HOOP RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Î. UM Hoctal evening at Rockford grange ODELL was a pleasant occasion with music b Mr. and Mr«. Harry Connaway and the young people, pictures of O. A. ( Bonn were dinner guests at tbe home of summer school, and reports by Barrett Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Walter Wednesday y - boys and girls who attended. Mr. ¿AAUiUtilL A fi*^ »»A _ evening of tart week and both -------- " ~ Jrws*wW ’ attended th« orchestra concert at the The following la au Interesting arti­ grange hall. —- cle on the increase and decrease of BARRETT Cal J. Marts is building a combined mortality, due to certain diseases, sent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hays and daugh­ to J. H. Young, local agent for the garage and woodshed on hie property OREGON ter* Alice and Dori* s[>eut the weok Mutual Life Insurance Co. by Alma D. in Odell. The Association has built a line of end in Portland, making tbe trip over Kata, Oregon manager. The American Experience Table of small houses ready for tout* These the U»op highway. Fred Gilcher returned home Sunday Mortality is 65 years old. Since thia will be occupied by workers in tbe big cold storage plant and in the local evening from Yakima, where be had table as compHed In 1H01 by Sheppard Homans, then actuary of the Mutual been on a busineas trip. warehouse of the Association. Ralph Winters has moved his family Ute Insurance Co. of New York, there Tbe Fergusou-McKeowns are enjoy­ has been much scientific discovery ing a fine new car, a Btudel»aker big to the Mrs. Nesbit place. . Arthur Leary, of Woodburn, and which hag had a very Important bear­ six redan with complete equipment. ing on human life. Mtas Edna Piog and Mr* Harry Plog Mrs. Edna Upton, of Hood River, were Diphtheria and typhoid fever no dinner guests Hunday of Mr. and Mrs. motored to Portland for a abort shop­ longer levy a high tariff on human Hfe. John Griffith. ping visit early last week. Insuliq is one of the late savers against Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lawrence and the high cbargcw levied by diabete* Mr. and Mr* Donald Black, of Loa Angele* called on local friends Thurs­ daughter, Almeda, spent Hunday with Yellow fever is almost unknown except day afternoon nnd Friday morning of Mrs. Lucy Gibson. on the African Gold coast. Smallpox George Bingham is visiting Mr. and is no longer feared as of old. Tuber- last week. Don is with tbe Loo Angeles Examiner, asalgn<-d to tbe marine news Mrs. Will Kirt* Mr. Bingham's home culoais, the heaviest drain of ail, han as reporter for tbe big dally. He was is in Portland. been cut in two, but with all of these ou a 16-day vacation and he and his Elder and Mr* Kuhnley and son, great discoveries, there has not been wife came via boat to Astoria, thence Orin, and daughter, Marjorie, left Mon­ uear the saving in mortality we often by auto, which they had shipped, via day morning for a motor trip to Port­ bear about» exeei»t during infancy, tbe Columbia River highway and out land, Tacoma, Aberdeen and Heattie to young manhood and ¿oung womanhood. to Tygh Valley for a short stay; thence visit their daughters and other reia- The saving of life among babies has I a day motoring to Trout Lake, Waah., tive* been very remarkable. I and return and out into Odell. From Note the following figures which I Odell via Mount Hood Loop highway show the average length of human life. CENTRAL VALE I and away on the trip home-bound. (The table includes infant mortality.) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradford, Mrs. Home under the reign of the Caesars, are sincere friends here who W.T0NY, t&e wwKferÀnr I There were happy to greet Donald and de­ Rowley, Mrs. Llllison and Mr* llob- average age at death, 18 years; 1800, lighted to meet his wife upon this her ertson, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs 33 years; 1855, 40 years; 1920, 5H years. I first trip to the former home of her Chester Chevron were entertained in In 1860, in New York City, one baby the home of Mr. and Mr* Henry Chev­ in three died during the first year. In I husband. 1926, one baby in 16 died during the Accompanied by his son-in-law, Vern- ron Bunday. Mrs. J. H. Fletcher, Miss Marie and first year, so that one can see that the I on Garra brant, T. A. Boles drove home his car Monday, a Buick touring, pur- Maurice, Mias May Fletcher and Mrs. great gain has been in infant mortality. We do not have before us authentic G. E. Bowerman, of Odell, drove to I chased from Edgar Frans. figures as to the gain in longevity of Prof. Ansel Nye, professor of manual Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mr* O. IL Hill have been life during the older ages, “Three I training in the public schools of Ta- I coma, and now a student in the College entertaining a friend, Miss Mildred score yean and ten" has been a rule I of Puget Hound, visited snd had dinner Overbaugh, of Spokane, and her cousin, for many centuries but in order to I with Alex B. Brooke at the Odell hotel Sidney Overbaugh, of Alberta, Can., meet these requirements, Infant mor­ I one evening last week. toy several days. Mrs. Hill accom­ tality must be excluded. We bear talk about the increased preva­ I Mr* J. D. Hendon wss quite Hi from panied her guests to Seaside where much lence of diaeas<*s which are present they spent the week end. They also I Tuesday of last week. Her sister, Mr* during middle life and the older ages, I James McFarlane, of Portland, accom­ climbed Coopers spur Monday. notably cancer and diabetes. Insulin Mrs. W. O. Sheppard entertained the panied by her husband, motored here FRIDAY-SATURDAY SEPT. 44 has relieved the death rate for etes I for the week end. They returned to card dub at her home Tuesday. but the dreaded cancer still continues I Portland Bunday, taking Mr* Hendon Mr* C. D. Sylvester entertained sev­ its ravages with terrilde results. Pneu­ I with them. eral friends at luncheon Tuesday. monia strikes both old and young with I Preparing for the apple harvest Mr* Mr* Elisa Bain left Wednesday for deadly effect. I Helen Hull and Geo. Hheppard have her home after spending several When we read these alarming statis­ I enlarged their apple bouses. J. P. months in the home of her brother, tics of the increase of cancer, diabetes Nannies is building on at the rear of E. B. Mos* and diseases of the heart, we should I his community packing house and A. E. have in mind that these are middle life ’ * About 45 friends and relatives gath ­ Jakku has built two new cabins for ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. and old age diseiinea and since medical apple help. Downing Friday night in honor of science has been successful in greatly Mr. and Mr* A. 0. Calkin* with their niece* Iretto and Irene Downing, increasing the number of lives which I their infant daughter, motored here who are soon leaving for their fields of reach these older ages, it is a wry I from Portland, arriving Friday noon. labor. Miss Iretta is to attend Bible natural thing to have an increase in old I Mr. Calkins left Immediately for Mary- school in Seattle and Miss Irene goes age diseases because there are many I bill. Wash., where be is in the employ as a missionary to South America Octo­ more lives exposed. Scientists tell us that we are nearer I of John Johnson, who operates a ferry ber 1 and expects to be gone seven to a solution of the respiratory dis­ I at that point Mr* Calkins and the year* eases, but cancer and tuberculosis, not­ baby are stopping for a visit with Mrs. Misses Marion Howe and Sarah withstanding the good gain made in the H. 0. Johnson, after which they will Howe* of Hood River, were visiting latter disease, are still clouded in the go to their new borne at Maryhill. at W. O. Sheppard's Sunday. deepest of mysteries. Mr* T. A. Marta and son* Charles All the boys of Hilltop camp but one The participating life Insurance com­ and Glenn, motored from West Wood­ have returned to their respective homes pany can make projwr return,to its burn Sunday for a short visit at the SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 policyholders for all savings in mor­ For demomstratión phone'Corbett Alexander, 4331 or[3022 home of Mr* Marta* so* Cal J. Marta. after a very enjoyable summer. PARAMOUNT WEEK The M. and D. club meets Thursday tality through its annual dividend. They returned home Monday. Mr* Henry Weinheimer and her (today) at Mr* Hili’* Storage Facilities Increased daughter, Mr* Tillie Melcher, with her The apple season is rapidly approach­ daughter, Alice, are her from Juneau, HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ing and the Port of Portland weekly Wls„ for a visit at the home of Mrs. Btudenta are urged to enter high report advises that a number of cold Weinheimer’s son, Andrew Weinheimer. the fir« day. Work lost by storage companies have Increased their witk Friends in Odell were interested at school 1 tario remains about the same as the engaged in completing pavii« on the alieence ran never l»e made up abs­ facilities during the past summer until bearing of the birth of a daughter to July estimate. Generally speaking the last unimproved sections of main resi­ ADOLPHE MENJOl there la sufficient space to handle over entee late will quately. Htudents who Mr. and Mr* Merle Miller, of Hood ! quality of the crop la uniformly good dence street* Business streets have FLORENCE VIDOR not lie permitted to carry a full 700,000 boxes of aeries or [»ears at one River, Wednesday of last week. promising normal else and fairly good all Imen paved. time, this in addition to air ventilated schedule. The funniest of all French love color, says the August crop report is- Mrs. C. A. Misaman, of Woden, la., is “The progress of Hood River and the storage space which is maintained by Eight perioda shortened to about ten to* with Menjeu as the gay Parisian here visiting her mother, Mrs. Ijitham, , sued by the Canadian Department of character of the improvements that ndnutea each will be run through after the various fruit houses for their own In tbe Bunday Oregonian of August Agriculture. have taken place in the double-decade and sister, Mrs. W. H. Hheirbon, and assembly at tbe high school Tuesday. immediate nee. assisting in the care of Mrs. latham, Btudenta have already been assigned since I have been here are impressive ” I>ue to the itdvant-ed season and the »», Mab-Gen. Wm. H. Johnston, who is writing a series of articles, telling of declared Mr. Hhaffer. who is seriously. 11L - Let Consumer Wipe the Apple to their classes so that by Tuesday active sales policy of tbe various apple Dr. and Mr* L. G. Roe* John Roes Miss Margaret Gould has gone to noon tbe teachers' rolls will be made associations and exporters the move­ valiant action of the Wist Division dur­ The following tame to The Glacier ing the great war, has praise for Ned Corvallis, where She will be engoged in out. , No school will be held in the af­ ment to foreign countries promises a Crawford, formerly b< iv with tbe Ore­ through the mail anonymously. It is and Mias Dora Hhaffer, of Ht. Helens, secretarial work on tbe campus in the ternoon. Students are expected to se­ steady increase In volume through the against the rule to print anonymous who kere making the Loop highway entire season. Two shipments have gon-Washington Telephone Co. Mr. correspondence. It is a rule that is trip, stopped to see the Bart mess fam­ interests of extension service at O. A. C. cure their text-books and be ready for 1«. moved to Europe, tbe first 2. (»98 boxes Crawford ia now in Pomona, Calif., in not ofteti broken, but slurs tire com­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gould have re­ regular class work Wednesday. and the second 4,614 boxes. Numerous charge of a telephone concern. Tbe turned to Boise, Ida., where Mr. Gould A class in newswriting will be or­ inquiries and requests for storage h | m < v reference in the Bunday Oregonian was munication touches on a matter that Is M0N.-TUE8.WED., SEPT. 47-1 now uppermost in the minds of or- is instructor in mathematlca lit the ganised at the high school thia year if have been revived from shippers who, as follows: ehardlst* the letter in given below. high school. a sufficient number of students la in­ in the post, made their shipments by Colonel F. W. Coleman, our energetic Friends in Odell are interested in tbe terested. It will be an optional subject rail to eastern markets and are now G-l, had decided to spend the night We decline to make further comment ' ’ announcemnet of the marriage of Fred for j union}'or seniors. Tbe class will shipping to foreign count rie* The with Colonel Brees at tbe command on it C. Walter and Mina Frances Kellem, study tbe various kinds of newspaper steamer 'Ines are booking their refrig­ poat. For sensation bls visit was time­ Can you find room in your editorials which waa an event of Hunday, August writing and will attempt to furnish the eration space as far ala-ad as Febru­ ly. While aU my general staff and I for thia? At the meeting of the Guide Ski club school news to the Hood River papers. 22. After a wedding trip to Crater On moot bottles of medicine, or other Friday night Paul Hoerlein was elected ary, 1927. and ail lines fitted with this were conferring on the approaching at­ Later in the year if the class makes lake Mr. and Mr* Walter are at home special equipment for keeping apples tack in one room of the little shack, tbe liquid substances la the sign, “Shake president and Percy Bucklin, secretary­ sufficient progress, a mimeographed in A-l condition are rearranging their German artillery, at 9 p. m., finally well before using.” Thia is often times treasurer. The club has secured the in Corvallis. school paper may be started. Inter- Mr. and Mr* R. E. Miller and schedules to conform with the unusual secured the proper firing data. Range an important word of warning, as there Homestead Inn for this winter and is Result: a may be ingredients in it which, unless preparing a winter's sport program (laughters, Helen and Myrtle, Mr. and ested students who read this are asked heavy movement expected. During the asimuth were correct. Mrs. Ed T*mm and family and Mr. to communicate with the principal be­ calendar year 1925, there were shipped direct hit. A large shell exploded on well mixed together, do not answer which will be far better than last year, and Mrs. Harry Plog were among those fore tbe opening of school if possible. from Portland 972,219 lple boxe* along with tbe the Homestead Inn and enjoy all the been enjoying a three weeks' vacation these subjects has been offered. Eight memls-rn of the class of 1926 movement this year will be materially operator inside, wounded. He died other stsni|>s which are newssary for jirfvilogee of the club members. last at Rockaway beech and visiting rela­ that night One of tbe officers wounded their shipment, the words: “Wipe well year the Inn waa turned over to the and four graduates of other years will Increased. tives in the Willamette valley. was a major, 1st division, on duty as before eating?” In thia manner, we public, but thia year, in order to pro­ Wheat <-x[g»rte up to the present date enter college as freshmen this year Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Walter motored liaison officer. As I entered tbe room, could dispense with the bother and ex­ tect Mr. Hannum'a property, it will be amounted to more than three million according to records at tbe high schrad to The Dalles one day last week. office. A number of others are expect­ bushels with five more days’ clearances I noticed the Hwltchlwiard operator pense of purchasing wiping machine* open only to the memiters and anyone Apple harvesters are invited to at­ ed to send their credentials in noon. to be re[M»rted. The movement of car­ coolly operating his board, an essential and surely It would be easier for the wanting to get in on the good times tend the Odell Church of Christ all Five will go to tbe University of Ore­ loads of wheat from Interior points duty to maintain communication with buyer to spend five seconds in wiping will have to be a member. Application during the season. Evening sermon, gon, three to Oregon Agricultural col­ into this port for movement is keeping corp* other divisions and our artillery the apple before consuming it than it blanks can lie had from the secretary. “The Selfishness of Christianity," Sun­ lege, two tn Monmouth Normal school the elevators quite busy. • end infantry brigade* I later directed is for the grower to spend valuable day. Morning worship and Bible and one each to Pacific university and One of the oatsttfftdlng fpatnres in his organisation commander to forward time as well as money, in tbe process , Bible School to Picnic school beginning at 10 a. m. Christian Whitman college. The names of those shipping during the past week, from citation for the distinguished service ! of 'romovtng every Mt of spray spray from removiiiK «-very mt or iron» Members of the First Christian Bible, Endeavor at 7.30. who have sent in their entrance cre­ Port of Portland, was a consignment of cro«. This time my recommendation' tbe surface of his whole crop of fruit! school and their friends will bold their dentials are the following: Tb Uni­ 15 bushels of frosen strawberries to «Tie approved. He warn Private (first why not try It? Homrthlng ahonld be annual Labor Day picnic near Cloud versity of Oregon. George (ktatner. tbe United Kingdom. It is believed to Haas) Ned Crawford. Company C, done to help the growers, not hinder Cap inn on Coopers spur. A picnic din­ BELMONT Maxine McLea* Erskine Handy», Mel be the first shipment of frosen straw­ 310th field signal battalion. It was the them, and why wouldn't it answer the ner will be served about noon and the Mias Paulina Frey has been visiting vln Davidson and Edmund Volntorff; berries by water from this port and it first distinguished service cross actual­ purpose just as well. to follow this rest of the day will be spent in getting at Orchard Home, Wash., for a few to O. A. C„ Elsie Lape, Jessie Palmiter. illustrates the value of regular refrig- ly received. At a ceremony in Belgium simple suggestion? Think it over! acquainted with Mount Hood. No day* early in November I decorated him? "Helpful.” Howard Flint: to Monmouth. Dorothy <*ration servlc* games will be staged, but leaders will Another Interesting shipment during Miss Myrtle Tobey and Mine Rmith. Buffam and Eula Wilkin; to Pacific. be on hand for short trips to all points Minister Visits After M Years who have been guests at the home of Jesse Ilatthorn; to Whitman, Lorene the past week waa 150 cases of Oregon Canadian Crop Dwindles of interest. There will be an abundant Also Harry 1 .angdon in eggs destined to the United Kingdom. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. CtimmlnRs. have re­ West. Canadian commercial apple crop in­ After an absence of 21 years. Rev. supply of hot cocoa for all. turned to Portland and Miss Vera “FEET OF MUD" Jean Kennedy, of Roosevelt high dicates a slight drop in yield since the H. C. Hhaffer, formerly pastor of the Anyone in need of transportation Pythian Notes Green left for Madras Thursday. school, Beattie; Hasel Ringer, of Park- July estimate, but it Is still about equal United Brethren church, accompanied should report to the committee at once Prices: Mala 1435, Eves 1435-50 About 35 nutos from Ilood River to last year's production. Thp crop la by his wife and two children, Mias so that reservations can t>e made. dale, and Dollie Sheridan, of Oregon Indies’ Guest Matinee Monday. City high school, will enter Hood River made the trip to the Pythian home at estimated at »9 per cent or 2.649,430 Esther and Edward R. Hhaffer, were high school this year. Mias Rherldan Vancouver. Despite a few light show­ Imrrels as <*omparvd with 2J483.400 bar­ here last week visiting the family of Rturdy, short-turning orchard trucks. THURH.-FKI. SEPT. 414-DauMe Bill will be a senior and Mias Kennedy a ers, the weather was fine while at the rels in 1925 or HO per -cent of a five- 8. E. Bart men* Rev. Hhaffer found his AIT hickory axles and oak reach. 8teel jnnlof, and Mina Ringer a sophomore. home and the picnic dinner was cer­ year average. Recent gains are in old church remodeled and turned into fifth wheel in place of hounds permits Other students who expect to enter tainly a feast of good eats. The Pyth­ British Columbia and Quebec, while an apartment house. When he left the short turn and easy handling in' or­ Hood River high school from other ian band gave a concert that would alight looses ara reported from New city had no concrete sidewalks or chard. Five-inch tires optional. Bee tel““ — — high schools should consult the prin­ have been a credit to any metropolitan Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and On- paved streets. Today contractors are them at Bennett Brothers. cipal regarding their courses sometime band and the special numbers by Mrs. Priees-Matinees 1435, Evenings 1435-50 before September 7, according to word I* It. Alexander, Alfred Neal and Lucile Atkinson were enjoyed by the received from the high school office. Indies* Guest Matinee Thursday. Coach Leo J. Frank, of Pacific uni­ more than 250 who were privileged to versity. says he has much stronger h<*ar the program. The bat was passed SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER XI material for his foothall team thia fall and enough raised to buy the kiddies a Richard Dix in than he bad last year and lie expects pony and pay for feeding it. Btipt. Trimble gave a very interest­ to put ont a team that will be a winner among the smaller colleges .. the ing talk on the home. One point he northwest. Hie team will -the emphasized was that every Pythian ALSO University of Oregon team nt Eugene should tie proud of his part in bringing “HAUNTED HOUSES October 30. Pacific university already comfort and happiness to the guests of Prices 10-35-50 has over 100 freshmen signed up ac­ the home. The children's unit is com­ PARAMOUNT WEEK cording to Coach Frank. The coach pleted and ready for occupancy. What was planned as District No. 7 waa In Hood River Friday and Satur­ day Interviewing prospective students day at the home proved to be Waucoma for Pacific. He and Mrs. Frank and No. 30 day, as the local lodge furnished PARAMOUNTS I5W BIRTHDAY GROUP young son. Jimmie, were guests at the all of the program and about 78 per home of Mr. and Mrs. John Garrigua cent of all from thia district. Remember that representative to on May street. grand lodge will be elected Reptember 7. Grand lodge will meet at Corvallis Farewell Reception for Missionaries October 12 and 14 A farewell reception was given last I» James F. Lund Released Friday night at the home of Mr. and SOPRANO James P. I.und. arrested and held In Mrs. M. O. Downing in the Odell dis­ trict for their two daughters. Misses Portland last week on a warrant sworn TEACHER OF VOICE Tretts and Irene. The former has left out by Dale M. Haskin, of the Oregon for Rimpson Bible Institute nt Beattie, Silver Fox farm, was questioned and Member of Yeatman Griffith you hare here she will take a special course in released. Mr. Haskin accused Lund of Master Classes stealing fox furs and contracts Friday preparation for missionary work. Miss Irene Downing, who has been night, when a harn on the fox farm Studio: 218 E, Ninth Street a student at the Seattle Institution, will was burned. Officers say that Lund leave noon for Ecuador, where she will was able to present an alibi, and Port­ Call 168 R engage in missionary work. Mian land authorities declined to hold him. The b»m, authorities think, must Downing's expenses In the mission field THE DALLES, ORE. will be paid by the Christian and Mis­ have been flrod by someone who held a grudge against the fox farm operator. sionary Alliance church of thia city. INSURANCE COMPANY STUDIES MORTALITY Used Car Bargains 1924 FORD TOURING 1921 FORD COUPE 1923 CHEVROLET TOURING 1924 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1922 CHANDLER TOURING 1922 NASH TOURING 1922 FORD SEDÁN JmïHlMi 1920 MAXWELL FORD BUG YANKEE SEÑOR 1921 FORD TOURING DODGE TOURING , EASY TERMS JUST ARRIVED—Carload of 4927 model STARS, both 4 and 6-cylinder “PARIS” TWIN PEAKS AUTO CO ■JAMESH W. FENEMORE, Mgr. Hood River Brandi “The Grand Duchess and the Waiter” NED CRAWFORD GETS PRAISE FOR VALOR SKI CLUB PLANNING A WINTER CARNIVAL “Man-Trap” and Mystery Club” “Let’s Get Married yanunount Mrs. J. M. Lowe The arsenate of lead SCARE has SCARED many BUYERS. . Therefore, to sell WINTER PEARS now is to sell at a DISADVANTAGE. We believe that ANJOUS rolled when ready and sold on ARRIVAL will bring GOOD PRICES. SGOBEL & DAY have an established business in pears, will make CASH ADVANCE and secure the BES ____ possible. We will soon begin loading at both ODELL and PARKDALE and we will do COMMERCIAL LOADING at both houses We wifl APPRECIATE a share of YOUR business