THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1926 ÌR LOCALBANK­ ER PASSES AWAY The New Allen’s Parlor Furnace ' If you have not sold all your fruit, ADVISE us what you have to SELL, when you wiU load it, then bill it to us and we will sell it in transit, or upon delivery, or we will store it for your account as you choose, giving you a DASH ADVANCE. With our INCREASED FACILITIES, we're in a BETTER position than ever to render TOP NOTCH SERVICE. We will APPRECIATE a share of YOUR BUSINESS. We are do­ ing COMMERCIAL LOADING at our ODELL warehouse. Porcelain Enamel Finish-natural wal nut grain, mechanically reproduced. FRATERNAL PICNIC PAUL McKERCNER Representing SGOBEL & DAY OFFICE OVER FRANZ HARDWARE STORE. PHONE 1601 Gerdes, pioneer local orchard­ hotel man, has just returned visit to the Seeqnj-Ceutennlal - . I The picnic held Bunday at Herman creak b/ members of the Odd Fellows, Rebefcaha. Modem Woodmen of Amer­ ica and Royal Neighbors drew an at­ tendance of 200. It was declared by those present to have been one of the moat pleasant outings ever participated in in the valley. The dinner served shortly after noon was sumptuous. The entertainment was novel and pleas­ ing. Frank Morse won new friends and admirers with his stunts. A. 8. Kolstad appeared at the picnic grounds in the late afternoon and se­ cured moving pictures which will be exhibited at tbe Rialto next Thursday. No. 600— Height 47 inches. Width 27 inches. Depth 21 inches. Firebowl is 20 inches long, 14 inches wide and 9 inches deep. Weight 60 pounds. Shipping Weight( crated)—480 pounds,' Double inner doors with mica are thrown• open, this permits ASH DOOR—Ash shaking grates. CRATES—Duplex grates. Shake from VAPOR PAN -Placed in top grilL When the outside doors are opened to show the fire, all visible are enameled to give a nice finish. This furnace is purpo KELLY BROS. CO comparatively that the grav- Hardware - Furniture - Dishes WEDDINGS by the "community emergency Ittee" In which allusion Is made operation l«tween various agen- i> provide for marketing the fruit i la “now selline on a favorable Garrett; Mrs. McCabe, grandmother of the bride, from Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mra. E. Shipp, Dora. Irene, Ruby, Elma and Charlotte Bhlpp, and Rev. and Mra. C. II. Bhlpp, of Cottage Grove. Tbe young couple will make their home in the Barrett district. ROUND UP Pendleton, Oregon Tbe fall term of tbe (»regop Normal school at Monmouth will open this year September 27. All studenta enter­ ing for the first time will be in Mon- mounth Saturday, September 25, for their preliminary entrance examina­ tions. A large enrollment ta expected and school officials are buay during the vacation period making preparations for the fall opening. Records of the past year show an enrollment of ap­ proximately 2,000 students, with over 700 stndenta graduating from the regu­ lar two-year course and 300 from tbe one-year course*. Pythian Notes , LEAVE Hood River 18.30 A. M. Saturday September 18th RETURNING Leave Pendleton 10:30 P. M. Saturday Arrive Hood River Sunday Morning' UNION PACIFIC I William G. Weber, who is the dean I of Oregon liarnc-ss makers, celebrated I the golden jubilee Saturday of his I starting into the business at St. Joseph, I Missouri. ■ — "Since I Is-gan my trade as a boy in I a harness shop back there in the Mis- I souri country,” said Mr. Weber, “I have I Iteen engaged in all of the principal I t«stern Oregon and Washington towns. I I have made saddles for cowboys at I Cheyenne, and for those who rode the ranges around Pendleton before the days of the world-renowned Round-Up. I have worked at my trade in The I Dalles, once tbe center of a mighty THE HEIGHTS I stock region. I have made harness and Hr. and Mrs. W. J. Higgins, of Van saddles in Walla Walla, Wash., and in couver, Wn., stopped over Monday and Portland.” visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. New­ The coming of tbe automobile has man, returning for an extended trip resulted in a dwindling of harness and through eastern Oregon, continuing saddlery shops, but Mr. Weber for the their way home by way of tbe Ixxip 13 years haa maintained his place highway. Mr. Higgins is very opti­ post of business here, nnd be mnkes harness mistic regarding the* fruit aituation and for ranchers of all tbe mld-Columbia. said he never saw such fine Graven- The coming of tbe tractor for a time stein apples. made haruess less pspular, but during New homes continue teeing built on the past three years harness making in the Heights. Mias Lillie Fisher Lx orchard sections has seen a substantial building on May street and H. O. revival. Scores of fruitgrowers, who Kresse haa started the* foundation of tried out tractors, have abandoned one of Hood River's flnest residences them and have returned to borsedrawn on Math street. Implements. It was an interesting C. D. Havens was In Portland Sat­ sight here two years ago to see six urday transecting business. newly imported teams taken by their Miss Met ha Hansen spent Sunday in owners to Mr. Weber's shop for flttinys of new harness. Portland with friends. Mr. Weber aws in Cheyenne In 1879. Jimmie Carr and Jesse Hathhorn That place was then tbe cowboy cap­ were Corvallis visit ora laat Sunday. ital of tbe world. He waa at this city Jarvie Car rigs u experts to go to when General Grant returned through Portlaud the latter part of the week there on his way back from a trip to enter the Veterans* hospital for around the world. treatment. Mr. Weber was in Cheyenne in 1879. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marehbank and 1883, the year that Henry Villard went Mr. and Mrs. Archie Marc-hleank vis­ through tbe city following completion ited relatives In Estacada Sunday. of the railroad line. Mr. Weber made harness in the Wal­ Mr. and Mrs. Will Zolls spent last week end visiting friends in Walla lowa country. For a number of years be was a resident of Joseph. Walla. Rev. C. A. Nutley, of Seattle, former pastor of ‘ the Baptist church, wax greeting old friends at church Sunday morning and wtth Mr «and Mrs. A. L. Carmichael was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mra These. Johnson. Carr A Witham sold an Overland six Funeral services will be held in Port­ to W. c. Jackson, of Portland, Tues­ day. Mr. Jackson la salesman for the land today for Mrs. Lura Evelyn Kelly, Morrill Surgeon Lumber Co., of Port­ wife of Thomas Kelly. Mra. Kelly, 20 land. and sold to the contractors who and native of Oregon, died at the Hood an* building the new high school 20 River hospital Tuesday. Tbe body was carloads of lumber. taken to Portland yesterday by C. C. Chief Volstorff and other members Anderson. Mrs. Kelly was the daughter of Mr. of the tire department went to The Dalles ’ uesday night wliere they met and Mra. W. H. Leath, of Tillamook. with The- Dalles Bremen to discuss Her husband la well known throughout what could be done for the Itettermant tbe mid-Oolumbia, where he is travel­ ing representative of Armour A Co. of both departments. Mr nnd Mrs. L. H Huggins and Frank Donaldson Missing daughter, Dorothy, and lira. M. HIM Police authorities of Portland and attended the weddlni of. Lindsey Spight and Yfiss Ruth 8tevenson in Seattle were asked last week to aid in locating Frank H. Donaldson, Rockford Portland Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. O. Carrigan and orchard 1st. who disappeared from hia family and Mra. Bennett, of Bhelton, home. When last seen Mr. Donaldson Nebr., arrived Wednesday for an ex­ had been -on tbe Columbia river high­ tended visit with Mr. Carrigan's way. A letter posted at Centralia to a local banker revealed that he waa brother, W. II. Carrigan. headed for Seattle and It is thought II. H Brigham, of The Dalles, was that he will be located in that city. ■ Heights visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Robert Apita, tmstor of the Gos­ Mrs. Brigham and daughter, Kathryn, pel Dr. here, was in Portland have jmrt returned from a month’s last tabednacle week engaged in the search for vacation at Diamond lake. Mr. Donaldson. Mrs. G. A. Pound and Marian Bald­ win asMlHteg Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Car­ michael at the opening of their new store Saturday. Mrs. V. V. Smith and children, of Rupert. Ida., are the guests of Mr. and Mra. Frank V. Smith. SOPRANO M. C. Norman, of Pendleton, here for. * the apple harvest, averted a serious accident Tuesday when he quickly Itacked bls heavy automobile into a curbing when a rear axle broke. Mr. Norman was headed up Second street in front of the poetoffice. Realising that his brakes would be useless, he twisted bls steering gear and backed the big car, heavily laden with bag­ gage, into a steep curb. Tbe car struck another belonging to Traffic Officer Morrison, but damage was slight. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Departirán. In the Matter of the Estate erf Shlgclcht Kaxahnru, sometimes known as 8. Kssahara, Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given that the un­ dersigned, the administrator of the es­ tate of Shlgeichi Kasahara, sometimes known as 8. Kasahara, Deceased, by virtue of and under authority of a cer­ tain order made by tbe Honorable Jndgc* Ta swell. Judge of the above en­ titled Court, on the 14th day of Jnne. 1925, in the above entitled matter, the undersigned on the 19th clay of Octo­ ber, 1925, at tbe hour of .1:00 P. M. of said date, will sell at public auction all of the following describ'd profierty be­ longing to the above estate, situated iu Hood River County, Btate of Oregon, to-wit: • Southwest one-fourth (SW%) c»f the Bouthwest one-fourth (8W'4) of the Northwest one fmirAh (NW Ml of the Nortlieast one-furth (N E’4) of Section Nine (9) in Town­ ship Two (2). North of Range .Ten (10) East of the Willamette Med­ ian. also the Northwest one-fourth (NW%) of the Southwest one- fouith (RW>4) of the Northeast one-fonrth (NEU) of sala Section Nine (9), containing twenty (20) Said sale shall tike* place at the time above mentioned, on the said premiers so to be sold and at the dwelling how* situated thereon. Dated the 14tb day of September, 1925. First Publication Beptemlwr 1(1. 1925 Last Publication October 14, 1925. T. 8UMIDA. Administrator. G. E. Ila ma leer, Attorney. 1004 Chamber of Commerce Building. Portland, Ore. «I®814 Men’s Overalls, Flannels and Work Shrts, 1012 12th St. On th* Height* Telephone Orders for Rubber Stamps TEACHER OF VOICE Member of Yeatman Griffith Master Classes Studio: 218 E. Ninth 8treet Call 168 R THE DALLES, ORE. C. M. HURLBURT Civil Engineer hood river glacier