spite of the
Einry Lumlicr A Fuel Co. are retained
and will continue the same otlfr»r three Western states and the immense yield.
by the old comnaiiy
col­ policies.
forecast for these five states is about
Weal her wise say the hoge acorn crop
Einry states this
lected by It. Mr. Entry
B per cent less tbnn August 1. The portends a severe winter, and dtiasas
transfer has lieen considered for some
September forecast for total npplc pro­ sre advised to lay In an advance aup-
time and was just compb'tml this week
duction Of the i'nltc'd States indicates ply of extra fuel. Mrs. Alma L. Howe
and became effective H<n»t 1-
a crop over 40 per cent larger than Inst cit'-a that morns make excellent fuel,
Mr. Emrv han been unable to give;
I If mixed half and half with coal. She
"f npp,<'s ,n British has urged that' rcridents^harvest the
mm h of bls attention to the yard, his |
thrre saw mills in Hood River valley (
< oliimbin Is Indicated by revised eatl- abundant acorn crop and put them to
The Oregon apple crop, la condition, mates of the provincial government, nse during the coming rold wcntheT
requiring more and more attention as
leads tho crops of all mates with a Present prospects point to a crop oft
»«ug roiq wotlBM.
they Increase their cutting capa<1ty.
igeoffiB. The gweral
average 3,898X100 boxes, as compared with aver-1 Mra. Charles Lancaster who had
Mr. Patrick, who at present Uvea in
united State.
«*** »-*"
<*«* W.-h„ vlridni
Portland. Is no atrangcr to Hood Rlvef.
having ownrnl property In Mosier and
H<md River vallrya since 1910 and hav­
ing liero interested in the old Bridal
Veil lumber yard when firat establish ml
in Hood River in 1909.